My Alpha King

By paranormalRHlover

229K 9K 537


chapter 1: No Time To Hide IT!
Chapter 2: Have To Attend
Chapter 3: Getting Ready
Chapter 4: Come To Escort Her
Chapter 5: On Arrival
Chapter 6: Really Don't Like Him
Chapter 7: Meet My Brother
Chapter 8: Not My Fault
Chapter 9: Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me
Chapter 10: What Is Going On?
Chapter 11: Please, I'll Do Anything
Chapter 12: You Know What IT Is?
Chapter 13: Where The Fuck Is My Mate
Chapter 14: Enjoy The Hunt
Chapter 15: It Won't Go Away
Chapter 17: I Want To Know Everything
Chapter 18: Who Am I
just a quick note
Chapter 19: Who Am I (from Jesse's pov)
Chapter 20: I Am!
Chapter 21: Not Like This
Chapter 22: What The Fuck Was That
Chapter 23: Well?
Chapter24: Don't Want Your Pity
Chapter 25: Bugatti La Voiture Noire
Chapter 26: Not A Nightmare
Chapter 27: Hello, Buttercup
Chapter 28: Feel Almost Feral
Chapter 29: Who's He?
Chapter 30: Dream
Chapter 31: Ahhh HELL NO
Chapter 32: What Did I Do?
Chapter 33: Suprise For You

Chapter 16: Marked

7.2K 300 8
By paranormalRHlover

Tiffany Bryant, this ones for you. You're one of my top devoted followers. And I hope this explains some things for all of you. P.s I'm sorry if this is too dark, though I did warn you all in the blurb. But let me know and I'll try to dial it down. Or just do a tamer version! Thanks all x



I'm running as fast as I can to reach her. Dreading what I'm going to find. I eventually pick up her scent but it's really faint and mixed with something that smells disgusting. It's to confuse my wolf. But we have a stronger nose and even if it does now smell putrid. It can't hide my mate from me.

When I see her up ahead struggling against Darren who's forcing himself on her, I'm set to kill. She's MINE! Then he hits her when she moves and is about to enter her when I knock into him hard, sending him flying, I look back to check on her and she looks me in the eye and I see relief in hers.

That piece of shit then tries to make me leave!! he doesn't know who he's dealing with that's for sure. I stand in front of her, keeping her behind me and out of harm's way. And when he says she's his, I snarl at him, she's MINE. He shifts and charges at me. I meet him head on so she doesn't get caught in the crossfire. Parker should be here soon to keep her safe.

I bite into his flank and he howls in pain. And gets me in the shoulder but I shrug him off. Were snarling and snapping at each other when I hear Parker arrive, which distracts me when I look to make sure he's with her and the Bastard bites the back of my neck and tries to pin me down, I feel his claws rake down my back but it just angers me more. And I also notice Parker is on his own. Where did she go?

I roll over taking him with me and roll on top of him to make him loosen his hold, then we're facing off for a few seconds giving me the chance to link Parker

"Don't just stand there go find her!" I hear him take off before I go for Darren again. This is taking too long. I bite into his shoulder and fling him at a tree, he hits it hard and befor he has time to shake it off I'm on him ripping into his side, he whines and whimpers, showing me his neck in submission and defeat.

I stop and he shifts back just before I do and his eyes widen in alarm when he realizes it's me . He stands up shaking and says with a quiver

"Alpha Jesse, I did not realise it was you. If I'd have known-"

"If you'd have known WHAT?! You'd have handed her over, or should I pay you for the privilege like you paid to RAPE and try to mate with what's MINE!"

"Y-you must b-be mistaken, she has n-no mate. That's what you j-just interrupted. Our M-mating. Id already marked her" He stammers out.

"No. That was Rape. And the Mark was against her will too. I know what Daniel has been doing. What you've all been doing. So for all your crimes, you're sentenced to death, you're lucky I haven't killed you already. Do you have anything to say for yourself? I want to know why?" His face morphs and he now looks possessed, He smirks sinisterly as he says

"She has an Aura about her you know. No one can quite resist the pull that's there once they've met her and the need to possess her is strong. So strong in fact because she's powerful and no male likes feeling inferior especially to a woman, so we dominated her. She had to be punished for her superiority. She needed to be put in her place. And she never did as she was told so we made her expect pain if she didn't, hell we did it for fun too, it becomes addictive. When she's in pain, when I fuck her. I'm stronger than her.(he laughs manically) I'm not the first and won't be the last to feel her wrapped round my dic-" I snap his neck, iv heard enough, what the fuck was he on about? I don't have time to think about this now I just need to find her, so I shift and shoot off after Parker.

For a while I feel like I'm going round in circles as pack members tell me they found her and had to fight of some men trying to attack her. But when I get to them she's nowhere to be found.

"Where are you?" I think out loud

It's been hours and I still haven't found her and it's driving me insane. How can her scent be going in 3 different directions. It makes no sense. How can she be dissappearing so quickly when someone spots her? Iv left Parker looking in another direction but can link him when he's needed! He obviously couldn't track her, not that I'm faring any better. And what is the deal with all these unconscious men? They are littered all over the place, just like her scent is.

I keep searching when all of a sudden her scent gets stronger. That's strange, that putrid smell is even stronger too, almost like it was sprayed right under my nose. I still smell her in other directions but this one must be more recent. I follow it for a while and it seems to be fading. What the fuck is going on?

"Parker, make your way to me. You're not that far and following her scent isn't do-" i stop the link as soon as I hear her scream and it's coming from a totally different direction then her scent is.

I run at full speed and when I see Daniel is doing exactly what Darren was I'm no longer controllable and with a angry growl I tear him off of her and start clawing and biting into him, Parker was close so again should be with her. I take a quick look after last time and see he is but she's still on the floor and he's doing everything possible not to touch her. I take a deep breath and can smell why, which has us turning to go get Parker away from our mate, as she smells like she's going into heat and I see Parker's eyes dilate in desire and I know I have to stop him before he does something I'll have to kill him for.

Daniel must have done something to her. Parker's leaning into her when I shove him away and order him to not move. He tries to break it, his wolf now hooked to the smell of her heat. But he is unable. I turn back to Daniel and shift


Daniel shifts back and laughing says

"I only amped everything up, she already had the allure. As for the heat, I'm guessing the need to mate spell I gave her to make her pliable for Alpha Darren and me fucking her,  triggered it. It's her first one too. I was this close to making her cum aswell. The spell won't end until she does you know" I growl and take a step towards him.

"Now. Now. If you kill me now, I can't tell you whhhyy!" He says in a sing-song voice.

"I already know why. Because she's stronger than you, which made you all feel impotent, Darren told me before I killed him."

I can hear her breathing heavy and panting, she moans and groans every now and then too and out the corner of my eye I see Parker leaning towards her but he's still under command, thankfully. With a sly smile Daniel says

"Ahhh. But I didn't tell him everything. He doesn't know why she's strong. Where she came from. Why everyone wants her. Only I know all that, most just knows what it feels like to make her bleed and scream. But every male, Every. Single. Unmated. Male. knows what it feels like to be inside her pussy. Hahahaha'' He taunts. Well i've heard enough. I shift back and attacked him. Bite after bite, slash after slash until he's a bleeding unconscious heap on the floor. He's still breathing, but not for long. I need to know what he knows. Then I can kill him.

Shifting back i run over to my mate. Hoovering my hands over her as I don't know where she's hurt. I open the link knowing she can't speak and hear.

"Pl-please. Make it stop. It won't go away! You think I'm your mate. And you're nice. I don't mind. please!!"
I can see the pleading in her eyes, the lust. Her heat that's been triggered is making her that much more lustful and lechery. And 1000 times harder for me to resist her.

"Shh, it's OK. And I don't Think you're my mate….I Know you are. Let's see what we can do hummm."

"No you can't be...(A tear escapes her eye and rolls down her cheek. So I wipe it away. And she leans into my touch) .... Alpha put something on me…. so i couldn't find my mate and said it would…. make others think I was there's…. so… how do you know it's not….. just a trick?…. Please…. I need…." She reaches out for me and sits up, and I think it's so I can get her out of here but she smashes her lips to mine startling me and making me topple backwards as I was only balanced on my feet. As I fall she follows and straddles my hips. Her naked flesh rubbing against my bare hardness.

Fuck. How am i supposed to stop her when all I want to do is slide right into her and make her mine.

"Don't stop Jesse, she's our mate and needs us. Let's give her what she wants and mate her now."

"No. Not after everything. When we mate I want it to be because she wants too. Not because she was forced to and especially when she doesn't believe we are her's!"  That seems to quell Zander somewhat, he doesn't like it but understands it's the right thing to do, she might not forgive us otherwise.

She puts her lips to mine and moans as she grinds into me. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She's making me almost forget my reasoning. She rises up slightly, arching back to slip my cock inside her, but I pin her hips to mine with my hands making her cry out in frustration.

"Please. It's not enough, I need more." She hasn't stopped grinding into me and I groan. Fuck she's gonna drive me insane. With one hand I pull her down to me and Kiss her, slipping my tongue into her mouth. She starts to picks up speed. Goddess she tastes good. I could so easily give in, just let her raise her hips and slip right In. I really want to. I'm fucking close to my release already and don't think she's far behind.

"Ok little mate, I'm gonna make you cum for me." I whisper in her ear and feel her shudder.

If she wants more I'll give her more. Releasing her head I put my hand between our body's. I have to pin her hip down to mine again with my other hand as she goes to try and slide me in again and slip a finger into her, which makes her arch her back on a long drawn out moan.

"Fuck yes, thats it don't stop. Don't stop.!

I add another finger and I didn't think it was possible! but she grinds into me harder taking my fingers in deeper. Leaning up I start kissing down her neck and just as I reach the crook of her neck I hear

"Im-im so close"

I can't stop my instinct so using my thump I press down on her clit and just before biting into her neck to replace Darren's Mark with my own I say

"It's time to cum for me, my little mate. Now Cum!" And she cums hard and screams out as her body starts spasming. I shout out my release and feel as it squirts out over my stomach. Then she collapses on top of me. Out for the count.

I take a minute to gather myself, Zander and i feeling better now that we've marked her. I wouldn't have been able to do that without marking her. So hopefully she understands that. I look over to Parker who seems to be shaking his head and coming out of his lustful trance. I hope he wasn't watching, that would be awkward!

I sit up cradling her to my chest, then stand and head back to the compound. My hunt is over. I found and marked my mate. So it's time to get this pack disbanded. I release Parker from his command and tell him to bring the bleeding out, piece of shit to the compound by any means and to make sure it hurts. He rushes to apologise but I know he was not at fault, so I wave it off.

When an unmated female goes into heat it releases pheromones that will attract all unmated wolves, for all involved the baser instincts take hold and set off an orgy until it finally passes. And fighting always breaks out, the wolf showing dominance to have her first. Each heat varies in length much like a human woman's menstrual cycle. So I'm glad I was here when it hit, that I found her instead of Parker, he wouldn't have been able to stop himself. Only reason he's OK now is because I marked her as mine, which makes his wolf stop as he knows he can't win against me. It's so others know to stay away, unless they are powerful enough to take me on. So she's off limits or they will suffer my wrath.

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