By Mubangak

3.1M 79.3K 16.6K

"My, my, love. Are you sure you want to leave such a cruel world behind?" Far beyond the horizon, clouds gath... More

The dark
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen

Chapter three

142K 4.8K 987
By Mubangak

TW// gore, abuse, mutilation and sex
Reader discretion is advised.


Eyes don't melt in fire, you see. They burst. And that was all Rose could see as she watched a man strung up by rope, naked and exposed, wailing and crying. Flesh eaters roared with laughter and madness around him, shouting bets on how long he'll last, other's screaming requests. Branding, mutilation, impalement. They took turns with him, each worse than the last. Flesh eater vampyrs were the cannibals, creatures of madness and insanity, bound for eternity to their Flesh eater King. Their cannibalistic feasts last days, their hunger utterly insatiable. It was not just blood they wanted, they wanted skin and bone and guts.

The Flesh eater before the mortal man was bulky, stripped of clothing from the waist up. Flesh eaters liked nudity, maybe more than the Wites. The Vampyr took a lit piece of wood, utterly immune to the heat of the flame, and held it to the man's eye. He screamed, his own eyeball popping and scorching from its socket, drippling down his face in blood and goo and wetness. Another Vampyr came up to him laughing, swinging a knife.

"What shall we sever today?" he chuckled. Running the knifes edge over the man's already shredded torso. "How about this?"
His tongue. Rose could barely move as the Vampyr began on the mortal's mouth. The Vampyr forced his mouth open, grabbing his tongue. He then sawed right through the muscle, filling the man's mouth with a pool of blood. The man writhed in pain, jerking and spazzing. The pain completely unbearable, so much so, he passes out. The Vampyr, with the man's severed tongue in his hand, brought it to his lips and took a bite. The crowd cheered.
There were several mortals hung, both male and female. Some already dead, others hanging by a thread. It was a forest of bodies. Scattered on the wall, however, was the real attraction. Mutilated bodies were nailed on the walls of the massive, gilded hall. Arms, legs, severed heads, hands. Children. There were children nailed up there, blood leaking down the red stone.

Rose didn't have time to see another Vampyr step up to mutilate the man of his penis, a cold hand went to her elbow, another to her lower back.
"I'll take it from here." A voice like death.
Rose turned, Found Cato head-to-head with Elias who had his arms clamped around Rose's bicep. He looked...splendid, and she wrestled with the warm feeling it gave her. Even under a trance she felt it, her body heating. He wore a cream suit, embroidered with gold. The collar was pointy, hiding the faint black veins in his neck. The air seemed to snap between the two Vampyrs, both of them with their hand on Rose.
"I was just about to take her to the back," Elias said sternly. To the back. What was in the back?
Cato must have known because he smiled, a little too viciously. "How grand, has anyone ever told you it's rude to take another's prize?"
She was not a prize. She was not an object for fight over. But she couldn't voice her opinion, it didn't matter here. She was a mere plaything to these creatures of night, a toy to be broken and broken over and over and over again.
"Who ever said she was yours to begin with?" Elias said with a snarl.
It was Cato's turn to get mad. His eyes burned to cold chips, the muscle on his jaw and neck twitching, his fangs elongating. "She has always been mine. So let her go before its you I impale on the wall."

Elias's nostrils flared. "Watch yourself, Cato. Or your days as Servitor will be numbered." And the Vampyr stole away among the hoard of bodies. Watching him go, making sure he was well away, Cato slipped a hand around Rose's waist and whispered into her temple, "Wake."
She stumbled, reaching for his hand to steady herself and instantly hating herself for finding solace in him for getting her away from Elias. She'd seen how hungry the Vampyr was when he looked at her, rolling wells of hunger. For her blood, for her body. It unnerved her, terrified her. She imagined her screamed tangled with pain and pleasure as he slept with her and gutted her at the same time.
Cato started pushing her through the crowed. "Keep walking. Keep your face bland, no one can know I've woken you up."
She wanted to plant her feet and shove him off, despising how close he was. But she didn't want to die. She didn't want to die here. So she walked and kept her face blank, pretending to be asleep like all the other girls. They passed a table and on it lay a naked mortal, jerking as a Vampyr had his mouth on her throat and his manhood between her legs. She shivered and Cato noted it, tightening his grip. Why did he take her away from Elias? Why did he even try. She had no idea where they were going but she knew they were heading towards the back.

Wherever the back is. They slipped through a red velvet curtain behind a massive statue of the god of night, Ra. The devout fallen god these monsters worship alongside the High Arches. Cato guided her into the room, wrapped in velvet and pillows and dove-grey smoke. Tendrils floating about, making the place hard to see. But she did she something, enough to make her freeze. The sound of moans and grunts, moving bodies amongst the smoke.
She identified them as Wites. Wites and Bluebloods and mortals who didn't know any better. Wites were the only all-female bloodline, they behaved like Saccubi, but Rose thought they were much, much worse. They fed off sexual relations with Vampyr and human alike, they're the only female Vampyrs who can reproduce naturally, making them certified baby machines. Solstice was dedicated to that, sex. Which was what was happening right now.
Cato led her towards the back, darting moving bodies and moans of pleasure. Women draped over women, a woman taking two men at a time.

He dropped her on a cushion and took off his jacket, that was when her fist collided with his manhood. He arched, hissing through his teeth, clutching his penis like his life depended on it.
"A thank you would be nice."
"A thank you?" she was mortified, heat rising to her cheeks as the sounds of pleasure began to increase. He gathered himself quickly.
"Elias was going to fuck you and gut you."
"I suspected that anyway. So why save me?"
He smiled. "Who said I'm not going to fuck you and gut you too?"
A high bloom hit her cheeks and she looked away, her chest heaving up and down. "So do it."
He dropped himself beside her and laid back on the pillows. "I might do," his eyes raked her dress, gobbling her up entirely. She saw the fabric between his legs bulge. Oh dear. "I knew you'd look good in that, but you'd look even better with it off."
She folded her legs into a lotus position, lifting the hems of the dress to give herself room. She'd kicked off her heels and she wished she hadn't. "I'm not talking to you."
"We don't have to talk. Besides, the smoke will take affect soon."

Her head snapped to him, lips curling. "What do you mean, 'take affect'"
He closed his eyes and put his arms behind his head casually. "The smoke is made from the black jade flower that grows on top of Aerogmoth. It heightens your sexual drive, making you aggressive, violent and oh so horny."
"You're bluffing."
He reached out and brushed a finger down the back of her neck, around her collar. Something in her flared, so violently, she made a small moan. Just the brush of his hand, the electricity on her skin. Half of her wanted to guide his hand between her legs, roll her hips of his fingers and release. He must have seen the desire in her eyes because he smiled, leaned in close.
"It will be like old times, pet. You and me, the pleasure, the screams, the moans. The release." She blinked. She hadn't even kissed a man before Cato, hadn't been touched in that way before. Hadn't even touched herself. But the desire for him that first time was so great, she found herself sliding onto his lap almost every day. It hurt at first but after her body became used to his size, it was like heaven crashed into hell and everything exploded. She wanted him every day and he her. Having him sat beside her in class was equally distressing, his hand would drift between her thighs while Miss Higgins talked about pride and prejudice. She'd spread her legs for him, and he'd pull her underwear to the side. No one knew why she started wearing dresses and skirts, only him. After class, they'd find the nearest bathroom or head right out to his car. Sometimes not even waiting till they got to his flat.

She loved him. Despite hating him for what he did, she loved him. And she hated that a part of her still did. And she needed to know, for her own peace of mind, if he felt anything for her two. "But if you say no," he continued. "I will respect that. I can put you back to sleep and leave you out there again. But just know, they won't be kind to you there. And they will kill you."
She was a dead woman walking anyway. So she leaned in, so close her lips grazed his.
"Are you not going to undress me?"
A hungry smile lit up on his face as he began to undress her. Delicately. Because the dress was expensive, and she knew he would not be gentle with her. She never liked gentle anyway. Naked and exposed, the black jade flower smoke turning her mind foggy and insides aching, she unbuttoned his trousers, pulling them off. Next was his shirt, his shoes. Until both were exposed. The drowning sound of moans and bodies moving rhythmically behind then turned to a drowning blur as Rose leaned over Cato, crouching with her back arched before his length. It had peaked and she forgot how huge he was, she almost bulked. "I have to know," she started. He was breathing hard, almost losing the grip on his self-control. "Why did you do this to me."

His face faltered. Sadness settling there instead. All this time she had seen him with a mask, a façade. It had been a mere mirage of who he truly was. Every word a lie, every smile fake. But had it been? Had it really?
"I had no choice. Grimas is approaching, they needed to feed. I needed to harvest for them."
"Did hurting me hurt you?" she dared ask.
"I don't feel anything, princess," his cold mask suddenly returning. Turning him feral. "We're dead, our hearts don't beat. Why can't you get it into your head that I used you and left you for the wolves."
Why couldn't she get it into her head? Why did half of her want to believe he was good.
"The way you looked at don't look at someone like that and feel nothing."
"Then make me feel something." Conversation over was what he didn't need to add.

Wordlessly, Rose wrapped her hands around his length and found it burning with heat, throbbing. Cato stifled a moan as her mouth went to his tip and swirls. It's warm and salty, throbbing. She takes it all, eyes tearing as she tries not to choke. His hands goes to her hair, unravelling her braids into a spill of blood red before threaded his hands between the strands and pulling. His hips start moving.
Fast and hard, spit dripping from her lips, tears streaming from her eyes. But she moans on it, lets herself falls into his rhythm. She shouldn't be enjoying this, she shouldn't. But she was, gods she was. He wasn't done, not by far, he guided her head, tilting her face. Running a thumb on her bruised, moist lips.
And then she was on her front, hips poised to the ceiling, legs pushed out revealing her in her entirety. She would have blushed having been in a room of naked Vampyrs, but the smoke was...intoxicating. And smelled good. He placed a trail of kisses along her back, her bum cheeks and finally kisses between her legs. She shivered, the warmth of his mouth on her...

Shit. She forgot how good he was, how amazing he was.
"My turn," he grunted. His fingers reach between her thighs, stroking her softness before parting them and slipping a finger inside. She gasped. His other finger was circling her bulge.
Oh shit.
"If it's any consolation, I've missed this," he slid in two more fingers. Her legs trembled. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too," she gasped. She had, goodness she had. Every part of him. His human side, his jokes, the sound of his laugh. She thought about it all as a shattering moan escaped her. Curling his fingers inside her, moving them in and out and around. Exploring every inch of her. He knew her, every part of her. Her heart. She didn't want to believe that he did not love her, she didn't want to believe it. Because he roared at her aunt when he saw her faced bruised, got into a brawl with her uncle because of it. Because he kissed her forehead and told her it was going to be alright. Let her move in with him because she was not safe with her aunt and uncle. Held her close when her nightmares woke her up screaming and weeping. Had it all been a lie?

He increased his speed, violently, manically, prying open her legs when she tried to close them. She felt her release building in her, churning like a deep wave.
She grabbed his hand. "Cato," she said breathlessly.
He ignored her. "I did not give you permission to finish."
She couldn't hold it, it was like fire. A roaring blaze that will eat her whole. He was the blaze, and he would swallow her, swallow her entirely. And she'd let him, she'd gladly burn in his flames. "Cato, I—"
He slowed. "Something wrong, sweetheart?"
He kissed her back. Moving his fingers again, slowly. "Tell me what you want, Rosalie. Tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you. I will kiss you godless if you ask me to, I will sin for you, if that is what you want. Tell me, sweetheart, what do you desire."
You. She almost sobbed. I wanted to marry you, I wanted a life with you. I wanted....I wanted a child with you. But she did not say that, could not bring her broken, withered heart to say those things. So she swallowed that small, hopeless confession and crawled, crawled, weakly onto her back and watched as he took his fingers and licked them all individually. Grinning. I will kiss you godless. I will sin for you. "Then sin for me," She said, pulling him close. "Sin for me, eat me whole."

He breathed deep. "You are no saint, are you, pet."
No, she wasn't. He spread apart her legs, so wide she thought her limbs might break. Bearing her out to himself. This fight, this hate this lust and love. It was a tangled mess. Half of her wanted him close, wanted him to hold her and kiss her and tell her she was worth it. The other half wanted to spite him, to make him pay. He presses against her entrance, trembling slightly. Before pushing in.
Rose's back arched, teeth baring. She loved him, she loved him, she loved him. So much it might break her, so much she hated herself for it. She loved him, she loved him. She pushed back to meet his thrusts, hard and strong and deep. Sending an ache and pleasure to her insides. He was so gentle, even in his animosity. Her hands found his hair, pulling him and gasping. Wanting more, more, more. Always more. His fingers on her face, lips on hers. More, more, more. The buildup rose again, heavier than the last. Her hands reached between her legs, toying with the softness there.
Goodness she was so close, so, so close. "Don't stop."
He didn't. He dragged along those nerves while she toyed with her own. Oh no. She whimpered, shaking her head as if to defy it, fight against it, knowing it was going to cripple her. With one more flick of her fingers, one more thrust of his hips, her release shattered through her. And she writhed in agony and pleasure on his length, a cry tumbling from her lips as her back arched all the way off the floor. Her body seized and shook, her insides clamping around his length.

But as she let go, let herself fall completely for this man she hated and loved all the same.
Something happened as she released herself.
Because as her release struck, her body ignited in white, searing light.

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