Journals (Camren)

By weyheylovato

2.4M 56K 195K

it's gone. Many people find their escape through writing. That was true for Camila. She wrote in her journal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28.5
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Final Chapter)
Alternate Ending
Guess What?

Chapter 19

66.8K 1.3K 8.3K
By weyheylovato

Following the events of last night, Lauren and Camila ended up at Lauren's house. The two snuck back inside at around one in the morning, because Lauren didn't trust that Camila would get home unnoticed. So she just proposed that she spend the night at her house.

They'd fallen asleep sharing hazy kisses. Their atmosphere was relaxed. Camila fell asleep in Lauren's arms a few minutes after they'd gotten inside. Lauren just watched her in adoration, but soon succumbed to sleep as well. They were only in underwear, having shed their clothes because they were hot under the blankets. Lauren's head was on top of Camila's chest, and her entire body was curled into her girlfriend. She didn't need a blanket when she had the warmth from her girlfriend's body. Camila was sprawled out underneath her, with her legs intertwined with Lauren's.

Clara knocked timidly at the door. When she got no response, she chuckled to herself and entered Lauren's room. She was a little shocked to find Camila in Lauren's bed. Did she say she was sleeping over? Perhaps it slipped her mind. Either way, she crossed her room to wake the both of them up. When she walked up to the foot of the bed, she was shocked again. Lauren was completely wrapped up with Camila. Her daughter's face was buried into Camila's chest, and Camila was holding her so tightly. And they weren't wearing shirts.

Clara was a little confused, to say the least. She knew Camila was best friends with her daughter, but she didn't know they were that close. It was a little weird. Their behavior had been odd lately. Camila never used to come over this much. Her visits were always sparing, and she never stayed for long. But she'd been sleeping over a handful of times over the past month. And when they used to spend the night, they were always on separate sides of her bed in the morning. When she approached the pair, she saw that under the covers, they weren't two figures. Their bodies were meshing. Their legs were intertwined. Clara's expression changed slightly. Her suspicions were slowly being confirmed. Instead of rousing them from their sleep, she slipped out of the room and back down to the kitchen.

"Mike..." Clara trailed as she approached her husband.

"What?" Michael responded.

"I saw something... Interesting," Clara trailed as she sat across from him.

"What?" he repeated, only a tad more interested than two seconds prior.

"Lauren and Camila were in bed, shirtless," she disclosed.

"It got kind of humid last night," Michael shrugged.

"They were on top of each other," Clara emphasized.

"They're best friends. Girls can get away with that sort of thing," Michael shook his head.

"Maybe..." Clara relented. She frowned and thought back to the way she found the two of them, but brushed it off. Unconscious cuddling. That's what she was going with.

"Well, do you still think Camila is gay?" Michael wondered out loud.

Someone clambered down the stairs with heavy feet, whom they only assumed to be Chris. Their conversation ended with a brisk nod of Clara's head. They were proven right when their son entered the kitchen, yawning and stretching.

"Morning," he grumbled sleepily.

"Good morning," Clara greeted him with a smile, although she was still disturbed by what she saw in Lauren's room.

Chris fixed his plate and headed to the living room to claim the tv. Clara was pleased to see him leave, only because she wanted to further discuss what she'd witnessed. But Taylor replaced his presence as she sauntered into the room. And she decided to stay in there to eat. They all sat around the table and made small talk. They were missing the presence of the girlfriends, but assumed they'd be joining them later.

Lauren woke up seconds before Camila. She noticed their lack of clothing and quickly got out of bed to get tee shirts for the both of them. She desperately hoped no one had come in. But the door was closed. Thank god. She hated open doors. A closed door must've meant no disruptions.

"Camz," Lauren shook Camila's shoulder softly.

Camila grumbled into the pillow and turned away from Lauren. Lauren laughed and shook her again. "Get up," she coaxed her gently.

Camila only grumbled again, trying her best to ignore her. She pulled the covers over her head in an attempt to make her voice disappear. And it did, for a second. But then she felt Lauren sitting on top of her, shaking her more forcefully. "Camz..."

"You're so annoying," Camila complained as she finally opened her eyes. She was pleased to find Lauren perched on top of her, smiling down at her dumbly. Her hair was unruly and she'd clearly just woken up, but Camila found her to be beautiful anyway.

"Good morning to you too," Lauren quipped.

"Good morning," Camila grinned.

"You have to put this on," Lauren said as she picked up the shirt that was hanging off of the comforter.

"Yay," Camila smiled and finally rolled herself to get out of bed. Wearing Lauren's clothes was a perk she'd been looking forward to. And now she could. She slipped it on eagerly. A contented sigh left her lips as Lauren's scent surrounded her completely. It was Lauren's Bob Marley shirt. It was hanging off of her a bit, but it fit nonetheless.

"You're so cute," Lauren giggled at the way Camila was so smitten with the shirt. "You can have it, if you want?" she offered.

"I do," Camila nodded immediately. She crossed the room and cupped Lauren's face, pulling her into a kiss.

"Okay," Lauren recoiled. "We need to brush our teeth," she made a face and wiped her mouth playfully. Camila narrowed her eyes at her, but agreed.

After they'd washed up, Lauren and Camila made their way down the stairs with their fingers intertwined. They released their hold just before they were in sight. But their execution was flawed. From Clara's position, she could see them before they saw her. And she saw them let go. Lauren's mother had slowly been catching onto them. And she had just about figured it out. She just didn't want to accept it.

"Good morning," Camila greeted Lauren's parents cheerfully.

"Hey," Lauren waved.

"Good morning, ladies," Michael returned with a smile.

"Good morning," Clara nodded in their direction. Taylor waved back at her sister and smiled at Camila.

Lauren walked over to the countertops, where eggs, bacon, sausage, and grits were situated. She helped herself and made Camila's plate as well, then she dismissed her parents and retired to the living room.

"Chris..." Lauren rolled her eyes when she saw her brother. He was taking up the entire couch, with his legs wide open and his arms resting on the top. Lauren came to a stop in front of them, holding both of their plates. "Can you scoot over?"

"There's another couch," Chris countered without even looking up at her.

"But then we can't see the tv," Lauren groaned.

"That sounds like a personal problem," he quipped. He wasn't serious. He would move. He was just trying to see how much he could test her.

"Chris," Lauren said more sternly, growing increasingly more annoyed as the seconds went by.

"Chris, please?" Camila interjected, sensing that Lauren's patience wearing thin.

"Okay," he relented immediately. Quickly, he repositioned himself and only took up one third of the couch. He leaned against the arm rest and smiled up at the brown-eyed girl. He had a soft spot for Camila. Mostly because he thought she was hot. And he didn't want both of them to be mad.

"You're so annoying," Lauren muttered as she set down their plates on the table.

"Thanks," Chris responded as he redirected his attention back to the tv screen.

Camila leaned over to pick up her plate, then began eating subtly. She was just focusing on not making a mess. Lauren was eating quietly right beside her. She could've been a little more over. There was room. But she wanted to be close to her girlfriend. They felt more connected after last night. They craved more closeness than usual.

The both of them finished their food with only the sounds of the tv filling the room. Lauren offered to take Camila's plate back into the kitchen, so she gave it to her. Chris grinned at her, and she returned his smile sheepishly. He knew nothing of their relationship. None of the Jauregui's did. The only people outside of their friend group that knew were the people that had decided to pay them attention in the hallway, Brad and Sofi. They didn't feel like it was anyone else's business. And they didn't feel the need to flaunt it around either. Their public displays of affection were for their own selfish wants, not for other people's eyes. For the most part. Camila was guilty of wanting to show Lauren off, but she refrained from doing so most times.

Lauren placed their plates in the sink. She was going to leave it, but she decided to go ahead and wash them off. With Lauren's extended absence, Camila started to miss her. She had it bad. It had only been about three minutes at most. So she wandered back into the kitchen, pleased to find her girlfriend at the sink. Lauren was diligently cleaning their plates off, and she'd just finished when Camila appeared by her side.

"Hey," Lauren grinned.

"Hi," Camila smiled back. Lauren wanted to kiss her then. Each time she smiled, she had the desire to kiss her. And Camila smiled a lot. But of course, she couldn't. Not in the presence of her parents. But she could in her room.

"Come on," Lauren gestured upstairs as she set the plates on the dish rack and wiped her hands on the towel. Camila eagerly followed her out, and once they were out of the kitchen, she slipped her hand back into her grasp. They shuffled up the stairs together and hurriedly made it to Lauren's room.

"Did you see how close they were?" Clara commented to Michael when she heard Lauren's door close upstairs.

"Sure," Michael shrugged.

"And I'm pretty sure that was Lauren's shirt..." Clara noticed skeptically.

"Oh," Michael shrugged.

"No red flags? At all?" Clara asked incredulously, unwilling to believe that her husband hadn't noticed anything peculiar.

Michael didn't really respond, he just kind of grunted. He had noticed. But he didn't feel like it was his place to speculate. Whatever his daughter was doing with Camila was fine with him. He liked Camila. She was a nice, sweet, respectable girl. He wouldn't object to it if they actually did have something going on. And he trusted that if they did, Lauren would come to them about it eventually.


"Last night was fun," Camila smirked. She lovingly ran her fingers through Lauren's hair. Lauren's chin was resting on her stomach, and she was looking back at Camila with bright eyes.

"Oh yeah," Lauren seconded. She nodded, and it felt weird on Camila's stomach. She laughed and grasped the sides of Lauren's head to stop it from moving. Lauren complied with a giggle and simply laid her head down sideways. "Was it good, though?"

"Yes," Camila nodded immediately. She didn't know why she'd never considered it before. Sex was never really a tangible factor in her life. She read about it in One Direction fanfiction sometimes, but that was about to the extent of her knowledge. She'd thought about Lauren before, but had never gone as far as touching herself. She thought it was weird. So last night was her first sexual experience, ever. "It was amazing."

"Okay, good," Lauren sighed.

"Did you think it was?" Camila asked insecurely. She wasn't aware of Lauren's sexual past, but she hoped that her time with her was good. Even if she'd been with someone before, she hoped hers was decent in comparison.

"Yes. That was... Fuck," Lauren laughed when she couldn't come up with a better word.

"Have you ever..." Camila started to ask, but her nerves got the best of her. She felt weird asking that question. And she wasn't really sure she wanted to know the answer.

Lauren looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to finish. But she soon caught her drift. She shook her head no quickly. "You were my first, Camz," she laughed lightly.

Well, that was a plot twist. Kind of. She didn't really expect her to not be a virgin, but at the same time, she kind of did. Understandably so, when she'd had so many boyfriends in the past. That, along with her good looks, kind of made it almost expected. But she hadn't. Her respect for the green-eyed girl grew exponentially. And her heart surged at the fact that they were each other's first time.

"Really?" Camila grinned widely.

"Mhm," Lauren nodded again.

"Whoa," she breathed with a dorky smile. She couldn't keep it off.

"Don't act so surprised," Lauren quipped playfully. She wasn't offended. Being a virgin as an upper-classman in high school was rare. But she was. Most of her friends outside of that friend ground were not. So the inference was understandable.

"No, I mean - I didn't think, like - I wasn't trying to say that you were - I - I wasn't implying that-" Camila stuttered, quick to defend herself and her train of thought. God, she didn't want Lauren to think that she thought she was a whore or something. That was far from the case. But Lauren saved her from making a further fool out of herself by kissing her.

"Camz," Lauren chuckled. "I was just kidding. I know you don't think that," she giggled again.

"Okay... Good. Because I don't," Camila assured her again, just before capturing her lips with her own.

"I know," Lauren giggled at her flustered state. "I mean, I've had some heated makeout sessions before... But never that. That was... Something else," she laughed.

"Oh," Camila mumbled. She didn't want to think about Lauren having "heated makeout sessions" with anyone else. But her subtle jealousy faded when she realized she'd had her in a way that no one else had. Camila was Lauren's first. She smiled as that crossed her mind again.

"What are you smiling at?" Lauren questioned in amusement.

"Because that makes it so much more special," Camila answered.

"Yeah," Lauren nodded. "Although I wish it would've happened in one of our beds..."

"It was in your secret place, though. That makes it special too," Camila countered. "Everything about it was perfect."

"Everything about you is perfect," Lauren complimented her, recalling the way her nude body looked last night. She pushed that thought from her mind immediately, before she acted on it.

"Thanks," Camila shrugged modestly. She'd been getting more comfortable with the compliments. Lauren showered her with them endlessly. It was starting to pay off.

Camila looked around Lauren's room. Her writing was still on display. Short poems and concise observations lined the walls. They'd been there ever since she'd put them up. And she looked over at the rose that was almost completely withered, noticing that she hadn't moved that either. The bracelet she'd put on three days ago was still perched on her wrist. She smiled subconsciously at the fact that Lauren carried a small part of Camila with her. It was evident just how sentimental she was.

"I love you," Camila sighed happily.

"I love you too," Lauren reciprocated.

Camila continued looking around Lauren's room. She was a relatively clean person. Her floor was a contrast to Camila's. There were no clothes distributed on the floor. It was bare, while Camila barely had a path to walk through on hers. She continued to look around and her eyes settled on the guitar in her closet. It was leaning against the wall. It almost wasn't visible, but Camila could make out a Fender from a mile away. Not really. She still had to wear her glasses sometimes.

"I didn't know you had a guitar?" Camila voiced her observation as she peered down at Lauren.

"What?" Lauren questioned. She looked in the direction Camila's gaze was settled and raised her eyebrow. "Oh, that? I've had that for a long time," she shrugged.

"I didn't know you played," Camila smiled, pleased at the new fact.

"That's because I don't," Lauren countered with a light chuckle.

"Then I'm gonna teach you," Camila declared.

"Okay," Lauren agreed. She assumed it would be later on. Another one of their dates, perhaps.

"Right now. Get up," Camila said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Now?" Lauren squeaked. She wasn't too eager to move. Their current position was incredibly comfortable. Camila herself was incredibly comfortable. And her body was soft.

"Yep," Camila nodded as she waited for Lauren to sit up. She didn't want to accidentally throw her off of the bed. Because she'd done that before. Lauren relented and got up with a pout.

Camila took no notice of it and walked over to retrieve her instrument from the closet. She picked it up carefully and strummed it as she walked back towards the bed. Man, was it out of tune. Luckily, she had a tuning app on her phone. She always misplaced her actual tuners. So her phone tuner usually came in handy. She sat down on the bed and brought it into her lap, tuning each string carefully. She had to be careful. Popped strings had licked her in the face a few times in the past. She didn't want it to happen in front of Lauren.

Lauren was looking at her intently. She was so focused on what she was doing, it was cute. Her forehead creased in concentration as she turned each peg. Clearly, she knew what she was doing. This was her element. Lauren just sat back and watched until she was called.

"Lauren," Camila motioned her over with a smile. "Come here, babe."

"Are you gonna sing?" Lauren inferred.

"No. I'm gonna teach you how to play," Camila shook her head.

"Sing to me first," Lauren negotiated. Playing instruments didn't come easy to her. She played a bit of piano, but guitar was kind of hard. In comparison to Camila's experience, she wasn't necessarily ready to be in that vulnerable position. But she couldn't say no to eyes like those. Camila was tantamount to a puppy most of the time.

"Can I teach you how to play afterwards?" Camila frowned. The way she felt about singing on the spot was the same way Lauren felt about being taught. But relationships were all about compromises, after all.

"Yes," Lauren nodded quickly. Anything to get Camila to sing again. She could barely recall the last time, because Camila had stopped so suddenly. As talented as she was, it was hard to believe she was so secretive about performing.

"Okay..." Camila complied. She shifted the guitar over to play, but her nerves settled in instantly. Her mouth went dry at the thought of singing for Lauren alone. She'd be unaccompanied by a backing track. It would just be her, her vocals, and the guitar - which wasn't intimidating at all.

"What are you gonna sing?" Lauren asked softly, sensing her uneasiness.

"You'll see," Camila assured her. But in the same instance, she forgot the first line. It was her nerves. Why was she so nervous? What was the first verse again?

"You don't have to sing if you don't want to... You can just show me," Lauren relented. She didn't want to force her into anything.

"No, I'll do it," Camila countered as Lauren tried to take the guitar back. She fended her off and sat there determinedly. It shouldn't be this hard.

"Okay," Lauren smiled. She leaned over and kissed Camila for good measure. She thought it would help calm herself down. But it just made her jittery.

With shaking hands, Camila formed the chords. She began playing and cleared her throat before she came in. "When your legs don't work like they used to before..." she began, and Lauren instantly felt pacified.

A smile graced her lips as she listened to Camila singing. She instantly recognized Ed's lyrics, and smiled wider at her song choice. She should've known Camila would sing this. This had kind of become their song, with their endless use of lyrics and references to it. She closed her eyes as she swayed slightly to the melodic sound.

"And can't sweep you off of your feet

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks..." Camila continued. As Camila sang to her, Lauren stared at her in adoration. She was singing with such passion. Lauren's heart surged with the amount of love for her.

"And darling I will be loving you 'til we're seventy

And baby my heart could still fall as hard at twenty three

And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe just the touch of a hand

Well, me, I fall in love with you every single day

And I just wanna tell you I am..." Camila sang as she mustered up the courage to make eye contact with Lauren.

Her runs were effortless, and Lauren was in awe of her voice - though she'd heard it countless times before. In such an acoustic and intimate setting, it caused goosebumps to form along her arms. Lauren smiled at Camila when their eyes met, but then they were gone again - shielded by her eyelids.

"So honey now

Take me into your loving arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Place your head on my beating heart

I'm thinking out loud

That maybe we found love right where we are..." Camila sang passionately as she played the ending chords.

Lauren was gaping at her, completely mesmerized by her voice. The goosebumps along her arms were a testament to that. Camila's voice stirred something within her that made her heart fill full. She closed the distance between them and brought her into her hold. Her face nuzzled into the crook of her neck and she simply held onto her.

Camila felt awkward for a second. There was a guitar in her lap, preventing her from reciprocating Lauren's hug the way she would like to. So she just grasped her arm, trying her best to hug her back.

"You're really good with your fingers," Lauren smirked.

It was the perfect comment to ruin that sappy moment they just shared. And Camila laughed obnoxiously. "Thanks," she chuckled, immediately catching onto that double meaning. The innuendo made her laugh again.

"I love you," Lauren sighed. "I'm glad you did it. I thought you were going to chicken out on me," she laughed.

"Almost," Camila laughed, relieved to have it over with.

"That song has grown to be so special to us," Lauren acknowledged.

"You're special to me," Camila responded sweetly. She grasped Lauren's head awkwardly and cuddled into her. After hearing her admission, Lauren enveloped her in a real hug. She moved the guitar to lay on the bed. Her arms wrapped around her tiny torso and she buried her face into her shirt. Camila's arms felt like home. They stayed like that for a minute or two.

"Can I teach you how to play now?" Camila asked against Lauren's hair, unintentionally earning herself a mouthful of it.

"Sure," Lauren agreed.

"Wanna learn how to play that song?" Camila questioned.

"Sure," Lauren agreed again.

"Okay," Camila said as she stretched to get the guitar. She perched it back in her lap to mentally form the chords, then she handed it over to Lauren.

Camila attempted to show her the chords. Lauren had stubborn fingers, and they weren't stretching the way Camila wanted them to. She showed her a C chord first, and played it as example. Lauren strummed as well, but the sound was frayed and muted.

"No.. It's more like this," Camila said as she came behind Lauren, wrapping her arms around hers to guide her fingers to the according strings. Camila took the opportunity to completely wrap herself around her girlfriend, just because she had the privilege. Lauren felt a particular closeness and intimacy in her gesture that she couldn't quite place. It was nice; being this close to Camila. She smiled at the younger girl, who reciprocated it gingerly.

"You should just kinda.. Arch your fingers.. Yeah, like that," she nodded as Lauren followed her instructions.

Lauren strummed again, resulting in the same sound she got the first time. She groaned in frustration. "I can't do it," she pouted, and Camila leaned over to kiss her. It fixed the pout.

"Yes you can. Try again," Camila encouraged her, giving her shoulder a light squeeze. She was still positioned close behind Lauren, with her arms still around her arms.

"But it hurts my fingers.." Lauren complained as she stretched out her hand.

"Yeah, it will at first. But the pain goes away after a while.." Camila stated.

"Camz, I can't," Lauren sighed, shaking her head.

Camila focused on repositioning Lauren's fingers on the frets. After trying and failing three more times, Lauren finally produced the desired sound. She attempted to play the whole progression, but failed. Eventually, she did it. Once. And it was painfully slow. But she did it. She grinned widely at Camila and giggled in delight. Camila regarded her with adoration and pride. She wrapped her arms around the older girl's torso and nuzzled her face in her neck.

"Good job, baby," Camila smiled.

"Thanks," Lauren smiled back brightly. She was proud of herself, and thankful for Camila's patience. But if it were up to Camila, she would hold Lauren like that for a million years.

"I'm proud of you," Camila shared fondly.

Lauren set her guitar up against the wall. She found that she missed the taste of her lips. So she leaned in to kiss Camila again, but Camila turned her head. Lauren looked at her in confusion. Why'd she move? She tried again, but got the same result. Camila kinked a challenging eyebrow, daring her to try again. Lauren pursed her lips and cupped her face, directing her to her mouth. But Camila squirmed and Lauren ended up kissing her chin.

"Camz," Lauren huffed.

"Yes?" Camila giggled. She felt playful. If Lauren wanted to kiss her, she'd have to earn it.

"Why do you keep moving?" Lauren questioned as she tried to go in for another one. This time, Camila tilted her head down to make Lauren kiss her nose.

"Camila!" Lauren groaned. She gripped her body in an attempt to keep her still. The need to kiss her just increased at every failed endeavor. Camila's teasing only made her want it more.

"Lauren!" Camila mocked her tone of voice. She giggled at her girlfriend's frustration and bit her lip.

"Okay," Lauren smirked. Challenge accepted.

Camila was laying back on her bed, looking at her with a devilish grin. She wasn't exactly prepared for Lauren to jump on her like she did. And she kind of got the wind knocked out of her. But she regained her bearings in just enough time to dodge Lauren's lips. Lauren grimaced and tightened her hold on her, finally connecting their lips successfully - for a second. She pinned Camila down by her arms and straddled her lap. Then she kissed her fully on the mouth, to her heart's content. Camila relented instantly. When they meshed, she reveled in the feeling. Camila gladly kissed her back, enjoying it just as much as Lauren.

When she made note of their position, Camila blushed. Just a little. Lauren's aggression mixed with her newfound dominant side turned her on. Just a tad. Lauren seemed to experience the shift too, and she attached her lips to Camila's neck instead. Images of last night returned. It left both of them sated, yet eager for another encounter. And this time, it looked like it would be in the bed.

Lauren teased the spot, then sucked on it. Because it was their first time, Lauren refrained from leaving any marks on her last night. But now the atmosphere was different. Her tongue trailed from the base of her neck to the bottom of her jawline, causing the smaller girl to sigh. Camila wanted to touch her, but Lauren's grip on her wrists wouldn't let up. It frustrated her, but in a different way than Lauren was just a few minutes ago. Lauren's mouth was unforgiving against her neck, and she didn't lift her lips until a red mark was present.

Camila wanted to touch where she was sure Lauren had just given her a hickey, but she was still restricted. Lauren's grip on her wrists didn't falter at all. She kept her pinned to the bed as she smirked down at her. Lauren had taken complete advantage of Camila's playful mood and now she was in control. She contemplated what to do to tease Camila the way she'd teased her with her lack of kisses. But she came up short. And she missed her mouth anyway. So she took Camila's bottom lip between her own, without releasing her hold.

Lauren lowered herself slightly to gain better access to Camila's lips. Her chest pressed against Camila's, and the girl shifted under her. Lauren swiped her tongue across her lip and Camila eagerly accepted her tongue into her mouth. They moved in sync. Their tongues clashed against each other's and it became increasingly hungrier. Camila longed to let her hands roam Lauren's body, but they were still fucking held down. She struggled against her, but Lauren was definitely stronger.

"Lauren..." Camila grumbled, turning away from her kiss until she let her up.

"Camila..." Lauren quipped, mocking Camila's tone, just like she had done to her. This was her form of payback. And she was thriving in it.

"You're evil," Camila laughed. She accepted her circumstances and just laid there helplessly. She was at Lauren's mercy, and she knew it.

"Payback," Lauren smirked.

"You've paid me back already," Camila rolled her eyes in good nature. She wasn't really annoyed with her, although she wished she had the free will of her limbs back.

"Hmm, have I?" Lauren teased as she placed a kiss on her jawline. Her lips grazed just over it, barely making contact.

"Yes..." Camila trailed. All of this "payback" was getting her worked up. And she couldn't do anything about it.

"You're way too easy," Lauren giggled as she finally released Camila's wrists.

"Well, of course... Especially when you do that," Camila groaned as she finally was able to touch her. She settled her hands on her hips, looking up at the girl that still sat on top of her.

"What did I do?" Lauren asked condescendingly.

"This," Camila laughed as she grazed her forming hickey with her fingertips. "Like I said, you're evil."

"Oh," Lauren said coyly. "That's not evil..."

"I'm pretty sure," Camila disagreed.

"This is evil," Lauren's smirk only grew as she rolled her hips once against Camila, earning herself a soft moan.

Okay. That was uncalled for. Camila looked at her with wide eyes and instantly could tell how much Lauren was enjoying all of this. But she was enjoying it too. She felt like if Lauren's little game continued, they'd have a repeat of last night. Camila was just staring up at Lauren in awe. She'd seen her do that move a few times before while she was goofing around with Dinah. But nothing could've prepared her for Lauren demonstrating that same move on top of her. She hadn't responded yet. Lauren took her silence as an opportunity to do it again.

"Okay," Camila nearly moaned again. "Okay. You should stop."

"Why?" Lauren tilted her head.

"Because..." Camila trailed, too embarrassed to disclose the real reason. She wasn't comfortable with the vulgarity that would come with telling her. She was a bit embarrassed to keep having these reactions within herself.

"Oh, right," Lauren laughed. "You're so cute, Camz."

Cute wasn't necessarily the word Camila would've used to describe herself right then. There was nothing cute about the state she was in in that moment. And Lauren just fed into it. She leaned down to kiss her lips softly, still grinding into her sensually. Camila's hands found her backside and she grabbed it as Lauren moved against her. Her eyes closed and she tuned everything out in the moment, like the droning of the tv. Or like the quiet creaking of the bed while Lauren continued to drive her slowly insane. And like the faint sound of the approaching footsteps in the hallway.

Lauren's bedroom door opened. By the time both girls registered the intrusion, Clara was already standing in the doorway with her mouth agape. Her brow furrowed, along with an unwarranted flash of anger in her eyes. She looked on as her daughter scrambled off of Camila. She couldn't seem to piece together the situation. The only explanation she came up with couldn't possibly have been the actual case. But as she looked between the two of them, she realized that it was.

The silence stretched out in the room. The atmosphere only grew more uncomfortable as the seconds ticked on. Were they really...? No. Clara must have been seeing things. But their disheveled clothes were a testament to her assumption. And both girls had guilt written all over their faces. If she needed further confirmation, she looked to the blatant mark on Camila's neck. How else could that have gotten there, when she'd walked in on them on top of each other? For the second time today. Only now, she'd caught them in the act. She crossed the room to stand in front of both of them, still unable to process what she'd just witnessed.

"Get out," Clara ordered Camila, who looked terrified.

"Mom, it's okay..." Lauren responded tentatively.

"No. Get out," Clara repeated herself. Her chilling tone let both girls know that it was better not to argue.

Camila immediately followed her instructions. She hurriedly clambered out of Lauren's bed and rushed over to the door. She stood in the doorway tentatively. Did Clara really want her to leave? If so, leave the house or leave the room? Her heart was hammering as she waited for the answer to her silent question.

"Camila," Clara addressed her one last time. She was trying her best to keep her cool. Her indication was clear. Camila backed out of Lauren's room and headed down the stairs timidly.

"What the fuck?" Lauren scowled at her mother, who was regarding her with a cold, distant expression.

"I could ask you the same question," Clara quipped. She knew she was right. And that information made her feel sick to her stomach. Her daughter wasn't a lesbian. She couldn't have been.

"You can't just kick her out..." Lauren grimaced as she eyed her mother harshly. "Camz!" she called out to her girlfriend, but she was gone.

"Don't you bring that lesbian girl back in here," Clara admonished in a voice that made Lauren glare at her.

Under most circumstances, she wouldn't have tested her mother. But Lauren was outraged. Any fear or apprehension she had instantly vanished. Her anger towards her mother outweighed all of those types of emotions. But Camila's wellbeing trumped all of those factors. She needed to be with her. She had no idea how Camila would deal with this. Camila needed Lauren's reassurance. And she was more than willing to give it to her.

"I won't," Lauren glared at her mother. They'd fought before, but Lauren had never felt so distant from her mother in her entire life. Who was this woman? She wasn't so sure. And she wasn't about to stay here to talk with her. "Excuse me," she said on her way past Clara.

"You're not going anywhere. What the hell was that, mija?" Clara asked incredulously. She was trying her best to be sensitive to the situation. But she felt so disturbed. She just wanted to understand. She wanted Lauren to talk with her, openly.

"Nothing," Lauren brushed past her. Angry tears formed in her eyes. All she wanted to do was be with Camila. But the likelihood of that was diminishing as well.

"Lauren," Clara called out to the girl that was halfway down the hall.

"What?" Lauren muttered as she clutched the stair railing. Her grip on it was so tight, her knuckles turned white.

"What?" Clara repeated. "I walk in on you kissing that girl, and you have the nerve to ask me what?" she asked sarcastically.

She knew Camila's name. She knew it well. The fact that she'd been demoted to "that girl" pissed Lauren off more than anything. She turned abruptly to leave, with half a mind to ignore her altogether. She nearly ran down the stairs. Camila was the only important thing to her right now. Her mother's opinions could wait. This conversation could wait. Where was Camila?

"If you go out of that door, don't bother coming back," Clara proposed halfheartedly as Lauren grasped the doorknob. That wasn't a serious threat. But she wanted it to come across as though it would. And it did. That was enough to make Lauren pause.

"What, or you'll kick me out too?" Lauren rolled her eyes as she faced her mother again.

"Watch your mouth," Clara warned. She saw then that now was not the time to have a heart to heart. So she wanted to keep the confrontation short and sweet. She drew in a deep breath and exhaled with her eyes closed. Keep it simple. "I don't want you seeing that girl anymore."

"Her name is Camila," Lauren emphasized. The fact that she refused to even say her name was making her livid. "And why not?" she challenged.

"You just don't need to be around her anymore," Clara said calmly as she walked away, on her way to her own room.

"Okay, I didn't know I was living in a fucking homophobic household," Lauren called up the stairs bitterly.

Clara planned on ending the conversation there. But she'd just been called homophobic. She couldn't leave with Lauren thinking that. Part of her was wondering where Lauren had gotten the nerve to speak to her that way, but she wasn't too surprised by her foul mouth. She'd heard it in passing countless times before.

"You don't. And I'm not, but that..." Clara trailed, trying to come up with an argument to fend off that accusation. "That's just not okay. That doesn't fly here. Now fix your shirt and go and set the table. That's what I came in there to tell you..." Clara informed her as she began walking away.

Lauren didn't respond. She just watched her mom descend down the hallway. A wave of resentment washed over her as Clara disappeared around the corner. There was a reason Lauren had been so secretive in the first few weeks she and Camila had been a thing. That was why. She knew it would happen this way. Her entire body felt hot as she stood there. She was so angry. Tears were streaming down her face, but she couldn't find the will to move. She steeled herself against the door and turned around to retire back to her room. Fuck setting the table. She had bigger problems.

She landed face-down on her bed, burying her face in her arms. A sob finally left her lips, and she swore under her breath. She'd been controlling that. She hadn't cried on a sad occasion in a long time, but this warranted her tears. She wasn't even sad. She was pissed the fuck off. And she was worried. In that moment, she seized her phone and shakily sent out a text to Camila. Within seconds of sending it, she just pressed the call button. She needed to hear her voice.

Camila was almost at her own house by the time the text came in. She ran. She didn't feel the strain of her heart in her chest or the aching of her muscles. She felt adrenaline. Tears blurred her vision and she bent over to catch her breath. She felt sick to her stomach at the thought of what would come of them. The dread she felt when that door opened had yet to subside. Her stomach lurched uncomfortably every few moments as she kept replaying it. She feared that Lauren would be taken away from her. When she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket, she ignored it. She couldn't talk to anyone right now. It was probably just Sinu.

When Camila's phone went to voicemail, Lauren looked at at her phone sadly. Camila didn't answer. She called again, but got the same result. She threw her phone to the end of the bed and resumed her previous position. A muffled scream filled the room as she tried to express her frustration. Clara fucking made her leave, and now she wasn't answering the phone.

Camila felt bad for not answering the call. When she retrieved it from her pocket, she could make out that she had two missed calls. She wiped her eyes to clear her vision and checked who the caller was. Her heart leaped at the name on the screen. Lauren had called. Twice. She scrambled to call her back.

"Hello?" Camila answered hoarsely. Her voice wasn't doing so well. She was still out of breath and trying to recuperate.

"Camila," Lauren said shakily. She instantly felt relaxed. Her voice was a solace as long as she wasn't with her. All of this felt so dramatic, but it was the realest thing she'd had to deal with in a while.

"Are you okay?" Camila questioned.

"Are you?" Lauren countered, instantly noticing the wavering of her voice.

"I'm okay... Just, scared..." Camila admitted. "What happened?"

"I don't even know. I don't know what that was. After she made you leave, I was pissed. She was too, I guess. And she didn't say much. She just looked at me and said I couldn't see you anymore," Lauren recapped.

Camila's heart dropped. Those were the words she dreaded hearing. Just when she'd composed herself and gotten the tears to stop, they started up again. If she couldn't see Lauren anymore, what was she here for? It was an exaggerated thought, but her logic was hazy at the moment. "Oh," she managed to choke out.

"No, don't cry... I'm still gonna see you, I don't give a fuck what she said," Lauren assured her. And she meant it. She wasn't about to let her mother come between the two of them. Not when things were going to smoothly. "I'll still spend every moment I have with you. Just like I always do, Camz."

Her claims were kind of just going in one ear and out of the other to Camila. She wanted to believe her, but something was preventing her from putting all of her faith in her. Her tears were falling more quickly now, but she tried to muster up a response. "Okay," Camila mumbled. Her responses were monosyllabic, because that was all she could get out.

"Camz..." Lauren trailed sadly. She could hear Camila's deep breaths coming through the other line. She could only imagine the state she was in now. But she didn't want to imagine it. It brought her down. It made her feel lower than she already felt. Camila crying was like kicking a puppy.

"I have to go, Lauren," Camila said quietly. She felt herself about to break. She didn't want Lauren to stick around for that. Her emotions were starting to get the best of her.

"Babe," Lauren objected weakly. It pained her to hear that desolate tone in her girlfriend's voice.

"I'll talk to you later," Camila insisted. A lump formed in her throat. Clara told Lauren she couldn't see her anymore. She was taking her away from her. She grimaced as the pit grew in her stomach. Shakespeare was dumb. There was nothing beautiful or romantic about forbidden love. It just hurt. Especially when someone was told to their face that they couldn't see the person they fell in love with anymore. It hurt like hell.

"Okay," Lauren accepted her claim dejectedly. "I love you?" she reminded her.

"I love you too," Camila sniffled and wiped her nose with her shirt. Ew. She waited for Lauren to say something else. And when she didn't, Camila simply ended the call.


It's been waaay too happy. So here's to drama. Brace yourselves :) I don't think I'll drag it out too long, but we'll see. This is just the beginning.

Don't forget to comment, vote, and share. ily all xx

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