
By Lilicoul

21.3K 475 77

Louis is a desperate hybrid, abused and abandoned to himself, who just wants to be saved and perhaps loved, i... More

I'll always be by your side
Discovering new feelings
Haunting thoughts
Never fading away
Late Sunday Mornings
Just feeling a little insecure


9.8K 122 38
By Lilicoul

So i just came up with this idea 'cause I don't know, I kinda had kitten Louis feels all of a sudden I guess?:) And did you see how Harry was staring at Louis when they arrived in Japan? And the conference? When he said that his favorite take me home lyric was "You still have to squeeze into your jeans" while looking at Louis? God my feels are horrible right now xd:)

PS: I really suck at endins:/ forgive me?:)

Anyways, hope you'll enjoy:)

Feel free to leave feedback:)


It was a rather peaceful evening, the wind was blowing softly, messing up his already messy curls. He hummed quietly, walking slowly, destination unknown, wishing to escape reality. His greens eyes slowly adapting themselves to the darkness of the sky, his hands stuffed in his pockets. The alley he walked on was darker than the main street, perhaps too dark for his liking but he kept on moving, step by step. On another day, he would have probably turned around but somehow, today he couldn't bring himself to back off... He shrugged and kept on going. He let his mind wonder off, reflecting on his life, how would things be different if he didn't chicken out and did what he truly desired as a child...

His thoughts were interrupted as something caught his eyes. An overly big cage stood a few meters ahead of him. Soft whimpers and sniffs escaped from it, getting stronger with every step he took forward. His first thought was to walk by quickly and ignore the strange cage, but he discarded that idea as soon as it crossed his mind, because it would just be too inhuman of him. What if whatever was in the cage really needed his help? He wouldn't be able to live with that kind of guilt building up. Small hiccups were heard and his his eyebrows shot up in confusion.

Curiosity filled him and he walked up to the rusty cage. It was far too big to contain an domestic animal and he couldn't imagine what was inside. Without a second thought, he crouched down to look between the bars. He was met with wide blue eyes, staring right back at him, a small boy sat there, his back to the old cage, knees propped to his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around them. Harry would have swore that it was an normal human being if it wasn't for his furry cat ears twitching gently, flat against his feathery brown hair, and his brownish tail wrapped around himself. The cat like boy's eyes slowly refilled themselves with tears, his flushed cheeks filled with dried tear tracks, and his lower lip quivering mildly.

Harry stared at the boy, feeling his heart swell at the sight of the far too many bruises and scratches on his skin. Soon, the other boy was bawling his eyes out, his whole body shaking as sobs escaped his parted lips. He was truly scared of the stranger, convinced that the curly lad would hurt him like everyone else did. He held himself incredibly tighter, as if it would erase his existence.

Dazed by the boy inside the cage and mesmerized by his fluffy cat ears, stunning blue eyes, and adorable face, Harry slowly slipped his hand in the cage, between the bars. The other lad's gaze followed his movements, tears still falling freely against his flushed cheeks. When Harry's fingers played with the lock, getting it to open with a few tugs, the blue eyed lad blinked a few times, surprised by the stranger's gentleness, as if not wanting to scare him away.

Harry didn't want to be too rough, the other seeming too vulnerable for his own good. He smiled when the boy's head tilted to the side like a child, questioning his moves. He opened the cage and held out his hand to the cat like lad, inviting him to grab it. When the other wouldn't budge, he sighed softly and whispered "Come on love, let's get you out of here. I won't hurt you." "..." Perhaps he looked rather strange to the other lad, helping out a complete stranger but he could care less. He just stood there instead, his hand held out for the other to grab, not knowing anything else to do without scaring the cat like boy away.

Slowly, blue eyes met with green once again. His wet cerulean orbs filled with fear, doubtful of Harry's actions yet curious of his behaviour. His shaky hands gripped tightly Harry's palm, uncertain of what he should do. Harry smiled, encouraging the other lad to trust him, reassuring him. "That's it love. Come on, can you stand?" Harry spoke lightly as he received a nod from the blue eyes lad as an answer. He was starting to wonder if the other could talk at all. At least he knew that the hybrid understood what he was saying.

The other lad stood for a few seconds and Harry reckoned the blue eyed lad was smaller than himself before the boy's knees gave in and he fell against Harry, who quickly caught him before he hit the ground. He whimpered discreetly, clinging onto Harry. It has been far too long that he'd been imprisoned in that cage. "Shh, it's okay love. I'll carry you home, it's only a couple of blocks away." Came Harry's low steady voice in his ear. "Mm." He answered, not trusting his voice just yet. Harry smiled when he heard the other lad's small response. "Perhaps he could talk." He found himself wondering once again. He wiped away the stray tears on the lad's face with his thumbs, cupping the other's face before picking him up bridal style. One arm underneath his knees while the other held him in place, making sure the boy was comfortable, head buried in Harry's neck, his tail still tightly around himself. His hands were gripping Harry's jumper to steady himself. He was shivering in the strong arms around him and he didn't like the chilly weather so he snuggled closer, inhaling Harry's perfume. He smiled slightly, content and genuinely happy for the first time in so long. Harry walked towards his flat, realizing how light the other boy was in his arms, as though he hadn't eaten in ages.

"So, do you own a name love?" Harry broke the soothing silence after a few minutes, keeping the pet name at the end of each sentence towards the boy since it fitted him so nicely. "I'm Harry by the way... But you can call me Haz or Hazza if you'd like." He added, not wanting to make the other uncomfortable. "L-Louis..." He stuttered out softly, his voice slightly muffled by Harry's skin beneath his lips. "Louis? That's cute, it fits you well." Harry answered truthfully, dumbfounded by how angelic Louis' voice was, light as a feather yet so strong, even through he just spoke a word, and stunned by the feeling of Louis' soft lips against his skin.

Louis felt his face grow hot as he knew he was blushing. His hold on Harry's jumper tighten and he quickly blurred out, speaking his mind easily. "Y-you won't hurt me?" He sounded like an innocent small child, so incredibly innocent. Unsure of why Harry was treating him like he was made of glass and not being rough and hurting him like all the other humans he came across in his life. Harry felt his heart flutter. "God can he get any cuter?" He found himself thinking internally. "Of course not love." He said, his voice raspy but music to Louis' ear. "Then... Y- you can call me Lou." Louis whispered against Harry's skin, finding himself smiling for the second time that evening.

Before he knew it, they were in front of a door and Harry's hand fumbled around trying to find his keys. "Well then, Lou. Welcome to my flat I guess." He heard Harry saying as he struggled to open the door. Louis tilted his head slowly, peeking into the flat, his wide eyes roaming the unknown place. His furry cat ears fluttered quickly in excitation and he looked up, directly into Harry's green orbs, his eyes pleading silently. "Want to explore love?" Harry said with a smile spreading on his lips as he gently put Louis down on his feet in the living room, making sure the other lad was steady enough on his own. He let Louis explore his flat and left the room to hang his coat by the entrance when a soft voice came. "H-hazza?" Louis spoke, almost inaudibly, suddenly frighten as Harry left him alone in the living room near the couch. Harry felt his heart flutter once again at the tender voice Louis used and the use of his nickname. He came back promptly as he heard the distress in his voice. He was by the other lad's side within seconds. "What's wrong Lou?" He spoke, lowering his tone to match Louis'. "Don't l-leave me. I'm sleepy." Louis found himself mumbling as he clung to Harry's shirt, surprising himself as he trusted the other lad so easily even through he just met him a couple of minutes prior. "I won't." Harry whispered, petting Louis' cat ears, massaging his scalp. He didn't usually bound straightaway with strangers but it seems that Louis was an exception and he didn't mind. "Come on, let's get you to bed yeah? You look exhausted." Harry murmured gently, his lips brushing slightly Louis' ears as he spoke.

He slowly dragged Louis towards his bedroom, climbing the stairs with the blue eyed lad still tucked in his side. "You can sleep in my bed, I'll be in the room across the hall if you need me yeah? I'm not leaving you alone, I'll be right there. Don't worry, love." Harry spoke, pointing to his office across his bedroom. Louis nodded half hearted, all he wanted was to curl into a ball in Harry's strong, comforting arms. However, he didn't want to come of as too clingy and just went on with what Harry told him. Harry tucked him under the covers gently and he made sure Louis was comfy in his bed. He left after closing the lights off and let the door slightly opened if Lou needed him.

He crossed the hall, entering his office. He sat down on the sofa by the window, admiring the view he had on the city. His mind wondered to Louis, he had heard of the existence of hybrids within London, but never had he suspect that he'd come face to face with one, even less taking one home... Questions kept flowing back and forth freely in his mind. Why was Louis left in an old rusty cage, locked inside and unable to get out? Although he had his doubts about it, Harry tried to ignore them; he didn't want to believe that such cruelty still existed. How could someone even think of abusing Louis, who was as innocent as a child? He couldn't understand, no matter what. He couldn't believe it, but it remained a reality of life. He didn't dare imagine what his previous owners had done to the poor boy. He tossed those awful thoughts away as he observed the rain trickling down his window. Thunder grumbled and lightning lit up the whole night as he stared outside. Thank god he had brought the hybrid home with him. What would have happened to Louis if he had turned around and walked away from that dark alley? The poor boy would've been soaked by the heavy rain and certainly, he woud've caught a fever with this shitty temperature.

As he heard the rain hit the window, and the loud rumble of thunder, Louis' breath hitched. He crawled further under the covers, his breathing becoming irregular as lightning flashed, lightening up the whole dark room. He felt his eyes well up once again and tried his best to swallow his fears and bad memories away. However, he failed as the scenes he wanted so desperatly to disappear clung to him, too overwhelming to forget. He remembered every touch, every hit and every insult trown his way. How filthy and unwanted he was to them. How he was used, purely for their own benefit. He hated how thunderstorms brought back those undesirable memories. All he felt was pain and misery as he let his warm tears stream down his face wiping them away with the back of his hands afterwards. He bit his lip out of habit, swallowing back whimpers. His body shook with broken sobs and hiccups escaping his partled lips. He hated how childish it was to be afraid of thunderstorms out of all things. He hated how weak it made him seem, but those stormy nights had always been those nights where he sat there crying himself to sleep.

The house was quiet, but as Harry listened carefully, he heard Louis's quiet whimpers and small sobs, cut short as if he tried to swallow them. Worried, he stood up and went back to his room, opening the door wide, letting the dim light illuminate the dark room. He roamed the chamber, searching for the smaller boy. When he saw Louis curled up in a ball on the edge of the bed, buried deep within the covers, Harry felt guilt flash through him for letting the other boy alone in an unknown room all by himself. He was quick to be by Louis's side, scooping him up and letting the frail boy cuddling into him. Louis's cat ears fluttered and his tail curled around Harry's waist as he straddled the curly haired lad. He nuzzled into Harry's neck, feeling himself relax mildly, his hands clutched to Harry's shirt. The curly lad's arms found themselves wrapping the other boy entirely, his hands running up and down Louis' back, soothing him. 

"Shh... It's okay love, I've got you." He whispered, feeling Louis trembling in his arms. "'m sorry I left you alone." He added, his voice slightly muffled by Louis' hair as he rested his chin on the other's head. The small boy shook his head. "No... not your fault." Harry felt his lips moving slowly against his skin.

For the next couple of hours, Harry didn't say anything, he just stayed there, comforting the cat like boy, humming random songs, drowning away the sound of the rain and thunder, trying to soothe the other. He didn't insist that Louis explained himself, he just rocked him back and forth. When Louis' breath evened out, he laid down on his bed, Louis still gripping him as if his life depended on it. Harry let sleep take over him as he patted Louis'head, scratching behind his ears. 


The next morning, as the sun shined through the curtains, the two boys were still laying in bed, cuddled up. Louis' eyes fluttered opened and for the first time, he wasn't met with the cold bars of his cage but a breathtaking view. He was met with green and chocolate brown curls staring down at him. He blinked a few times, remembering last night and Harry smiled softly at him, his dimples showing. "Slept well?" Harry asked, his voice even raspier than usual. Louis nodded in response and before he knew it, his finger found Harry's dimple, poking lightly, enjoying the feeling. When he realized he was actually poking Harry's face, his eyes widened. "... Sorry." He murmured. Harry was quick to answer not wanting Lou to feel uncomfortable. "It's okay Lou." He said with a smile.

After a few minutes of having Harry play with Louis' ears and the other giggling cutely into Harry's chest, Louis broke the comfortable silence. "You're the first." He said, his tone somewhat nostalgic. "You're the first to treat me like this." He explained himself as Harry stared at him, confused. "You're the only one who stopped and tried to get me out of that cage." Louis said, his voice wavering a little as Harry went on petting his ears. "I-I wished I met you sooner." He stuttered out. "I wished I found you sooner." Harry confessed, thinking of all the atrocities Louis had to go through. "But it's alright love, all that matters is that you're safe now." He said softly as he pressed his lips to Louis' forehead. Louis nodded. "You won't leave right?" He asked once again. "I won't." Harry answered firmly, meaning everything in those two words.

Louis grinned; perhaps he finally found that one person who'll treat him right. He used to believe that nobody would ever treat him right... until he met Harry. He felt content, grateful and glad that it was Harry who delivered him from his fate. He snuggled closer to Harry and inhaled his smell, and for the first time, he felt home.

As Harry stared at Louis, he swore to himself that he wouldn't let anything hurt the other lad again. He swore that he'll take care of him and that Louis would never shed tears again. And slowly, he found himself falling for the cat eared lad, so innocent yet who suffered way more than anyone ever deserved...

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