
By loker2000

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Lan Qiren has had enough. It's been ten years since the Yiling Patriarch died and his poor nephew, the esteem... More

Chapter 1: Are you coming back, Wei Ying?
Chapter 2: Mo Xuanyu
Chapter 3: A Stroll to Remember
Chapter 5: Back in Wuhe Xia Sect
Chapter 6: Talk to me

Chapter 4: Dafan Mountain

147 11 0
By loker2000

Wei Wuxian sees him. He arrives just in time to save the day. He has Bichen by his side and his guqin on hand, playing a clear note. White, mourning clothes, perfectly styled hair, ribbon headband in place.

It's like no time has passed but it also is like a lifetime after.

At that moment, Wei Wuxian forgets he ever died. Lan Zhan is there, matured but also not aged.

He forgets he himself no longer wears the same face.

 For Wei Wuxian is like nothing has changed.

Except that everything has.

A chorus of "Hanguang Jun's" from the Lan disciples wakes him up from his reverie. He sees Lan Wangji has all under control.

Like always.

He remembers that a lifetime has actually rolled past.

And so must he.

He runs.

Because he wants to keep his life, he tells himself, the marks are gone, anyway.

Or maybe because he is a coward.

He shuts his thoughts down. The ones that not only hunt him about Lan Zhan but also those of the Wens, Wen Ning, Wen Qing, A-Yuan, the Jiangs, Jiang Cheng, his Shijie...

He closes his eyes and tries to get the donkey he stole to go faster. The donkey is stubborn.

Just like you. A voice tells him.

He travels for uninterrupted hours, makes stops when absolutely needed, discovers the donkey has a thing for apples, and ends up in a mountain.


It's like his past won't leave him alone.

He never thought he would see Jiang Cheng again, much less this soon after coming back. 

Is the brat in yellow robes, whom he currently has on the ground with a talisman on his back, his nephew?

He doesn't even dodge the sword coming at him when blue spiritual sword energy intercepts it.

Of all days, why are you all here today?

"Hanguang Jun, your reputation really does you justice. You go wherever chaos is. And I thought with your current situation, you would have stopped looking... Unless I'm mistaken and you're here to steal thunder from the younger generation?"

Lan Wangji remains silent, seemingly untouched by the taunting.

"I heard you traveled a lot these past ten years. Well, not so much these past three..." Jiang Cheng appears like he wants to continue, but the head disciple takes that moment to step in.

"Sect Leader Jiang, night hunts have always been fair between all sects and clans. However, Young master Jin casting nets all over Dafan Mountain has made it difficult for other cultivators, given how easy it is to fall into these traps. I believe that is against the rules."

His voice is firm and always respectful, not a sign of condescending tone anywhere. Wei Wuxian definitely admires the kid for standing up to someone like Jiang Cheng despite being just a disciple.

Jin Ling begins to defend himself but a Jiang disciple arrives, informing them of the 400 nets that... oh no.

Wei Wuxian wonders if they are going to fight right there and if that could help him escape or if they are going somewhere else. Under different circumstances, he might be worried for them, but he knows they can handle a few blows.

Please don't kill each other...

Surprisingly after some tense moments, Jiang Cheng actually backs down. Wei Wuxian doesn't realize he missed his chance to escape by openly gaping at the scene.

"We will pay you for the nets we destroyed."

"No need." Jiang Cheng is about to leave when Lan Wangji speaks for the first time.

"Not far from here a ferocious spirit was found in Mo Village. It killed three people in less than an hour. Please be careful."

Jiang Cheng turns around just enough to look at him, interest picked. "A spirit so fierce even the Light Bearer couldn't handle?"

"It had nothing to do with him! You-" Lan Jingyi quickly protests.

Lan Wangji only turns his head a little in his direction and the junior immediately falls silent.

"It appears as a left arm and feeds on human flesh and blood."

Jiang Cheng leaves right after he finishes. 

"You two keep looking." He eyes the two disciples that spoke earlier and then turns to the rest. "Do your best, but don't push yourselves too hard."

"Yes, Hanguang Jun!" They all bow and go to do their tasks.

Like mother hen and her chickens...

As Wei Wuxian thinks this, he doesn't even see that it's only the two of them left.

Lan Zhan looks at him and for a second Wei Wuxian forgets how to breathe. 

Then he just nods at him and leaves.

He has another face...

Wei Wuxian sighs, he tells himself it's because of relief and not disappointment.

He isn't sure.

He forces himself to think that the only solution to his predicament is to not get involved. He gives himself some priorities: 1- Not getting killed, 2-Not getting discovered, 3- Finding Alcohol.


Later, when his nephew and the juniors get in trouble and he is the only one there with a makeshift bamboo flute, accidentally summoning Wen Ning and trying to calm him down with the first song he could remember... He thinks his goal to not get involved is about to take a very sharp turn.

At least the Lan junior trapped the arm in the Qiankun pouch, he thinks.

Then there's a hand around his wrist. He looks up and those are still the most golden eyes Wei Wuxian has ever seen.

He keeps playing the nameless song.


He feels weak.

It could be the constant traveling or just the fact that his new body is not used to handling that much resentful energy. Wei Wuxian wants to be optimistic, he is sure a spicy dish and alcohol shall do the trick.

Despite his state, he feels Zidian getting closer. Dodging it feels like too much work at the moment, so he just prepares himself for the inevitable hit.

Lan Zhan blocks it with a swipe on his guqin that Wei Wuxian is almost sure wasn't there a second ago.

"So you're back." Jiang Cheng is looking at him, but in the second he turns to look at Lan Wangji (probably to protest why he got in the way), Wei Wuxian sees his chance and runs.

He forgot how much Zidian actually hurt.

He feels his back protest as he stands up and with a carefully placed mask of complaint faces the man who once used to be his brother.

"Just because you're a sect leader doesn't mean you can go around hitting people."

Jiang Cheng opens his eyes so wide, Wei Wuxian would laugh if moving didn't hurt too much.

He's about to get hit again when Lan juniors step in to defend him.

"Sect Leader Jiang, if it didn't work the first time, it's not going to work the second."

"Who are you!" It sounds more like a demand than a question. Luckily Jin Ling steps in as well.

"Uncle, he is Mo Xuanyu. He was kicked out of Koi Tower. He is a lunatic, will go after everything with a smile. He would marry a tree if he could."

"It's true, I heard about his reputation! The Yiling Patriarch wouldn't go after his body, would he?" Another sect's disciple says and others are quick to agree.

"Also his flute skills are terrible, I've heard them." This time is that Lan Jingyi and Wei Wuxian doesn't know if he should feel grateful or insulted.

Either way, he has a role to play.

He smiles at Jiang Cheng, hoping that looks crazy enough for him. Jiang Cheng scoffs but isn't dissuaded.

"He's still a demonic cultivator. Take him."

Wei Wuxian does the first thing that comes to mind. Hide behind Lan Zhan.

"Aaaahhh! Hanguang Jun help me!"

"Lan Wangji, why are you trying to protect a demonic cultivator?" Wei Wuxian can't look at him from where he is hiding but hears the crackling of the Zidian.

"Sect leader Jiang, Zidian already proved he is not the Yiling Lazou. Why insist on taking him?" Lan Sizhui steps in before Lan Jingyi could try to defend Hanguang Jun and cause a major offense between sects. It's not enough.

"Yes, Hanguang Jun won't sit by and see how you bully people! Mo Xuanyu saved us several times, Jin Ling, too!"

Jin Ling's eyes widen at the mention of his name but doesn't speak.

"Leader Jiang, it's unfair of you to go after me like this. I don't really go after everything like the rumors say." Everyone is looking at Mo Xuanyu. It seems he's not as crazy as he appears at first.

 Then he keeps talking. "There's a cow in my village, it's too fat! Not my type at all! Just like you also aren't my type. Aha!"


He's crazy, alright. And the Jiang sect leader is pissed. Purple lightning crackling around his knuckles.


"Now, Hanguang Jun on the other hand... he is really handsome, very much my type. I like him a lot!"

Wei Wuxian expects to be pushed away in disgust, everyone rejecting him, so he can leave already.

The dead silence that meets him instead is a surprise.

Then everyone explodes at once, Lan Jingyi being the loudest.

"How dare you say that!? Hanguang Jun is betrothed! You truly are crazy and shameless!!"

The smirk that was planted there since expected his plan to work, wipes off instantly.


Everyone keeps shouting, the ones that don't, have a revolting amused look on their faces as if enjoying the entertainment. The only good news is that with the loud commotion, Jiang Cheng seems to give up a little and was ordering everyone to leave. He kept looking back at him.

With one movement from Lan Wangji, the offended Lan disciples stop talking, Lan Jingyi included. "Let's go."

And the Lan Sect takes him.

He goes willingly and silent for the first time in what may be two lives. Everything happens in a blur like he isn't there completely.

Lan Zhan is getting married?

Lan Zhan is... how...? and to whom?

But Lan Zhan... I thought Lan Zhan was my Z...

Wei Wuxian barely remembers grabbing the donkey reigns and mounting it. He doesn't even question why the donkey is following the Lan party obediently for once.

He ponders in his head for the whole journey, gaining more questions than answers.

He doesn't realize they do not arrive in Gusu.

A.N.: They go to Wuhe because it's literally between the sects and given the events they all went through, LWJ needs to care for WWX and his ducklings.

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