Hero of Resilience: Halo

By TheHinokami

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Join us as we explore the story of what if Izuku Midoriya was expelled on the day of the quirk apprehension t... More

Chapter 1: Expelled?
Chapter 2: Decisions
Chapter 3: Inko Midoriya & Talk Pt 1.
Chapter 4: Talk Pt. 2
Chapter 5: It's A Wild Gran Torino!
Chapter 6: Past Comes To Light
Chapter 7: Quirk Training & UA Vs Eraserhead
Chapter 8: Fourth Day of Training & Talk of Sir Nighteye
Chapter 9: Arriving at Shiketsu
Chapter 10: Dorms & Roommate!
Chapter 11: First Day!
Chapter 12: First Days are easy? No! Training Start!
Chapter 13: First Combat Training
Chapter 14: U.S.J!?
Chapter 15: Dadmight!?
Chapter 16: UA Aftermath & Decision
Chapter 17: DadMight Time & Conversations
Chapter 18: Training for the Sports Festival
Chapter 19: UA High Sports Festival
Chapter 20: Shiketsu High Sports Festival Pt 1.
Chapter 21: Shiketsu High Sports Festival Pt 2.
Chapter 22: Shiketsu High Sports Festival Pt 3.
Chapter 23: Shiketsu High Sports Festival Pt 4.
Chapter 24: Enter General Midoriya + Scolding!
Chapter 25: Hero Names & Internship Offers!
Chapter 26: Internships Start!
Chapter 27: Internship Reactions!
Chapter 28: Internship: Hosu!
Chapter 29: Stain Vs Halo!
Chapter 30: Hosu Aftermath
Chapter 31: Internship Over!
Chapter 32: Provisional License Training & OFA Control!?
Chapter 33: Provisional Exam!
Chapter 34: Peaceful Conversations
Chapter 35: Inasa & One For All
Chapter 36: Singularity Point
Chapter 37: Mall Incident
Chapter 38: I-Island! Pt 1.
Chapter 39: I-Island Pt. 2
Chapter 40: Shiketsu High School Summer Training
Chapter 41: UA Summer Training Camp
Chapter 42: Camp Aftermath & Plea
Chapter 43: Ready? Set! Talk!
Chapter 44: Ready? Set! Raid!
Chapter 45: Fighting of Titans!
Chapter 46: Media & Aftermath
Chapter 47: Halo & Eraserhead!
Chapter 48: Bakugo Household
Chapter 49: Dream & Unlocking Quirks
Chapter 50: Dorms
Chapter 51: Provisional Exams Shiketsu & UA Pt 1.
Chapter 52: Provisional Exams Shiketsu & UA Pt 2.
Chapter 53: Provisional Exams Shiketsu & UA Pt 3.
Chapter 54: Work-Studies Start & Giant!?
Chapter 55: Report and Raid Request?
Chapter 56: Prelude to Raid!
Chapter 57: Raid Meeting & Talk With Sir Nighteye
Chapter 58: Shie Hassaikai Raid!
Chapter 59: Return to Shiketsu High School & Relaxing!
Chapter 60: Changes & Hood
Chapter 61: The League's Growth!
Chapter 62: Planning For War!
Chapter 63: War!
Chapter 64: Blood & Conflict
Chapter 65: Rematch of a Giant!
Chapter 66: Lighting the sky!
Chapter 67: Battered
Chapter 68: Wounds of The Battle
Chapter 69: Conversations
Chapter 70: Past VS Present
Author Notes & Ending Words

Chapter 71: Press Conference! -END-

12.5K 388 208
By TheHinokami

3rd POV:

Izuku arrived at the others with his class and told them they were ready. As such, they all set off towards the large room where the press conference was going to be held. Izuku noticed in the side of his eye that the UA staff was leading the UA students and other people to the press hall as well via the main doors to the room while Izuku and the others would be going to the back door to walk onto the stage together. It wasn't really a stage per se but more of a long table in the center of the room that had a lot of seats facing it like a large meeting hall as the back had a lot of cameras that would make the conference live and seats for reporters and others to sit in.

(Think similar to this room but bigger and longer table in the front.)

Izuku was waiting for them to be called in as he moved next to the commission's President. "Are we going to announce the suggestions I recommended since it would likely help push the attention forward on rebuilding society and Japan's future?" Izuku asked and she nodded her head as she handed him some notes that showed everything that she would want to talk about in the press conference which included pretty much everything but in more broad terms so they didn't end up focusing solely on one aspect of an issue like the UA entrance exam but making sure all hero school entrance exams were fair for all students. 

Izuku looked over them and nodded his head. "I haven't been able to give the letter to Hawks yet since he had been transferred to an actual hospital since he needed to be stabilized but I did leave a message for him to be given once he woke up from his small coma he slipped into due to his wounds. The President of the commission nodded her head and thanked him for delivering it when he was able to which he nodded his head at and a few moments later they were all called into the room.

Izuku and the commission's president would sit in the middle with All Might, Nezu, and Shiketsu's principal Souh sitting to Izuku's side while other officials of the commission sat next to the president. Izuku's classmates would be standing behind the table up against the wall and behind Izuku for when they announced the fact that they were all licensed Pro Heros now and would be aiming to take the burden of their failing society onto their shoulders. Izuku entered the room and saw the UA staff and students in the back to a side but he ignored them since he had more important things to focus on. As they all sat down the cameras were going off and questions were being thrown.

After they all sat down the questions were being thrown still but Izuku raised his hand which silenced the room. 'Having a lot of respect really does wonders...' Izuku thought in his mind as he leaned a bit forward to the mic and adjusted it. "I would say good afternoon but recently there has been nothing good about the situation Japan has found itself in over the past days." Izuku started out with as he spoke which sent the mood of the entire conference room. "As I promised out on the battlefield, I am here to deliver statements regarding the events that have happened. Joining me is the President of the Hero Commission and her staff in addition to All Might, Principal Nezu of UA, and Princial Souh of Shiketsu High School. I ask you all to attempt to be civil in taking turns as you ask your questions. Do I make myself clear?" Izuku said and he was met with a choir of yeses and head nodds. Izuku nodded his head and then pointed at one of the reporters sitting in the front.

The lady stood up and asked her question. "Halo, can you please explain what this entire event was about as many rumors and unconfirmed theories have been spreading?" she asked and Izuku straightened up and spoke. "Many months ago the Hero Commission was alerted to the disturbing fact that a faction that called themselves the Meta Liberation Army had made an appearance in our country once again. This was discovered due to Pro Hero Hawks going undercover as a traitor agent to the hero society which allowed him to join the League of Villains which lead him to make contact with the Meta Liberation Army. A battle broke out between both factions which resulted in the destruction of Deika City due to the conflict between both factions. I do know that other reports say that random villains attacked and that civilians defend themselves but in truth what we discovered was that Deika City was completely controlled by Meta Liberation Army (MLA). The said civilians were in fact members of the MLA who were fighting the League of Villains due to the fact that a known associate of the League was taken by the MLA as a hostage. 

This was the trigger for the conflict as reported by Hawks to the commission. Due to the events of the battle, the MLA surrendered to the League of villains which gave birth to a new organization called the Paranormal Liberation Front (PLF). This new organization is the reason the combat had broken out as you all saw on your TVs or experience in person. We learned several months ago that the PLF was attempting to upgrade the quirk power of Shigaraki who was the new leader of the PLF which is why he had such destructive powers though incomplete. It was incomplete due to the fact that several divisions of Heros were gathered once they were confirmed not to have any ties with the PLF and then sent to attack the known locations of the PLF. I was the general of the Second Divison which consisted of mostly Shiketsu High School students and Pro Hero graduates due to the closeness of the second base to Shiketsu relative to the first division's location. 

The First Division was led by Pro Hero Endeavor who took charge in leading the assault in the hospital which was a lavatory for a doctor who worked for the villain responsible for the Kamino Ward Incident. This doctor was the one making the Nomu creations as well and had turned Shigaraki into a semi-Nomu if you will as they added new quirks into Shigaraki's body but the process was not completed due to the Pro Hero Mirko being able to destroy the experiment equipment that was working on Shigaraki. As such, he did not obtain the full power he was aiming for but sadly the First Division failed in not allowing Shigaraki to awaken which lead to the devastation of the Jaku city. 

While this was going on there was also a raid being done on the other main base of the PLF by the other portion of the first division which raided the mountain vila that contained the other half of the PLF Army inside which consisted of roughly 40,000 members in each main base location. Sadly due to the awaking of Shigaraki, he was able to summon his strongest follower called Gigantomachia who had devastating power which resulted in higher casualties and injuries at the raid on the villa. 

Roughly at this time, my classmates and I had already engaged the vast majority of the PLF forces at our attack site and had defeated the vast majority of them when we were notified of Shigaraki's awaking. At that moment I knew my class and I would need to leave our location as preplanned since we knew I stood a significant chance at combating Shigaraki due to the power I hold. The rest of the Pro Heros from my second division arrived in the underground section where we were and helped us defeat the remaining half of the villains which consisted of around 10,000 to 20,000 villains left undefeated. After five minutes we were done and used one of my classmate's portal quirks that cause us to relive our worst memories which we trained highly in to withstand and started to make our journey to the battle at the hospital.

While we left command was given to Principal Souh as planned so he could lead the clean-up in that location before sending reinforcements to the First division since we knew Shigaraki had awakened and we needed to plan for a drawn-out fight. During my classmates and I's journey, we discovered the fact that Gigantomachia was laying waste to the first division forces as such we stopped on our path to handle him due to the fact that there were many cities that laid in his path with no real defense possible for said cities which would have lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths if he kept moving forward.

Gigantomachia was a strong opponent I had actually faced one day while Pro Hero Gran Torino, I, and police were tracking down Kurogiri to capture. We ended up running into him when I was a bit weaker with my strength and I had pulled the battle at the time into a drawn and destroyed one of Gigantomachia's eyes which forced him to retreat at that time. As such, when I arrived with my class I was able to bait the giant into battle off of his path due to his anger he held towards me taking his eye which allowed me to stop him from reaching the cities.  

I was able to defeat Gigantomachia and my class defeated the other members of the former League of Villains group before they became the PLF. After the battle was over we handed their custody over to Pro Heros on site which includes Fat Gum and others that handled them after that point as we continued our journey to the battle at Jaku City. It took us a bit to arrive but we arrived luckily in time as Tomura Shigaraki the leader of the PLF had successfully stopped Eraserheads quirk from working for a brief time which meant he could then launch another destructive way with his decay quirk. Though my arrival stopped him since he had been wanting to fight me for some time but our previous meetings always tended to get disturbed which forced us to delay our battles.

As I communicated with Tomura Shigaraki since he had a sense of respect and acknowledgment of me I was able to buy time for my classmates to move the injured Pro Hero's and provisional students away from us before we entered the battle. I will skip talking about the battle itself since I am sure the media was broadcasting the entire thing before my arrivals so you all saw what happened at that point but thankful through combined efforts of my classmates and I was able to deal enough damage to overcome the incomplete power that Shigaraki had installed into him and defeated him with my final attack called Thor's Hammer. This lead to the successful arrest of Tomura Shigaraki where I kept him near me until he was transferred into the custody of police where I ordered a range of Pro Heros to guard his transport to Tartarus until his trial. In regards to any questions about the details of the battles at the mountain villa or at Jaku city before my arrivals will need to be addressed to the commission as I do not know enough to speak about those sections before my arrival. 

After the defeat of Tomura Shigaraki, I took command authority of the reinforcement that the Principal of Shiketsu had sent from the second division and whatever remained for the First division onsite and began giving orders out to search for any survivors. Once that was done, we set up a command station where I with the help of other Pro Heros lead the operations for all Pro Heros and the functions of the commission due to the attack they received and loss of command there. As the command station was being operated I began to take authority over local agencies across Japan and with the cooperation of police were able to stabilize crime sprees that had begun due to the lack of heroes in those areas. We were able to shift Pro Heros around into areas lacking and send some of our forces back to their normal prefectures to stabilize them and tamper down the crime sprees. 

At one point I blacked out in my office due to exhaustion and awoke five hours later to find All Might on-site since Gran Torino had called him due to seeing my exhaustion and fear of me crashing. This resulted in him taking over easily due to him being the former symbol of peace and was able to keep the operations running smoothly during my sleep. When I awoke, I was informed that the commission had set up operations since the command building due to the other building having received an attack by the PLF. 

This now brings us all up to date in regards to any events I can speak behalf on of. Questions?" Izuku said as he just finished that long-ass speech about the entire event and everything that he was involved in. Everyone in the room was in silence as they just looked at him since he had told so much without intending to hide anything. After a few more minutes of silence, another person stood up and spoke. "Can you speak to the reasons why this battle happened in the first place? Why did a return of the Meta Liberation Army happen?" the reporter asked and Izuku nodded his head as he looked at the commission president who nodded her head since they suspected this to happen. Izuku turned back and looked at the reporter and then the rest of the room as he took a breath in.

"You asked two questions that have different answers but I will try to make sure to answer both," Izuku said as the reporter nodded their head. In all honestly, Izuku was surprised at how tame they all have been with him. Izuku thought about how he wanted to answer this and realized he was going to go all in! "First, I want to make clear this is my own personal views and don't reflect anyone else's standpoints as they can say their own. In regards to the MLA for why there was a return of them, the organization was lead by a man called Re-Destro who claims to be a descent of Destro himself. I don't know how true that claim is but that is what the organization has claimed. The MLA claims that they wanted quirks to be celebrated and not oppressed by quirk laws. It is the same reason that the original MLA came about and in truth, quirks are overly oppressed in my view as I believe that as long as someone isn't using it to harm others or cause crime, chaos, or disorder in the general public then there should be places that a quirk should be free to be used or in your normal life as they are a part of us. I am not advocating for no quirk laws at all but more relaxed such as having the government offer quirk licenses to use in your daily life if you have a speed quirk to get to a place faster or a flying quirk to fly under a certain distance to not cause problems with air traffic of airplanes. That is why a return of the MLA happened in my view is because people felt oppressed in the fact that they couldn't more freely use their quirks. We will hit back on this topic later but I ask you to leave it for now.

Now in regards to why this entire battle and why it happened. There are many viewpoints and reasons that can go into why but from where I stand in my perspective I believe the why isn't because it was going to happen because the other side was going to fight regardless or that heroes need to stop villains. No, I think this all stems from our own society on why this battle happened in the first place. Let's talk about the members of the League and why they became what they became because that is really the answer to why this happened in the first place because our society has pushed people aside and abused them or harmed them to their breaking point. 

Let's look at Himiko Toga who suffered at society's hands due to the nature of her quirk that she was forced to act a certain way to not make people afraid of her because he quirk required her to drink blood to stay sane. People villainous her due to her quirk and in the end, she broke because she couldn't get what she needed to maintain her sanity. Then looking at Tomura Shigaraki himself who sadly activated his quirk while petting his dog which resulted in the death of the dog and soon the death of the family as he wasn't able to control it. From what I discovered he sought help from others but no one helped him even though he walked down the street in a complete mess until one man came and helped him. This man was another other than the villain from the Kamino Ward incident which resulted in Tomura Shigaraki going under his care for all this time which resulted in what you have as he hated society since people just ignore others' problems when they could help others but don't. This hatred increased into what you have today.

Then another example from the League of Villains would be Dabi who was abused at his home whose father was a Pro Hero who wanted him to train and overcome the parent's own shortcomings of never obtaining what they wanted. Soon they resulted in an unstable mind that led to his own false death and years later ended up joining the League of Villains since he wanted revenge on the father and to tear down the society that ignored what his father had done. 

Now, I am not saying all villains are like this since there are without villains that just do it because they could or wanted to. However, our current society has become so focused on the type of quirks you have that they discriminate and abuse those that don't fit the norm of what society has deemed as acceptable which has resulted in a system that creates villains none stop. Then you add into the fact that the system has become filled with a lot of heroes that aren't in it to actually save people but to just abuse their power, to get rich, to get famous then you have even more of a mess since Pro Heros just stand by and watch as wrong is done to others and don't do anything to stop the wrongs. These wrongs can include many things such as quirk discrimination, abuse, bullying in schools, and other things that could turn people away from crime if they just got help.

The reason I stand by this is that I suffered just like a lot of these villains had as I was an extremely late bloomer in my life as my quirk only activated roughly two years or so ago. As such, I lived my life getting beaten day in and day out at my schools, having my grades changed to be lower than a quirked child, dehumanized, used as a quirk test dummy, and many other things as my body are littered with scars that didn't come from training or Pro Hero work. It's why Tomura Shigaraki respected and acknowledge me since we both could see in the eyes of each other the amount of pain was suffered at this society's hand. Though, he walked the path of destruction while I choose the path to help change society since I was lucky to meet those that supported me in my darkest times. 

So you asked me why this battle happened and my answer in simple terms is because society made it happen with its own actions. This will continue to happen unless we as a society change because the next time is there going to be a hero like me that can withstand the force of the next Tomura Shigaraki and win? Are you really wanting to continue to watch as large-scale battles like this become the norm because society refuses to change and better itself and stop the next Tomrua Shigaraki from being created by society's own actions?" Izuku asked as he looked into the cameras without wavering. Izuku then turned to the reporter that had asked him the questions. "Does this answer your questions?" he asked and they could only nod their head as the room was silent.

Izuku looked around the room to see if someone else wanted to ask a question and then one reporter Izuku recognized from the battle of Kamino ward stood up and raised her hand. Izuku pointed to her and she nodded her head as she asked the question. "You say society needs to change but do you know any ideas that we could start focusing on to make these said changes?" she asked and Izuku nodded his head. "I am glad you asked as the commission president and I have actually talked about this as we are going to be announcing several focuses that we want to start working on. One of the focuses is something I mentioned during the talk about the MLA, it was about quirk licenses being issued to citizens who apply for them so that they may use their quirks more freely in our country through this does come with revised regulations from the old ones since you still can't harm someone with it but it's time we look at relaxing quirk laws to better. 

Another example is the increase of anti-discrimination pushes to tamper down on discrimination in our society based on quirks or the lack of a quirk since everyone can contribute to this society. Look at me for example, even when I was quirkless I did an analysis on quirks and could rival Principal Nezu in the breakdown of quirks so I could have gone into that field if there weren't anti-quirkless rules in all of these jobs. It's honestly foolish that society creates its own problems. 

There will be an aim to make sure all Hero schools have as fair as possible entrance exams for all quirk types to ensure that we are receiving the best eligible people to become heroes. For example, a mental quirk that could temporarily control someone's mind would be amazing in the field of heroics because the person could stop crimes that are going on, save hostages by making the criminal surrender, calm panicking civilians down, interrogate criminals for more information about operations, and many other uses such as talking suicide jumpers down. The applications are plentiful for a quirk like that but in some school entrance exams, it would be near impossible to get into the hero course. 

There is also an idea of creating an underground Pro Hero track in the top hero schools and maybe others to help get more underground pro heroes. For those that don't know, an underground pro hero tends to do hero work at night and typically stops far more crime than your average hero during the day. Though, these pro heroes tend to have more mental-based quirks or less flashy quirks that you are all used to seeing during the day on the news yet they are as helpful to our society as heroes during the day if not more. 

Another change we can focus on is ensuring that we actually have better Pro Heros that do their job like they are meant to. For example, there was an incident before I went to hero school where Pro Heros were just standing around doing nothing while a villain had a hostage since they didn't have the right quirks for it in their view. Sadly for them, it doesn't matter if you have the right quirk as a Pro Hero you are meant to overcome the odds and find a way to save the civilian even if it means risking yourself in receiving an injury or possibly getting killed if you have any way to be useful. As such, enforcing core values of protecting citizens, de-escalating situations, and ensuring that minimum damage is done when possible for capturing of villains and reducing of civilians. 

The goal of the hero is meant to be to save above all else and not defeating the villain. That comes second if you have the chance at saving the civilian life before defeating the villain not the other way around as it is time the field of heroics gets cleaned out of heroes that are just in it for money, fame, or just because they want to use their quirks to harm others. That isn't the type of heroes we need but it's fine if you want fame or money and comes into the field as long as the prime and top focus is saving first above all else. If saving isn't the prime focus then you really shouldn't be in this field." Izuku said as he gave many different topics and things for them to focus on. Once again the room was stunned into silence by the words that Izuku Midoriya aka Halo had said. 

As Izuku wanted to see if anyone had another question the commission president decided to step in and speak. "At that being said, the commission is wishing to announce our first step in making some of the changes," she said as she caught everyone's attention and even Izuku's since he didn't know she already did something. "As of today, the students of Shiketsu High School you see on this stage including Halo and Gale Force will be official Pro heroes as they have demonstrated the true values of the standard of heroes we need moving forward as the old standards for heroics have contributed to the issues we have had today. They are not just heroes but true heroes that inspire just like All Might did as the symbol of peace." said the president of the commission as she stood up with the commission officials and bowed to Izuku and his classmates. 

"Please help guide our society on a better bath, Halo!" Said the president of the commission which shocked Izuku since he didn't see her doing something like this. Izuku looked at his classmates and they nodded as Izuu stood up and stood next to them and they bowed back and accepted her request to help guide the society. Suddenly a clap went off that drew everyone's attention and it was from All Might who smiling brightly as he looked at Izuku and his classmates and then the clap caught on as everyone in the room was clapping, even Bakugo was clapping!

Soon Izuku sat back down and so did the president of the commission as they asked if anyone had more questions. They kept fielding questions for about another 20 minutes or so before the meeting came to an end with one final question. "Halo, earlier you mentioned that the father of Dabi was still a Pro Hero. Will that Pro Hero face charges and be removed from heroics?" asked the reporter and Izuku looked at the president of the commission who nodded her head as she leaned to the mic and spoke. "In regards to that Pro Hero, his license has been revoked as of this afternoon once we had confirmed the identity of Dabi. As such, as of now that Pro Hero is no longer allowed to conduct heroic duties and will be facing charges as the commission has already sent police to arrest the hero. It's another reason that the commission has asked Halo and his class to guide our society as the Pro Hero that was arrested was none other than the now-former number one pro hero Endeavor!" said the president of the commission which caused an uproar as many questions were being thrown.

Izuku raised his hand and the room quiets down in a few seconds. "I know it is shocking as well as disturbing. It is why the standards for Heroics need to change as heroes like Endeavor are not needed. He will no longer get away with his crimes since we now have found the evidence of it." Izuku said and one reporter asked if he knew of the crimes before now. "I had my theories about Dabi being the deceased Toya Todoroki and was only able to confirm it after we captured him. Without proof, I would have been laughed at and accused of slander in our current society if I attempted to accuse Endeavor of what he had done to Dabi and don't say you would have taken it seriously because we all know none of you would have in our current society that deems power is right." Izuku said as he shot back at all of the reporters who looked embarrassed at his comment. "This is another example of why our standards in our society and in heroics need to change because our society allowed this to fester to the stages it had. It's time we move our society to a better path than the one we currently walk and I hope you all will join me on that journey." Izuku said as he stood up and bowed his head as everyone clapped their hands and they walked off the stage.

This was the starting point towards the future that Izuku Midoriya otherwise known as Halo wanted Japan to head into. Years later as Izuku looked back on that press conference he smiled because so much had changed since that day due to the destruction that society had witnessed and it made them strive to change for the better. "It only took me a month to be confirmed the number one pro hero back then and that allowed me to do so much with society... I wish it just didn't require so much pain and destruction back then." Izuku said as he looked at the person in front of him. "Indeed, but I was right in the end when I told my followers that you wouldn't defend society as everyone believed you would but instead you changed it as I told them all that we were made from the same cloth. I destroyed but you rebuilt it now didn't you Izuku?" said the voice and Izuku could only chuckle as he sat across the man who Izuku would always visit at least once or twice a month.

"Indeed you were right about that Tomura. Society has moved to a much better path now as crime rates have dropped to a surprisingly low level that not a lot of heroes are even needed nowadays. To think it only took 8 years to reach this point in society with the amount of work we had to do but nonetheless we are in a society where people aren't harmed each day due to the quirk or lack of a quirk they are born with anymore. Instead, you can choose to be whatever you wish to be without fear of being judged tough some issues remain but not to the level in the past." Izuku said as he rubbed his shoulder since he had just arrived from a villain fight earlier before stopping to visit Tomura in the prison. 

"Oh well, but I am glad to have met you Halo or should I say the symbol of Resilience who is hailed as the greatest hero of all time?" Tomura Shigaraki said with a smirk on his face that made Izuku roll his eyes. "Yea, yea, yea. Now, I believe you have a queen of spades in your hands?" Izuku asked and Tomura smirked even more as he said go fish and Izuku cursed. This was how Izuku Midoriya the hero that is hailed as the great hero of all time spends on his last weekend of every month for the past 8 years as he visits the villain that was hailed as the so-called Demon King Tomura Shigaraki. 


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