Ben 10 Omniverse: the Predat...

By Geo-devourer

54K 565 255

Dr. Psychobos makes one last attempt to get his nemtrix back from the Galvan, Axmuth, once he gets he finally... More

Nemitrix Reborn
Alien Predators
Love interest.
King of the predators
New predator.
Tetra Beauty and Alien Beast
The Alien predator meets Cryptids.
The Beast of the beach
The Revenge Beast Style
2 twins 1 beast
Like Son Like Ma
Season 2
Bros, Girls, and a Rumble Dome.
Milk Run
Alien Vet
The Drilling Question
The Speed For Greed
Winter Break in July

Predatrix vs. Omnitrix

6.3K 65 94
By Geo-devourer

In plumber headquarters

The plumbers were busy looking who the person behind the robbery attacks. Then Magister Max Tennyson came up to magister patelliday.

Max: well old friend, what you got.

Patelliday: well, all we got in these pictures is that this person is not human or alien you can tell by the pictures. But the other are different animals and we haven't got the faintest idea what it means.

Max then looks at the pictures as the elevator behind them bings as two figures exit and walk over to them.

Max: glad you can join us.

Max doesn't look back to notice the figures are Ben 10 and Rook.

Ben: no problem grandpa. So what the deal.

Max: we're having trouble figuring out what do these beast have in common with the robbery attacks.

They all look at the blurry pictures until Ben realized something.

Ben: wait ah minute, those aren't just any alien animals, those are the nemitrix predators.

Max[shocked]: you sure Ben

Ben: yeah I'm sure, I been either bitten or licked by one of those things some many times, that I know those things

Rook: Ben is correct looks closer.

They look at the pictures and notice the one key factor that is the nemitrix collar.

Rook: it would seem the nemitrix is on earth again

Patelliday: but who would be crazy enough to use that thing, they'll go crazy.

Max: whoever it is we need to stop them before the situation gets out of hand.

Then a plumber ran up to them.

Plumber: Sirs, there report that fisttrick is robbing the undertown omni supply train

Ben: looks like we'll have to put that big trip off for a sunny day partner, cause right now it's hero time.

Rook: why did you bring up the trip, oh I see because of the situation at hand

Ben: yeah, you got to work on that partner. Let's go

Max: be careful Ben, you know-

Ben: that these are the natural predators of my aliens but I can handle it.

The Ben team left and entered the elevator. They went down a level in the vehicle level as they entered the proto-truck.

They were teleported in a forest near the tracks of the alien train. They see it as it gets close to the undertown entrance. They also see the fisttrick men on top of the train as they follow them. They transform into spaceship mode and follows the train. The ship got close enough to the train as Ben jumps out sticking the landing.

Rook[coms]: sorry Ben, there is to much wind to keep up for much longer, I'll have to follow its slipstream.

Ben: no problem partner I needed a warm up anyway.

Ben tries to go for kicken hawk, but turns into shocksquatch, he shrugs it off as he charged at the goons. The goons then notice him and readied their weapons.

Inside the train cart fisttrick and his other goons were opening the vault to the the money. They finally broke through and were astounded by the amount fisttrick smiles as heys some pieces.

Fisttrick: load em up bros, this will be our biggest guest ever.

He laughs until he hears whistling. They look around until they notice someone from behind. The figure comes out of the hiding to be Leo wearing his helmet.

Leo:[low voice] wow, I'm actually amazed that you cracked it, oh and before we commence this fight, have you tried this food I'm mean it is good at first it looked weird but let me tell looks don't matter when it comes to food.

He laughs as fisttrick goes for a punch but it's stop by Leo's tail.  He sighs and shakes his head.

Leo: alright, I guess I have no choice

Leo lifts fisttrick by the tail and throw him into the vault. The thugs look at their unconscious boss as until a bright red flash caught their eye and look back to see the guy turn into a buglizard.

It growls it pounce of the thugs, outside we can hear scream and  a few dents be made from the inside human shaped. Fisttrick woke up and tried to get up but was pinned down by the big lizard claw. It growls at him until he notice something in fisttrick pocket. He grabs him by the tail and shakes him upside as the high tech card fell off. He drops fisttrick and grabs it and slid it underneath the predatrix collar. The buglizard was about to go until something crashed down from the roof. It the figure was none other than shocksquatch.

Shocksquatch: alright fisttrick, prepare for a thunderous butt kicking. 

He looks up to see the buglizard as it growls and fisttrick get up but is smack into the wall by the buglizard tail. 

Shocksquatch: hah, this will be to easy, a rematch with bug breath is just the kind of warm up I needed. Alright fangster, left rock.

The beast roars as it charges at shocksquatch, but before even getting at biting distance he stops taking shocksquatch off gaurd for a second as he does a tail smack knocking him into another train car with alien fruit. He gets up groaning knock knowing the beast was in the the room.

Shocksquatch: alright the beast got a little smarter but no matter. Wait where did it go.

He looks away on guard not noticing a tail moving side to side from the ceiling as he looks back but see nothing he then lowered his guard but in that moment the tail of the buglizard wraps around him and slams him side to side into the walls, then after a few more swings slam him into the roof making a dent sharpe of him outside. Shocksquatch had enough and engulf himself in electricity as well as the buglizard sending him flying through two cars. Shocksquatch charges at him and jumps forward trying to land punch until the buglizard got up jump on the wall dodging the punch and tackles him into the wall. He then bites his arm swing into everything hard and sharp. He throws into a ground. Shocksquatch sees he's about to bite his head but he grabs something and stops himself like and see the object is a metal stick for large beast.

Shocksquatch: this train does have everything.

Shocksquatch then thunder punch the buglizard through the roof as it bounce on the roof and catches himself as shocksquatch jumps out as they glare at one another. In a manikin car, we grunts and noises as the two alien crash into the car getting up with shocksquatch hold the buglizard by the arms while it's trying to bite him. Shocksquatch shot a thunder blast form his mouth at the beast as is knock back. Shocksquatch laughs until he got hit with a manikin then tackled by the buglizard as they start fighting on the ground. The train made it to undertown market as the aliens were waiting for the the supplies as the Proto-truck comes out from behind the train in truck mode as rook came out and showed them his badge informing them to stay back. Then the hear loud noise coming from one of the car and they see a buglizard launched out off the car in a stand. Then they see shocksquatch getting out of the car a tired. Rook then rooms over to him.

Rook: Ben, you don't look so good, like... roadkill 

Shocksquatch: heh, I feel like it. Fisttrick and his goons are knocked out.

Then they hear screams and look up to see the buglizard getting up and roar.

Shocksquatch: you secure fisttrick and his thugs, I still got a date to finish 

Rook nods and enters the car. The two aliens glare at each other as the buglizard s starts running with shocksquatch on his tail. Shocksquatch chases the beast throw undertown. The buglizard then runs into a as shocksquatch stops at the entrance as he chuckles and walks in. He walks at with electricity surging around him looking for the lizard noticing his slams marks on large pipes. He continue walking until he comes to a dead end. He hears grow an looks back to see the buglizard sneak attack him but fail as shocksquatch uppercuts it throwing him into the air over the wall. He runs back to look up and is shock. The wall was just a longing structure as it reveals a giant container and a swarm of pipes.The buglizard is a dazed but shakes it off as he notice this and imitated a chuckle. He turn the lever on with his tail as the to container activated as water pumps through the the slashed pipes as the start shaking. This made shocksquatch shock as that not only there in the undertown water pipes, but the beast lured him here. The pipes burst and the water flooded the tunnel  and shocksquatch got carried away. Outside shocksquatch was soaking wet as rook made it to the scene.

Rook: you ok

Shocksquatch: yeah but the weird part is, that beast knew that place and used it to his advantage.

Rook: could it be the beast bearing the nemtrix is really a intelligent alien.

Shocksquatch: yeah 

Then they see the wall bust open as the Buglizard jumps out and lands on the pipes. It gets up as the collar times out, revealing a shadowy figure of the human as it walks off. This left Ben  and rook speechless, mouths open, and eyes wide open. In the Proto-Truck, Ben and rook informed the the magisters of what happened.

 Max[coms]: so not only that this person has the Nemetrix, but it has complete control of it

Patelliday: and is the one who's been at the robberies and stop them

Rook : so what shall we do magister max

Max: hmm,, he seem to not harming anyone civilians at the moment. Bring him in so he doesn't get into serious trouble.

Ben: don't worry grandpa we can handle it.

Max: I know you can. Good luck.

Max then cut out as rook and Ben exit the truck and walk around the undertown market.

Rook: are you sure your up to this.

Ben: yeah why wouldn't I be.

Rook: you could barely handle the natural predator when they were being ordered by Khyber. This is whole new chain predators with a the user still sane, and so far, he was able to trick you into a trap, there is no telling what else he has in store.

Ben: yeah yeah, but remember, he only has 10 alien predators while I have over fifty.

Ben then proceeds to walk ahead of rook as he's concerned. They continue to look throughout the market trying to find the guy. It lasted for a couple of minute until Ben got bored.

Ben: ugh, how the heck we're going to find this guy. He could be anywhere 

Rook: even on our left

Ben: yeah 

Rook: no on our left, look

Ben looks to where rooks pointed and saw the hooded figure looking at the food shop eyeing the delicacies. They walk over and the figure notice them without looking at them.

Leo: wondering when you were going to come. I started to get hungry

He orders a 2 alien squid andtakes his mask slightly to eat the first squid whole. Ben was disturbed by this as rook reveals his badge.

Rook: by order of the plumbers, you are coming with us.

Leo: yeah about that, I'm not ready to go just yet.

He then throws second squid at Ben which grabbed his face as he falls back making a muffle noise as rook pulled off as they look to see Leo the hooded man running. They started to chase after him. Ben was keeping up with him while rook went another way to intercept the hooded man. Ben catches up to him and tackled him as they stumble into an open area. The figure threw him off as he slid back. They glare at each as they readied themselves.

Ben: ready for a beat down.

Leo: oh you sure about, the last time we fought you looked like you were all washed up.

Ben growls as he hits the omnitrix and transforms into Kickin hawk and charged at the figure and throws a fury of kicks at him but he dodges all of them and grabs his foot and throw him back as he lands on his feet. Leo turned the dial on his collar and  slams it turning into the Slamworm and starts tunneling through the ground. It  resurfaced having Kickin hawk in its beak. Kicken hawk was straining at the force and decide to act fast. Slamworm closed his beak but missed him. He looked around not noticing the fast moving blue blur running around his body.

???: you think you fast, you ain't seen nothing yet.

We looked through the figures eyes as it moves on the slamworm body fast reaching its head. Then in slow motion we see the figure jump of the back of the slamworm head kicked them in its eye as it shrieks and looks for the culprit.  He looks down and see none other than xlr8.

Xlr8: bring it scaly, none of your predators can keep up with me.

The slamworm smiles as it digs into the ground as a red light flash appeared from it. Xlr8 runs over to the hole an looks down as he sees red eyes as something jumps out. Xlr8 looks around but see nothing as a black and red strip blur goes past him. When he turns around and see a predator literally in front of him. He screams and try's to hit him but surprisingly, he missed. The predator trips xlr8 as he falls. He gets up to see the predator. It was black, with White horns, sharp long tail and sharp fangs and claws.

The beast growls as it steps back giving xlr8 room t get up and attack but misses and it bites him and drags him across the room and bashing him against everything. He throws him across the room as gets up a bit shaken.

Xlr8: how is this possible, no one is as fast as me other than fast track.  The predator couldn't possibly keep up unless... unless.

He looks up eyes widen as the beast sits down, tail wagging, imitating a smile. This makes xlr8 terrified.

Xlr8: your my natural predator.

The beast nods as he starts waking towards xlr8 as he walks backwards. Then he was away with the dashslicer on his tail. They run past everyone and everything as dashslicer gets closer to xlr8. He then runs past rook who is confused at the moment. He then run past him again as this repeats.

Xlr8: Rook... help.... he has.... my natural.... predator.... what do I do.

Rook: might I suggest that you change aliens.

Xlr8:..... right

Xlr8 then runs into a dead end and looks behind as dashslicer charges them and attacks him. Then we see a bright green light as dashslicer was knock back. He look up to see the Ben changed into cannonbolt.

Cannonbolt: now let's roll

 Cannonbolt goes into sphere mode and charges at the predator as it changes into something bigger longer and nasty as it bounces off cannonbolts attack. Cannonbolt gets back up and sees the creature.

Cannonbolt: unless you go my natural predator, obviously 

Cannonbolt get back into sphere mode as rollgrawl does the same as the class, there were a few sparks as cannonbolt was knock back a bit dazed. Rollgrawl  jumps into the air and was about to crush him but was stopped by the rook lasso from his Proto-took. The beast throws him into a shop. This makes cannonbolt mad as he turned into sphere mode and throw an ballista of hit at the rollgrawl.  When they look at each other turn went to spheres and collided for a big attack. Then green and red aura surrounded them as they timed out creating a dust cloud. Ben gets up coughing a notice a medallion on the ground and opens it showing himself and his best friend little. Ben notice figure getting up with his helmet damaged, he takes it off and reveals to be Leo. Leo disappears into the dust cloud as rook comes in getting Ben.

Rook: Ben you ok

Ben: yeah, yeah I'm find, look I need to go, get a smoothie, I'll meet you up at base.

He then runs off transforming into heatblast and flys off with rook wondering what he's up to.

Heatblast made it to Leo's junkyard as he flys down and walks to the door. 

Heatblast: Leo, Leo come out bro, I know your in there let's talk about this.

Then Heatblast heard the ground shake as he steps and sees car flying out of the junkyard. Then the door flew off as Heatblast cuts it in half only to get headbutted by a crabdozer. He gets up to see the the crabdozer time out and revealed to be Leo minus the helmet. Leo begins to walk away until Heatblast calls him out.

Heatblast: Leo wait

Leo: I have nothing to say to you Ben

Heatblast: well listen, I don't know what's going on but you need to take off the Nemetrix before something bad happens.

This caused Leo to turn around.

Leo: ok one, it's not the Nemetrix, it's the predatrix.

Heatblast s thoughts: why that is a better name.

Leo: and two, I can handle it better than you can at being friends

Heatblast: what does that suppose to mean

Leo: you left me alone while you had an adventure we dreamed of, you forgotten me. I'm not jealous of you getting the omnitrix, I'm happy for you, but never included me. I was always there for you, protecting you, keeping you out of trouble even when we make it. You abandon our friendship.

Heatblast: look, I admit that I got caught in the moment, we can fix it, but right now your need to hand over the predatrix 

Leo: yeah, I don't think so

Leo transformed into tyrannopede and tail smacks Heatblast away. Heatblast lands in the middle of Bellwood. He gets and see a speeding dashslicer coming torward him before he had time to react it changed into a crabdozer and hits him slamming him into a wall. He gets up groaning.

Heatblast: ugh I really needs to keep in touch with my friends 

Then he gets tackled by a buglizard as the begin fighting. At plumber headquarters we see rook and max with Blukic and Driba in their tech lab as the see Heatblast in the buglizard mouth as he shakes him around like a rag doll.

Max:: need to get Ben out of there. Is the teleporter ready

Driba: yes

Blukic: no there still some bugs

Driba: no there isn't I checked it

Max:just activate it

Back with Heatblast, he was buglizard like a bull as there is was green flash and they disappeared. They reappeared at the lab as everyone took cover as they resume they fighting. The bug lizard hits the teleporter with its tail as it malfunctions ands teleports them. They teleported separated on ripjaws planet as Heatblast hit the omnitrix turning into ripjaws as he looks for the buglizard.

Ripjaws: alright scaly, where are you 

Then a figure( same From the first chapter) attack him as he grabs his tail and swings him around an tosses him. Ripjaws looks to see a big bear alien.

Ursasolar: listen up punk, ursasolar the name and hunting Piscciss Volanns is my game, oh and ps, I'm a grizzly version of rath!

He tackles him as the go around spinning.

Ripjaw: you can talk

Ursasolar: when I feel like it.

He tries not eat him as the are telported again in a ship. They fell to the floor as ripjaws underneath ursasolar. A bright green light flash under him as he is lifted up into the air by a tiger alien.

Rath: let me tell something, bear predator of ripjaws species, no one is angrier than Rath.

He tosses ursasolar as he sticks the landing as the glare at each other.

Ursasolar: want a bet

They roar and charge at run another. They exchanges fist, kicks slash and bites as ursa throws Rath into another room as he slid on the ground on his back. 

???: Tennyson?

Rath looks up to see he is in empress attea's ship.

Rath: of course were on your ship

???: Rath season 

They look to see ursasolar running in and jumping the air.  Rath gets up and jumps in the air too.

Rath: you know it's ursasolar season.

They were about to punch, one another until they are teleported again. They repear in the sky as they fall again. They crash in some sort of arena as thee create a large dust cloud. Rath gets up to see a lot of tetramand.

Rath: uh don't tell me we're on khoros

???: beloved

Rath flinches as he looks behind him to see none other than looma red wind.

Rath: yep I'm on khoros.

Looma: did you come all this too see me 

Looma starts walking towards Rath.

Rath: well the thing is

Looma: when you said we didn't need a man to make us look tough. Were you just saying that to get attea away.

Rath: w-well

Then ursasolarr got up and roar as this get  Rath and Looma's attention. He starts running over them and pushed Looma out of the way.

Ursasolar: like I said it's Rath season

Rath thoughts: oh thank goodness 

Then looma grabs ursa and throws him back as he gets up angry seeing looma face him.

Looma: how dare you do that to a princess, I will wear your skin as my coat

Looma charges at ursa as he does the same as they lock hands. Looma uses her lower hands to punch ursa in the gut coughing up spit. She then slammed her free hands into his back smashing him into the ground creating a large crater. Ursa manages to get up and slammed his predatrix. Then looma punch him but it was grabbed by a large claw. She try again and again but fail as she had all four of her hands were grasped by the the predator. The predator released her hands as he let a fury of onslaught at her. It then head buts her breaking her winged helmet as he finished her off with a tail smack her in the stomach and launched her into the wall knocking her out. Rath looks at back at the figure in the dust cloud with red menacing eyes. The beast steps out creating a shockwave and roars revealing itself.

(Wearing predatrix collar around neck.)

Frenzyback: time for frenzyback to rip you to shreds

Rath shakes off the fear as he charge at frenzyback but they were teleported away, but not random.

Inside we see the two reappear as Rath goes in for a punch and connects sliding back. They growl at each other until they hear clapping and look to see kyber standing above them.

Khyber: well this is a fun little show 

Rath: Khyber, I thought still kookoo after your trip with nemetrix.

Khyber: yes luckily I was expose a little to the collar and made a full recover, without anyone knowing. But now I see the Nemetrix or should I say Predatrix, has found a perfect wielder. Now let's set the stage for this major event

Kyhber then does his signature Whistle as the floor changes into a levitating rocky platform and lava underneath them.

Khyber: now, begin.

Rath ignores him and charges at frenzyback who does the same. When they collided they exchanged blows and hits. Frenzyback goes for another tail smack but rath jumps over it. As he slashed his face knocking him down. Then Rath does a barrage of punches at his face. This last for a mere 10 seconds as frenzyback open his mouth and released an energy breath at Rath sending him into the air and he falls to edge of the platform. The edge gives way as he falls. Frenzyback walks over to see Rath still hanging on the edge.

Rath: Rath can does this with one hand tied behind my back without braking a sweat

Rath then times out and Ben eyes widen as he hangs on with both hands.

Ben: Leo little help

Frenzyback only looks down at him as Ben started to lose his grip.

Ben: look, I didn't mean to abandon you, I just caught up in the moment, you know me. And I had to keep it a secret so that my friends and loved ones are safe

Frenzy and Khyber then raised an eyebrow and Ben nervously chuckles.

Ben: which doesn't help now that everyone knows.

The rock he's holding is cracking as he starts getting scared and sighs.

Ben: I get I hurt my best friend, completely abandoned him. All I have to say, is that I'm sorry.

Ben then lost his grip as he falls into the lava, but then out of nowhere leo( timed out) grabs his arm saving him as he looks  and sees Leo knees down, smiling.

Leo: apology accepted 

Leo lifts him up and jumps over to a safe area. Ben gets up and is shocked.

Ben: really, just like that

Leo: of course, I said I was proud of you bro, and besides you needed to learn a lessons.

They laugh as they notice Khyber washing then a cage open underneath  them as the Khyber locks them up with arms cuffed.

Kyhber: well not only I got to one prize but two due to the first rule of Ben warfare, never let the arms free, which can be said for Leo warfare.

Kyhber laughs as Leo and Ben groan.

Boom and double boom, this is the biggest chapter I have made and I'm am proud of it, like I said I gave you a predatrix vs omnitrix stories and I said the mysterious alien would make an appearance and it was ursasolar. Next chapter the Nemetrix aliens get a chance to redeem itself in, The king of predators.

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