Mr. Corporate Law

By SevenDeadlyBodies

437K 11.9K 814

Lawler & Walsh. Corporate Law firm that specializes in Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Dispute Resoluti... More

1.0: Lawler & Walsh
1.1: L&W Lawyer - Nathaniel Walsh
1.2: L&W Lawyer - Adrian Lawler
1.3: L&W Lawyer - Dominic Walsh
1.4: L&W Lawyer - Erika Barnett
1.6: L&W Lawyer - Marianne Lawler
1.7: Welcome to Our World
1.8: Welcome to My Office
1.9: Welcome Mrs Lawler Number Three
2.0: Welcome Mrs Walsh Number Three
2.1: Rules, Regulations and Responsibilities in Lawler & Walsh
2.2: L&W Rules - Office Romance is Prohibited
2.3: L&W Rules - Partners have Priority and Superiority
2.4: L&W Rules - Some Things are Better Left Unsaid
2.5: L&W Rules - Meetings must be kept Professional
2.6: L&W Rules - Use your Networks Wisely
2.7: L&W Rules - Recreational Activities Happen on Your Own Time
2.8: L&W Rules - Respect the Chain of Command
2.9: L&W Rules - Victory is Rewarded
3.0: L&W Rules - You Belong to Us
3.1: New York City
3.2: NYC - Reputation
3.3: NYC - Celebration
3.4: NYC - Deception
3.5: NYC - Secrets
3.6: NYC - Truth
3.7: NYC - Plastic
3.8: NYC - Manipulation
3.9: NYC - Breakdown
4.0: NYC to LA
4.1: The Ex-Lover
4.2: The Daddy's Girl
4.3: The Resident Bad Boy
4.4: The Girl's Best Friend
4.5: The Worst Nightmare
4.6: The Man She Loved
4.7: The Sly Man
4.8: The Crazy Couple
4.9: The Pleasant Reminder
5.0: The Plan Starts Now
5.1: Day One - Father Knows Best
5.2: Day Two - The Awkward Approach
5.3: Day Three - Art of Seduction
5.4: Day Four - Final Toast
5.5: Day Five - The Night Before
5.6: Day Six - Confessions
5.7: Day Seven - Back to Business
5.8: Day Eight - Old Dominic
5.9: Day Nine - Old Marianne
6.0: Day Ten - Goodbye Mr Walsh
6.1: All Over
Dirty Little Secret
PREVIEW: Mrs Corporate Law
Mrs Corporate Law is out!

1.5: L&W Lawyer - Hamish Schwartz

11.6K 317 16
By SevenDeadlyBodies

"Hey babe," Dominic tugged at my hand as we stopped in front of a large window with art canvases hanging from the white walls. He beckoned to it as soon as I turned around. "Can we go in?" He added.

"Uh, sure." I followed him as we walked into the small art gallery with barely anybody inside.

"Welcome!" A young woman greeted us with a smile, her blond hair reminded me of Erika's, the way it was let out down passed her shoulders and looked untouched by a comb or brush. She first gave me the typical head to toe examination any woman did to another who happened to have been with a particularly attractive male, and her gaze shifted towards that said attractive male and her lips curved as though she approved on what she saw. It was a common occurrence between Dominic and I.

I kept close to the man as we approached a certain painting that had a silhouette of a woman with her hair twirled to one side of her hair, though loose strands covered the other half of her face as she gave a bright, genuine and warm smile. Her fingers lightly placed on her cheeks, and she appeared to blush. The piece was painted with splatters of different colors. The more I stared, the more a sense of familiarity grew in the back of my mind. For some reason, I denied the idea that it may have been me, but my gut told me that there was a very strong possibilty.

Meanwhile, Dominic stared at it in awe, his fingers grazed alone his tan skin, his brows slightly furrowed as he thought the same as I did, and he couldn't put a finger on it too. He licked at his lips and mumbled, "It does look like you."


Was I hearing things?

"Don't you have a lawyer friend back in your office that painted in his spare time? Because this looks like you," He said in his monotone voice as he pointed at it with his other hand. He looked as though he tried to recall who he referred to, but I had no clue what he was on about. He scratched his finger against the side of his face, grazing against the stubble that began to show after just a week. His brows slightly furrowed as he looked over the woman from earlier and asked, "Who painted this?"

She didn't hesitate to come close, practically invading the personal bubble. She crossed her arms over her chest, her breast perked up from the push she gave it, obviously trying to show she had something bigger than what I had. But Dominic didn't respond to her advances, instead, he gripped my hand tighter and pulled me closer to him as he asked, "What's the name of the painter?"

"I don't know, sir, he always preferred to be known as an anonymous contributor to the gallery." She answered, her voice went a pitch higher all of a sudden. "Does it interest you?"

"I'll take it." Dominic turned to me. "Is that okay with you?"

"It's up to you, Dom, but I don't know where we'll put that." I stared at the canvas, giving it a good look to imagine where in the world we would put that in our apartment.

"In the living room."

"That means you have to take down the bulletin board for your work stuff."

He shrugged, giving a pout of the lips and tilted his head left and right. "I'll move it to the study."

I got curious, and when I felt that way, my mouth couldn't keep shut. So I asked him, with a lower volume to my voice. "Why are you so interested in it? It may not be me, you know."

"That's you," He said with confidence, his face seemed displeased at the thought I was painted on a canvas in the first place. He gave me an assured nod. "Trust me on this. Maybe even consider it an early birthday gift?"

"My birthday isn't until August."

"Hence why it's early."

"I guess. Why do you want it?"

"Because if someone took the effort to paint you, then the least I could do is buy it so no one else can." Well, that sounded kind of sweet, right?

"Uh- Okay?" I stared back at the painting, confused by the sudden attraction I had with it.

Then the painting began to move, which freaked me out, but I couldn't move. I opened my mouth to yell, and my voice was gone. I tried my hardest to budge, still nothing. Everything in the gallery began to melt, except for the painting in front of us. Instead, it extended its drooping arms outwards to grab Dominic while a feeling of hands of some sort slithered up my legs, they were wet and slippery as they wrapped themselves around my waist like vines to keep me at my spot.

"What the fuck- Dominic! Help!" I yelled as soon as I found my voice, although it sounded much deeper and slower than usual.

"Dominic will be happier in New York, little Lawler!" An evil cackle, similar to a witch in the movies eerily echoed through my ears making me close my eyes, and cringe from the high pitch of the laughter. When I reopened my eyes, Nathaniel's lips were pressed against mine as his gaze intensely stared deep into my eyes.


I panted and sat up, the buzzing sound of the alarm clock followed with my scream. My heart pounded like crazy and I was covered in sweat. I patted myself all over to see if I was back to reality, and when I turned to the other side of the bed, it was still empty. Dominic didn't come home after the meeting, and even after I called him fifteen times, he wouldn't answer.

But today was the day I needed to go back to the office where I'd meet Nathaniel and my Father again, they would sit me down and talk the terms about the pending contract. And to be honest, I read the contract so many times that I memorized it from front to back, each appendix and footnote of every section, and the fact that the contract agreement already had Adrian Lawler and Nathaniel Walsh's signatures proved enough that they already latched a leash around my neck, they just needed the agreement to obey before they tied the end of the leash around their fingers. I realized that everyone in the firm probably got treated the same way, except Erika, whenever she talked to me about these things, she always sounded like she chose to be there.

I stared at the clock, the alarm was set for 6am, which was far too early for me. If Dominic was here and needed to go to work, he'd already be on his feet and wander off to the bathroom to get ready. I lay flat against the pillows of the bed, my hands slapped over my face to cover my eyes and I let one loud groan escape me. One that needed to escape after being held in for so long. I wanted to stay in bed, the warmth and comfort that cradled against me reminded me of the longing embrace Dominic used to give me, all those times he'd be okay to go to work late because he much preferred to stay home with me. I wanted that.

Buzz, buzz.

Without opening my eyes, I reached over to the side table, slapping my hand around to find the vibrating nuisance that broke my reminiscing of the old person my fiancé used to be. I managed to pick up just in time, not bothering to look at the name of the caller. With a croak of my morning voice, I greeted, "Good morning, this is quite an early hour to call."

"Good day to you too."

"Who is this?"

"Uh, well, if you don't recognize this sexy voice, then I would be so upset-"

I lifted the phone from the side of my face and opened one eye, but once I saw the name, both eyes opened wide as I rushed to put the phone back onto the side and nearly yelled, "Hamish Schwartz!"

"Glad you remember me," He chuckled. "So I need you in the PD office in an hour, is that okay?" He didn't waste time to get to the point, which was unlike him.


"I'll buy you waffles after, since I know how much you love that junk." And he was also still at my case about my love for the sweeter things in life, considering that he's such a health freak too. I heard voices in the background when we fell quiet, the voices and cars sounded like he was somewhere outside.

"Are you outside already?"

"Why are you so full of questions? I'm not sitting in the judgement chair right now, so hurry out of bed and meet me in the PD office asap!"

"Okay, okay!" I grumbled, cussing under my breath as I pressed the end call button on the screen, tossing the phone to the other end of the bed in frustration. I bit at my lower lip as I stared at the empty spot beside me, and I began to worry. Where was Dominic?

As told, I rolled out of bed and got ready to meet Hamish. It took me an hour and a bit to get ready, so by the time I got to the entrance of the Public Defender's office, I saw Hamish staring at his watch while inhaling the cigarette bud pressed between his thumb and index finger. I couldn't help but give him the head to toe examination, because after a few years of no contact since leaving his life as a public defender, I couldn't help it. When I first started work as a PD, Hamish taught me the rules and how to live the life despite the bad reputation we got from the other lawyers, and before he left, he sort of confessed to me that he fell in love with me at the wrong time in our life considering that Dominic nabbed me before he even got the chance to meet me.

So I guess, it was a little awkward.

"Hey Mr. Schwartz, long time no contact!" I nearly yelled as I got excited to see his friendly face again. I gave him a playful jab on the arm to greet him, like how I usually did when we still worked together.

Hamish's blue eyes turned my way, and I got slightly out of breath from the sudden jolt that came from his stare. His smile flashed before me as he dropped the cigarette and smothered it flat with the toe of his expensive looking black leather oxfords, and his black suit looked quite expensive too. Hamish gave me the impression that his life after he left seemed well-off with the riches.

"Annie, you still look the same! Quite surprised that your junk food extravaganzas hasn't gotten you fat like Julia yet," He joked as he took my hand into his, giving me a firm handshake followed by a kiss on the cheek, which I had to hold my breath in from the scent of tobacco in his breath. "Wait, does Julia still even work here?" He asked out of the blue while rummaging through the inside pocket of his blazer, taking out a piece of gum and began to subtly chew on it.

"You know you'd be out of Julia's league now, she's lost a lot of weight and became a district attorney."

"She crossed to the other side? No fucking way."

I laughed. "Why are you being so cruel to her?"

"Because she rejected me on the first day," He said with a pout as he clenched at his chest, acting as though he had a broken heart.

"Don't be such a dork," I said in between the giggles. "So, what are we doing here? I'm not expected back into work until next week?"

Hamish shook his head while straightening the tailored suit, his fingers flowed over some areas to get rid of the wrinkles that folded when he acted like a goof. "Actually, we're here to quit your job," He revealed with a straight face, like not a word he said meant anything to him.

I suppose that was what made him a good public defender, he never showed weakness and wasn't afraid to call the bluffs from the district attorneys. He also hated losing, so his clients got away even though he knew that they were guilty. Though when he quit his job, I heard rumors that he was picked up by a firm somewhere in Chicago, the girls who gossiped didn't say where exactly, but Hamish became a law consultant for potential clients as well as an advisor to the lawyers of that firm.

And I think I have an idea who hired him to have a go at me too.

"Nathaniel Walsh hired you, didn't he?" I frowned, my arms crossed over my breast as I took a step away from him in disgust. "How could you? I would have thought differently of you."

He only shrugged. "Look, I've been his employee since I left the life of a PD, plus, this is the first time in four years that Nathaniel took notice of me and asked for my help. So I'm pretty excited, considering he's one of the top dogs." He explained himself as he tucked one hand into his pocket while the other combed his dirty blond locks back, he then gave me another shrug. "I'm sorry, Annie, you know that I'm only doing my job here."

"Yeah, I don't blame you. But I never knew you worked in the Chicago branch of Lawler & Walsh," I said with the feeling of disappointment aimed towards Hamish. "I really thought you'd be working at some other big league firm, but not the one I constantly nagged and ranted to you about."

"As a matter of fact, your Dad approached me. He told me that they needed a consultant in the Chicago office, and if I worked well enough, they'd pick me up and give me a job here in LA," He confessed. "And I thought that if I did just that, when I come back, you'd be single- Speaking of which, are you?"

I shook my head and raised my left hand into view. The overwhelming ring sparkled as soon as it made contact with the light. Hamish's eyes narrowed as he grabbed my hand and leaned closer to get a better look. His lips formed a circular shape as he said, "Wooh. Trust that brat not to cut back when spoiling a great woman like you."

Yes, if you were wondering, Hamish and Dominic didn't like each other, they nearly got into a fist fight outside the courtroom when my fiancé publicly humiliated my ex-coworker in a media frenzy case about a rich businessman and a maid that accused her employer of impregnating her. Which Dominic proved to be a lie because the paternity test proved that she slept with the pool boy and they planned to blackmail the businessman out of his riches. That was Hamish's first loss in a long time, and the first time he ever got the media coverage.

"I still don't get why that ass gets to have you," He muttered under his breath, he probably thought I couldn't hear him as he kept the insults and name calling going.

"Well then..." I clear my throat and slipped my hand from his touch. "There's no getting out of what's going to happen, is there, Hame? And be honest with me."

Hamish shook his head, the sight of defeat painted on his face.

"I see, so maybe we should get this over and done with so I can go mourn my loss of my job with the waffles you are going to buy me," I tried to cheer myself up with the sound of waffles. The fact I would be munching on waffles actually made me and my hungry stomach happy.

"I'm sorry about this, Annie," He sighed as he placed his hand on my back and we both made our way inside the building. We were both forced to do this, him for his morals of being a good employee to his bosses, while I did it all for Dominic.

I didn't tell anyone about my own set objective to save Dominic from his new self, the one that got tangled in a web by his uncle. And as I looked at Hamish, maybe I needed to save him too, despite the years of service he's put in, he didn't deserve to be manipulated. He deserved better. Then I realized, as I sat in the plastic chair opposite my soon to be ex-boss, that Erika needed to be out of Lawler & Walsh before she began to develop their bad traits too.

"Are you even listening to me, Marianne?" The old man asked as he leaned back on his seat, the round belly of his poking out from his fitting white shirt. He used to be an ex-judge, stepped down due to his heart condition and decided to lead the PDs. He hasn't stepped in a courtroom as the main attorney in years.

"Yes, I know, I don't want to leave either, but is there much of a choice?"

"There is, you just don't sign that bloody thing," He growled with his pen and the notepad tossed into the air behind him. "I can't believe that you, Hamish, out of all people, would be the one to nab dear Marianne here."

"Hey, I'm only doing my job." Hamish shrugged while he fiddled about the pen given to him as a memorabilia.

The old man slammed his hand on his desk, the contact made a few things leap to the air. He leaned forward, giving me his version of the puppy eyes. "I know I can't hold you back, but it's just so sad to see you go like this. A very abrupt decision," He mumbled, slightly pouting.

"I'll make sure not to work cases that have to challenge the other PDs." I teased, still trying to lighten up the mood like always.

"You're one of our best, and taken by the best." He sighed, admitting his defeat at that. "Alright then, just get out of here. You better buy me the six pack, Hamish," He added as he leaned back down on his rusty, old chair, turning to face the bulletin board behind him and pretended like he didn't care much for the two of us.

"I'll bring it by later tonight, Mr. G," Hamish smiled, though fake, he meant what he said.

I hated saying goodbyes, they were the worse feeling ever. I once cried in my high school graduation when I said goodbye to people I was close to throughout my teens, but knew I'd never see or hear from them again. I was such a crybaby.

"Don't worry, Annie, I've got your back on this one." Hamish whispered into my ear, his arm wrapped around my shoulders as his hand clenched onto me to pull me into a side embrace. I could only hug myself as we marched through the halls of my old office, I hid my face away from the coworkers that knew what was happening, they all looked at me like I betrayed them, giving me the stink eye and shakes of their heads to show disappointment.

I was crossing to the other side.

"Besides I have a feeling your life would be much easier considering that you're going to be working side by side with that ass," Hamish managed to squeeze in the last of his insults.

"Hame, I don't think I want those waffles." I stopped him the moment we reached back to the very spot we met before. He gave me a cocked eyebrow, an expression that judged the fact that I turned down the deliciousness called waffles, something I'd never turn down even on a bad day.

"Why not?"

"I want to go straight to the L&W office, if its okay?"

"Are you sure? Hamish Schwartz won't offer it again, you know." He poked his chest to continue his teasing.

"I know you'll bring it up again," I called his bluff.

"Fine, you caught me." He shrugged again, his favourite gesture for today.

"It's just important that I have to sort out the deal with Nathaniel and my Dad."

"Yeah, I get you."

I knew exactly what I had to do.

As I sat down on the fancy, leather and steel office chair in the same meeting room. With the black pen in my left hand, I gripped onto it tight and let the ink touch the paper, waving it up, down and around to form my signature. I flicked the end and a dot before I slammed the pen on the table. I slightly frowned as I knew I had just signed my soul away to the devil.

"Good," Nathaniel smirked as he slapped his hand on the paper, slipping it away from me. I couldn't stay there any longer and didn't waste time to push myself up and head towards the door.

"See you first thing Monday, Annie," I heard Hamish call out to me, but I ignored him. Out of all people, I really couldn't believe that he was the one assigned to be my adviser and that he put his hand up to help me quit the job I loved so dearly. As soon as I took one step out of the meeting room, the mumble of words were exchanged between Hamish, Nathaniel and my Father filled my ears. I didn't want to look back, I didn't want to hear what they had planned for me.

Did I do the right thing?

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