A Little Bit of A Mixed Up St...

By Happleo

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This is basically going to be a story where two different fandoms, FNAF and Undertale, are going to be meetin... More

The Meeting
Chapter 2 (Can't think of any name for the chapter, sorry 😔)
Chapter 3 (from now on, this is how the titles are going to be)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Spring Bonnie and Red's Introduction (it's weird)
Chapter 8
The Incident Between Black and SF Paps
Chapter 10
The Story of How the Withereds and Toys met the Originals
Chapter 13
What Was Happening with Goldie and Freddy

Chapter 11

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By Happleo

No one's POV:

"That's a really stupid way of doing things." Black said. "I know." Freddy said. "Me too. I wish I didn't react that way, but I just can't deal with awkward situations. Not since Springy once made me feel really uncomfortable by telling our mom about how me and him had sex, making her get upset and punish me and harshly because she asked why I hide that he and I had sex or were in a relationship and I didn't say anything because I was so embarrassed and it was such an awkward thing to talk about for me." Goldie said, blushing slightly.

"Oh Jesus Christ." Freddy said. "What?" Goldie asked. "Why'd Springy do that to you?" Freddy asked. "I dunno. Maybe because he thought that it was a good idea at the time, not realizing that it would cause a long-term issue for me." Goldie said. "Oh, shit... that's bad." Freddy said. "No kiddin'." Goldie said.

"I'm just throwing this out there, but... wouldn't help you get over the awkwardness of certain conversations if Springy, or Springtrap, went and apologized for what he did?" Black asked. The two bears stared at him. "It would..." Goldie said. "How'd you come up with that?" Freddy asked, completely perplexed. "I'm like that." Black said. Then he blushed a little. Freddy and Goldie were just staring at him along with Paps. Black realized this and blushed more and said, "P-please stop s-staring at me. I-it makes me feel really shy and embarrassed. Especially after I spit out something personal like what I just did."

"O-oh! Sorry. It just that... it's really startling that you told us that, never mind that you're actually like that." Freddy said. "Yeah." Goldie said. "Yeah. You never have just spat out something so personal about yourself before. That's really cute that you actually trust them enough to do that despite only knowing them for a few days." Paps said. Black blushed. "Heh. Thanks, Paps." He said. "You're welcome." Paps said. "Anyway... I think that we should go talk to Springy about this and see if he'll realize that he made a mistake and apologize." Freddy said. "Maybe I could convince him for you guys. It's kinda in my personality to be able to do that." Black said. "He's the leader of the Royal Guard in our world. He can get anyone the listen to him." Paps said. "Okay! That'll be great! Thanks!" Goldie said. Then Freddy, Goldie, and Black went to find Springy.

~Time skip to when they found Springy~

"Where is h- oh. Heya Springy. We've got something to talk to you about." Freddy said. "What is it? I'm kinda busy right now." Springy huffed. "Don't be huffy with me, idiot. I could always throw you back onto streets where I found you. Anyway, we came here to talk to you about Goldie and an issue he has." Freddy said. Springy shut up and just sat there, waiting to hear the story. "Okay so... do you remember that time when you told my mom about us having sex?" Goldie asked. "Yeah. That was back when we were both 17. Why?" Springy asked. "Because when you did that, you gave him life-long trauma. His mom yelled at him for not answering her when she asked about why he hadn't told her you guys were together and that you guys had sex together and he wouldn't tell her because it was too awkward for him to try and talk to her about it. Now he can't stay in an awkward conversation for a long time and he makes them more awkward by disappearing and going somewhere else." Black said.

"Oh my. I didn't realize that I had done that... I'm so, so sorry. I never meant to give you a life-long issue. I only wanted to inform your mother on the fact that we were together so that she knew and wouldn't force you to get a girlfriend, as I knew that that was her style." Springy said, holding back tears. "Go on Springy. Let it out." Goldie said, embracing the small bunny in his arms. Springy then cried into Goldie's chest. He stayed like that for a minute. Then he let go of Goldie. Goldie let go of Springy. "Th-thanks honey. I needed that." Springy said.

"Why were you so huffy when I started talking to you?" Freddy asked. "Because I was working on something that I've been trying to fix for months, with no avail. I'm really stressed out about it and when I'm stressed, I get huffy." Springy said. "What is it? Maybe I could help." Goldie asked. "This." Springy said, turning around and pointing to what he was working on. "Shit. No idea. Sorry Springy." Goldie said. "It's okay." Springy said. "It's not really that complicated. You just have to fix the red and green wires. The red one goes where the green one is and vise versa." Black said. Springy did that and the robot spurred to life. "Howdy. Thanks for fixin' me, Springy." The robot said. "No problem. But you should also thank Black here, as he's the one who helped me figure out a wiring problem that I've been trying to figure out for months, but couldn't figure it out." Springy said.

"Thanks Black." The robot said. "No problem." Black said, holding his hand out for the robot to shake it. The robot took his hand and shook it. "So... you're a skeleton, huh?" The robot asked. "Yep. And what are you?" Black asked. "I'm supposed to be a bear. My name's Withered Freddy. I broke down 3 months ago and Springy found me and was trying to help me but apparently couldn't until now." The robot said. "Oh Jesus. I didn't even recognize you, bud. It's nice to see you again." Freddy said. "Oh, hi Freddy. It's nice to see you again as well." W.F. said.

"You two know each other?" Black asked. "Yeah. We've known each other as long as I've known the Toys. Other than my little brother, Fred, that is. 'Cause I've known that pudgy bear for his whole life." Freddy said. "Yeah. We met when the Toys met the Originals. We know all four of them. We're really close friends because they hang out with us more than the Toys, as the Toys can be kinda mean to the Originals and us Withereds." W.F. said. "Us Withereds? There's more than just you?" Black asked. "Yeah. There's Withered Bonnie(W.B.), Withered Chica (W.C.), Withered Foxy (W.Fo.), and Withered Golden Freddy (W.GF.)." W.F. said. "So many people and names to keep track of... too many for me. My brain's already about to explode." Paps said, rubbing his temples. "Oh my. I forgot you don't do well with remembering names. One name, in fact, never mind many names and many people." Black said. "Yeah... how am I going to keep track of who's who? For when I'm not with you." Paps asked.

"I'll figure something out later, Paps. For now, just remember the people that you can easily remember. The ones that have stuck with you or that you are closest to." Black said. "Okay. Hopefully it doesn't take too long for you to figure out a solution to that problem." Paps said. "It won't. I promise." Black said. "Okay..." Paps said. "You don't believe me, do you?" Black asked. "No, I don't." Paps said. "Honey... look me in the eyes." Black said. Paps did as he was told. "You know that I would never lie to you, right sweetheart?" Black asked. "I know that. You've never lied to me in your life. You actually physically can't. Every time you've tried, you've inadvertently said the truth without wanting to. Except for that one time in that cave that we got lost in..." Paps said. "Shu-shut the mouth, Paps! We agreed never to bring that up again." Black said, shushing his brother. "Sorry. Not the point, though." Paps said. "I know. I understand your point. Your point is that I can't lie to you, no matter how hard I try to lie to you." Black said. "Exactly." Paps said.

"Anyhow... how have you been Freddy? I see you've made so new friends." W.F. said. "Yeah. There's more new friends out in the stage area with Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Goldie, and Springy. I think one of my new friends is talking to Bonnie at the moment. The other three I don't know about what they are doing." Freddy said. "Let's go see them to introduce me to them." W.F. said. "Sure." Freddy said and walked away. The others followed him.

~Another time skip to when they got back to the stage area~

"The hell? Why is this... why are they... huh? I'm confused." Freddy said once he walked into the room, seeing everyone sitting on the ground looking at something. After a minute, the others finished what they were doing and Bonnie looked up. "Oh, hi honey. You guys are back. Come join us for another game of Go Fish." He said. "Sure." Freddy said, thinking, 'So that's what they were doing...'. "Is okay if we join?" Black asked. "Sure is." Bonnie said. Freddy, Black, Paps, and W.F. all walked over and joined the others on the ground.

"Hi W.F. Didn't see you before. How are you?" Bonnie asked, shuffling the cards. "I'm good. It's nice to see you." W.F. said. "Nice to see you too." Bonnie said, dealing out the cards to everyone. "Aye, W.F., it tis good ta see ya." Foxy said. "Yeah." Chica said. "Good to see you two, too." W.F. said. "Um... quick question. Who are the two humans and skeletons?" "Oh, right... the skeleton in the black jacket's Red. The other skeleton is Sans. The human with the yellow and blue stripped shirt is UF Frisk. The other human is UT Frisk. Our new friends." Bonnie said, grabbing a card out of the pile in front of them. "Oh. It's nice to meet them." W.F. said. "I'm W.F. you four." "Nice ta meet ya, W.F." Sans said. "What he said." Red said. "Wow. That's a gruff voice." W.F. said. "Yeah, but I'm from Underfell. That's how we talk. Underfell's a gruff and rough place." Red said. "I know that. It just surprised me a little bit, that's all." W.F. said. "Nice to meet you, W.F." UT Frisk said. "Yeah, I guess it's nice to meet you." UF Frisk grumbled. "Ugh. We've talked about this sweetheart..." Red said. "About what?" UF Frisk asked. "About being rude to new people." Red said. "What about it?" UF Frisk asked. "Didn't I tell you not to be rude to new people?" Red asked.

"Yeah, what's your point?" UF Frisk asked. "My point is that you were just rude to W.F. Don't do that again." Red said. "Fine, whatever. Shitface." UF Frisk said. "Don't go and be rude to me just because I'm telling you not to do something that I asked you not to do a while ago. Like 2 days ago when we first arrived here." Red said. "Fine." UF Frisk said. "Why are you so grumpy today? Does it have anything to do with being with our new friends?" Red asked. "No, nothing with our new friends. Though I didn't like what Mike did the other day with spilling that I kissed UT Frisk, that's not why I'm grumpy. I'm grumpy because your fucking brother nearly beat me half to death last night and r*ped me. Without my permission." UF Frisk said.

"Jesus Christ. Why did he do that? Man... I thought that he was terrible only to me, but apparently that's not the case..." Red said. "I know, right? It's really fucked up what he will do to prove a point. He only did it to get you to chase after him, forcing you to go back home so that he could beat you senseless." UF Frisk said. "I know that. I'm not going after him, though. I'm never going home now. He's going to have to literally drag me by my pants to get me to come home." Red said. "Don't you mean by a collar?" UT Frisk asked. "No, I mean by my pants. Black broke the collar that my brother always uses to force me to go home with him 3 days ago." Red said. "Oh. Okay." UF Frisk said.

"This day has taken a turn for the interesting." W.F. said. "Yeah, it has." Bonnie said. "Forgot you guys were around. Sorry that you had to hear all of that." Red said. "It's fine. Do you always get abused by your brother?" Bonnie asked. "Yeah. It's really stupid." Red said. "I wouldn't call it stupid, Red. I'm sure there's a reason behind your brother treating you so poorly." Bonnie said. "What would be a good reason to abuse someone for their whole life and not allow them to do anything that they want to do without the someone's permission?" Red asked.

"Maybe your brother's been abusing you and not letting you do certain things because he's trying to protect you from getting killed or hurt by some other person or monster. No offense to you, of course." Bonnie said. "None taken. I'm a skeleton monster, after all. Like that's literally what me, Sans, and Black are. Skeleton monsters. Anyway, about what you said... I guess that's true. He could be trying to protect me from something and he might want to make sure that I'm always on-guard and ready for anything to happen at anytime." Red said. "After all, our world's not a friendly world."

"Exactly. If you ask him, he might explain to you why he's been so mean to you." Bonnie said. "May-" Red said, getting cut off in the middle of his sentence by Edge saying, "Ask me about and explain what?" "Um... ask you about why you're so mean to me and have you explain why." Red said. "I'm not trying to be mean, Sans. I'm merely trying to keep you safe and keep you from dying. I'm not sure what I would do if you died. I might kill myself so that I could be with you again." Edge said.

"Wh-what? You mean it?" Red asked. Edge slightly blushed, coming out of character a bit. "U-um... yes, I mean it. Why?" He asked. "Because you've never told me that you cared for me. I thought that I was just a waste of space to you." Red said. "Y-you're not, though... and never have been." Edge said, blushing more. "Awe, how cute. You're blushing. Embarrassed, bro?" Red asked, noticing the blush coming across his brother's face. "A little bit, yeah..." Edge said. "Cute. Anyway... I'm glad that you care so much about me, boss. I couldn't live without you either." Red said. "Or Sans." "Who's Sans? Isn't that your name?" Edge asked. "I mean the original Sans. From Undertale." Red said. "Oh. You mean Classic." Edge said. "Yeah, him. Remember that his real name is Sans." Red said. "He only goes by that name, so make sure to call him that when you talk to him. If I'm around, call me Red like the others do." "Red. Got it." Edge said.

"Wow. You're really going to do as I say, huh?" Red said. "Only for now, since I don't want to ruin your friendship with anyone here and I don't want to make a scene." Edge said. "For once." Red said. "This isn't the first time that I didn't want to make a scene, bitch." Edge said. "Yeah it is." Red said. "Just leave me alone." Edge said. "Fine." Red said.

"This is an interesting day. Wow." W.F. said. "I know." Bonnie said. "Why do I keep doing that? Why do I keep forgetting that you guys are here?" Red asked. "Don't know. But it's okay. We've been in much weirder situations." Bonnie said. "Like when the originals first met me and my friends, the other Withereds. Along with the Toys. The Toys have never really been our friends." W.F. said. "Yeah, exactly." Bonnie said. "Why do you say that?" Red asked. "I'll tell you the story." Bonnie said. "Okay." Red said.

Alright. I'm going to end it there. I'll talk about the story of how the originals met the Withereds and Toys in the next chapter. See you guys then! Ciao!

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