From Dusk Till Dawn

By deadpoetdreamer

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Jospeh Capurso has always dreamt of a fresh start ever since immigrating from Italy to the United Stated when... More

Chapter 1: the beginning of the storm- Joseph's pov
Chapter 2: My Future- Louise's Pov
Chapter 3: Solitary Creatures-Joseph's pov
Chapter 4 -Part 1: Two Unlucky Pennies- Louise's Pov
Chapter 4-Part 2: Two Unlucky Pennies
Chapter 5: The Good, the Bad and the Innocent- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 6: Seeing is Believing-Louise's Pov
Chaper 7: Promises and Past Regrets- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 8: The firing of Mr. Soulless- Louise's pov
Chapter 9: Things Could Be Much Worse, Right?- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 10: Broken Secrets and Promises- Louise's pov
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Your World is on Fire- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 12: A Woman's Power and Privilege- Louise's Pov
Chapter 13:Stubborn Lovers-Joseph's Pov
Chapter 15: Unending nightmares-Joseph's pov
Chapter 16: Prison Jumper- Louise's Pov
Chapter 17: Unfiltered Letters and Conversations- Joseph's pov
Chapter 18: Disappearances and Appearances- Louise's POV
Chapter 19: The Waiting Game- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 20: Living the Dream- Louise's Pov
Chapter 21: The Tale of the Lost Blue Diamond- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 22: Foolish Plans- Louise's Pov
Chapter 23: Flying Higher-Louise's Pov
Chapter 24: New Views-Joseph's Pov
Chapter 25:The Fight- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 26:Happiness Comes with a Cost- Louise's Pov
Chapter 27: Well, That's News to Me- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 28: Leaps of Faith-Louise's pov
Chapter 29:The Sailor's Disappearing Act- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 30: There's No Place Like Home- Louise's Pov
Chapter 31: Old Faces- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 32: Homesick- Louise's Pov
Chapter 33: Goodbye Again- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 34: Against all Morals- Louise's Pov.
Chapter 35: Seeing Things Clearer- Joseph's Pop
Chapter 36: X Marks the Spot- Louise's Pov
Chapter 37:Promises For An Eternity-Joseph's Pov.
Chapter 38: The Brave Man- Louise's Pov
Chapter 39: Loopy Love- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 40: Deja Vu- Louise's Pov.
Chapter 41: SURPRISE!- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 42: The Past is Not the Future-Louise's Pov.
Chapter 43: From Dusk Till Dawn- Joseph's Pov.
Chapter 44: The Reveal- Louise's Pov.
Chapter 45: Pinky Promise- Louise's Pov
Chapter 46: Love is Real Beauty- Louise's Pov.
Chapter 47: Home Sweet Home- Joseph's Pov
Chapter 48: Together Until the Very End- Louise's Pov

Chapter 14: Truthful Lies- Louise's Pov

38 12 50
By deadpoetdreamer

As I walk into Decker's Post with Ruby clutching my hand, my heart races. No matter how many times I told myself on the way there that Jacob would never fire and send Beatrice to a musky, cold prison, it felt rather slim to me. Then I think about the prison camp the Colonel Decker planned to run. The last time the colonel visited he mentioned that the camp arrested alienated Japanese, Italian and German people.

I'd understood the reason people feared those ethnicities but it didn't seem right to arrest them without real evidence. They could all be innocent immigrants yet people's fear of the war's conflict appears to be clouding our judgements. There's no proof that they're the enemies like their home country. Beatrice isn't an evil person nor a spy. Neither were Joseph and his family. They're good people.

If they were truly bad people, then how come they helped me out? I had thousands of questions buzzing in my head that I was dying to have answered. You need to calm yourself Louise, you're getting ahead of yourself.

"Kathleen?" I pull Ruby by the hand over to Kathleen who's pouring two cups of coffee into white mugs.

"Louise, how are you? I miss you dearly. It's not the same without you here." Kathleen grins kindly at me. "I miss you as well. Can I ask you a favor?" She nods.

"Can you watch my sister while I have a word with my father? It'll be very quick." With the accusations I'm about to lay on him, I suspect it won't.

"Of course. I just have to give Theo and your sweetheart their coffee." She smirks at me. "He's not my sweetheart." I frown glancing over at him unpleasantly. "Well he seems to have taken a real interest in you. He seems different. Though, it brings me a hint of gratitude since that man has always been a big flirt towards me. I always told him I'm a happily married woman with a baby. Crazy fool." She chuckles.

"The craziest!" I exaggerate holding back a gag. "Your father is up in his office with some men. I think I know where some Almond Joys are hidden. Let's go in search of some." Ruby follows her to go deliver coffee.
Ducking behind plants I rush up the stairs before Barry can notice I'm here. Fortunately I make it upstairs not having to suffer a ten minute conversation with Hairy Barry. A few workers look up at me surprised by my return as I pass them in the hallway. They look at me as if I'm not supposed to be here which I'm not but it's not like I'm breaking the law.

I pause at the cracked office door pondering on how I should word it to him. As I'm about to enter Jacob's office I spot two familiar faces. It was the dark and tall men at the Capurso's store.

"Where will she be sent?" Jacob asks. "From my knowledge your father is now running the internment camp in Montanna?" One of the men asks. I decide to take a seat in a chair outside the office just in case they walk out and find me eavesdropping.

"That he does. Is that where she's being sent?" There's silence. "A worker of mine Bartholomew Blackwell mentioned to me of the family who assisted my daughter two months ago. Said that the family were here illegally from Italy."

"The young boy came by my office not too long ago. I'm not sure what he was doing but he'd convinced my daughter to bring him up to my office. That little pig was sniffing for evidence to bring home to Italy. I just know it." Scoffs Jacob.

"He was manipulating my daughter and coming onto her so that maybe she'd tell him about my work. Not very smart that girl. My wife has done a poor job bringing her up." My face heats up at his words. The fact that he believes that I could be manipulated by any man. One man I've never been manipulated by is Jacob. I see right through his corrupt pigheadedness.

"Afraid my newspaper company was in jeopardy, I had my men do some digging." He continues.

"In their truthful findings, they found out that they already had claims on their name. Michael Jackels, has he paid his part yet? Has his plan to take their unknowable wealth back in Italy come through yet?" I can hear the firmness in Jacob's voice.

"That's confidential information that I'm not allowed to share with you Mr. Decker," says one of the men. "It's not confidential if I already know, now, is it gentlemen?" There's silence again.

"We're nearly complete with the location of the rest of the wealth, so there's no need to go further inquiring in this kind of business. We'll let you know when your part of the deal is ready for deposit." What the hell do they mean? What is going on? Were the Capurso's framed by that man I met in the store earlier today? How does this have to do with Beatrice? My mind swirls with confusion and fear. The quickness of my breathing doesn't decline as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

There's no need to speak with my stepfather anymore. What he's done to Beatrice, what he's done to the Capurso's is unforgivable. I knew that day I let Joseph into the office to just borrow a damn book would lead to consequences. Why did Joseph have to stand up for me? Now he and his family's safety are in jeopardy.

If I can stop Jacob and those men from arresting my friends so they can steal the Capurso's riches, I best try now. But where does a young, discouraged writer like me start?

A good journalist never assumed unless they know all of the cold hard facts. That's what I'm going to go accomplish right now. I'm going to go out and get the cold hard facts, and help clear all of the wrongfully immigrants placed in internment camps.

As I make my way to Ruby and Kathleen, Barry spots me. Before heading over to me he puts out his cigarette. "I was thinking we could-"

"I'm not going out with you Barry so please stop asking and getting your hopes up," I say pushing past him. "Time to go, thank you for looking after Ruby." I can feel Barry's presence hovering from behind me.

"Of course, she was a darling. As was your doll Molly." Kathleen winks at Ruby. She returns the young woman with a shy smile.

Taking Ruby by the hand I head for the door. "Wait a second, will you?" Barry catches me by the arm. Stopping in place, I slowly turn around to face him.

"Why are you done with me? I thought after that Italian pig stood you up we bonded." His face wears a look of disbelief. Like I said before in my head, he's not used to rejection. "You're a despicable and selfish man who will fail as a journalist." It feels good to get this out of my chest. It really does.

He squints his eyes at me. "But I'm already a journalist, at your father's company Louise." Barry tries to correct me.

"You just pointed out your second mistake as being a journalist. And you're just one of his many goons." Before turning to leave. "Please keep in contact with me Kathleen." I smile solemnly at her before walking out of Decker's Post.

"Why did you break Mr. Blackwell's heart? He looked so hurt." Ruby asks as we catch a taxi. "Ruby it is important to understand that if someone looks hurt it isn't always sincere." I tell her. "I'm pretty sure you're just saying that because you're upset." Ruby sits the doll between us. "Maybe." I say quietly to myself.

With Barry, you can never know if he's being sincere or not. He'll just find another woman tomorrow. I couldn't stand to listen to Barry talk so negatively about Joseph when I knew the real reason he stood me up. Peggy Hull had some big shoes to fill being the first female war correspondent. Although I'm not the first I won't wait around to be given permission. Peggy Hull could do it all on her own without any man by her side. Then, a thought hits me. What is she doing right now? Could she be in the war zone right now writing about it? My mind sparks with wonderment just thinking about her accomplishments.

Later that night at dinner my mind buzzes in anger. I can't help but look at him icily. Knowing what he did to Beatrice fuels my hatred for him and whatever he has to do with Joseph isn't right. Jacob senses my intrusive glare throughout the dinner and decides to speak before we finish up our meal. I've been waiting for him to explain himself about Beatrice's disappearance since he arrived home from work.

"I have some news to announce. Mildred, would you like to tell our daughter and Louise?" Mother shakes her head profusely, looking down at her plate. "It was your idea after all, why don't you tell them." A cheerful smile pops up on his face. No, it was. Swell of you to place all of the unnecessary blame on my mother.

"No, Jacob it was our idea, not just mine." My heart sinks. She was in on it too? "Nevertheless, I'll tell them." Mother moves around sheepishly in her chair. "We've taken the decision to fire Beatrice." My mother looks at and only at me.

"Why?" Sniffles can be heard from besides me. "She was an alien enemy of America. We simply had to dispose of her to the government. No need to cry or be afraid she's being contained with the others." Jacob walks over to Ruby crouching, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"No, she wasn't and neither were the Capurso's." Before I can stop them the words file out of my mouth. Jacob has never frightened or terrified me before but the slow head turn and realization on his hard face sends fear throughout my whole body. I'm swearing a thousand curses in my head right now. Why the hell did I speak?

"What do you mean?" My mother looks genuinely confused. She doesn't know about the conversation I heard between her husband and those sketchy men today.

"What exactly did you hear?" Jacob's steps creep over to me and all I want to do is crawl into my invisible shell. His face is close enough that I can smell his reeking fish breath. "Enough." I mumble quietly. Anger flares all through his eyes like a blazing fire.

My good ear begins to ring in pain. It hasn't done that in a month but I don't dare flinch away.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll keep your mouth shut about this." He whispers quietly enough for my mother to not catch his words. Not one newspaper to my knowledge has written about it. I've only heard rumours in the streets about what they're doing to these immigrants. Germans, Japanese, and Italians. But I think he's more concerned about what I heard about his involvement with the Capurso's and stealing their unknown wealth.

"I think they're afraid if the public finds out about these injustices they'll riot. And finding out that the city's favorite businessman was a part of sending one of his maids off to these camps. Not to mention what your business involves a man named Michael Jackels. If they do become aware, the public's resilience will surely decrease your popularity. Maybe even any chance of becoming mayor one day."

Fear isn't shown on his stern face but beneath them a cowardice man was hiding. If I weren't his wife's daughter, I'd be more fearful of my life.

"Louise, that's no way to talk to your-" My mother begins with a shaky voice. "To what? My father? He's not my father and never will be!" I keep my eyes on Jacob feeling a burst of confidence. I've never stood up to him like this before and now that I am, it feels amazing. If the truth about our relations hadn't resigned in Ruby's head before then it sure as hell has now.

Standing up I rush upstairs to my room. As I leave I hear Jacob yell, "That damned girl is out of control. She should be lucky I don't beat her for talking to me the way she just did. I wished I'd never mar-" The rest is drowned out by the ringing in my ear.

Shutting my eyes helps ease the pain a little. For about seven minutes I'm eighty percent deaf. Once the pain decreases I sit down on my window sill and write down everything that has happened today in my diary. The sunset isn't as pretty as it's been in the past.

In the middle of my diary entry I hear the door creak open. Spinning around in a little fear I see that it's Ruby. Her hair is down and she's in her silk, pink nightgown.

"Jeepers Ruby! Say something next time before you barge in." I place a hand over my heart.

"I miss her." She walks over to my bed and sits. A finger twirls around her straight hair. "Me too." My expression relaxes.

I glanced out the window again really feeling her absence tonight. Beatrice was more than a maid to us. She was like a second mother to us. Especially to me. Whenever I was sad or felt lonely, Beatrice was always there to cheer me up. There's nothing like her warm cup of homemade hot chocolate next to a kindling fire and her beautiful stories to cheer me up.

"Louise?" Ruby bursts out.

"Yes Ruby?" I join her on the bed. "Were you telling the truth when you said that father wasn't actually yours?" My heart drops but I nod solemnly.

"Yes, I was." I say.

One of my biggest, regretful secrets that I've had to keep was from my little sister. It hurt me to keep the truth from her. Mother said she wasn't old enough to understand. Although she's ten years old, she acts younger than her age. It never stopped me from wanting to tell her the truth though.

"I am still your sister Ruby. Only, I'm your half sister." I tell her I was born out of wedlock and how when I was born it was wrong and illegal. I've only ever told one person about this before. Beatrice. She understood and kept my secret.

"Thanks for telling me Lou Lou." I half laugh at Beatrice's nickname for me. "No problem Ruby Slippers." Ruby loves the Wizard of Oz almost as half as did and Ruby wanted a nickname as well, so she was given one. "What do we do now that Beatrice is gone?"

"I'm going to go find her and free her. I'm going to get justice for the wrongly imprisoned immigrants." I stand up. Ruby tilts her head in confusion. "How will you free them," inquires my little sister. "I'm going to write about what's really going on."

Walking to my closet I stand on my tippy toes and pull down my dark, leather suitcase from the top shelf. Then I begin packing it with dresses. "Don't go Louise. It could be dangerous." She pleads behind me.

"That's exactly why I have to go, Ruby." Before shutting my suitcase I grab my diary, journal pad and my writing pen off my desk and place it inside. "After Mother and your father have gone to bed I will slip out." I then place the heavy suitcase under my bed in case someone walks in between the time I leave.

"I just don't know about this." Ruby crosses her arms. "Don't you want me to bring Beatrice home safely?" I ask, nudging her in the arm. "Yes, I do."

"Can I count on you Ruby?" My eyes stare at her carefully.

"What happens if your ear begins acting up again?" Shrugging and crossing my arms as well.

"I'll do what I've been doing in the past. I'll just simply ignore it. Easy as pie." I say to ease her mind. "A wise sister of mine told me that ignoring my problems doesn't erase them." I laugh at her quoting me. "Your sister must be extremely wise." A smile widens upon my thin lips.

"I'll be careful and come home with Bea. I pinky promise." Raising my pinky I shake on it. Now that I've taken an oath I'm more obligated than before to return with Beatrice.

"Please don't break your promise Lou Lou." Ruby wraps her thin arms around my waist. "I won't Ruby Slippers."

~             ~               ~

CHAPTER POSTED:  04/02/2021

Plot twist the Capurso's family friend is bad!! What do y'all think the wealth is in Capurso's family?

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