Toothless Adventures in Highs...

By claudiastegman

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A girl has certain powers that she doesn't want people to find out, but eventually her friends all find out a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (Matthew's point of view)
Chapter 22 (Still from Matthew's point of view)
Chapter 23 (Back to Toothless point of view)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (Matthew's point of view)
Chapter 27 (Back to Toothless's point of view)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 17

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By claudiastegman

It's been a little over a year since Matthew and I got married. I had gone in for a doctor's appointment yesterday and found out something that shocked me and I was going to tell Matthew today when he got home from work. He had found a job as a waiter at Texas Roadhouse. He wouldn't be home for another hour so I was reading my book.

I was so into my book that I didn't hear the front door open and when I did, it scared me. I got up to go see who it was even though I already knew who it was. "Hey hunny, how was work today?"

"Just the same as always." he said, which I knew meant that it wasn't very exciting.

"Well I have some news for you."

"Do I have to guess or are you going to tell me?"

"You have to guess."

"Can you give me a clue?"

"It has to do with yesterday and that is the only one I'm giving you."

"Wait y-your --" he couldn't even finish his sentence.

"You have to finish your sentence for me to tell you if you're right or not." I said even though I knew what he was talking about.

"I'm going to be a dad?"

"Yep in 9 months you and I are going to be parents. Isn't that exciting or what?"

"That's wonderful news sweetheart. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I wanted to wait until the right time and now just felt like it. I was astonished when I heard the news yesterday and I couldn't bring myself around to tell you yesterday."

"When are we going to find out the gender?"

"Not until next month. It's going to feel like a long time but we can get through it together. I know we can."

"That's okay. I know we can get through it together." he said.

It's been a long journey but in the next few days I'm going to have our first little girl. I haven't been able to help out with the rangers as much the past few months but I've had other duties to do.

When Matthew came home from work today we went to the doctors office to see how the baby and I were keeping up. Steve said that we should expect it any day now.

"So how do you feel about being a dad?" I asked Matthew.

"Nervous but excited at the same time. I'm also worried for you right now."


"Because I know you want to help but I also don't want you to feel like you aren't helping anyone."

"Well I'm glad you are worrying about me. You have been the greatest husband anyone could have ever had and I'm glad you chose me to be that lucky girl."

"Thanks, I'm glad I picked you." he said as we walked into our house. "You need to rest, you look tired. Don't worry about dinner tonight. I'll have it ready by the time you get up."

"I'm just going to lay down on the couch so I don't have to go up and down the stairs." I said and went to go lay down on the couch.

When dinner was ready, Matthew came and woke me up. We ate then watched a movie like we used to when we were dating except for this time was a little bit different. We were snuggling when I felt my baby move. "Hunny give me your hand." I said and took his hand and put it on my stomach.

"She's moving. That's good." he said when he felt her move.

"Ya that is good. Let's just hope she doesn't come tonight. I should probably get to bed."

"That's a good idea. I'll come with you." he said and turned off the TV. We went upstairs and got in bed. I fell asleep with his arms wrapped around me and my head on his chest.

The next morning Matthew was just laying in bed with me. "How long have you been up?" I said

"Only a couple of minutes. I just wanted to lay here with you. You are always so peaceful when you sleep. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Just a bowl of cereal sounds fantastic right now." I said and then my eyes grew super big.

"What's wrong Tooth?"

"She's coming."

"What do you mean 'she's coming'?"

"I mean she's coming right now." I said and then he realized who I was talking about.

"Alright let's go. I let Steve know." he said. Steve your at the hospital right?

Ya what's the matter Matthew? You sound really concerned. Steve said.

We need a room, she's coming.

What-- Oo she's coming. Alright I'll have a room for you when you get here.

We got into the car and hurried to the hospital. When we got there, there was a team of nurses and doctors waiting for me. Matthew stopped in front of the hospital where they were standing. He helped get me out and onto the stretcher.

"Toothless, I'm going to park the car and then come in with you." he said and got back into the car and went to park it.

In the meantime I was rushed off to the room where Steve was waiting. "Toothless how do feel?" asked Steve

"My child is coming, so I feel terrible." I said

"Hopefully this won't take very long." Steve said.

Then I heard Matthew say: Steve where are you guys?

We're in room 145. See you in a bit. Toothless says to hurry up.

I'll be there soon sweetie, just hang in there. He said and got here in two minutes. "How's she doing?"

"She is perfectly fine. Hopefully it won't be too long."

"That's good." he said and walked up to the side of the bed I was laying in and took my hand and I squeezed it. "Just hang in there. Just think about how beautiful our daughter will be."

It took about an hour and a half and when I was done I was sweating and grateful it was over.

"You did a great job sweetheart. They're just finishing up then they bring her in here." Matthew said.

"Thanks. That was not fun but it was worth it." I said and just then they came in with our baby girl.

"They had some difficulty trying to wash her but there she is. What are you going to name her?" Steve said.

"We thought about naming her Taylor." I said,

"That's a very pretty name and it suits her."

"Why are they having a hard time washing her?"

"They said they kept getting shocked."

"So she did enhert at least one of my powers. Let's just hope she can't absorb any like I can. So Steve when can I leave?"

"Maybe tonight or tomorrow morning. Depends on how fast you heal."

"I really hope I can leave tonight because I hate having to be stuck here. I've been stuck here so many times for a long time." I said

Then one of the nurses said, "Miss just to let you know she can shock pretty good."

"O I'm not worried about it. I can take about almost any kind of shock and it won't hurt me."

"Right but how?"

"Come stand right here by me so I can show you how." I said and she walked over and I reached out to touch her. When I made contact I gave a little pulse. She jumped back and I smiled. "See, I told you I can talk about anything. I was just having a little fun. I could have gone harder if you wanted me to."

I got to go home this morning. I was so exhausted because I can't sleep very well in the beds in the hospital.

"Hey sweetie you look tired. Go upstairs and rest, I'll take care of everything else." Matthew said.

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Positive. Now go, I'll let you know if anything happens." he said. I knew he was right and that's why I liked him so much. He always knew what I needed to do even if I didn't want to do some of the things. I handed Taylor over to him and went upstairs to take a nap

Matthew had come into the room and gently shocked me, so I would wake up. "What time is it?" I asked

"It's dinner time. Come on you need to eat, then we can come back up here and sleep the rest of the night."

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