Heaven Official's Modern Bles...

By Taes_gal

15.9K 1.1K 286

800 years of stoical waiting and a thousand years of beautiful togetherness. A love which attracted a million... More

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1K 99 8
By Taes_gal

𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙢
20 𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙇𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧

The sun slowly peeked from behind the thick black clouds which had just bathed the buildings, trees and the unlucky souls wandering on the streets.
The birds streched their wet wings as the trees still danced to the rhythm of the cold breeze.

The wide roads shone clean as the huge mansions stood strong, unaffected by the heavy downpour and the people there resumed their daily activities, whereas the narrow roads resembled small ponds as the Adam's ale¹ stood their to the knee level making it difficult for the people to take a step out of their doors.

Huffed breaths, frustrated screams and angered speech echoed in there as the people tried hard to put out the water that had entered into their dwell, uninvited. Everyone seemed busy trying hard to clean their messed up place, but only that house standing at the corner of the road seemed unbothered by the chaos.

*pit pat*

The tiny droplets greeted their mates in the small puddle that they had created at the corner of that house. The curtains blocked the sun's rays from sneaking in but the wind took a chance and succeeded. The small bed in the middle of the hall carried a petite figure that was wrapped tight in the blanket.

"Ah! It's soo cold. " The soft tiny voice of a young man floated from below the blanket as the person lying there pulled the blanket closer to his body to not let the coldness cuddle him. He slowly turned around and laid flat on the bed as the blanket gradually moved down revealing the beauty beneath it.

Perfectly curved brows, long black lashes, crystal clear skin, plumpy lips with a small mole beside it. He was a divine beauty that was no match to any human description. He slowly opened his eyes and the dazzling black orbs shone bright even in the darkness.

"Xiao Zhan gege " A lady's voice knocked through the windows.
"Do you want any help? I can clean up the place for you. "

Xiao Zhan. A charming guy in his 20s. A beautifully handsome man who is loved by all. Just a small curve of his lips is sufficient to make anyone fall into the pit called love.

A dazzling smile which has too many secrets behind it.

Zhan slowly lifted his head and looked at the window.
"No thanks. " He yelled softly.

"Let me help you. Please. " The pleading voice of the woman outside echoed in the house.

Zhan just laid flat on the bed staring at the blank ceiling not bothering to reply any further. He rubbed his eyes and stretched his body as he slowly sat up on the bed.

*pit pat*

The sound of the droplets attracted his ears and he slowly turned around in the direction of the sound. His eyes widened and his lips gaped.

"What the hell has happened here? " He yelled as he ran towards the corner where the droplets were enjoying their musical *pit pat* chorus. He stood there and looked at the mess the house had been.
"Ah! " He heaved. "It's going to be hectic. "

He stretched his body again before bringing the mop and a bucket to clean up the place. Zhan was quite used to this kind of mess as it wasn't anything new to him since he stayed in that dilapidated house for pretty long.

"Maybe I should've accepted her help. " He shook his head as the mop in his hand made a to and fro motion on the floor below.

*ding dong*

The irksome sound of the doorbell that occasionally worked reverberated in that small house.

Zhan closed his ears at the displeasant sound that the bell made. "I should get this fixed before it makes my ears bleed. "
He said putting the mop aside. "Guess it's that lady again. How many times should I tell her that I need no help! "

Zhan furrowed his brows as he walked towards the door. He slightly opened the door and spoke in an annoyed yet calm tone. "Ma'am, listen. I need no help----- "

His lips sealed as his eyes widened. He looked at the person standing on the other side of the door and a wide smile quickly occupied his face.

"Uncle Yu! " Zhan sounded very happy.

"Your---- Zhan... " Yin Yu smiled.

"Come in, uncle! " Zhan opened the door wide for Yin Yu to enter.

Yin Yu took small, careful steps so that he doesn't slip and fall.

"I know its a bit messy. Please don't mind. " Zhan chuckled.

"Bit messy? I think it's a complete mess. " Yin Yu chuckled.

"Just a second, uncle. I'll go get a chair for you. " Zhan ran towards the corner of the house where a lonely, handicapped chair was laying.

Yin Yu looked around and a sad look crossed his face which disappeared as soon as Zhan looked at him.

"Never mind, Zhan. Let me sit on this bed. I don't want to risk my back you know. " He chuckled and Zhan gave him a small smile.
"How are you? "

"I'm good. " Zhan smiled.

"I don't think so. " Yin Yu said. "Zhan look at this house. It's completely ruined. Hadn't I told you to ask me anything that you need? How can you live in this place, Zhan? " Yin Yu said in a small voice.

Zhan looked around and heaved a long sigh. "There's no problem with this house, uncle. It just needs to be fixed a bit. Otherwise everything else is good. " Zhan said.

"A bit? It needs a complete renovation. " Yin Yu sighed.
"Zhan, why don't you just move out? "

"I can, uncle. But, I don't think I'll find another accommodation at this cheap rate. " Zhan bit his lips.

"Cheap rate? Why do you need to find one at a cheap rate? Did you forget that you've an uncle who's alive and well? " Yin Yu sounded a bit frustrated.

"It isn't like that, uncle... It's just----- "

"Just listen to me, Zhan. I didn't say a word when you stopped receiving the money that I used to send because I didn't want to hurt your emotions. But, I can't take this any longer. You aren't someone who's supposed to live like this. Just move out of this place. I've already purchased a small rooftop house for you as per you're liking and you're moving there and that's final. " Yin Yu said.

"Uncle--- "

"I'm not done yet, Zhan. I know how badly you want to attend the University. I know how hard you studied for that. How can you let your dreams shatter like this? "

"I'm not in a position to fulfil them... " Zhan said in low voice.

"Take these papers. " Yin Yu stretched his hand and handed Zhan a set of papers.

"What are these? "

"University admission form. " Yin Yu said.

"Uncle... " Zhan was surprised. He was very happy but he didn't know whether to accept it or not.

"This is your chance, Zhan. If you find it difficult it accept this then consider it as me returning your dad's favors " Yin Yu said.

"But still... " Zhan was a bit hesitant.

"This may change your future, Zhan. Rejection or acceptance? The decision lies with you. Remember, if it wasn't for your dad I wouldn't have been sitting here with you today. How can I see his son suffer like this when I'm still alive? Think, Zhan. Stop thinking about others and think about yourself. You have a bright future and you have to win--- I mean, you have to make sure that your talents don't go in drain... " Yin Yu said.

"I'll think about it, uncle. " Zhan gave him a small smile.

"But, first. Move out of this place as soon as possible. This reminds me of Puqi--- I mean... Forget it. Just make sure you move out first. " Yin Yu smiled.

"Sure, uncle. But, I'll make sure to repay your kindness. "

"That isn't necessary... " Yin Yu whispered to himself. "I'll send you the address and the keys tomorrow. "

Zhan nodded with a smile.

"And make a wise decision, Zhan... This chance... You have to go to the University no matter what. " Yin Yu sounded desperate.

"Sure, uncle. I'll think about it. " Zhan smiled.

Zhan really wanted to go to the University but he didn't think it was right to keep accepting help from Yin Yu. But, this was his chance which would change his future. Rejection or acceptance, both lay in his hands.

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