Peter "Pitbull" Mackenzie or...

By MaxineKetteridge

495 30 4

Peter Adam Mackenzie, Was once a proud marine fighting for his country. That was until he was severely injure... More

The beginning.
Part 2: A bad feeling.
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Untitled Part 11

35 4 0
By MaxineKetteridge

I must have passed out for when I open my eyes the rooms empty, no young man. Only a woman sat next to me as I lay untied on a thin mattress. I move to look her and she places her finger to her lips making me lay quiet. 

"You must have been well out of it, you were crying out when I was thrown in here." She said and I let out a breath feeling my body shake at this action.  I move to rest sat up against the cold, damp concrete wall.

"I have to get out of here, I..I can't  do that again." I say my head now resting on my knees as she moves to sit next to me. Her head moves to rest on my shoulder.

"That's why I'm here" she says softly so only I hear her words, I go to look at her but she stops me. " I'm FBI, I was sent in to investigate  suspected human trafficking. " I can't help but chuckle and turn my head a little to look at her.

"I can testify to that." I say softly wincing as I feel a surge of pain race down my right arm.  I reached up and tried to relive the pain. "so.. how's gonna work?" I asked and motioned to the door "That's an inch thick and I'm in no fit state to so any fighting, not unless they forget to give me the next dose of what ever the hell in a needle they've been giving me. " Now I feel her pat my leg as she lightly chuckles.

"Leave that part to me." she said leaving her hand on my knee. " Best get some rest, we don't have long and they don't know their drug wore off." I lay my head back against the wall and closed my eyes once more.

The sound of the door opening woke me The woman stood behind the door metal pole in her hand. Where she'd got it from I couldn't guess but they must have thought it was safe to send a single guy in to inject me as that's all that entered and with one swift swipe he went down out cold. Now she moved and helped me to stand up and move out into the lit corridor I was blinded for a moment by the lights but she kept moving down it. 

"We got to keep moving or they'll catch us." she said as I rested against a door frame my whole body feeling on fire as it had been before. " Come on marine move your ass" she called out and I felt the surge of adrenaline rush threw me and pushed off the door frame following her down to a door at the end. Opening it we could see tables with vials on them.

"Shit..." I exclaimed "This must be what they injected me with." I lent on one of the tables and picked up a vial.

"We need to fined the antidote" she said noticing as had I my hands shook making me drop the vial and grip the table making it shake.

" Yeah...and soon" I say as sweat formed on my brow. I watch as she checks all the fridges then smiled.

"I found it." she says holding up a vial of white liquid  and slipping it into her pocket. " now lets get out of this shit show." she says moving to wrap her arm around my waist.

"yeah I've had all I can stand of this place." I say through gritted teeth. We move back into the main club. I look around and see the main door. " Not the main door its has to be alarmed" I tell her and point to behind the bar " side alarm" I feel my legs become jelly under me.

"Okay just hold on a bit longer." she says as together we move behind the bar. I see car keys placed under the bar and I grab them.

"Here, these...shit, will help" I fight the urge to pass out again and keep moving, finally she kicks open the back door to reveal a truck. I climb in to the passenger side while she gets in and starts it.

"Hope you know some place safe and close by" She asked and I nod closing my eyes " Hey, stay with me solider, no giving up." I open my eyes again and look at her. 

"Scars...scars sister is there." I say and raise slowly my left arm. " That way, and No...Promises." It was taking all my energy just to talk to her. I don't know when it happened but I did pass out. I heard the engine shut off and voices close to me one I recognised as Killers.

"Shit, Doc!!" he called out " Hold on Pitbull, Hold on" I felt light as I was lifted out of the truck.

"Hey Marine, don't you give up now, after all I went threw to get your sorry ass out , you owe me dinner." I heard her voice and could not help but let a smile reach my lips. I'm rolled to my left and I hear winces at the state of my back.

"Hey Doc, if you can't help him move aside and let me." I hear her voice tinged with worry " Here get this into an I.V its the antidote to the shit he was given." Reaching down she moved my arm to show the track marks. Seeing the stunned looks she spoke again. " Hey! he was forced." Now the door bursts open once more .

"and who the hell are you!!?" comes my sisters voice bellowing around the med room as she storms over to the bed I'm on arms folded across her chest staring right at her.

"I'm the god damn woman who saved your brother from being used as a punch bag and knife sharpener." she snapped back " and the woman he owes dinner, now back the fuck off, let doc save his life." she took a step up to her and I hear Scarlett laugh.

"I like her." I hear her say and I groan as I feel as if fire ran through my body as each muscle tensed and hurt like they were being torn from my body. Some one takes my hand I assume its Scarlett. " Hey what's your name?"   I hear her ask from the other side of the room.

"Jenna, Jenna Wilson." I hear from next to me. 

" Well Jenna, Brake his heart and I'll break you." Scarlett replies and I feel a sting and flinch away from it thinking there injecting me again.  

" Hey its okay, relax its just Doc, remember Doc." I open my eyes as much as I can, which isn't much and see Jenna looking down at me concerned. I look at our joined hands and sigh letting my body relax and finally give into unconscious dreamless sleep. 

I shouted out and sat bolt upright crying out the names of my lost platoon in a panicked state, A hand touches my bear shoulder and I spin round, there facing me stands Jenna. 

"Its okay your safe." she says touching my hand pulling me out of the flash back " How long?" she asks and I sigh leaning back on the bed.

"Too long" I say as Doc and the others run in. Killer stands with Cordelia and Scarlett.

"Two years" Cordelia says and I look at her, "He was in the vet hospital before coming here." I groan and notice the IV setup next to me.

"Thanks sis" I say "So doc will I live?" I ask as he checks the IV and then smiles.

"Don't ask me, Jenna's the one been looking after your sorry ass" he says and I turn to look at her. 

"Hey I have to make sure I get that dinner." she says and I can't help but laugh out loud. 

"Okay...okay, so will I live."   I ask again some how now feeling lighter inside myself. I see her making a face.

"Oh, might be some brain damage, you'd better get a second opinion" I hear Scarlett say and I chuckle shaking my head. Its now one of the probates comes running in.

" Men ten, waring cuts, at the gate, trying to get in." He gasps out and every one runs out except for Jenna, Doc and I.   



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