Dreams of Hardovia and The Gr...

By Har_Lou

462 167 69

"I was unprepared when I woke up in an unknown world." Once, there was a kingdom forged in prosperity. Reigni... More

2: The Day After My Birthday
3: Lost in Someone's Body
4: The Heroes of Slaves
5: A Hidden Sanctuary
6: Cafeteria Scandal
7: Slave Number Eleven, Unit Fourteen (Part 1)
8: Slave Number Eleven, Unit Fourteen (Part 2)
9: The Reunion
10: Long Lost Brenin

1: The Chase of Death in the Woods

136 22 23
By Har_Lou

The Chase of Death in the Woods

"Who am I?"

That was the question a young man named Arthur long pondered. He-who forgot all of his memories because of a tragedy in his younger days. Abrupted in the wilderness became his fresh memory until he crossed paths with a young wizard named Merlin. In the meantime, they settle together in a cabin found in the woods of Eithaf. Under the guidance of Henddyn, an old wizard and the foster parent of Merlin, Arthur survived. Living in the woods wasn't great, but the people thrived on existing.

It was early in the morning. Arthur and Merlin admire another day of their existence as they dished up for breakfast, with fresh foods concocted by the sufficient yield from the landscape surrounding them. Everything was verdant and clean. Birds singing the songs of paradise, accompanied by the wind's gentle breath, were undoubtedly alluring to tune in. The scent leak from the brushing leaves of trees and lawns was oddly aromatic. They expect it to be another peaceful morning for them. Little did they know — guests were coming uninvited.

"Hey Arthur, have you noticed my staff?" Merlin asked, scratching his head, even without an itch.

Arthur shook his head and said, "No."

Merlin sulked into a chair with a palm on his head. "I lost it again," he said, sighing.

Arthur's face brightened when he sighted Merlin's face. "The breakfast is ready. I'll look for Henddyn now," he said with deep resonance.

For a hundred times, Merlin lost his staff again. As ironic as it was because the cabin wasn't a vast place to lose things. As both growing teenagers, Arthur and Merlin developed different perspectives in life. Arthur had the urge to start another journey in a new world. It didn't bore him where he was, but his heart looked for something new to see and feel. Until now, he longed to know who he was. However, the sense of leaving someone for his deeds guilted Arthur. He doesn't want to create distance from his friend. It was useless to convince Merlin because, unlike him, Merlin preferred living the way they used to — never wishing to take the risk, perhaps afraid.

As Arthur approached the door, it unexpectedly opened at full tilt and forcefully slammed on the side. Arthur unconsciously stepped back. Merlin erected from sitting. At the doorway, blocking the light source, there revealed the old wizard Henddyn. With a complete dilation of his eyes while catching his breath. His hands quivered while gripping his wooden staff. Sweat dripped from his wrinkled forehead, both sides of his temple, down to his long white patriarchal beard. The bottom part of his old robe was visibly filthy. Something dreadful disrupted Henddyn's poise.

Arthur pulled himself up to gain the courage to break the sudden silence. "I was on my way to look for you, Henddyn," he said calmly.

The old wizard interrupted with his raspy voice as he approached Arthur. "We have to get out of here."

Out of confusion, Merlin stepped out from the back. "Why?" he asked.

Henddyn stared at Merlin for a second but quickly diverted and sighed deeply. He forcedly closes his eyes while slowly shaking his head — unable to utter even a single word. The sudden alteration of the situation negatively affected Merlin. Something terrible was vivid in Henddyn's eyes. Merlin never saw his foster father act as how he is now. He felt a premonition as he crossed his arms unto his body but could not explain. Arthur was confused and had the urge to ask who was coming? What was happening? But fear crippled his tongue.

Henddyn scurried, passing Merlin, and laid one's vision on the lath of the cabin's window. "I never thought this day would come. How foolish of me?" he said, sounding blue. His gaze shifted to Arthur and Merlin, "They are here. We have to go."

"Where are we going?" Merlin asked as they fled from the cabin. "Why are we walking? Can we not just teleport?" Merlin halted and said, "Wait! I have to get my staff." And he surged back inside the cabin.

"No! Merlin, get back. We have to go," Henddyn yelled, but to his disappointment, Merlin did not bother. "Arthur, fetch Merlin quickly. I will be waiting for the both of you here."

Without hesitation, Arthur dashed back inside the cabin, looking for Merlin. He sought where the clattering was and noticed Merlin searching the cabinets and corners throughout the room.

Arthur grasped Merlin's arm and yanked it away from the location. "Merlin! We have to go. Henddyn is waiting for us outside," he said.

Merlin's veins in his arms almost burst as he struggled to break free from Arthur's clutches. "Let me go! Can you not feel it? There is something strange going on. The magic flow is unusual. I cannot expose myself outside empty-handed," said Merlin.

"No time for that, Merlin. We have to go!"



"Maybe it is in the —"

Arthur's veins in his neck were on the brink of rupture. "Merlin!" he said.

Merlin froze as soon as he heard Arthur's voice. He had never witnessed a situation where his friend yelled at the top of his lungs.

A tremendous disturbance erupted in the cabin. After the unusual sound reached their ears, silence descended on the area until a purr continued to echo, making Merlin's vellus hair rise. The ceiling then trembled as if something enormous was sitting on it. They keep their heads up, tilting in every direction, trying to figure out where the source was. Their hearts thumped when Arthur and Merlin noticed a gigantic eye peering in from the cabin's window. A massive reptilian organ of vision on which Arthur and Merlin may see their reflections. They whimpered and retreated in fear. To Merlin's surprise, Arthur abruptly hid him behind and confronted the bizarre creature — executing his fighting stance. The reptilian eye's pupil fiercely focused on Arthur's position. The ceiling creaked once again as the beast descended on the ground, almost exposing a portion of its face. It was ready to attack with rage in its eyes. Suddenly, Merlin grabbed Arthur's hand and dragged it down. Arthur glanced at Merlin. A query was masked in Arthur's eyes even without a word, and Merlin immediately recognized it. However, Merlin's mouth appeared sewed shut because no response came out.

The two young men stared at each other for a moment, but it ended when the monster's mouth smashed the cabin's window, almost separating their souls from their bodies. Fear prevailed in Merlin's thought, inadvertently announcing Henddyn's name. The monster's snout reached out to the two until it was about to rip the cabin's wall apart. It was an enormous muzzle, full of sharp fangs, ready to ingest them within, all the way up to its stomach with ease. Arthur acted quickly. He drew Merlin away from the monster, and they rushed out of the house. Like them, the horrific being also moved, following them from above as specks of dust fell. They almost got slashed by a reptilian claw that ripped the ceiling open, reaching them from above. With long sharp nails, they'll be easily crippled if it happens to land on them.

As Arthur and Merlin successfully went out of the cabin unscathed, they saw Henddyn — leveling his staff at them, about to cast a spell. Astonishment seemed to harden Arthur and Merlin's legs, but terror pronto replaced them because someone growled from behind. Their eyes dilated as the horrific creature levitated in their sight, about to leap into their spot. Henddyn yelled at them, "Get down." Without hesitation, Arthur followed the old wizard's sudden order as he grabbed and shielded Merlin. A bright light beamed just above the youth's place and hit the unknown creature, making it throw off, land hard on the ground, and growl in pain — paralyzed. Arthur felt the urge to check the situation, and his sight caught the creature's entire appearance. A slender lizard with hair-lifting features.

Henddyn went over to the two. "Are you both okay?" he asked.

While horror still engulfed Merlin, Arthur nodded. To be sure, the old wizard scrutinized the defeated beast. Arthur nudged Merlin when he noticed that the poor young wizard was still enveloping himself by his arms — Arthur couldn't help but chuckle. Merlin's cheeks suddenly reddened, and he turned away when he saw the person beside him laughing. Arthur, delighted with Merlin's reaction, instantly peered. But because of the position, Arthur gazed upon Merlin's shoulder with a rip of dark red.

Arthur's eyes widened as he looked at Merlin. "You are bleeding!" he said.


A visible wound continued to make way for Merlin's blood to leave his body as a part of his clothing ripped open. Merlin covered his cut with his hands, preventing blood flow. On the other hand, he didn't appear to be in any agony. The circumstance had rendered Merlin numb.

"The creature might have reached me while Henddyn was beaming it," said Merlin.

"We must heal that before it gets infected," Arthur said.

A loud gruesome growl of pain caught their attention. It turned out Henddyn cast a spell on the creature once again. The unknown creature then fled in the form of a black and green mist that swirled on the spot and ascended. Henddyn headed to the youths' location. By Arthur's blocking, he failed to detect Merlin's wounds. Henddyn pessimistically contemplated the vicinity. As his gaze was drawn to the cabin, he looked down. "We have to abandon our home. We are no longer welcome. It is no longer our safe place," he said, sighing.

Gray clouds began covering the sun, making the skies pale. The weary wind blew, making it all eerie. Out of the blue, Arthur, Henddyn, and Merlin saw a woman coming from the tall trees in front of the cabin, fiercely stepping ahead in their direction. Merlin flinched in terror, but Arthur remained undisturbed. Henddyn took a step forward and faced the incoming stranger. A gothic woman appeared in their sight. The sky matched the woman's skin, and she wore an old-looking black empire waist dress. Her hair was long, messy, curly, and black — smiling devilishly, making her horrible to catch sight. Not to mention, she has long, pointed nails. She continued moving until she reached close to Henddyn. Close enough to see her face. They can see a long pinkish scar on her face — slitting at the apple of her cheeks which abolished the paleness of her skin.

The woman scanned the individuals in front of her as if she was deciphering their identities. While smiling, she tapped her fingertips at each other. "Greetings, everyone," she said.

Henddyn looked at the lady from head to toe with authority. "What do you want from us... sorceress?" he asked.

"Us? Don't make yourself important, old man... cause you are not," she giggled. She then diverted her sight and lifted a finger, pointing to Arthur. "I'm here for the green-eyed young man over there. After years of searching, I've finally found you, Arthur."

"You have no place here, woman! So, leave before I —"

The sorceress's eyebrows lifted as his eyes dilated. "Silence! I have nothing to do with you. If you hand me what I came here for, I will leave the place immediately," she said. The sorceress once again diverted her sight to Arthur and venomously sneered. "Do you even know who he is? Have you welcomed a stranger into your household? I thought wisdom is gained through age?" she asked.

"You know nothing... and that is your weakness."

"Are you the one who slayed the creature?"

"Are you the one who sent... the creature? —"

Merlin suddenly entered the conversation and said, "If you tell me about Arthur... I will hand him over to you."

The sorceress looked at Merlin with a poker face. "No," she said.

"Then no," said Merlin candidly.

"He is a dangerous person. I am doing you, filthy people, a favor. Letting him on your side meant more significant threats. He is the enemy here."

"Handing him over to you meant missing the chance for us to reveal his true identity. If he happens to be our enemy, I will exterminate him myself."

Arthur and Henddyn's mouths parted downwards as they gasped, trying to grasp Merlin's words. Henddyn was in a rage as he heard what Merlin said, while Arthur felt the heart of his frowning inside his chest.

"Such a bold word for a young brat. If you insist on resisting, it is no different from wishing for your death."

Silence came after the conversation. Eagerness was prominent in the sorceress's facial expression, making Arthur stand rooted on the spot — speechless while Merlin's eyebrows crossed because of what he had heard. The sorceress's aura began glowing in red. Henddyn acted swiftly and hid the two children behind him. He, in contrast, flashed his aura too but in bright yellow. They were darting their eyes at each other. As the tension rise, the ground gradually trembled. Henddyn knew facing the sorceress in front of him was not ordinary. It may be challenging, but he'll do anything to protect the young people behind him.

The sorceress swayed her hands sideward, and the surroundings near her emitted visible energy in the form of a thin mist that was magnetized into the sorceress's body, making her glow vividly. She stepped forward and held his hand in Henddyn's direction. All the energy she successfully absorbed became her fuel to emit a stack of magic that blasted Henddyn with the strike of her palm. The wizard focused as he countered his opponent's attack by emitting a beam of magic from his wooden staff. Their magic carried a force, effortlessly disrupting the wind to blow hard as they met and creating pitchy noise. Arthur and Merlin were down on the ground squinting their eyes as the brilliant lights blinded them.

"Byrstio!" Henddyn then cast a spell, overpowering the sorceress, and made her flip over on a long-distance as she yelped.

The sorceress landed swiftly with both hands and feet on the ground. She then deftly dodged as the wizard cast a spell that nearly hit her again. The magic hit a tree from behind. It was enough to bring it down and make the wind blast again, sweeping the surface and producing a loud thunderous sound. The winged creatures flew away from danger as powerful magic now disturbed the ever-quiet place they used to live. The sorceress in black shot a wrathful grimace at the wizard as she slowly rose from the ground. She then took a deep breath, absorbing the depleted magic in her surroundings once again, shrieking as she beamed, rapidly roving to Henddyn. Still, the old wizard's knowledge of magic can't let him down — especially in situations like this.

"Bloc!" Henddyn's age was his first enemy against his stamina, yet he swiftly cast a spell that summoned a translucent sphere-shaped force field to act as protection. The sorceress's magic gradually depleted as it landed on the wizard. Arthur and Merlin still took cover behind the old wizard's back. Arthur saw Merlin's hands and knees shaking as he huffed while holding the blood from his wound.

Arthur pressed his lips near Merlin's ear. "Why did you not tell Henddyn about your injury? We have to get it healed," he said.

"It is unlikely to disturb Henddyn! Look at him!"

"I mean before that sorceress came. You even hid it did you?"

Arthur ripped an extended part of his clothing and tied it to Merlin's wound. He covered it thoroughly, and it stopped the blood flow. "Good thing the wound is not that big, but we should still cover it to avoid infection," he said.

"Your clothes are not clean. That will be the cause of infection."

"Is it painful?"

Merlin, however, ignored Arthur's question while he stood up and said, "Henddyn! I have to get my — "

Henddyn instantly cut out the young wizard's plead while looking uneasy, for he hardly sustained his magic. "No! Merlin, stay," — he gazed at Merlin — "right here.... with Arthur."

The wizard's spell was scarcely lifting the sorceress's magic. He must carry the weight the sorceress put on him, or his force field will shatter like a glass pane. Indeed an extraordinary situation in the Eithaf woods. Two powerful creatures in a duel that no one expected. Rumbling, roaring, and bursting sounds soared in wide-raging parts, disturbing all the creatures, once silently living on their own.

Arthur pulled Merlin down and embraced him from behind, crossing and locking their hands together. Merlin tried to free himself from Arthur's grip, but the man behind him had an excellent strength that he couldn't surpass. Merlin has no other choice but to use gruesome ways. He bit Arthur's hands which lost his grip. Merlin promptly fled from Arthur, but a sudden noise halted his actions.

The lady shrieked again, but out of exhaustion — the beam of magic that she emitted completely depleted from Henddyn's shield. The surrounding became foggy, and little by little, it cleared up. The sorceress ended up panting with her hands stuck to her knees. Confidence grew on Henddyn's soul. Joy possessed Arthur and Merlin as they saw how Henddyn won in a sudden fight against another powerful foe. At least for the first round.

"I gave a warning, but you all did not listen." The sorceress suddenly said. "Death is coming. Now pray."

An eyeball-sized spark caught Arthur, Merlin, and Henddyn's sight. Henddyn cast the protected spell beforehand, but to their surprise, a mysterious glowing golden spear suddenly pierced the force field as the vicinity cleared up. The force field immediately burst with a powerful impact, blasting the people from behind in separate directions. The spear flew back to where it came from right after doing its job. Arthur and Merlin stumbled away from Henddyn on the other side. Arthur stood up briskly despite the pain and offered his hand to Merlin. Still on the ground, Merlin saw a sparkling light from a distance. Merlin expeditiously reached Arthur's hand and pulled him just as a spear flew above his chest — almost slashed by the blade. Arthur landed on Merlin's side with his upper clothing ripped open.

Arthur fixed one's gaze at Merlin in wonderment. "Thank you," he said.

Merlin responded with a nod and a poker face.

"We have to help Henddyn," said Arthur.

"I can help if I have my staff."

Merlin stood up first and rushed back inside the cabin once again. Arthur followed, but he halted when he glanced at the golden spear that almost killed him. Arthur quickly went to the spear that pierced the ground — thinking he might use it against the opponent. Henddyn, on the other side, gathered his thoughts and focused once again. He saw the sorceress already prepared to battle him for the second round. He never backed out in a fight, but Arthur and Merlin's safety must come first. He attempted to flee from the sorceress, but the latter started manipulating the grass on his spot. The grasses burgeoned long enough to tie the wizard upward, preventing him from casting a spell. The sorceress then shifted the temperature of Henddyn's surroundings. She raised it enough to give the wizard a burning sensation. Henddyn doesn't have enough strength to overpower the grasses restricting his hands, and the heat almost roasts his skin. It was a breath of relief when Arthur showed up. Arthur used the spear's sharp blade to slash the grasses from its base, and the grip loosened.

Henddyn didn't waste time casting all the spells he knew to possibly bring the sorceress down. "Arthur! Go and... stay on Merlin's side. If I failed to follow until Merlin found his staff, keep going with Merlin. Do not get caught," The old wizard said.

Arthur casually dodged the depleted magic. "But Henddyn. We cannot go without you, and... Merlin will be devastated if you happen to lose," he said.

As Henddyn heard what Arthur said, the situation suddenly rendered slowly as memories flashed. Merlin's childhood became vivid in Henddyn's eyes. When Merlin came to Henddyn's household, he held the child as his own. He never expected to let go of his child in a situation like this. Tears formed in Henddyn's eyes, but he refused to let them fall and continued exchanging attacks with the sorceress. "I will follow. I will do my best to follow," he said.

Arthur agreed and went back to the cabin to look for Merlin again. To Arthur's surprise, the spear he was holding on suddenly glowed. Arthur carefully scanned it, but it loosed from his grip as it rotated vertically and flew. Arthur's eyes followed where the spear went, and it landed in the hands of a man — a newcomer. Arthur drew his attention to this tall man. He had a remarkable resemblance to Arthur. His facial features, especially his emerald green eyes and sunflower blonde hair. Still, Arthur was skinny compared to the mysterious guy, who was very athletic. The tall man wore armor with a small but visible lion figure molded on its chest, and Arthur's chest strung when his eyes landed on it. He doesn't know why and what, but he's sure it is connected to his past.

The man forwarded towards Arthur. "Hey Arthur, remember me?" — he smirked — "long time no see." The armored man said.

Instead of escaping, Arthur faced the incoming opponent with his head high. "Are you with the sorceress?" he asked.

"You have grown much, huh. I wanted to see you grow more, but there is no time for that."

"What do you want from me? I am living here without bothering your existence."

"You will not bother for now but soon."

"Tell me your name?"

"Are those your last words?"

"No. So I can figure out who my vengeance is."

"For real?"

"Not for now, but soon."

"Eirdrick. Remember that name, even in your afterlife."

Arthur clenched his hand. He became furious at the man in front of him. Eirdrick aimed the spear at Arthur and said, "I failed my task on you before, Arthur. But now, Let me finish what I have missed."

Arthur stepped back while Eirdrick released his spear unto Arthur. The spear almost landed in Arthur's body, but it ricocheted when a force field blocked it, rebounding it up high. Another magic spherically enclosed Eirdrick by surprise. The spear clattered on the side while the owner was maintained empty-handed. Eirdrick started punching the force field simultaneously to break free, but every time his fists landed on the prison of magic, his force returned to him by a blow, making him throw off the ground repeatedly. Arthur searched by gaze who saved his life, and his lips widened to the corners of his cheeks when he saw who was coming. It was Merlin who cast the shield. He successfully located his staff and used it immediately. Arthur was grateful that his dear friend once again saved his life.

"Merlin, I now owe you two," said Arthur.

"You owe me nothing." — gazes at the armored man — "Arthur, who is that?" Merlin said.

Arthur's smile falls at the query from Merlin. "His name is Eirdrick. I am sure he is no ally. Lock him here, and let us hurry to help Henddyn," he said.

The remarkable resemblance between the mysterious guy and Arthur confused Merlin. They were like brothers, even in their auras. Merlin decided to raise his staff, revealing a bright magic circle on the ground. Merlin was ready to cast a powerful spell but was surprisingly postponed when a sudden strange feeling flashed at Merlin. His heart suddenly bore a weight painful enough to make him plumed to the ground like a withered plant. He looked at the man enclosed by his magic and saw someone. An entity showed up beside Eirdrick, a mysterious spirit with an intertwined aura with Merlin.

"Merlin, are you okay?" Arthur asked.

"There is so much going on," said Merlin.

Eirdrick noticed the young wizard's sudden actions. Grabbing the opportunity to flee came to his mind. Merlin's strength directly affected the force field, so Eirdrick commanded his spear from the outside. The levitation of the spear alerted Arthur and Merlin. The young wizard attempted to take action, but it was too late because the spear successfully shattered Merlin's magic. Merlin then stepped forward and shielded Arthur from behind.

"Barnu Golau!" Henddyn's loud, solid voice echoed. He cast a powerful spell that trembled the ground with a brilliant light and made everything white in a large vicinity. Arthur, Merlin, and Eirdrick stood down, covering their eyes.

Arthur and Merlin jumped out in surprise when a hand suddenly patted their shoulders. "Henddyn," they said in chorus.

Henddyn appeared on Arthur and Merlin's side, coming from the light, and said, "Arthur, Merlin. We have to go." They then stood up and remained at the wizard's side — covering their eyes. Henddyn's hope that his spell could let them break free from these dangerous people faded when the bright light vanished.

"I expected that my sorceress is not powerful enough to beat a legendary wizard, but she still managed to lift your spells well."

Henddyn diverted his gaze at the person who was talking. He stepped forward when his sight landed on the man standing before them. He turned to Arthur and dismally said, "I am sorry. You have to go without me."

Eirdrick broke their moment. "You know it is best to start this early, Henddyn," he said.

"Leave us alone! —"

"Is he the child?

"Let them be."

"I am doing him a favor, Henddyn."

Henddyn's eyes glistened as tears formed in his eyes. "I cannot let this be neglected again," he said.

Eirdrick clenched his fist around his spear and pointed it at Henddyn furiously. "You knew what will they go through if you let him live," he said.

"Destiny must be fulfilled."

"You are a selfish man!"

Arthur and Merlin were taken aback by the sudden atmosphere the two adults were emitting. As Merlin observed a shift in Eirdrick's demeanor, he knew something was behind the lines. Something that has a connection to him and Arthur. Something about their lives.

Eirdrick's aura suddenly lit up as he swayed his spear aloft. Clones of his weapon were summoned above Henddyn's spot. "Rain," he said.

A series of spears fell unto Henddyn, but he was quick enough to block it. A magic circle formed above Henddyn, making all the spears disseminate as they touched. After all the weapons disappeared, Henddyn ran towards Arthur and Merlin's position. He then cast a spell, "Trafnidiaeth," and a magic circle appeared on the ground in Henddyn's area, coping Arthur and Merlin. A white light then enveloped the people inside, and they posthaste ascended.

Eirdrick's teeth bared as his jaw clenched when he sighted them leaving. "No!" he said.

He hastily threw his spear before Henddyn, Arthur and Merlin completely disappeared with the light. The spear pierced through the magic's remnants and vanished with it.


They teleported near the end of the Eithaf woods, far from where they came. The sky was roaring and becoming darker, giving signs of rain. Henddyn twisted in pain and slowly sat on a rock behind him as Eirdrick's spear happened to pierce his abdomen. Blood was rushing out of his injured body, giving him unimaginable pain. Arthur and Merlin's eyes widened as they rested on the ground, facing the old wizard.

"Henddyn!" Arthur said when he noticed the old wizard's situation.

Merlin's body tightened as his eyes watered. "Henddyn, heal yourself. You are losing blood."

"We must remove the spear first so he can heal."

"It would be hard. What should we do?"

Henddyn cut out the young ones' argument and forced his voice to speak despite his gruesome pain. "Arthur...Merlin..., there is not enough time" — he paused as he endured the pain — "I ran out of magic already. You both must flee from here. Run as fast as you can." He said and gazed at Arthur. "They must not capture you."

"We must ensure your safety first."

"Find the holy sword and use it against foes. Go to Brenin Kingdom and look... for a man named Hendryd. Your fate awaits there. Merlin, go along... with Arthur. Go wherever he will be."

Merlin's forehead crinkled, for he was dismayed by Henddyn's unusual attention to Arthur even at this moment. His tears flowed down his cheeks, but he still forcefully maintained to show off a plain face.

"No, I will not leave you here... what are you even saying? What is happening?" "First, there were some mysterious people out there who wanted to kill Arthur, and now you mentioned this Holy Sword? B- Brenin Kingdom? Arthur's fate? And who is Hendryd?"

"Merlin, there is no time to explain. They will reach out here soon. You both have to get out of here. Promise me. You will protect Arthur at all costs. Promise me, Merlin!"


"— Merlin!"

"I promise!"

The old wizard was fading out. His face turned pale and lips dry. He doesn't have enough magic to cast a healing spell that might save his life. "You will.... guide Arthur... on his.... jour... ney." The last words of the wizard before his breath came to an end.

Merlin's jawbones intensified as he quivery clenched the grasses he could reach. "No!" he said.

His heart was crushed as he witnessed his foster father die in front of his eyes. He wrapped his arms around the old wizard, with hands slowly turning into fists as rage flowed through his blood, making it visible in his aura. Arthur stood up, and tears trickled down his cheeks, confused but mourned in silence. He doesn't want to add more weight to their situation. Arthur knew how Merlin loved Henddyn as a father. Merlin was with Henddyn long before he came. For all he knew, Henddyn was Merlin's only family.

Suddenly, the spear that pierced Henddyn's abdomen glowed and began twitching. Arthur and Merlin's eyes widened as they gasped.

"Merlin, they are already near. We have to go!" Merlin, still denying himself to sob — nodded and slowly stood.

He slowly stepped back, turned his gaze at Arthur, and nodded again. With a heavy heart, Merlin poked Henddyn's body with the end of his staff, and the grasses on the ground slowly crawled, enveloping Henddyn's body. A tear from Merlin's eyes dropped in Henddyn's body, and white flowers blossomed.

Merlin wiped the liquid that his eyes unconsciously produced. "He really loves white flowers," he said.


Both caught their breath as they sprinted into the woods. Away from what was behind, from danger, away from death. Breaking and stomping noise from behind echoed in their ears, but they didn't let it bother them and still focused on running. An unknown creature ruptured the trees, taking the same path as theirs. Merlin's heart went wild in his ribs and made his legs noodles. It was far from them, but Merlin could sense a great force of aura that had a high chance of ending their lives.

Merlin tripped on a stone and stumbled to the ground. "Aw!" he said.

Arthur glanced at Merlin's side when he heard it exclaim. He quickly halted, ran back to Merlin, and offered his hand to the poor young wizard. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"No!" snapped Merlin.

Merlin felt a whirling sensation after he stopped rolling over the ground. He didn't notice Arthur's hand because of his aching arms, legs, and especially his injury, which he clasped to relieve the pain. He stood up when he realized the foe was after them. Merlin panicky started galloping regardless of pain and discomfort, and Arthur trailed the young wizard. Suddenly, a roar from behind ripped their focus. They saw Eirdrick riding a gigantic beast that hopped from tree to tree and raced on the ground. It has a dragon-like face. It has long arms and legs, with long sharp nails. An enormous mouth with sharp teeth and eyes looked identical to the unknown creature from the hut. Its body was all black with spikes on its back. Arthur and Merlin's legs almost led them to the end of the forest. They hurtled until they found themselves in an open area. The sound of the sea waves caught their attention.

"Arthur! There must be a cliff if we go straight. We have to jump."

"No! We cannot fly."

"Do you not trust me?"

"I will always trust you."

"Then we have to jump."

Arthur and Merlin went faster as the foes were already near them. They reached the cliff, but the beast happened to be just at their back. It jumped above and plumped in front of them — blocking their way. Arthur and Merlin halted quickly. They've noticed that Eirdrick wasn't on the beast anymore.

The enemy they're looking for got off the monster before it jumped, leaving him behind Arthur and Merlin's way, cornering the two targets. "Arthur!" he said. "Are you not tired of running?"

Arthur clenched his fists again and stepped ahead, triggered to fight, but Merlin blocked Arthur and calmly said, "Stop."

Arthur saw Merlin's face — still in pain but forcedly hiding it. Merlin cast a spherical force field on Arthur and moved forward.

"Merlin! What are you doing?" Arthur asked.

Only silence was the response from Merlin. It was the time that Arthur knew Merlin was now severe. However, something strange was happening to Arthur. His sight became cloudy, and his head lightened. Maybe because of enervation from the long run or his stomach hasn't filled with food — he's not sure. Eirdrick launched the spear. Merlin then cast a force field to block the attack, but it quickly shattered. Merlin was blasted off by the violent force and landed near Arthur.

"You think that trick would still work? Be wise," said the shooter, grinning.

Merlin stood up and glanced at Arthur. He became aware of Arthur's unusual behavior. He looked dizzy, holding his head as if he had a headache. But Merlin didn't put Arthur first in his mind. Instead, he focused on combat. Merlin tightened his grip on his staff, causing his aura to reveal vividly.

Merlin's move made Eirdrick laugh. "You are risking your life for the wrong person," he said.

Arthur can't even hear what they're saying nor see what they are doing. His condition became worse than before. All he could do was unwantedly listen to the murmuring noises coming from his head, with an unwanted cold sensation wrapping his body, making him stuck on the ground. Even though Arthur was deteriorating, he still managed to observe the scintillating color of Merlin's aura, making him smile.

Merlin shut his eyes. Eirdrick aimed his glowing spear at Merlin and the beast — preparing to attack. Merlin opened his eyes fiercely, and his dark brown eyes turned magenta, the same as his aura. Eirdrick again released his spear, but a greater power was possessed. Merlin exhaled heavily, then swiftly yielded his staff to counter the spear. As the tip of Merlin's staff and the blade of the spear touched, magic burst in a circular motion — creating a powerful impact that quickly repelled the spear. The weapon flew instantly and pierced the ground thoroughly beside the shooter, leaving him speechless. The terrifying beast shortly followed the onslaught as it rushed and opened its mouth — about to devour the youth, but Merlin strongly poked the ground with his wooden staff. It revealed a bright circular light on the floor, and the light embraced them till they vanished right before the beast shut its mouth.

Everything became dark. Arthur overheard deafening sounds, blinding light glitches, and images appearing in his thinking. A strange but familiar sound hit his ears — something was ringing. Together with a name, Arthur was calling a name.

"Merlin —"

"— Merlin —"


"Is this a dream?"

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