
By _fangirling

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"I never wanted this!" I scream, tears streaming down my eyes. He kisses my neck, muttering sweet things to m... More

Chapter 1- Taken
Chapter 2- My Would-Be Lesbian Lover if I was Gay
Chapter 3- Nightmare
Chapter 4- Ghouls
Chapter 5- Dinner with the Cages
Chapter 6- Cute in a Weird, Sadistic Way
Chapter 7- Passion is the Way to Go
Chapter 8- Escaped
Chapter 9- There's A Weird Liquid Thing In My Eye
Chapter 11- Coronation P.1
Chapter 12- Coronation P.2
Chapter 13- The Power of Pain
Chapter 14- Flashback From the Past
Chapter 15- Use Those Machetes to Shave Bigfoot Instead of Sucking Me Dry
Chapter 16- Vampire Babies Sucking the Blood from your Breasts
Chapter 17- Almost Killed the Baby's Daddy
Chapter 18- I've Just Created the World's First Human Torch Now's not the Time
Chapter 19- What the Fuck, Superman?
Chapter 20- Remember the Pirahna that Bit your Balls, Honey?
Chapter 21- That Sounds Tragically Emo But It's Serious
Chapter 22- The Truth
Chapter 23- Powers Oh La La
Chapter 24- Dealing with a Teenager isn't a Part of my Job
Chapter 25- It Makes Me Feel Like The Female Version of Jackie Chan
Chapter 26- I'll Choke her with a Dildo
Chapter 27-What the Fuck is a 'Lit'?
Chapter 28- Middle-Aged humans over a Hot, Sexy Vampire? That's a No-Brainer
Chapter 29- We'll be like Bonnie and Clyde, Except we're Good and not in Love

Chapter 10- Pissing Your Pants to the Point of Floating Is Attractive

11.2K 408 47
By _fangirling

A/N: Girl on top/side is the chancellor's daughter

"You're an idiot." Is the first thing I hear when I wake up.

I groan, pain soaring through my neck. Don't know why I snapped it so hard, or why I snapped it at all. Not very smart of me.

"Yeah, I know, I can feel it." I retort. An icepack would be very helpful for this situation. Is this how all my conquests feel after they wake up? Hopefully, that would mean that the purpose of hurting them is working.

Why isn't it healing? It wasn't like I decided to smack myself with a car a few times before killing myself. Honestly, the pain should've left already. Maybe I've gained superior strength over the days. Or I was always this strong, but never realized it. I really hope it isn't the latter, all of the power I had could've been used against the vampires that have been on my case over the years. They were so bossy, demanding me to turn myself over or they'd kill me. And, to my amusement, they believed they could take me because I was a 'little girl' and 'weak.' Idiots, I can't even count the milliseconds it took to rip their heart out.

Never judge a book by it's cover. That's what I whispered before poking holes in their vital organs. It's good advice; they should've taken it before I killed them.

"I'm serious. You scared me, the way your head was turned almost all the way around was creepy. Reminded me of those Anabelle dolls." She visibly shudders, imagining the source of many nightmares. How she's scared of little dolls when she lives in a world with ghouls, vampires, werewolves and many other things perplex me.

"You need to stop watching those mock-horror movies. You're terrified of them, and I don't think pissing your pants to the point of floating is attractive." She glares at me.

Every time she'd watch something scary, she forces me to watch it and holds on to me like she's dying and I'm her life support. Then she'd sleep in the same room as me, claiming that I'll shoo the creatures away. And if she's really paranoid, she'd cloak herself the whole day, or longer if it was really scary. I've never seen someone this incapable of watching a scary movie before.

"Says the one running away from a heartbreak. Looks like I'm not the only frightened one here." She blurts out. I can tell she didn't want to say it though, judging by the way her eyes widened.

I shrug back into my bed, biting my tongue so I don't say anything as well. I have to be a nice, independent, badass vampire. Not someone who fights with their friend because of an accidental comment.

"I'm sorry, I know how much he hurt you, I shouldn't have said that!" She freaks out, continually apologizing to me.

Fun fact: When Jenn isn't thinking straight, her ability comes out to play. Right now, running away from the large wooden furniture flying around might be a good idea.

"I forgive you, now think about what you're doing." I mutter calmly, preparing to dodge any potential murder weapons. I've never really found out how to help Jenn in cases like this, but talking like everything's okay in the world sometimes work.

A lamp slams into my thigh, breaking into a million pieces. I pretend to not feel the shards of glass seeping in my skin, showing her that it's alright.

"You're okay, I'm okay, we're all okay. Focus on my words." A TV hits the wall behind me, the pieces falling on me like a rainfall. Things begin to break all around me, one by one. The only things left are a few paintings and a dresser.

"I don't, I don't..." She whispers. Little by little, everything starts to slow down.

I let out a sigh as all of the furniture plants itself on the floor. The room looks like a complete mess but hey, at least it stopped.

She looks around, and smiles sheepishly.

"I did it again?"

Daniel's POV

I hit the desk in frustration, glaring at the package.

Another one came in. The first one consisted of a letter threatening Ava, a picture of her watching TV with me, and a pig's head. Not sure what the pig head was supposed to do, intimidate me maybe?

I know Ava didn't kill the staff members. I only pretended to so she'd leave, away from whoever is trying to kill her. They can clearly come in our castle, so at the time pushing her away seemed like the only solution. I don't care if she hates me, as long as she's safe.

It turns out, no matter where she goes she's in danger. The second package is a picture of her throwing clothes out of a window, along with a note saying 'getting closer.'

A powerful witch is coming today to locate my mate. I know her friend, Jenn, is also a witch, so she must be covering her tracks somehow. Though, whatever she does won't be strong enough to stop this one.

"Baby." A seductive voice purrs. I groan out loud, suddenly feeling an extreme need to smash someone's face into the wall. Perferably hers.

"Me and Ava are still getting married, our arranged marriage is over, now leave, Denise." I order. She's been following me for quite some time now, trying to convince me to forget about my mate. Hah, impossible.

She places her hand on my shoulder, and it takes every ounce of self-restraint I have to not rip it off.

"But baby, you and I would look so much better together. Imagine it, we're in a photoshoot, posing to show the world who the new vampire king and queen is. Me on top of you is a better pose, but standing next to each other is good too."

I roll my eyes. Why did I ever agree to the arranged marriage? I simply saw a picture of her and thought her eyes were pretty, so I said yes. Now, I'm regretting the choice. Maybe getting to know her would've been better.

"I'm not going to say it again. Leave." I reply, my jaw twitching from anger. I might snap if she stays in here for a second more.

Thankfully, her hand leaves and I hear her walk out.

Before she steps out completely, she turns around and says, "By the way, your dad told me to tell you that the witch is here."

With a satisfied smirk, she finally departs.

A middle aged woman walks in, her aura emitting darkness. This is not the type of witch I would've perferred, maybe one with less black magic, but I'm desperate.

I gesture at the seat in front of me, allowing her to sit. She takes the offer and places weird objects on the desk.

"You're looking for your lover, hm?" She asks, her voice deep and raspy.

I nod in confirmation.

"And along with her is a witch, correct?"

Again, I respond yes.

"Well, this will be quick, and I'll no longer owe you a deed."

A decade ago, I slaughtered every wreath in her village. They were terrorizing her family and friends, and they begged me to come in. She was grateful and gave me a number of deeds to me, all of which I have used.

Knowing that location spells require something from the person we're tracking, I give her a hairbrush with small strands of Ava's brown hair.

She hums and begins to do her spell. I try to pay attention to what she's doing, but her eyes rolling in the back of her head and the witch language she's speaking in is distracting. If I can't sit straight through this, how will I handle being in the meetings where old men talk for hours about whatever topic they choose? Being king seems hard already.

The hairbrush starts glowing, and levitate on its own.

She claps. "It's alive!" She screams. I ignore her and watch as the brush flies out of the room.

"Go." Agatha urges. I nod and follow it, hoping it leads me to Ava.


What does this thing fly at, twelve miles per hour? I've been walking for hours, and it's almost night time already! If it can go at vampire speed, I would already be with my mate.

I mentally hiss at the thought. The longer she's away from me, the more a chance there is that I'll find her dead.

Sadness washes over me, the force of it making me stop in my tracks. I ride it out for a few seconds, pushing back the tears that threatened to fall out.

No, I can't think of that.

After a few minutes, the brush stops in front of an empty parking lot. But the way it's structured assumes that something is in the middle.

An idea pops into my mind, and I grab the brush and start waving it around. Fizzes pop out and a lobby appears.

I mentally cheer in my head, and begin to look around. The smell of blood fills my nostrils from two different directions. One behind the desk, and the other up the stairs.

The brush starts flying again, moving towards the stairway. I follow it up the stairs, where it eventually leads me to a room. I kick the door down, taking down the barrier between my mate and I.

They turn around, alarmed. My breath catches in my throat at the sight of her. All I want to do is hug and kiss her over and over again.

Though, I recall what I came here for when her face morphs into anger and she hisses.

"Go away!" She commands, her voice wavering slightly.

"I believe you, I've always had." I declare.

She scoffs, not believing me. She probably thinks I'm trying to trick her into coming back to me.

"You liar. You wouldn't have done all of that bullshit if you truly did." She walks towards me, intending to force me out.

"I would if it was to protect you."

A stake soars through the air, landing itself in Ava's shoulder. She stumbles backward, wincing in pain. Blood seeps out of her wound, staining the sleeve of her shirt. Her hands grasp the wood and slowly, she pulls it out and throws it on the ground.

Her skin stitches back up naturally, a perk of vampirism.

I spin around, fangs elongated and muscles tensed. My fingers ache to yank out their guts one by one while making them watch. Whoever hurt Ava will die brutally.

The doorway is clear. Not a soul is there.

I peek my head out, trying to find the person who threw the stake. The only things visible are brown doors, all closed and separating empty rooms and the hallway.

Blind rage clouds over me, inducing me like a drug. Dark red blinds my eye sight. I find myself bleeding with irrational anger.

My hands wrap around the fallen door, lifting it up over my head.

My mind separates itself from my body momentarily, making me unaware of all of my actions. I see myself violently smash the door on the floor, breaking off the bottom half. The veins in my arms pop out as I continue to do this, not stopping until only a strand of wood is left.

The girls gasp out loud, startled by the ferocity I'm showing. Ava brings a hand to her mouth, covering her open lips.

The parts of me reunite again, slamming me back into my figure. I blink a few times, settling myself in.

The fury leaks out of me, leaving me with only uncertainty and fear. I look down at the broken pieces of wood on the floor, shocked by my loss of control. I can't even recognize myself.

I walk past Ava to the open window, the one she threw the clothes out of. I lift up my leg and kick the glass, breaking it so that our bodies can fit through it. I use my foot to scrape off the shards on the bottom, pushing away anything that can bring harm to them.

I gesture towards the hole in the wall.

"Well come on, we're going back home."

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