I Dared To Call Him Husband (...

By dmightypen02

14.4K 496 48

They both didn't want this marriage but for one reason or the other they found themselves saying yes to it. H... More

Tittle: I dared to call him husband 1


745 21 3
By dmightypen02

Though the idea of skating in a ice ring sound scary to her Zuriel still sat tight on her seat trying hard to keep a straight face.
"I will be fine,people like me are the one's you will find on that ice ring right,it's not a dead sentence" Zuriel said continuously to herself in a reassuring manner as Louis drove the car at high speed causing her to feel she was hanging on only a string in the sky and adding to discomfort without the knowledge.

He only slowed down when he came to a round about and pick of speed again after going round.
In addition to her seat belt Zuriel dug her nails into either side of her car seat for safety,wondering if there were no traffic officers in Paris.

"Zuriel I did be sad if you don't go into the ring with me" Louis said in an attempt to get Zuriel into the skating shoes and into the ring.

For minutes he had tried every possible way and use every sweet word he found appropriate to utter to her in an attempt to get the his brother wife into the skating ring but the woman had prove more stubborn than he could ever think of adamantly saying "no" to his pleas and request.

Zuriel who was dead scared of the whole couldn't imagine or bring herself to say"yes".

She zeroed her coffee brown eyes at the figure bent before her wanting desperately to shove the pair of shoes under her feet.

She nodded slowly and lazily when their eyes met unable to say no anymore to the persistent Louis.

"Great" he exclaimed as he took off her shoes and began wearing her the roller shoes.

"Skating is actually fun,you won't regret this" he said as he finally did the last buckle and rose up.

"Let's go" he said guiding her towards the roller ring as her heart beat increased.

Though she felt so unsure of herself right now,just as she had felt when her father led her into the court to sign the papers that have brought her to where she was today.
With a heavy heart she felt tears pricking at the corner of eyes and she sniffed in an attempt to do away with the tears which proved successful.

"Hey Zuriel come on,don't be scared" Louis hauled from the farthest corner of the ring leaving a fearful Zuriel embarrassed as a number of curious eyes halted and turned their gaze towards her.
Her heart beat and respiration spiked up as small beads of sweat began to form under her brows and in her palms.

"Straighten up" he ordered.
"Yes just like that" he said in encourage as she began gathering her legs together.  Finally after putting herself together she strained into her full length ready to put what Louis had been teaching her for the past one hour in the ring into practice. She said a short prayer to God to keep her from falling and embarrassing herself  before finally taking her first step. She couldn't help but imagine the disapproving look her mother would have given her if she was here,but since she wasn't and she had nothing to loose she couldn't help but ask herself why she is holding up herself. Doing away with all her fears she braced herself up and rolled further into the ring.
She couldn't help but applaud herself as she traveled down the ring more swiftly and with much ease than she had imagined her inner sense were on edge in joy celebrating her victory as she traveled towards her tutor who had a wide smile on his face happy for  his well-done job.

He had taught so much about roller skating in a short span of time but what hadn't been taught was how to avoid obstacles and that was when her world froze. She had been skating with her eyes up just like she was taught a full blown smile on her lips that she hadn't notice the approach of the young lad until it was too late. She did try her best to avoid him but the young boy also a novice was equally confused and also did his best to avert the encroaching danger but since none of them had an idea on what the other was going to do they ended hitting each other and falling on their side the fall accompanied by series of gasps from on lookers.

Zuriel felt her head become as heavy as a building,too big to be held by her neck when she tried getting up,which caused her to lie down flat with a groan. With her hands she searched for her glasses beside her with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes to search when she couldn't find it but a great force overpowered her causing her eyeballs to roll and her body to feel as if the earth was moving under her and the world being turned upside down with her being moved from one corner to the other.
Everything image became blurry and voices distant from her and slowly she shut her eyes leaving her hands to fall flat on the cold floor.

She could hear several voices but none of them sounded real to her except one that kept on calling her name in a distress voice.

"I think she's concussed" someone announced.
"Hey move away,she needs some" a dark, plump and short woman with dread said as she shove her hand at the mob that had gathered round Zuriel in an attempt to provide space for proper ventilation.

"I shouldn't have forced her into it" Louis muttered in a distress tone.

"Hey,no need to feel guilt some people weren't just blessed with hard heads,no worries she will be fine,just a little rest and she will be back to her normal self" madam brown skin said her face radiating the most friendly smile Louis had ever received from an elderly.

The lady crouch down and observe Zuriel for a while Louis who was in the same position that she was observe each of her move.

"I think you should take her home and have rested" she suggested as she straightened up and Louis nodded as she shove his hands under her and lifted her up.

The young boy who was also involved in the accident was now up with little or no damage, his prying eyes observing his environment.

Once again Zuriel tried to open her eyes but immediately shut them when she felt the impact of her action on her eye socket. She felt them weigh heavier than usual,bulgy and rotating continuously.

Louis had her settled on the back seat before shutting the door after him.

"Thanks" he said to the good Samaritan that had help them carried Zuriel bag all the way out.

"No problem" he muttered as before jugging away.

Louis sigh and opened one of the back doors. Regret again flushed over him. He bent low and began undoing her skating shoes. When he was through he straighted up and entered the car,seating close to her he watched quietly as she sleep gentling snoring in the process.

They walked into the mansion hand in hand with Zuriel beaming from eye to eye in pure glee.

Louis had made sure to give her a good tour round the city and also took her to the best confectionery in the city (as atonement for his sin )where she had her stomach stuffed with a lot of sweets and cakes of different kind.

They greeted the two elderly in the room who didn't seize but asked the reason for their lateness and so much smiles. Afterwards the two youngsters where left to walk to their rooms.

"Zuriel" Louis called at the intersection to their rooms.

"Am sorry,I shouldn't have forced you into skating, I promise" he said raising  his raiding his right hand above his head and his left on his chest,as to take a pledge.

"Never to force you into doing something against your wish,but to protect you as a noble man to the best of my ability, how is that?" He said wiggling his brow as he said the last sentence with a playful glee.

Zuriel nodded and gave him a thumb up while returning his smile before walking away after waving goodbye.

*** *** ***
For days Zuriel had been bored all she did was eat,drink and sleep since Louis had become so busy that he hardly had any time to spare for her.

Today wasn't an exception all through the day she had been involved in one kitchen work or the other. After baking a couple of confectionery,she decided to take a little nap in the early evening. With a tray piled with different flavor and colour of cupcakes and pies she gently made her way to the bedroom,careful not to spill the content of the tray.

After managing to open the door while settling the tray on one hand she slowly went into the room,shutting the door behind her.

She sigh a sigh after noticing the empty room,she couldn't help but be grateful for the space. She settled the tray on the centre table and settled with a thud on the leather couch. She smiled sheepishly as she pucked the remote and tuned on the sound system allowing a stream of music in foreign accent running towards each four corner of the room. Though she understood not the message of the songs that were played she still didn't refuse herself the benefit of enjoying the sweet melody that comes with a every track. In no time she was up her feet sashaying her body the beat of songs in sheer happiness.

She sat down when she felt exhausting and that was when she began eating the confectioneries on the tray,she ate almost the whole thing ignoring her brain warning against taking too much sugar.
She didn't realise when she was pulled by the comforting hand of sleep making her forget how uncomfortable sleeping on the couch could be.

*** *** ***
Zuriel was pulled back to earth by the sound of the door being unlocked. She quickly sat up and straightened her creased blouse. She watch a staggering form of her husband make his way into the room. His eyes caught her form and he proceeded towards her. She could sense he was drunk from his appearance and as he stared down at her she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Cupcakes" he said with a laugh.
"Eat as much as you can,because you wouldn't be able to afford any of these when we get  divorced,so make the most of this opportunity" he added and strolled towards the bed.

Her eyes followed him as he took several staggering steps,in the process he tripped upon his foot and fell. Full of concern Zuriel quickly rush to him. She squatted beside him and wrapped an arm around but instead he pushed her away and she landed hard on her behind.

"You stay away from me,do you get?, I despise you" he spat in fury,kick off his shoe and hopped unto the bed.

Zuriel was left morning over her aching behind. She gently lifted herself off the ground and went on to occupy her usual sleeping spot on the couch.

*** *** ***
For the next few days Zuriel did her best to avoid her husband and he in return reciprocated her action with similar actions. No one spoke a word to the other and Zuriel made sure to enter the room only when her husband was absent.

It was on such circumstances that after sharing a delicious dinner with her in-laws she had returned tired to their room and with a grateful heart smile to the absence of her husband from the room.

Briskly she took small steps towards the king size bed,as it held it comforting arms wide open ready to pull her into the land of slumber.

She kicked off her shoes few metres away from the bed unable to wait until she get to it. She fell face down immediately she got to the bed. She was in the process of saying her last prayer for the day when unknowing to her she fell asleep.

Zuriel was so sound asleep that she didn't realised when her husband walked in.

For a while Miles surveyed the well lighted room,unable to comprehend  how a person could sleep in such an environment.

"Such bad sleeping environment" he complained as he made his way towards the bed.

For one last time he turned his head towards "his wife".
" his woman" he almost laughed out at the thought of that.

She curled up like a ball,obviously not comfortable with the temperature of the evening.

He sigh when he saw how far she had pushed the duvet away from the bed almost to the extent of wholly lying on the floor at the cost of her sleep.

He stretched his long arms over her and with a long arm tugged on the duvet,covering her from the neck downwards. She rolled at the moment straight into his arms. He couldn't help but feel the need to touch her.

He ran a finger over her face loving the smoothness of her features. Slowly he lay down beside her with his face towards her as he listened to her soft snore.

"What if am unable to divorce" the thought of that alone scared him to death. Switching off the lights he lay silently beside her until sleep took him.

*** *** ***
It was few minutes past midnight when Zuriel began to feel some physiologic changes within her body, she felt her lower abdomen tighten and get heated. Her body temperature heightened and water began to cover the surfaces of her skin. It wasn't long when the pain intensified  and she began rolling from side to side.

Her husband oblivion of what was going on lay by her side like a log of wood not bothered even when she had hit him in one of the phase of her turns.

Zuriel threw the duvet off her body and spray her legs to receive more air but that didn't seem to work out. Spraying her leg further she mistakenly placed a foot on her husband thigh and while in his sleep he quickly pushed it away.

She got up to turn on the air condition but the cramps intensify causing her to fall back on the bed. Pulling herself up she stood on her fours on the bed and though her hands were shaking in the process she made sure she held firmly to the bedsheets digging her fingers as deep as she could to keep from falling.

It was with so much effort that she rolled over the bed and ended up on the cold tiled floor. She found the coolness soothing to her system so she laid  flat with her arms and legs sprawled to each corner.

Little did she know she was past the follicular,ovulation and luteal phase of her menstrual cycle.

Without her permission she felt liquid ooze out of her and though at first she held nothing against it,she felt dead stricken when it dawn on her that "the red devil was alive".

She made to move but the burning and churning sensation within her held her bound to the floor and she lay flat embracing get fate. As time went by the pain and contractions increased.

Miles lay quiet deep in his sleep while Zuriel was as restless as an animal in heat.

The pains were so unbearable and didn't subsidize if when she took different position, couple with pain she felt and intrinsic urge to vomit.
And deep into the night the woman lay still in pain,sobbing silently.

*** ***
Miles woke up the next day feeling refreshed like a baby,the sight of his young wife on the floor brought him one thought: she had rolled over and fallen off the bed.

He went about his early morning activities of daily living ignoring her.

Sitting at the breakfast table his right leg lapping his left as he patiently wait for the breakfast to be served.

" your wife will she be coming out for breakfast soon or is she still asleep?".

"I do not know,she was still asleep when i left the room?" Miles responded as stretch forth his hand to help himself with a slice of bread but his aunt right before he could pick one quickly strike his hand with a wooden spoon causing him to retreat with a fuss.

"I just can't believe this,you've become more mannered compare to the last time,in this family we wait and eat together"

"I don't have the Patience and time to" he grumbled.

"It's Saturday,you can't possibly have an important appointment so early in the morning" his aunt said.

"What if i do?"

"We all know you don't" Louis chipped in earning himself a glare from Miles who hated the way he speaks like he knows everything.

"Louis go check on your sister,okay" his mother requested and the young guy quickly nodded getting to his feet before the sentence could be completed.

A couple of minute later his was back looking distressed.

"Mama Zuriel is lying on the floor looking pale and cold,she wouldn't even look at me when i spoke"

"Ooh my,what could have gone wrong" Doreen lamented as they all rushed towards the room.

"Baby are you okay?" Doreen asked as she crouch close to Zuriel.
She lifted her face off the ground causing her to look at her.

"Tell,what happened, did you get hurt somewhere,where exactly does it hurt?" She asked in one breadth.

Zuriel gently place a hand over her lower abdomen rubbing it slightly.

"Your stomach hurt?"

She shook her head.

"You are having cramps?" Doreen demanded when it dawn on her what the problem could be.

Zuriel nodded affirmatively.

"Boys excuse us" she ordered.
But both were reluctant to leave as they stared at each other with daggers in their eyes.

"You didn't get it boy,excuse us" Miles said to Louis who didn't seem to be pleased about being asked to leave.

"I guess to heard wrong,you are English I bet you didn't miss the 's in the word" Louis threw back.

"You're quite disrespectful you know and less you forget, this my room and my wife we're talking about here,so i need not tell you you're the odd one out".

"Stop acting all caring,because we don't need a soothe sayer to tell us you don't, if you really did care,none of us will be in this state right now, you never treat her right,you don't care,you behave like she doesn't exist and mean close to nothing, well essence you don't deserve her,am just so mad at you right now that i don't even know how to express it the most" Louis retort.

"Well now you're going to teach me how to act and behave,common you're the boy and the most immature here"

"Hhmmff" Louis smirk.
"I thought you were intelligent, never did I imagine you being this daft,you are older,I agree,but i expect you to know that maturity does not come with age and neither does wisdom, it's something you build, guess I expected too much"

"I won't let you speak to me in such manner,do you understand?" Miles warned with furry in his eyes.

"You both will stop being immature right now and get yourselves out of this room this instant" Doreen ordered and the boys silently walked out.

"You know nothing about treating a woman, a good one at that,you're going to regret this" Louis said to Miles when they were behind the door.

"Can you get up?" Doreen demanded.
But Zuriel shook her head. She felt ashamed of herself at that moment for the mess she has created.

Doreen stared at her confused wondering if it was that bad. She helped her sit up and in the process her eyes caught the patch of dried blood on the floor.

"You had a heavy bleeding, next time you try to get help okay,you could have asked Miles to call me"

"Like he would've" her subconscious responded while she tried to hide her from the older woman's eyes in shame.

"Get up of you can" she said gently. And Zuriel gently stood to her feet, having no reason to hide her mess.

She could smell blood from her body and that made her more uncomfortable under Doreen scrutiny.
Zuriel couldn't help but feel pity for herself,she wrapped her hands over her chest as the could wind hit her body causing goose bumps to rise over her body.
A tear rolled down in that moment and several followed afterwards.

"Common don't cry" Doreen said as she wiped the tears off Zuriel face.

Doreen help Zuriel towards the bathroom door in order tho enable her clean up.

Aunt Doreen went on in search of pad while Zuriel wash herself. Doreen felt pleased being able to help Zuriel,it reminded her of those days when her girls were young and would place their head on laps while she massage their lower abdomen to relieve them of the pain.

*** ***
Zuriel was seated at the table with other family members sharing breakfast. Miles looked like he was going to eat her raw for causing a significant delay in their breakfasts. He kept on burrowing his eyes on her and will occasionally narrow his piercing eyes on her when their eyes meet making it hard for her to gulp down the particles of food even though it was savory.

"You sure have a unique way of embarrassing me and embarrassing yourself,
you need an award?,
Huhh,i will get you one,what do you think?" Miles was saying after breakfast as Zuriel sat on the couch trying to hide the pain behind her face.

"Am sick and tired of you,you are my worst nightmare,and because of you i can still smell blood in this room"  he spat causing Zuriel to snap her head towards him.

She could remember vividly that aunt Doreen had taken it upon herself to clean the mess she had made,and close to nothing was left when Miles had badged into the room unannounced leaving his eyes nothing to see,but here was her precious husband making an issue out of nothing. 

Sometime she wished he understood sign language so she could also get a chance to speak out her mind to him in frustration.

Picking up her pad and ignoring the gnawing sensation on her abdomen she wrote down.

"Mistakes happen okay am not perfect"

"Well this mistake does not require perfection not to occur,you're just quite and so dumb not to keep record of your cycle"

"Try being a woman for once and let's see how that ends, but i don't a narrow minded person like you to understand" she spat.

"You've got some gut you know" Miles said under clenched teeth.

Picking up her pad again she wrote down.
"You nag so much for a guy,that's speaks low of you as man,don't you think" she showed him as she quickly stood up to leaved but he held her back with one hand.

Using her free hand she quickly typed in.
"keep your nose out of my business, you know,i was more comfortable and happy with you ignoring me,i hate it when you act towards me like a someone suffering from paranoid, catatonic and simple schizophrenia at once".

" watch your mouth young woman"
"Oh I've forgotten you can't produce a meaningful sound" he said with sly laugh hiding the hurt from her words with and angry oppression.

"I did rather be silent and haply,than able to speak,blunt and depressed" she wrote jerking her hand away almost falling on her side but was caught by husband, who was quick in wrapping his arms around her tiny waist and pulling her towards him.

Her chest was slightly pressed against his, causing her eyes to be almost at the same level with his Adam Apple. A gulp from him caused her body to heat up and goose bumps to rise over her body admits the heat. To some extent the heat provided her comfort.

He on the other hand having his was close to his view left him mesmerized by her amazing features, she was pretty he will never argue that fact and she had a fair share of height, letting her up the run way will be a competition among the popular models. With her looks and the appropriate connection,this lady could make herself a big name in the modeling company. At the thought of that he gently shook his head.

"What's wrong with you, it's hard seeing a decent model these days, and those who try to be don't last and others are unable to make it through without outrageous stories, couple with that the competition is as though as being in politics" he chided himself. Looking down on her was more mesmerized by her lips than any of her facial features, they were baby pink,perfectly shaped to suite her small face and most of all soft. And he swallowed.

He was tempted to touch, but when he attempted to Zuriel was overcome with an intrinsic pain which caused heat  surge through her body and she quickly place her hand on his shoulders and made to bend.

But he was right on time to quickly pull her closer to himself causing more body contact and sparks.

Her hand felt sweaty,and she began to sweat were the sun does not shine and her forehead. Overcome by dizziness she wrapped her arms more tightly around his neck and her head on his chest.

He stood with her in his arms confused for a while,then he made a decision picking her on his arms he walk towards the bed and gently placed her on it.

"You're having pains again" he stated rather than asked.

For once as she looked into his eyes,she saw genuine concern something she had never seen before which caused her to gulp.

Silently she nodded affirmatively.

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