The Girl Next Door (Hitoshi S...

By LightTheNight23

78.1K 2K 1.1K

What happens when the new neighbor, famous gamer, Hitoshi Shinso, moves in next door to the girl who has two... More

Just simply some info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 22

1.2K 28 17
By LightTheNight23

(y/n) woke up with the sun shining in her eyes. She had lost the feeling of Shinso's arms around her which made her just slightly sad. But her attitude quickly changed as she stirred the rest of the way awake.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," Shinso smirked knowing he made a reference to Disney.

"Good morning, prince Philip." she stretched and leaned forward slowly rising from the hard sleep she just had. "Just like always, the best sleep I have ever had."

"Maybe we should sleep, cuddled close together all the time," Shinso flirted with her.

She snorted at his comment.

"Sure, fight with Izuku and Katsuki on that!" she smiled at him. His hair was fluffed down and not defying gravity like it usually was. He looked so much different then he usually did. She could definitely get used to waking up next to him, but she knew that was just a fantasy that would never happen. It would only continue to be every once and awhile.

"Just to keep you, I would fight until my last breath." he said smirking at her and standing up moving to grab something on the other side of the room.

"I knew you were my hero for a reason." she giggled and slowly stood up and left her stuffed animal on the bed where she slept and followed Shinso around like a lost puppy.

"Are we going to skip the party lesson today?" she asked hoping he would say yes.

He saw the way she crossed her fingers hoping he would say yes.

"Oh I  guess," he told her, smirking and walking into the kitchen. "Just for your well being."

"Yes!" she jumped up in excitement. She climbed onto the island's tall chairs and sat there watching the man work. "You are the perfect husband."

"Good, That is what I always strive for with you." he told her, brushing his hand through his no longer defying indigo hair. "What do you have planned for today?"

"Ochako and I are having a girls day, I think we might go shopping at the mall," (y/n) lips twitched up into a smile as she thought about a day away from the boys. She loved them , but man did she need a girls day. "How about you Indie?"

"Well I figured I would go to work and create a video, I have a coffee shop to fund for." he joked around and watched as she stood up hesitating on something. Her pause was brief, but he still noticed it. "Forgot something?"

She knew what he was hinting at, her pause didn't go unnoticed by him.

"Actually yeah," she smirked. Yeah she wanted to kiss him but she felt like teasing him would leave her with a better day knowing she could make the man flustered. "Starts with a 'k' second letter and 'i' I also think the next two letters are a double letter and I think you can finish it from there."

Shinso smirked and walked closer to her leaning down.

"Oh I see," he whispered in her ear and teased her as well. "It obviously isn't a kiss you want. Starting with a 'k' leads to an 'i', maybe the next letters are two 't's' and I think it ends in a 'e'. Is that what you want?"

"Why are you so smart," she huffed and giggled at her failed attempt to tease him.

"I know how to flirt, kitten." he told her, pinching her ear between his thumb and index finger rubbing it gently, warming it up.

"At Least I still got what I wanted, Hitoshi!" she smiled and rushed off into her own apartment where she got ready for her day leaving the man behind to get all flustered and embarrassed.


"Okay grandpa," Katsuki grumbled as he got ready to call one of the sets of parents. "You can't stay another night."

"What do you mean?" Grandpa Torino raised his cane and cracked Katsuki's head hard leaving the boy to groan out in pain.

(y/n) snickered as she hid behind the couch watching her brothers take all the smack downs.

"Grandpa should stay one more night!" (y/n) exclaimed, stirring the pot. "I don't mind sleeping with my fiancé one more night, plus Izuku and Katsuki, he doesn't get to see us often."

Katsuki growled at her words but earned another slap from the cane leaving (y/n) to quietly howl with laughter.

"She is right!" Grandpa Torino stated as he made his way to the kitchen to rummage for food. "I will be staying one more day."

"You're going to pay," Katsuki growls quietly as he points a fist at (y/n).

"How?" she egged him on and took safety behind some pillows.

"With a Knuckle sandwich!" Izuku finished for Katsuki making (y/n) actually jump since she never saw him that upset.

"Your bluffing!" she shot back trying to act all scared and fearful. "I don't believe you one bit!"

"You should!" Izuku said, pointing his finger at her. "I know the real reason you're letting Grandpa stay another day."

She paused her little heated argument and waited for him to tell her because she wasn't even sure why she told her grandpa to stay when by now she would have called dad or mom.

"Spit it out!" Katsuki quietly growled as he watched his two siblings.

"She just wants to sleep in Hitoshi's bed, feel his love or whatever!" Izuku grumbled as he pointed out the possible reason.

She thought about it for a second and then weighed the options of it being true.

"Eh," she said lifting her hands up and a smug look crossed her face. "You could be right. He is the best soft boi in town."

"Disgusting," Katsuki grumbled as he walked away fishing for some breakfast to make.

"Leave her alone," Ochako came to the rescue, making (y/n) swoon like she was seeing superman. "She has every right to take advantage of becoming closer to this man. He caught her interest for a reason."

"Like love at first sight, or for me a bump!" (y/n) pointed out to Izuku who rolled his eyes.

"I don't have an issue with your romance, just why keep Grandpa here for another day." he rubbed his temples. "You sleep together no matter what, he loves to have you around him."

"Oh it just gives me an excuse to go to his room and snuggle where my two peeping brothers won't feel like the need to babysit me." she smiled and sunk into the couch. "I feel free!"

"Let her live, one day with your grandfather won't hurt," Ochako said smiling and rubbing her hand lovingly down Izuku's arm.

"Oh, It will hurt, trust me." (y/n) evilly laughed as she rubbed her hands together menacingly.

"How about we go to the mall," Ochako rolled her eyes and grabbed the (h/c) haired woman's arm and drug her out of the apartment.

"Life with them can be so stressful!" (y/n) said as she leaned over and slouched, relaxing her shoulders. "Sleeping in Hitoshi's apartment for one day seemed to relax me a shit ton!"

"You have him wrapped tightly around your finger, don't you?" Ochako giggled and watched as her friend strengthened up her posture.

"I don't know, I think we are more along the lines of best friends." (y/n) pointed out trying to avoid the whole romance thing.

"Don't avoid it, he has you wrapped around his fingers as well." Ochako said as the two crossed the road.

"Well," she paused and tilted her head back and forth as she thought about the moment he kissed her after Jiro appeared at her doorstep. Her face went flush and she couldn't help but touch her lips and let a smile spread from ear to ear. "He did kiss me."

"Of course he did, it was a dare." Ochako said, thinking about the first time he kissed her.

"No, I mean, Jiro appeared at the apartment the other day and just out of the blue." (y/n) spoke calmly even if her face was burning red. "Mind I tell you she gives me the creeps, her motive is weird and I don't know how she found out my address. She's a demon, I think!"

"Don't be silly, continue," Ochako brushed off the demon part and watched as (y/n) laughed a bit.

"Well once I got rid of her and allowed Shinso to blow off some of his steam on her, he ripped off the wig I was wearing, which mind I tell you is the best purchase ever." she waved her hands somewhat above her head like jazz hands. "And kissed me, very lovingly. He also expressed how one day he wants to sign off of YouTube and open a coffee shop for me."

"Oh there's more to that, I know that for a fact!" Ochako said, pointing her finger at her friend. "Izuku blabbed a bit, only because Katsuki had eavesdropped and then told Izuku, but you didn't hear that from me."

(y/n) rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Of course they did," she mumbled and let out a chuckle. "But he told me he wanted to work a few more years in the YouTube show biz so he could make enough money to support me and him and the coffee shop or whatever we open up!"

"He likes you, a lot," Ochako emphasized as they weaved around a corner.

"But it seems we're stuck in the same place shouldn't we have moved on from the doe eyes and more into a relationship." (y/n) pondered, she wasn't good with the relationship field. She never had a significant other.

"Didn't he tell you he had a past relationship?" Ochako asked.

"You have a point."

"Let him break his own walls down, just support him and show him you care deeply for him and will help him through anything." Ocahko guided her with some new information.

"So just support and let him do what he needs to do to feel comfortable?" (y/n) asked.

"Exactly!" Ochako smiled and opened the door to the mall keeping it held open for (y/n). "Let's get you some outfits that will blow him out of the water once he sees you, and maybe a cute pj set."

"Oh-la-la, I like that idea!" (y/n) smirked and rushed off with her friend into many stores that would have what they needed.

"This is perfect!" Ochako held up a beautiful summer dress.

"It's pretty, but I have never dared to pull off a dress," (y/n) looked at the dress slowly falling in love. It had a spaghetti strapped, sweetheart neckline that could curve a women's upper body just right. The top half would fit just perfect on her body and the bottom half would flow down and become puffy in a way. A light crème white fabric was decorated with many sunflowers with great detail. It blew (y/n)'s eyes away so she imagined what it could do on other people when it fit the wearer perfectly.

"Do me a favor, try it on." Ochako coached her on feeling comfortable with her body. "I know it's not a skirt that you can pair with a tight or a crew neck sweatshirt, or shorts with a t-shirt, but it's a gorgeous dress that fits you perfectly in design."

"Oh, I guess." she smiled plucking the dress form Ochako and going to the fitting rooms where she plopped the dress on a hook and shimmied out of her clothes.

Dresses to her were something she feared because they made a sentence in the fashion world. They were the symbol of confidence and beauty, unlike Shorts which were the bummier looks and Skirts just a notch below. Skirts for her were a fall look though oftentimes she would pair them with tights and a sweater that was baggy but cute.

She wiggled into the dress and fixed it so it sat just perfectly on her body, she was taken back by the person who looked at her in the mirror.

"Okay Captain Marvel, we get it, you are one fine woman!" She giggled and twirled in the dress completely happy with the way it looked. She could just this once let the dress wiggle into her heart. She stepped out and showed Ochako who instantly smiled and told her how pretty she looked.

"That will surely catch his attention!" She smiled and hugged her friend. "And also a little bit of more protection from your brothers, but that you can sort out."

"I'll make them pay with my new tactics of war I came up with this month!" she smiled excited to test her brother's protectiveness.

"Okay General Midoriya," Ochako said, pushing her (y/n) back into the fitting room. "We got more outfits that will kill over the one and only, Hitoshi shinso!"

"Aye, aye!"

(y/n) rushed in and stripped the outfits off and followed Ochako all around the store picking out outfits the two thought would look good on the (s/c) skin (y/n) had.

"Look at this!" (y/n) pulled out a romper that looked absolutely perfect as well as everything else they discovered today.

"Shinso is totally going to pass over with these gorgeous looks!" Ochako supported her friend.

"I highly doubt it,"(y/n) pushed on. "He takes interest, but do you think he will really tell me how he feels?"

"Give him time!" she giggled watching her friend destroy her own love life. "I felt the same way about Izuku, trust me!"

"Oh, I am trusting you." (y/n) joked as her friend guided her to the cash register and the two paid. "Boys are so, uhg!"

"Exactly!" Ochako expressed the same feeling. "They make girls pull their hair out!"

The two girls strolled down the malls busy 'streets', each dodging and weaving in between people who were strolling or in a rush.

"Shinso, he's exactly like that, makes my heartbeat one moment, the next I'm ripping my hair out!" (Y/n) grumbled and smiled at her friend. "Kirishima and Denki are forcing me to a party this Friday night."

She paused as she felt the trickle of disgust and fear fill her soul. She knew in one and a half days she would be at that dreaded party having the worst time of her life.

"It's good to experience something new," Ochako carefully said as she pulled her friend into the makeup store. "I mean one time and you're done."

(y/n) huffed but put a smile on her face.

"You're so right, it's just getting past all those nerves and wishing that day was here so I could get it over with." (y/n) trailed her fingers among the brushes laid out feeling the quality and softness. "Hitoshi told me I could call him if any trouble arises."

"Take him up on that offer," Ochako paused and looked up at her friend as she pulled out some makeup palettes. "He truly cares for you. Honestly, I want to see you two together!"

"Think about Katsuki and Izuku, they always have a storm brewing about who I date." (y/n) smirked and rolled her eyes. "It's like they cant let me grow up."

"They're holding you back, and that is detrimental to you." Ochako stood up and walked over to the cashier.

"And, it's not really Izuku, it's katsuki, he knows best." she began to mock her eldest brother. "But he cares, and I know that. I just want a romance and to learn on my own without being babysat every five seconds. I love them to death, they're my brothers, but they keep me locked away in my tower all day unless someone is with me to take me around town."

"No free will, what so ever," Ochako grumbled as she thought about the boys. She handed cash to the cashier and left the line with (y/n) close behind. "Life should not be held away from you, you and I and everyone else has so much to learn and we can't learn when people hold us back."

"Exactly!" (y/n) cried out. "And for the first time in forever I found a man who doesn't treat me like a little red riding hood, he teaches me and cares enough about me to support me and make my own choices. H-he's amazing."

"So cute," Ochako mumbled as she watched her friend speak her true feelings. "I think, you better make a move on Mr. Hitoshi Shinso."

"I know," (y/n) laughed as the two finally left the mall and made their way home through the busy streets. "Men, they're still confusing."

"And they always will be."


I do not own the characters, Kōhei Horikoshi does!

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