Pins and Needles | Todoroki...

By cityscape_starlight

996 30 6

*Book 1 of 2; Complete* *Previously titled "Fire Melts the Ice of Uncertainty" * *She/her* THIS WILL SOON BE... More

Important Details (And Disclaimers)
Welcome to U.A.'s Hero Course
The First Step Which Shatters a Bone
A Hazy Memory and the Fog of Distress
A Festival of Competition with Unsuspected Reunions
A Fairy in the Forest, Spinning Worries into Wonders
With Every Power You Possess
What is a 'Good Home?'
Just Remember What You Saw Here Today
The Most Heroic are Those Who Hate Heroes
The Fault of the Willing, Punished for Willpower
How I've Missed Thee So
It's Just Fact
I'll Be Your Boyfriend
The Sorrow Masked By Shock
A Sickening Feeling of Devastation and Failure
Welcome Home
You Can't Control Life, Princess
Love Potions are Brewed the Same as Storms
A Pale Dance Dusted Rose
The Most Intelligent are Those Who Know Their Own Stupidity
A Peculiar Face, the Expression of a Paradox
An Adventurous Patrol
The Ripped Fabric of Society, Bleached White in Faux Purity
The Icy Fingers of a Child's Loose Grip (on Reality)
What it is to Save a Life
A Whisper of Goodnight and Goodbye
Book 2: A Crying Night Sky

A Day Two Years in the Future

15 1 0
By cityscape_starlight

・・・ ・・・ ・・・

     Togata went on to explain his quirk, though it basically mirrored (Y/N)'s assumption.  He also explained how difficult it is to use, like walking through walls required a three-step process so he didn't dive into the floorboards.  Although, he did say that light and sound passed through his body, and had never realized that even if it had entered his existence, he wouldn't have known.
     He told them about how he was always last in quirk training, and usually embarrassed when he fell through his clothes.  Thus, he did a work-study to learn how people usually responded to his quirk, and then he had to learn how to counteract that.
     Togata gave a powerful speech about turning experience into power.  It made everyone buzz with excitement, even (Y/N), who didn't care much about any of it.
     "We'll be going back now.  Say thank you."  Aizawa announces.
     "Thank you very much!"  The class tells with a low bow.

     Shoto glances over as the boy approaches.  Aizawa had said he believed Togata was the closest to being number one, and that included all current heroes, too.
     "Can I speak to Last-standing?"  He asks.  Aizawa stares at him for a moment, trying to connect who that was.
     "Go ahead,"  Aizawa tells him.  He grins and nods, giving a polite bow to the teacher and then an acknowledging nod to Shoto.  Then, he was off marching.

     "Hey, Last-standing, can I talk to you?!"  He asks excitedly.  (Y/N) turns to look at him.  She had been starting towards the stairs to go back to class for the last few minutes.
     "Um, sure."  She answers.  "Is there something you need?"
     "I was just curious about you!  I've fought a lot of people, but if that battle had been real and you hadn't been cautious, I would've certainly lost.  I'd love to improve and since you beat me, I wanted to chat!"  Togata marches up just beside her and she turns to follow.
     "Oh.  Of course."
     "So why do you want to be a hero?"  He questions.  "Who's your idol?"
     "Ah...  Um, I'm not really interested in the hero scene."  She tells him awkwardly.  He had a curious expression.
     "You're in U.A.'s hero course without wanting to be a hero?  That's new.  What made you choose this school and program?"  She shrugs to herself, looking a bit uncomfortable as her arms pulled together.
     "My mother convinced me it would be a good idea, so here I am.  I mean, I do try.  Being a hero is a good profession.  It's just not my passion."
     "Is there something specific you dislike about heroes?"  He inquires.
     "No, not particularly.  I just have a few issues with hero structure.  It's hard to balance paying people for risking their lives while also trying to keep out those who only do it for the money.  Especially at a time like now where society is desperate for whatever will come."
     "Ahh, that sucks."  He says in a drawn-out tone.  "You'd make a really good hero, too!  Might I ask, how did you figure out my quirk?"
     She tried to explain briefly, but it ended up taking a minute.  He nodded along with eyes that glimmered.
     "That's super impressive!  I don't think even I would've been able to guess all of that.  Is there a quirk you used as reference?"  He asks cheekily.  She thinks for a moment before shaking her head.
     "I don't know a lot of quirks.  As I said, I've never been bothered much with quirk society.  My passions lay outside of that.  Well, some of the things were only theory until I used my quirk, so that part wasn't visional observation."  Togata bobs his head at her explanation.
     "This may be selfish, but we really need good heroes like you.  Have you ever thought about maybe being a hero along with something else?"  He looks up out in front of them, down the path towards the dorms.  "Have you been keeping up with the news?  There've been a lot of reports of strange criminal activity.  Having someone like you would be very helpful."
     (Y/N) shrugs and purses her lips.  "I'm not going to leave U.A.  I'll act as a hero until I graduate, I just don't know if that's the path I'll take after high school."
     "Have you considered doing a work-study?  They're very helpful."  She chuckles a bit.
     "I've already been working for Endeavor for a little while.  I had to do my internship twice, and when I had a small break from school, I was working with his company.  I might as well get school credit for it since I'm doing it anyway."
     "Ah!  That's the spirit!  I'm glad.  What's your name, Last-standing?"
     "Oh, uh, (S/N) (Y/N)."
     "(S/N)!  I'll remember that.  I'm Togata Mirio.  I'm currently working for Sir Night Eye.  Do you know him?"  She thinks for a moment.
     "The name sounds familiar, but not really.  I don't follow heroes much."
     "I assumed as much.  Is there a reason you work for Endeavor-san?"  He questions.
     "Uh, there is, actually, but I shouldn't talk about it.  To be simple about it, his son and I are close.  Todoroki Shoto."  She expresses.  
     "I see.  Which one was he today?"
     "He was standing by Aizawa-sensei.  He said he didn't feel it was fair for him to take part since he didn't get his license.  The one Ashido-san called a 'hybrid.'"
     "With the different colored hair?!  He looks cool!"  She nods with a smile.
     "He's a pretty chill dude, both literally and figuratively."
     "What's his quirk?"
     "Ice and fire manipulation.  Ice on his right and fire on his left."  Togata nods.  She blinks hard at his asking what her quirk was.  It felt rude to not answer.  "Um, I connect to people.  I make them copy my body movements.  Under the right circumstances, they'll receive any injury I get as long as it's self-inflicted and I immediately heal."
     "That's a heavy quirk to carry around."  He states simply.  "There's a lot of responsibility you have with something like that.  But you seem to have good control of it.  How do you use it most?"
     "I usually just latch onto people and force them to stop moving.  Paralyzation is more helpful than people realize."
     "That's smart!  You do a lot of thinking, don't you?"
     "Not really.  I just don't like hurting people."
     "I see!  Empathy is good for heroes.  Well, anyway, I would encourage you to keep training!  If you hone your skills, you'll be a wicked foe soon enough.  Goodbye, (S/N)!"  He splits off as she continues forward to her dorm building while he turns left to go down to the third-year's dorm.  She waves back and offers her own goodbye.

     She sighs shakily, pulling on her gym uniform.  She wasn't usually nervous about social interaction, but this was very different.  
     The day prior, during lunch, Nezu had summoned her to his office.  Togata was there, too.  
     It was still a bit blurry, the whole conversation.  Nezu had invited her to spend the entire day training with the third-years.  Supposedly, they were using the whole day to do a deep dive into hero training.  
     It was optional, but even she knew it was simply stupid to pass it.  They didn't want her sitting in their classes —they definitely weren't placing her above her level because of her intelligence; that was average— so it was this day or nothing.  
     She had exchanged numbers with Togata and gotten the other two of the Big Three.  That night, he'd given her a rough schedule of what would probably happen.  The entire class usually went to school an hour early.  They used this time to do individual training with what they thought they needed.  They would commonly help each other improve, so she'd probably have a lot of people giving her advice and constructive criticisms.  Mostly because she was a first-year invited to train with them, and also because her quirk was all about controlling other people.  
     After that, the school day would start normally.  They weren't going to be told what was going on, simply placed in a zone and expected to figure it out.  Unlike the first-year's training where they'd focus on one thing and it was announced what they'd be doing, this was going to be different.  Pros didn't get the luxury of instructions.  
     She hadn't told anyone, mainly because she was sure nobody cared.  The only person who knew was Shoto.  She knew he was going to be curious as to why she was going to school an hour early, and she didn't want him to worry about her when she was missing all day and probably came home later than usual.  They were still sleeping in the same room, unbeknownst to U.A. staff.  
     "When are you going to be back?"  Shoto asks softly.  She sits down next to him on the mat to warm her feet as she pulls her gym shirt on and stuffs her legs under the blanket.  Togata had said they were going to wear these during their personal training to lessen their dependence on their costumes.  "An hour after school's over?"  
     "I'm not sure.  I'll text you.  I think I'm gonna visit someone, so I don't know how long that'll take."  She stands up, tugging on her jacket.  "Love you, Sho.  Bye."
     "Love you, princess."  She smiles at him, then opens the door to slip out.  

     "If you don't mind me asking, what's the chant for?"  Nishida inquires.  She was another third-year in the class, the class rep.
     "It's the biggest part of my quirk."  (Y/N) tells her.  "Whenever I chant, there's this... aura around me.  While inside of it, any self-inflicted injury is reflected on whoever I'm latched to.  The wound heals immediately for me.  Sometimes it lingers after and sometimes it goes away quickly."  
     "I didn't see any aura.  Do you feel when you leave it or something?"  Togata inquires.
     "Um, kind of.  The aura has a smell, it's kind of like... I don't know really how to describe it, like old skin."  
     "Old... skin?"  Nishida mumbles.  "That's ominous."  For a moment, (Y/N) gazes off to the side.  She was trying to remember something.  
     "Actually, once, it smelled like a workshop.  Like my dad's workshop."  She pauses again.  "It was the one time I didn't use the chant, I...  Honestly, I don't know how I did it.  But it was different that time."  
     "It was probably a fluke or something nearby,"  Tamaki suggests.  
     "I'm sure.  It was in a back alley."  
     "So you have to use this chant, spawning an aura that smells like..."  Nishida cringes a bit.  "like 'old skin,' and whenever inside of this aura, any injury you give yourself appears on whoever you're attached to and you heal.  Yes?" 
     "Yeah."  (Y/N) confirms. 
     "That's a hefty quirk.  How self-inflicted do these need to be?  Like only if you use your body like teeth or nails?  Do you have to be touching whatever causes it?"  She shakes her head.
     "If I jump off a building and keep my aura on me, it still works."  
     "What constitutes self-inflicted?"  (Y/N) shrugs.
     "I'm honestly not sure.  If something comes at me, even if I see it and know it's coming, it only affects me and doesn't heal."  
     "Are there some specific conditions of your healing?  That seems a bit overpowered."  Hado asks.  (Y/N) had learned only that morning that "Periwinkle"'s name was Hado Nejire.
     "If I injure myself where there's already a wound, none of it will heal.  That's why I try to avoid hurting my hands because even papercuts will block it."  Togata nods his head.  As someone born with a quirk he'd always hated, he wondered if she saw it as powerful or frustrating.  
     "What are the drawbacks of using your quirk?"  He asks.  
     "Drawbacks?  Depends on what I'm doing.  I usually get really sore whenever I heal and the area is extremely sensitive.  If my injury kills me, I'll still live, but I'll stay unconscious for a while.  If I get any sort of head injury, I get migraines that'll send me into shock if I don't get medicine within a half hour.  When I don't go into my full aura but do pair with people, I feel heavy, and staying still for a while will make me feel stiff.  If I copy people for too long, I have slower reflexes and less control over my body.  Not by much, but everything counts."  
     "So intricate~."  Hado sings.  "It's like yours, Togata!  So many details."  

     They did plenty of time training.  The entire class of 17 let her spend the first 30 minutes doing some extreme building of her quirk.  While they did ban injuries (because they still had class that day), they encouraged her to use her aura.  She usually only relied on it in short bursts, so they were forcing her to hold it.  Once she'd gotten that down, they played around with dropping off the chant.  Only one time did it last for any helpful amount of time, but the many other attempts didn't even give her a second.  She rested after.
     About five minutes before school was set to start, Ectoplasm came to retrieve them.  
     The class was set in a forested area, which was not a great place for (Y/N).  She made sure to note this to them.  Since she had to focus on faces, she couldn't watch her footing.  
     "Togata-senpai."  She whispers.  "Does anyone in class have a chronic illness?"  He gives her a quick quizzical look before shaking his head.  
     "Not that I know of."  She nods to show she heard and they continue stalking forward.  
     They ended up being ambushed by Edgeshot.  He'd cut down lots of trees on "civilians" (read: dummies) that needed rescuing before they were crushed to death.  Each had a small heat pack inside of them since one of the girls could read heat signatures.  
     (Y/N) stayed with Hado.  Amajiki and Togata had quirks that could help greatly with rescue.  Togata could use his to carry people and bypass jumping over logs or the like.  Amajiki's quirk allowed him to assume the body parts of food he had eaten, so he could have some serious strength if he used the right animal.  That would help with getting falling logs off of people.  
     (Y/N)'s paralyzation worked pretty well with Edgeshot since his quirk required his body moving and shifting.  They were able to capture him and she walked him to a chamber they would set him in.  One boy used his quirk to weld closed all of the gaps between panels and the door.  They only let open one vent so he didn't suffocate.  Another boy with x-ray vision stayed and kept watch inside of the prison.  If Edgeshot made any motion that looked like he was trying to escape, (Y/N)'d use all of her power to imagine his face and paralyze him again.  Another girl with a quirk to create barriers stood guard.  
     The three of them stayed like that for four hours.  They weren't told why except for an explanation overheard near the beginning that police were facing a blockage.  
     They stopped 15 minutes into lunch.  The class sat down to eat, but Hado made sure to inform (Y/N) that she should eat quickly because they could be called out at any moment.  
     A similar situation repeated itself.  Go rescue a bunch of people.  Keep them away from a certain area because they would likely get hurt.  Help with evacuation efforts.  More standard things for students and sidekicks rather than top-ranking pros, but still good to learn.  They got graded on how calm and authoritative they were.  
     Overall, it was definitely tiring, but also extremely exciting.  Something to look forward to.  It felt real and helping people was... exhilarating.  She was finally understanding why people wanted to be a hero so badly.  
     They stayed for another 45 minutes after school for individual training again.  They had plenty of advice to give her and she was thankful for all of it.  Eventually, they began back towards the dorms, but (Y/N) walked out of the school grounds.

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