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'maybe i do have a shot, just go for it.' "m-me?" sebastian chuckles, "you? are you a dancer?" jimin shakes... More



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warning: physical altercation(s), blood, mentions of drugs, gun shooting and swearing.


"what the fuck do you think you're doing here? showing up - popping up like this? ya' want a death wish or something?" sebastian doesn't mean to have a grip, clasping—convulse, tightly around rose's covered waist - feeling her hand side to a tender pain from the hurtful grip sebastian was putting on her.

it's not that sebastian didn't mean to grab rose like she was about to fall off a skyscraper story-building.
it was because of the unprofessional mismatch the mafia boss has been facing for the past few days.
this was just the cherry on top, not only her catty ex, but also sebastian's formal right-hand.

rose could feel her wristwatch pressed into her skin painfully, the gold digging completely into her subdued wrist. sebastian continues, still feeling the fresh indignant, irked thoughts, "-damn brat, you love working up my nerves, huh? starting up this shit again!"

rose doesn't like to attach herself to feelings that were lost with the mafia boss' standing just in front of her, but she couldn't help it when sebastian's warm body chants out her natural musk-scent sebastian' possesses. not when rose smells that faint cologne she used to attach her raw emotions to. there was no way.

it didn't change.

sebastian didn't change.

filling her nose innocently as rose lightly rocks her body from the wall to the weight sebastian had against her. rose heart ached in that moment of realization, she missed her mark completely. her bolder thoughts crawling back in. fuck.

rose misses, loves it so much. almost too much. memories of those dull moments of her and the mafia' boss flood her pervade, jammed brain - racking up emotions she thought she buried. guess not.

'screw those emotions - they always seem to come back with this fucker.'

rose has to bite her tongue with her emotions. trying not to release her latest mood with sebastian. it was almost too much. rose has been trying for the past few months to get where she is now, scuffed up against a wall with sebastian's smokey, husk scent all while sebastian danced rose's brain-cells away.

she's practiced her lines over and over, fearing she was going to forget an important detail, scraping up every last detail - and yet, whenever rosè was in front of sebastian: it was clear - almost too clear, she didn't know what she was thinking nor how she was going to say what she needed to say.

she presses her lips together, her head tug on her side of her pent up arm.
"...why do you think i'm here, sebastian?" rose' has to cover herself emotionally when deeming, viewing sebastian's structured face.

it was so unfair, sebastian still looked the same as always.
the alcohol that was in the mafia' bosses system simmered down by bundle - having to deal with the meltdown her young prodigy jungkook had.

now, this.

"i think you're here to cause trouble, rose. cause me trouble. you shouldn't be here." sebastian was quick to bite back, not afraid of being chewed-out in front of the imposter. it was a game the two had been playing since sebastian's early days started.

now, it's just a matter-of who-said-what.

"darlin', why is it so hard to believe that i've missed you? why are you causing me this much trouble - don't you miss me? i thought you'll be plundering over seeing me."

sebastian' eyes darted closer into realization. the mafia's boss' facial muscles soften on spot, causing a light frown in her lips when she realizes why rose was here.
rose could sense the break in sebastian's eyes. she doesn't know what she did to see it, but it happened: it happened quick. 'fuck.'

just like that, the vicious, merciless grip sebastian' had around rose' wrist was cut loose. she's been through the dirt with that standing man that's towering over her elfin body.
rose sees it all sebastian has to offer - more than she'll ever thought the mafia boss was gonna be when she left. sebastian looked more powerful than ever before. sebastian was different.

rose response as her wrist fuzzy blood rushing through her hand, "what is it?"

"...you need to leave. roseanne. i'm not playing your fuckin' games anymore."

"you're so handsome, seb."


"-i miss y-"


"-can i kiss yo-"

something unheard of, indecipherable takes over sebastian's body when she purposely regains those cold-blooded grips that were tightly bonded after rose' wrists. sebastian shoves the smaller body into the wall - not caring if it hurted.

"-can you fuckin' stop it? you damn brat - you see me speaking to ya'! you love running that dirty mouth of yours, huh?" sebastian sneered, having an inauspicious look in her eyes as she focused her gaze into rose' wide orbs.

rose could moan, the terror sebastian continues to have deep in her soul was never dying, not anything soon. no one could do it like the mafia boss could, rose concluses.
there were plenty of times where sebastian would lose her temper, ranging -- rose loves hearing that deep romanian tongue sebastian possesses. it wasn't hard to hear it.

rose could feel her left eye twitch in response, she couldn't say what she was thinking. not that sebastian wanted to hear it anyway. so instead, rose looks deep in her pearly gray orbs, following them - hoping sebastian knew why rose was there.

sebastian sighs, knowing what this was. her eyes fell soft, knowing it wasn't good to lose her temper. "you're in trouble, aren't you? that's why you came to me? what did you do?" sebastian could gather up the sparing details rose lacked in the short conversation the two parties had. it was easy to read the face rosè was failing to put up, almost too easy.

"n-no. why would-" sebastian instantly rolls her eyes, already wanting to cut the bullshit. she knew the lies. the lies rose was bad at telling, the mafia boss puts her hand for the imposter to stop talking.

"who is it?"

rose was compromised. her breath fell short knowing
this was only the beginning. she let's it out. "upstate, overseas. they're coming, sebastian. he's coming."

"upstate? aren't you fucking the head guy, what's his name again?" part of sebastian was joking, but another apart wasn't. sebastian could see rose face slide into discomfort, unmerciful from the thought of that man. rose would rather bang her head against a brick wall than be that grip of a man like.

rose bites at sebastian, "fuck you, okay? you're such an asshole, sebastian."

"spare me details instead of giving me attitude, brat."

"they're coming, i overheard a conversation for a few minutes with kita's guards. i was still fuzzy in the head, but i remember them talking about them coming down here for a move, a drug trade, maybe? they talked about it when i was walking past to see kita, then in the car. they're coming to see you, sebastian."

"kita, huh? haven't seen him in years..." sebastian really haven't had any recent memories of kita. the last thing the mafia boss simply proposed was that the rival mafia boss take care of himself and always be on his tasks, wishing him good health.
it was unusual to see that conflict may go down between the two. "did you hear kita himself talking about it? how do you know it's true?"

rose had a heavy heart when thinking about it. this is going to go down so bad. her stomach poured of repulsiveness, very nauseating to even think about what could happen to her first love, sebastian. it hurt. she was hurting - she couldn't watch it.

"...i heard him, sebastian. they were all in there, mumbling heavy about it. i heard everything. kita told them about the move, he sounded serious about it - saying it was going to be a permanent change at home and that he was going to take you down...he-he sai-said..."

now, sebastian could already hear it in rosè's wobbly, strained voice that what she was saying seemed like a real threat, more than anyone could take. it was a constant what's next, who's next. sebastian could feel her heartbeat break through as rose eyes immediately flew away from her gaze, pushing more curiosity out of sebastian.

rosè lips twitch heavily, her breath becomes so mute. it was bad. her waterline burned off new fresh tears as she continued to feel sebastian's genial, amiable hands around her wrist - so she didn't go anywhere. if anything, this was the nicest rosè had been treated in a very long time. sebastian was always kind and gentle with her, kita...rose walks on eggshells.

sebastian' eyebrows narrowed, wanting to know more. "said what, what'd he say, rosie?" it comes out soft, wanting to know the truth.

"...he's going to kill you...himself."

. . .

"hyung. i'm thinking about getting my nose pierced. both sides."

"did you talked to sebastian about it yet?"

jungkook sighs, eyes falling - feeling his stomach grumble again.
he didn't eat anything that morning, the younger was complaining about the cramps he was facing late afternoon.
sebastian let her younger one run through her snack draw she kept inside her office desk, but that was to the point he could feel his heartbeat in his stomach. the pain was bearable.

"i don't think sebastian's g'na care, not really. he didn't care about my tongue piercing." jungkook lightly pats on his stomach, hoping to calm it down.

followed by a real quiet laugh from yoongi, who was standing tall by the door, his left leg was tapping quitely against the door frame, trying his hardest not to think about how much was happening at once.
the door locked whenever sebastian roughly pushed rose' body through the doorway before the door slammed completely shut - slightly shaking due to the pressure.

yoongi thinks about it, jungkook did indeed get away with a lot of things that go against what sebastian assign. sebastian really did look out for jungkook when he wasn't watching or listening.
jungkook puts a lot of himself out there on the line for the mafia boss. the only real way sebastian can ever repay jungkook was by keeping him safe and happy.

sebastian knew where the loyalty lies.

It has everything to do with his age and what jungkook could handle. a part of sebastian still feels an overwhelming delinquency, almost criminality for bringing jungkook under to fight alongside her at such a young age.
jungkook was still so young, still new to things sebastian couldn't bring herself to show him yet. it was because of his age, yoongi doesn't know nor does he care.

jungkook really didn't have any friends, not with what he does every once in a while. he couldn't have friends with a job like his. yoongi knows all the tattoos and piercings jungkook continues to get is the closest he's going to get being himself to the world.

"that's true. just be prepared for seb-"

jungkook jumps at the sound of the door clicking open all of a sudden. the younger found his balance in between his legs and stood tall to deliver the bad news he had told.
jungkook hardly ever flinches at things because most things fear him, not him fearing them. he's grown tough skin, but sebastian was the only one to ever make jungkook question his entire existence.

"where's jimin?"

jungkook puckers his lips up cutely, eyes falling from his light gaze with sebastian. jungkook knew he was about to get yelled at by his boss. he fucked up. jungkook did everything possible trying to get the dancer to stay and let sebastian talk his way into jimin's heart, but jimin kept threatening jungkook. taehyung kept threatening jungkook. it was a mess.

'...jimin, i really think you should stay...let sebastian explain himself! ow! why are you throwing a heel at me?! are you crazy!'

'c'use you need to get off of me dammit!'

jimin felt the intensity, heat steaming off his body as he continued to stuff things into his bag to leave. if anything, deep in his chest: he could feel himself start to breakdown.
a real wave of sadness kept hitting the softest spots. jimin was starting to feel it whenever jungkook kept bringing up sebastian. he could cry.
jimin taps his foot, pushes his right hand into his contusion, bruising hip - the dancer lightly winces due to the tender pain.

jimin's been running around like a madman, he's been striking it on sharp bumps and corners from tables, his dressers -- all while stuffing his clothes in his work-bag and whatnot. jimin was just ready to get out of scuffed up place, everything was going to shit. everyone knew it too.

jungkook wasn't helping either. the young prodigy was guarding the door, holding onto the slim dancer by his wrists - taking hold of him, hoping jimin would listen to him.

jimin's glances at jungkook, feeling a heat of anger take over. jimin tried to leave the dressing room, but jungkook's grip prevented him from doing it. jimin shakes, struggles heavily trying to get away, but jungkook simply was just too strong.

instead of saying what he really wanted to say - the words got caught up in his throat, jimin really wanted to just let it all out. he could almost feel himself tear up again.

a hand comes flying towards jungkook - fast and heavy.

slapping jungkook straight across his face. the slap had anger, power to it. both dancers could hear jungkook' hit his head on the wooden door from the power of taehyung's heavy slap.

a low groan from jungkook follows not too long after, 'ow, that hurt-' jungkook immediately rubs a smooth gentle rub on the now aching bump on the top of his head.

taehyung doesn't trip, he says it for jimin. '-get the fuck off of him. you can go tell sebastian to fuck himself. jimin's done playing his stupid fucking games, fuck off!'

taehyung doesn't stop there, taehyung forces all hands off jimin'. tightly breaking jungkook's loosen grip. taehyung finds a way to break the grip and walk jimin out, jungkook sees a few tears flow out of the dancers eyes as taehyung has his hand in the small back of jimin's open back - guiding him out, slamming the door shut.

leaving jungkook there with a throbbing headache coming on.'

it plays like that. very short. very honest. jungkook was sitting on a single chair that was outside the door. jungkook's head was still pounding, but it was more faint now than before. he definitely was going to ice it whenever he got the chance.
again, the younger found his balance in between his legs and stood tall to deliver the bad news.

"he...he...uh left?" jungkook stutters, eyes not meeting sebastian. he was too nervous to look at her. "he left! with..uh his friend."

sebastian hates the way her heart squeezes in dread, trepidation. "what happened?"

jungkook blinks, "i was telling him to stay so that y-you could talk to him about this-this, and then his friend slapped m-me. i hit my head on the door - really hard, they left-left after that..." jungkook fidgets at his hand when he gets this nervous. sebastian knows that too.

he hates himself for stuttering, but that's just how jungkook was feeling. he couldn't help it, not in this situation at least. the mafia boss doesn't like bad news. jungkook was scared shitless for the outcome.

before sebastian could say anything to her younger, her phone rings loudly. all she could do was sigh, she breathed in a large amount of air at once, before picking up the continuous noise. hoping the call wasn't going to down her mood even more. she honestly didn't know how much she could longer take with a day like this. it was madness.


the boss hears a loud crackling in the back that was completely too loud for her liking. it sounded like guns being handled around. already a red flag.

"rick and charlie. east, two stores down from your location. both armed-" the was a break in the man's voice because deep in the static, disembodied sebastian hears rick's muffled voice pierced through.
'i'm coming for you, sebastian!'

"-s-sir, already two men are down and wounded terribly. we need jungkook and backup immediately, there's only so much of us." the man's voice was taut. sebastian could fear the light crackly in the man's fingers as he gripped the phone nervously.

sebastian snaps her free hand that wasn't on the phone to get jungkook's attention. yoongi stood up completely straight, body off the wall.
rose stayed still, fearing she was going to roared upon if she moved a single muscle, her lips absolutely shut.

"stay put for now, jungkook isn't far. make sure no one is around, clear of people."

before the line ended, there was a mumbled, 'yes sir.' before the line completely dies. sebastian heart beats and beats. apart of her is thanking taehyung for moving jimin completely out of the way, there was no way the fairy could get hurt or even exposed again. sebastian heart settles on that.

"what is it?"

sebastian could feel the headache worsen as the realization of the day has completely gone for the worse. there was no coming back from this. sebastian could feel that rick and charlie were in 'cherry bomb' for more than sebastian. it was clear both jokers wanted trouble. sebastian was fed up with it all.

she sighs, but continues talking. "jungkook. you need to be outside, immediately. rick and charlie are causing trouble. two man down and injured. yoongi, lock the doors to the club, then you go outside to help with the injured. you both stay on the site until i get theres we pretend as if nothing is happening. i'll go with rose to get her safe."

it was an instant split of personality from everyone now that they knew what was happening. jungkook eyes slinder down, darkening - he knew what was going to happen if a gun got into his hands, no mercy on anyone. he began cracking a few muscles on his fingers and neck as he rocks back and forth on his feet. he was ready.

no one's eyes widen whenever sebastian pulls out her go-to gun that was safe in her vest, her golden rings move around the gun to grip it better. she hands it openly to jungkook. loading the gun for him.
"for you. don't use it if you don't need to, you understand me? don't you dare bring more trouble in this, you hear me?" sebastian points directly in between the young boy's heart. jungkook could feel his bones almost freeze up at the intense stare.

"head east, down next to the liquor store. you stay clear until yoongi gets there, stay on the ground and help with the injured."

jungkook could never ever go against sebastian's orders. he couldn't ever bring himself to do something so beastly, rotten.

he nodded, taking the loaded gun into his hands then into his belt to keep it out of his hands, his jacket hid it very well under all the layers so even if he did get caught, he could play it off.

"yes sir." sebastian lets her head fall to the nearest exits so jungkook knows which one to run out of. yoongi didn't wait either, he was quick to move his body in the opposite direction of jungkook bolting body. jungkook was immediately gone, that's how fast he was.


the right-hand man turns over his left shoulder, feeling his push-back hair hit the side of his face from him whipping his head around so fast. sebastian continues to talk, "while you're at that. get me a pin location on jimin, will ya'?"

. . .

it was heavy steps, heavy and fast steps. her shoulders carried the weight of this whole situation, everything that was going on had something to do with sebastian.

good or bad. it was still tied down to sebastian being responsible.

sebastian really doesn't know why things were falling apart now then before. it was a series of things falling apart. she was still clueless on who was operating these attacks. honestly, she was sick of it. feeling real helpless and useless.

"who's jimin? everyone keeps bringing that name up."

sebastian could feel rose' grip on her forearm to slow down her walking. the mafia boss was waiting for the question from rose since the two met unintentionally at the bar. sebastian still had some aches in her neck from the sudden surprise. both of them were just as confused. it was such a messy situation.

"no time for such a question. keep up, brat. i need to get you in the car and into a hotel room." it was a diss to the question. simple, sebastian keeps walking. it's not long she hears rose' heels fighting to keep up with sebastian's long stride of a walk.

rose sigh, she inclined her head to speak her mind. "is that your new toy, seb? mh? gonna use her too?"

sebastian rolls her eyes and roses sees it too. "you need to shut your mouth, you talk so big. you don't know shit. rose. keep walking."

there was a light scoff from the women. it was now or never.

"sebastian... you know, there will never be another me."

"you sound stupidly insecure, rose. grow the fuck up."

it was almost too much for sebastian because of rose and her catty mouth. sebastian doesn't know why rose was just so jealous, insecure about what sebastian had going on with jimin. it was none of her business.
sebastian knows the mouth rose had on her, but now it seems almost twice as bold as before which speaks for itself. sebastian lightly cursed at kita for doing it.

sebastian comes to a stop at the end of the narrow hallway, she props the exit door open for rose who walks out and instantly, sebastian could smell the scent easily slip off of the woman who walked past up, her hair whipping wildly in sebastian's face.

even from the distance the two were at they both could hear the doors unlock, the driver hopped into its place due to yoongi's quick work.
sebastian was quick to hold the door open for rose to get in, but there was something stopping her from getting in, which of course was beyond sebastian at that point.

"get in." sebastian nudges her. she feels rose eyed her - in the mafia' bosses pocket, she could feel her phone buzz meaning yoongi sent out jimin's location. sebastian points to the leather seat. rose was wasting time.

"jimin. whoever that stank is...just know i'll love to meet her one day."

"you can go fuck yourself, rose."

"yeah? stank jimin can go fuck herself too." rose mimp out, not so quiet. it was clear she wanted sebastian to hear that disgusting remark.

this time there wasn't a pleasurable response from rose. instead, it was a nasty gasp. she swears she could feel the car almost tip over as her body plunge, manhandled.

the driver scarily jumps at the sudden motion. it wasn't hard for sebastian to move rose's body like a rag doll.
a quick, real panic washes over rose as she realizes she brought out a devil inside sebastian. her neck cut off all air. the hands clasped around her long neck were so rigid, unyieldingly - rose could hear sebastian's ticking wrist-watch tick and tick.

sebastian wasn't afraid of getting her hands dirty and rose knew that. murderous, rose feels darting shadows in the corner of her eyes as she struggles staying conscious, but she really didn't know how long she was going to last with a hardy grip like that. it was impossible.

sebastian could visually see the blood in her veins whenever something unheard of took over again, pushing rose up against the car. all she could see was red. it was always the petty, small things rose said to tick off sebastian to above control. it was too much. rose was too much.

breathy, thickly as rose fights for breath to come back into her begging lungs, but sebastian continues to shake it out of her - sebastian liked the panic, fear in rose' eyes. the light shade of ruby flush her alright spotty cheeks.

"shut the fuck up. call him a stank again, 'n i'm snapping your fucking neck, stop fuckin' playing me. you don't know shit about anything, you damn brat. get your ass in the fuckin' car and don't say not another word to me." simple. it was beyond sebastian at that point.

rose scraps up a throaty cough for the air rushing back
in. her shoulder lay low as she turned her body, sitting her bottom on the cold crackling black matte leather seats - she could immediately feel her goosebumps form as her body tried to act normal.

"you're staying at the hotel. i'll see you tomorrow. you better talk to me with a better attitude. make sure she has all her bags and belongings, stay next to her always." sebastian gaze rose' strong site to the driver who was nervously listening.

"y-yes sir!"

"good. go now." it was one last glance at the bubbled-eyed rose before shutting the door completely, shutting the black door, already feeling a weight being lifted off as sebastian listened to the crunch of the gravel as the car receded down the curbside.

sebastian's shoulders weighed less than before...another thing to not be stressed about.

she easily slides her fingers to grip her phone to see what was the latest update with the two jokers. as she predicted, yoongi did indeed pin jimin's location, but that wasn't all yoongi told.

yoongi: i also told namjoon to be ready for both wounded men, so get here as fast as you can so we can leave without anyone else getting hurt.

there was always business that needed to be taken care of.

. . .

"apply more pressure, jungkook. damnit! you stay awake, you hear me?" yoongi continues to wipe the constant stream of blood leaking out of the wounded man. lizard lips, a sandy face was fighting for his life as jungkook felt his hands get more and more slippery as the blood continued to run, slipping past his fingers and into his clothes.

jungkook lets out a shaky breath, he's seen blood. the fighter has seen it all before, but this one was too close. the blood was going everywhere on him, both men could say goodbye to their real silk suits and shoes because the moment they started getting to work with both wounded men, it got ruined.

"h-hyung! he's dying, w-we need to get them both to the emergency room now or they're done!" jungkook doesn't mean to whisper-shout at his older, but that was just jungkook's tongue at the moment. words couldn't be stopped, not with what was in front of him - a dying man, one of sebastian's greatest soldiers had fallen.

"i know-i know, kook. i know."

the blood was almost beginning to be too much for both men. it was staining their eyes, they're senses were plugged up terribly as the deep mahogany, wine red plunged their hands.

jungkook could feel his mind lighten whenever he feels sebastian near him, moving the younger from
the shocking, upsetting scene with her own hands. "where are we at with them? i have a separate car with namjoon in it, he has everything he needs."

yoongi nods, feeling his gut side with a light hope in that both men will make it. even though namjoon was a jokester, whenever it came to his job - life or death. namjoon was on it. a literal different person. yoongi has major respect for it, sebastian did too, but she'll never let him know that.

"where'd itsuki get shot at?"

yoongi pointed to the slowly dying soldiers whose eyes were so wide and fighting to stay awake, his chest plunged a hole of blood - the bullet was still firm inside his tissues, the only real major problem was the blood. he was losing too much of it.

"his chest, he's losing too much blood right now. i need more pressure on this before he goes unconscious and we lose him." yoongi explains because jungkook got removed from this horror-stricken scene.

sebastian immediately gets her hands dirty just as yoongi wanted, yoongi mumbles out a few directions to keep sebastian hands busy. her rings, her watch immediately get coated with a deep falu, carmine shade of blood. easily destroying them, but sebastian didn't mind. not even a life's at stake.

it was a strangled cough, a real thickly cut-throat cough coming from itsuki. everyone mind goes flat when they all hear it. him fighting for his life then and there.
he gasped for air as more pressure came down on his chest from sebastian heavy-hands, he could almost breathe better from it. yoongi lightly jumps at the sudden sign of life coming from the wounded soldier.

he's breathing softens out, the soldier wiggles his body to fight off the closing tightness in his throat. sebastian mouth closes as she watches itsuki struggle. yoongi blinks, mind going completely blank. "what's wrong with him?" yoongi calls, very unsure if they could save him from that. it sounded like itsuki body was running very low on blood. it was now on its last legs to fully running on its own.

sebastian could feel her bottom lip twitch, so instead of having a dense pressure on his chest. her hands move to his upper chest, feeling around the area. she didn't know much about the body, but being namjoon was her brother. his teaching did rub off on her, giving her a basic clue of what was happening to itsuki.

then, sebastian feels it. her eyes slightly widen as a result. she doesn't wait, with her thickly covered fingers - she rips open his cotton shirt, hearing the buttons fly on the concrete ground. revealing a nasty violet purple bruise on top of the wound.

"it's pneumothorax, i need to pierce it, if i don't, he's going to die."

yoongi's eyes narrow down to terror. he visually shakes in his skin whenever sebastian yanks out a pen yoongi always keeps on him, inside his vest. a sudden wind of air makes things go cold. it's was too much to see. out of the right-hand man's site.
he could see jungkook quietly, anxiously watching the scene fold out. it wasn't ideal for a pen to go inside a body, but that's all that was. there was limited time.

"no, sebastian. what if he dies? do you know how to?" yoongi honestly questions. jungkook wants to cover his ears because he hates when yoongi gets nervous, the young fighter rarely sees yoongi nervous.

they all continue to hear itsuki's breath thinning, him choking out blood and into their faces as he wiggles around to find life in him.

time was running out.

"isn't he dying, h-hyung?" jungkook calls out to focus sebastian, jungkook of course didn't want itsuki to die, but he didn't want sebastian to leave this situation without doing anything she wasn't capable of.

sebastian tears apart the pen, leaving all the worrisome thoughts behind. she could hear jungkook quite whine in his throat as time was ticking, namjoon wasn't still there. yoongi has to hold his tongue and still apply a vigorous, diligently pressure on itsuki's chest. his eyes began to shake whenever the anxiety suddenly entered his veins, he hoped, he prayed.

"if i make a mistake, he'll die faster - i have to try it." sebastian tells everyone around her. she couldn't just wait there until itsuki was on his last breath, it wasn't fair to him. this wasn't fair. if there was a way out, sebastian was taking it. "i'll just do it."

yoongi fights back, voice cracking. "sebastian. don't do it, if you're not confident. namjoon is probably on his way. please don't-"

sebastian gaze almost burns yoongi. "probably? yoongi, we don't have the fucking time to be sitting here, waiting, hoping on probably. we do it or we don't." sebastian slightly yells, feeling a roar in her voice as the pens move around her wet hands.

they hear it again, this time itsuki breathing completely flattens. almost impossible to hear. his adam's apple bobbing up and down and the blood pills from his clammy lips and onto sebastian's face. he kept choking it out, he was pleading for help.

sebastian does it. she stabs the pen into the bruise spot, jungkook jumps and hides his face in his hands as itsuki breaths so thunderously. itsuki grips into sebastian's wrist as he comes back to life, breathing. there was a solid moment of quietness whenever sebastian and itsuki made eye-contact.
itsuki's widen orbs meet sebastian fully darkened ones as the pen continues to sink itself way down into his skin.

itsuki finally could feel his body take control, the weight of it pulling him back down into his back. eyes heavy, he loses conscious with the wind knocking him down. sleep calls him name, softly.

"how did this happen, itsuki?" sebastian whispers, a light pressure leaves when she realizes she helped him. she didn't wait.

she slips off her belt to apply the pressure needed for him to stay alive and conscious. his heartbeat beats harder and harder, sebastian could feel it - throbbing so hard under her hand she thought it was going to pop out.

all the soldier could do was shake his head, his skin was clammy, lips still coated in a thick layer of blood as he continued to cough it up, itsuki eyes started to flow back naturally as his body began the process of shutting down.

panic runs through everyone's veins.

yoongi eyes start to widen, jungkook begins to tap aggressively on his older to get itsuki to stay awake. "hyung, hyung!"

"-aye. you stay awake, look at me damnit. keep your eyes on me." sebastian clasped onto itsuki's insanely warm, spotty skin. her raw hands roughed up his jaw to make him look at her with his eyes-crossing.
he started to go unconscious, it was uncontrollable at that point.

the soldier jolts awake around sebastian' violent shake. his eyes fight to stay glued to sebastian hardly gazes. "you're not going out like this, you hear me? you stay the fuck awake. that's an order!"

everyone's eyes peel to a black car pulling up with the doors immediately opening, revealing a very skittish, trepidatious namjoon who had his glasses on and his hair pushed back.
yoongi sighs, thanking the perfect timing. sebastian let's go of her pressure and her bloody hands point to jungkook. they all could hear the blood dripping from the sudden movement. "kook. you and yoongi carry them to the car. then, go home. get cleaned up. i got to deal with rick and charlie." it was a simple order.

if someone told sebastian this is how her night was going to end. it was almost too hard to believe that this was even real. there have been days where sebastian had a full plate of things, but this week was on a completely different plane of its own.

the walk from the hidden spot to rick and charlie wasn't far. sebastian guessed itsuki was hiding behind a vehicle, but still got gunned down because of how poorly he hid. all sebastian had to do was walk around the car and past a building to meet up with the other jokers.
sebastian could feel the thick blood seep through her white silk button-up and get stained as she wiped her hands on it. she needed to grip her gun better.

it was an easy fix. she slid back the barrel of the gun to see it had rounds and rounds of bullets to be used. she was quick to load up the gun, clocking it. she could feel the pushback of the gun as she visibly holds it in her bloody, dripping hands. she didn't want to hide it. she wanted them to know what she was there for.

"oh! look who it is, finally." rick voice taunt.

"wow. you look like shit. last time I saw you like this, one of your shippers died in your arms." charlie continues to hop on her head.

sebastian pauses in her steps. "..why? why are you here?" it comes out blunt. she questions. her words had no feelings for them anymore, it couldn't have. she almost lost her greatest soldier tonight. she couldn't have any mercy on them.

"ya' know i'm surprised you don't have that whore of a stripper on your arm. i mean for fucksace - that bitch follows you around like a dog!" it was the petty saying that got sebastian all types of messed up, it was an anger she didn't know she had. she knew that rick was saying to get an act out of her.

honestly, it was working. sebastian has had the longest day, and now they are poking at the softest spots.

the last thing they should be poking at was jimin.

"instead of talking shit about a person, how about we discuss how you still haven't given me my trade back, charlie. let's discuss about how you run to rick like he's your fucking' owner of something." sebastian darkly chuckles at her own insult, "you'll piss on his leg if he says so, am i right? you're such a bitch."

charlie's mouth immediately flatted, sebastian could obviously see him gripping his fist. "i told you, you're getting that fucking bullet down your throat and i still mean that. you're a dead man." sebastian continues to talk, letting her voice lighten up. she found conformity with talking like that, it was easy to get both clown-like bosses demented, almost lunatic-like.

"didn't the whore tell you? i already made my rounds with him. he's very easy, easy to touch.." it was a dry laugh rick punches out. it made sebastian's blood run cold as she remembered jimin talking dryly about how rick groped him inappropriately in his own diner. "very easy to kiss and bite."

that's what does it for sebastian. if lava was in her veins, she wouldn't know the difference by now. she grips the matte gun to the faces of the clown-like mafia boss, rick's head was perfectly lined up with a bullet. she could hear the bullet jiggle against the barrel of the gun. sebastian could see charlie's legs locked when they saw the gun.

"ah! is sebby falling in love? why'd i go pay that little whore a visit, yeah? i'll bet he'll let me in without a doubt, knowing him he'll let me touch his-"

sebastian shot the gun.

she didn't care if it set an alarm off, she didn't care. she could hear the shell of the bullet keying the ground as the gun fired off. a continuing heat of anger fires off as she counties to shoot the gun. she could hear charlie shouting largely over sebastian' madness.

her mind begins to process that sebastian shot charlie straight into his leg. the bullet wasn't even inside the now wounded leg, that's how much pressure the bullet had. she downs the gun on her side, her chest raising up and down, heavily in pants as the anger still reminds in her veins.

"next time, you go near jimin again. i'm killing you both."

the whimpers of charlie gasping for air, holding onto his leg was pleasing the ear as sebastian wipes her face - she could feel the blood get into her jaw and neck as she did it.

her heart lay heavy in her chest, she knew what she wanted to do next.


A/N: it's literally me not updating in months.

next chapter is already in works, so get excited!!! a lot of sebastian and jimin . <3

anyway, if you saw any type of grammar mistakes in this...no you didn't <3

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