Chasing Champions

By SGD1318

13.4K 294 266

Where a young Aussie girl who loves anything to do with racing dirt bikes, that lives and breaths the sport... More

The Beginning
A New Start, In A New Country
Leaving everything behind, right?
To the track! Finally...
Make it or break it, the MX way
The Nightmare
I just want to feel happy right now, please...
New bike, new team, new life
The trip home, and tough decisions
Unfeeling is the new feeling, but not the best
Hot night, and a happy, carefree day
Last night of relaxing, then back to the grind
Won't stop, can't stop
What's wrong with me?
Off the bike, but into a new world
A new way of life as we know it
The horror
Will you really stay? In my darkest hour?
This is home
Happiness, and a shock
What the hell are we going to do?
Nothing is safe anymore, is it?
More the better, even if you can't see me
Oh Fuck
Bloody hell
Getting back to normal, or the new normal.
Back to it
Here enters Rhys Phoenix
The newest Lawrence
Time flying by
His turn
Can we fix this?
Final planning
The big day
The stay at home honeymoon
A coming home surprise
Rought times, and two miracles
Coming home and Confirming
OBGYN and telling some family
Time skip
Holy hell...
Joy and hell, no, no!
Oh god...
What...What? No, no way...


143 4 2
By SGD1318

Layla POV:

A few days have past by since Jett and I's fight, and I miss him like crazy. But I just couldn't bring myself to pick up the phone and call him. Rhys was so cranky without his dad here with him, I was starting to see what Sarah felt when Jace didn't want her. But I was the same, everything seemed duller without him here. The bed was way colder, to cold for me to sleep in so I slept in the rocking chair most nights. Life seemed to drag on with no color, and I could feel myself starting to slip under with no one to help me. I couldn't go to Sarah or Chase because they had their hands full dealing with their son and trying to get Sarah mentally healthy. I couldn't go to Hunter and put him in the middle even though I know he would help me if I asked. The only two I could ask for help are the reasons I didn't have Jett by my side. So I didn't know if I should even go that way, but I had to do something and fast. I needed to be there for my son and I couldn't be there completely if I wasn't there mentally. I bit my lip as I sit there and look at the sleeping face of my son and knew that even though I wasn't ready to see him his son was. I pick up my phone and stare at it for a bit only for it to start ringing. Jumping in shock I saw that it was Jett himself. I take a deep breath and answer,


He clears his throat and whispers,


I could hear how scratchy his voice was indication he had been crying which broke my heart. But I close my eyes and fight back the urge to comfort him and ask,

"Why did you call?"

His sniffles and chokes out,

"I was wondering if I could come over and we could talk. I don't think we should do this over the phone, plus I miss seeing you and our sons faces."

I wanted so bad to snap back about him now saying our son again but I hold back. I look over at Rhys and see him looking back at me, as if hearing his daddy's voice he starts to smile. That smile alone made up my mind as I say,

"Yeah that's fine. Rhys misses you too, he has been grumpy and won't sleep half the time."

Jett huff a halfway laugh and mutters,

"He isn't the only one that way. But I should be done here in about a hour, I could swing by after I go home and shower if that's ok?"

I look at the clock and see it's almost 1, so probably around 3 he'd be here which was fine. I nod and answer,

"Yeah that's fine. I'll see you then."

As he said goodbye I could tell he stopped himself from saying the three words I wanted yet didn't want to hear. I understood why he stopped himself and I probably would have done the same but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. As I take a shower and get both of us cleaned up it was almost time for Jett to stop by. I was happy that Sarah and Chase were at a doctors appointment and wouldn't be home for a bit. This was between us, and we both need to learn to deal with our problems ourselves and not involve them, especially Sarah right now. 

I was currently feeding Rhys when I heard the door open and close, I didn't look up till I heard his footsteps. As I look up I couldn't help but let my eyes widen as I take him in. His hair was crazier than normal, he was really pale, had bags under his eyes and even looked thinner. I wanted to go to him and bring him into a hug but I stopped myself. He slowly walks up to me and ask,

"Can I? I mean, can I feed Rhys?"

My eyes soften and I nod as I gently hand him over and watch as both of their eyes light up and a small smile appears on their faces. My eyes start to water as the sadness starts to overwhelm me. Jett looks up and without thinking he pulls me into a hug, being careful to not smash our son and I break down. All the stress of doing everything by myself even for a few days, not having his support or even hear his voice. It was way to much, and I couldn't do this alone. I wanted and needed him here with me but I was scared to let him back in. I didn't want to get hurt again. After a bit I pull away and shake my head as I head to the living room. Sitting down I look straight in front of me and try and figure out what to do, and how to handle this mess. I was about to say something when Jett spoke up,

"Look I know I fucked up, I fucked up royally and there is no excuse as to why I would ever treat you like that. You in no way deserved that, and I should have never even let them thoughts cross my mind. I would understand completely if you never forgave me but please don't keep me away from our son. It killed me being away from him, both of you."

He was almost in tears as he cut himself off, and I could feel my walls start to fall down. I could truly see just how sorry, regretful, and the pain he was in. But before I make any decision I have to say my piece,

"Before I say anything, Jett I would never keep your son away from you just because we don't see eye to eye. I know your extremely good with him and I'd never take that away from either of you ok?"

He nods as he slightly relaxes, I continue,

"But damn it Jett, I don't think you have any idea how much that hurt me. And yes maybe I should have told you that I wasn't a virgin but it didn't mean anything to me. You meant everything, our time was way more meaningful then that could have ever hoped to be. But I get why you'd be upset over that, but to then accuse me of sleeping around, and that Rhys wasn't yours killed me. Anyone could look at him and see you. He has your hair, your face shape and even your smile. He is a mixture of both of us, and he's perfect for that. But when I left and you were kicked out I had never felt so alone, so unwanted, so unloved. The guy who I had planned a future with would hurt me like that. Then Sarah just about relapsed with all the stress because apparently she still doesn't have that under control and that was a breaking point and I didn't want to add to that. So I had no one to go to, I had no one to help me. I'm 17 and I just can't do this alone. I want to be like we used to be, but I'm so damn terrified to get hurt again. So terrified it hurts."

I get to choked up to keep going but I had said enough to get my point across. Jett was just a mess of emotions like I was, he falls to his knees and pulls me into a hug and I just melt into him, yearning for the feeling of comfort he always gave me. And I was relieved that it was still there, it gave me hope we could get over this. But we both know it will take time and a lot of patience. But I felt him stiffen slightly and pull back just enough so we were still in each others arms but face to face and he asks,

"Wait, what did you say about Sarah?"

My eyes widen as I realize that no one told him what happened. I bit my lip and look to the side and mutter,

"She is severely depressed and her anxiety is through the roof. Apparently it has been even worse than normal since she gave birth but she hid it thinking it was the normal depression that woman get after giving birth and it was but it fed into what she already had. There were signs that all of us overlooked. But when you left apparently Jace started crying and she tried everything to get him to stop and clam down but he wouldn't and she just broke down. It was terrifying Jett, watching her break apart like that when I've only ever seen her be so strong. But while scared and worried Chase handled it with ease and was able to calm her down pretty quick. It just shows how much she is hurting and we didn't have any idea. No one did other then Chase and even he didn't know how bad it had gotten. That's where they are right now, at the doctor's trying to get help for it."

He looked so upset and helpless it hurt me, I know just how much he adored her. He loved her more than almost anyone and always tried to be there for her so to hear he added to the whole thing must have hit him hard. I pulled him into a hug as he squeezed me around my waist and just shook. But at that time the door opens and we both turn and see them walk in and see us sitting there. Chase looked worn out but absolutely serious and Sarah looked exhausted but hesitant which sent alarm bells ringing in both of our heads. I go to ask what was wrong when Chase spoke,

"So is this a good meeting or bad, because I don't think either of us could handle a bad right now."

My eyes widen is worry as Jett stutters,

"Yeah I think so, we still have a lot to talk about though. But what's going on, what's wrong?"

When he asks Sarah seemed to shrink into herself and hold Jace into her chest in comfort and Chase pulls them both into him and sighs,

"A lot, her already mental problems that were manageable before are now completely out of control since she got pregnant, and got even worse when she lost a baby. Her body was never able to regulate the chemicals in her brain so when post depression hit it made everything and I mean everything go crazy in her. Apparently we are extremely lucky we didn't end up losing Jace later on down the road as well. It's going to be a long time before we can get them under control so please don't add anything to her plate for a while."

I stared at them in shock as did Jett as we go over everything that was just told to us. Sarah just hid her face in his chest and cried, Jett stood up and slowly walked over to them and looked at Chase, making him nod and gently break away from her and take Jace from her only for her to jump into Jett's arms sobbing. And while I know Jett and I's problems weren't small at all they did feel that way at the moment. A thought hit me, the one who was always there for everyone is always the worst off, and that seems to be the case here. But I swear to now be there for her in anyway she needs, just like she was for me.

Jett POV:

I felt hopeful about Layla and I, while I knew it would be awhile before things were ok and back to normal but I had a feeling we would be. But I felt scared about what Sarah was going through, it wasn't a broken bone or injury that I could help with. It was mental and I had no clue about how to help with that. I was useless and I hated that, even more so with loved ones. So I did all that I knew I could do and hold her as she broke down in my arms. My heart breaking more and more with each body shaking sob that ripped through her. I just hugged her tighter and buried my face in her hair and tried my best to comfort her. After almost ten minutes she calmed down to just sniffles as I loosen my arms a bit. She pulls back slightly and weakly smiles up at me and barely whispers,

"Thank you, I needed that. Sorry about your shirt by the way."

I frown in confusion and look down to see my shirt was soaked. I snort and grin at her and say,

"Eh, I've had way worse on me, your fine."

She wipes her eyes as she quietly giggles and nods in agreement. I could tell she finally wasn't hiding anything anymore. You could see her being vulnerable, like she was when we were kids. The mask she always wore was off, but I know after years that mask had became a part of who she was. So now I guess we will get to see the real her now. And I know we will still love her the same no matter what. Sarah gives us a small smile and whispers,

"I think I'm going to go take a nap. I'm spent, you going to join or stay down here Chase?"

He walks up and kisses her temple and mutters,

"A nap sounds amazing right now."

As I watch them head upstairs I couldn't help but be grateful that she found a man like Chase to be with her. He was truly perfect for her. I sigh and look at Layla and ask,

"So what do we do now? Or I should ask, what do you want to happen?"

She looked at me thinking and I was scared of her answer. I didn't want to walk away but if that is what she wanted and needed I would. Whatever made her and our son happy I would do in a heartbeat. She sighs and quietly says,

"I want to try again, but I really need to take this slow. Just so we both can heal and just truly move on the right way from this. And that way we can keep the stress level down here too, and help Sarah in anyway we can. So I think nice and slow this time would do all of us wonders."

I understood what she was saying, while it sucked I would take what I was thankfully getting after everything I did. I nod in agreement and that brilliant smile that I loved appeared on her face and it made my heart skip a beat. It was at the moment Rhys had had enough of being ignored and started fussing. I jump up from the couch and walked where I had laid him in the bassinet and picked him up, making him quiet down almost immediately. Layla walked up behind me, placing a hand in between my shoulder blades and the other gently touching Rhys face and whispers,

"We are both glad to have you back Jett. Never forget we love you."

My eyes start to sting as I choked out,

"And never forget you two are my entire world, and I love you both more than you would think is possible."

We just spent the rest of the day as a family, and it was one of the best times of my life. Just me and my little family.

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