Beau Brooks and Me.

By SydneyAliceB

66.7K 1.2K 120

Jai Brooks, Luke Brooks, James Yammouni, and Daniel Sahounyie all go to the same school as Sydney Bundred. Sy... More

New me, new beginning and all that jazz
Meeting Beau
Party And Bullshit
Princesses, Keeks, and the Twins
Sluts, Barks, and a whole lot of weirdness
Dancing twins, kissing Beau, and pinched asses!
Shots and flashing
School and death threats
Confronting the unwanted
self defense class?
Amelia and the pervert
England is calling
A normal morning... almost.
And the tears stream down my face...
What really happened
Beaus going to be OK
A promise...
A Christmas epilogue!

The Wedding

2.6K 94 37
By SydneyAliceB

‘Am I too young?’ I question, still playing with the red and white bouquet in my hand. I look up in the over sized mirror to see my best friends staring back at me.

‘No,’ Carly says. Sophie and Jordan shake their heads, not quite believing what I’ve just said. Alannah is quiet – definitely unlike her.

‘Alannah?’ I ask.

‘Honestly?’ I nod, wanting to know her opinion. ‘Your 23, Sydney! You should be travelling, living your life, yet here you are!’ She exclaims, throwing her hands up, her curly newly dyed brown hair bouncing on her shoulders. She’s been like this for the past couple of months. You would have thought she would have gotten over the news by now; after all we are both 23 years in age for crying out loud. I take in the white of my dress, the burgundy bridesmaid dresses, on my four best friends, and my two sisters in the corner. Jessica and Katie have grown up too fast. Jessica being almost thirteen, Katie now 17. I remember when I was 17… When I met Beau, the man of my dreams.

‘But, I love him Alannah,’ I mutter. ‘You must know this as you've been with Luke now - for how long?’ She shakes her head.

‘That’s different because I'm not getting married!’ Carly starts on my hair again, twisting it into something as beautiful as yesterday when she practiced the intricate design on my hair. Looking into the mirror I notice how I’ve change, ever since me and my family moved to Australia just over 6 years ago, I can’t help but notice I'm completely opposite to the dull and pale British teenager I once was. Now I glow and I don’t even know why. I just look like I’m glowing, beaming. Beau picked up on it yesterday just before he left our apartment to go to his old family home to prepare. I’m not too young. I’m a woman, and I should have the right to marry who I want. I wonder what my life would be like if I was still living in England. 

‘Beautiful,’ Carly says, adding the hairspray to my hair. I look up in the mirror to see she’s completed the hair part of the bride to be. My long black hair has been pulled back into a pony tail, except on either side I have a french plait, in the middle of my hair a slight quiff. I still need a lot of work done, and yesterday at the spa… Well I had to spend a whole day there. My hair is absolutely perfect and I needn't to tell her this because already she's getting compliments from all the bridesmaids, even Alannah. 

‘Wow Carly,’ I muse. She beams at her work, standing aside to let Jordan and Sophie get to work on my face. They start with concealer and foundation – light make up is only to be worn today. I wanted to go a lot more natural, to match with the gardens I was getting married in.

‘Did you get any sleep last night?’ Jordan tsks.

‘Sorry,’ I mumble. I couldn’t sleep, I mean how could I? Last night it had finally sunk in that I was finally getting married to Beau. During the past few months of planning I hadn’t thought twice about it, until last night of course. I started panicking. What if he got cold feet and decided to not get married? What if something happened to the cake? One of the dresses? I keep my head straight letting the girls do their work. Sophie's a lot better now at makeup than when I first met her, as she and Jordan have a business as makeup artists, I thought why not let them do my own for the wedding. Carly's a model, seems as if mine and Alannahs constant remarks of how perfect she was paid off, as she finally tried out for an agency. Alannah helps out in various vets; she’s always been caring towards animals, so she decided to go for that. Whereas I on the other hand, well I’m a writer for a popular magazine in Australia. Apparently having a writer with a British nationality would add something to the magazine.

‘Finished,’ Sophie says, pulling away her cosmetic brush. Looking into the mirror I always wonder why he wanted me as I am pretty average looking, except now… My lips are rosy and full, my face glowing, radiating how happy I am, my eyes are bright, lashes long, my cheeks colored slightly pink, defining my cheekbone. I look so different. Gina walks in smiling, and nodding at the work, complimenting my friends for helping me. She checks everything’s going to plan and leaves again, giving me a thumbs up.

‘Stand up missy,’ Alannah says smiling. I stand, spreading my skirt out. My dress is simple yet elegant, something completely different to me, but ho hey my girls said it’s perfect. When I tried the dress on I looked rough, I had tried on so many that day I was tired, but now after being done up for the actual day, I see why this dress was chosen. I look like a grown up princess. No more dress up for me though, because this is the real deal. ‘Put your shoes on,’ Alannah commands, nodding her head to my simple white satin heels. I carefully step into them, trying to not catch my dress. I try walking in the five inch heels, practicing the walk that will most certainly change my life. I’m playing the wedding march in my head trying to walk to the beat. A knock on the door stops me and Sophie opens it to reveal Jai and Luke. Their mouth drop open eyeing the dress, and, well me.

‘I knew he chose a good one,’ Jai smiles.

‘Sydney, you look beautiful,’ Luke muses. I mumble thank you to both of them, blushing furiously. My dad walks in, looking dapper in his black suit, and burgundy tie. The theme was to be burgundy and white overall, but obviously men would be in black suits.

‘Time to go princess,’ Signaling that it’s time. I nod my head and turn to my girls. We all have tears in our eyes.

‘Thank you,’ I whisper. They all walk up to me, engulfing me in a group hug. Alannah hands me my bouquet and smiles sincerely.

‘If he hurts you, you know where to find me,’ I can’t resist as I pull her in for another hug. I turn and start walking out the door, the girls and my sisters following my trail. We walk down the hall and outside, into the beautiful summer air. It’s the 7th of September meaning it’s mine and Beaus anniversary. Walking down the gravel path to the start of the aisle, I try to remember as much of our first part of our forever - the laughs, the tears, everything. Halfway through remembering the times we’ve had so far me and my dad stop, letting the 6 bridesmaids through with their men. It goes Jai and Carly, Luke and Alannah, Jordan and Skip, Sophie and James, and Jessica and Katie with two of Beaus other best friends. They all walk down the aisle silently, making my nerves increase. I can’t… The march begins, signaling it’s my turn to make my journey down the aisle. Everyone rises and I start walking, holding on to my dad for dear life. I keep my head down, until I muster enough courage to look up. I notice Beau at the end, in his suit, the sight of him makes my breathe catch in my throat and my heart beat faster. Dear God.

I catch his eye, and he smiles at me, genuinely happy. Maybe he won’t run away. I remind myself to breathe and let my dad lead the way. If I had to do this on my own I would be utterly screwed, because I’d be on the floor, my knees unable to carry unstable old me. We reach the end of the aisle and my dad hands me over to Beau. - Wedding Outfit (Sydney)

Beaus POV

I pace back and forth letting the nerves get to me. 

'Calm down!' Jai laughs. I stop and stare at him, making him shut up. Luke elbows him too which helps. I run my hand through my hair, what if she gets cold feet? I take a look at myself in the full length mirror, checking for the hundredth time. Same black suit, white shirt, dark red tie.

'You look fine' Luke says, trying to calm me down.

'Yeah stop panicking!' James says throwing a shoe at my head. I send him a look and try to calm down.

'He's not worrying about himself! God you’re all weirdoes...' Skip says.

'So who's he worrying about?' My friend Taylor asks scratching the back of his head.

'Sydney!' Skip shouts. They all 'ahhh' and send me comments telling me she's fine. A knock on the door silences us. 'Come in!' My mum walks in grinning from ear to ear. 

'She's fine, she's worried, but she's OK.' She laughs.

'Worried?' I question. 'About what?'

'You, the cake, the guests, everything.' Everyone in the room sighs in relief, including myself. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. 'But anyway, you're needed at the aisle because it's finally time.' I nod, and follow her out of the room. 

'Actually mum?' She turns her eyes wide.

'You aren't having second thoughts are you?' I shake my head laughing, and she puts her hand on her heart. 'You almost gave me a heart attack, you have two minutes OK?' She says sternly. I nod and turn around to look into the room holding all my best friends. 

'What the fuck are you doing?' Lewis, my other friend half yells.

'Er, some kind of good luck would be nice.' I say, confused. They all chorus a good luck and I shake my head, walking out of the room - laughing. 

I walk down the hallway and run into mum. 

'You! Come on.' She grabs my hand and drags me down corridors until we reach the gardens. She lets me go and hugs me, a fierce Gina style hug. 'Now, you need to go get married and make that girl happy!' She grins. 

'Is she not happy already?' I joke.

'From what I've heard she's very happy.' She laughs and I make my way to the end of the aisle where Tyler, one of Sydney’s is - he's marrying us. 

After about five minutes of everyone sitting down, the bridesmaids, and my groomsmen start making their way down the aisle. I and Sydney had decided on not having a best man or maid of honor. We couldn't choose. After they've made their way down the aisle it's time for the bride. The march plays and everyone stands, partly blocking my view of my bride. I walk to where I'm supposed to, in full view of Sydney. She looks beautiful, a sight for sore eyes, having not seen her since yesterday. I look at her face, remembering the first time I had ever met her. She doesn't look different, just more grown up, more of a woman than what she was before. She stops looking at her feet, looking forwards, biting her lip - she's nervous then. She reaches me and I can’t help but grin.

‘You look stunning.’ I mouth, making her blush.

We turn to Tyler, while everyone sits down, awaiting the most important part.

Sydney’s POV

Panicking, panicking, and panicking. I try to breathe deeply, calming my racing heart. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, today we have gathered together to celebrate the marriage of Beau and Sydney. Marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, who trust each other, who honor one another as individuals in that togetherness and who wish to spend the rest of their lives with each other. It enables the two separate souls to share their desires, longings, dreams, joys and sorrows, and to help each other through all uncertainties in life.’ I smile a small smile at my cousins’ words, earning a quick side glance from Beau. Tyler signals for us to face each other, Beaus grinning, which makes me laugh quietly.  ‘Beau, will you take Sydney to be your lawful wedded wife? Will you love, comfort, honor and protect her, until death do you part?’

‘I do.’ He replies confidently, relieving me of any worries of him making a run for it. I sigh, smiling.

‘Sydney, will you take Beau to be your lawful wedded husband? Will you love, comfort, honor and protect him, until death do you part?’

‘I do.’ I say, trying to sound as confident as he did.

‘Now, you have both wrote your own vows haven’t you?’ We nod, and Tyler signals for Beau to start. He better not say anything embarrassing.

‘Sydney, ever since I met you at the school, I wanted you to be mine. It seems weird looking back, like when you went to the party and we kissed for the first time – and then when you got drunk and I looked after you. You’re my princess, forever and always, even if Jai doesn’t agree.’ This earns chuckles from our family and friends. ‘I will love you – even when you moan at me for not doing the dishes.’ It was one time. ‘I will always love you.’ He raises his eyebrow, expecting me to do my vows I guess.

‘Originally I wrote a whole paragraph; about how much I love you but apparently this is much more personal. I have to admit when I met you I wasn’t exactly keen because you seemed a bit cocky. But then you kind of grew on me. I fell in love with you properly, when someone intruded in our relationship, forcing me to ignore you and the guys. Being without you… It hurt me. It was a huge wakeup call and when we overcame that obstacle, I was happy again. I’ve been happy ever since, and I don’t want it to stop – ever. I love you Beau, I always have and always will.’

Tyler steps forward, a warm smile playing at his mouth. ‘Time for the rings.’ He announces, pulling black velvet box out of his front pocket. We repeat these words with ease; having had the script sent to us we memorized it, so no mess ups would happen on the day:

‘This ring, which has no beginning and no end, symbolizes the love and trust between us that will never cease. May it’s presence on your hand remind you of my love and vow. I place it on your finger as a visible sign of the promises which have made us husband and wife.’

We place the simple white gold bands on each other’s left hand, the smiles not leaving our faces.

‘Until now, Sydney and Beau have spent each moment of their lives as separate individuals. But from this day on, and every day after this one they shall spend their lives shall be shared and spent as one. By the power enthroned in my, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!’ Beau raises his brow, and pulls me closer using my waist.

‘So Mrs Brooks what now?’ He bites his lip.

‘How about you kiss me Mr Brooks?’ He lowers his head, and places his lips on my own, sending the crowd cheering and clapping. He pulls away, and turns us towards the crowd. Tyler announces us as Mr and Mrs Brooks, making me grin. Everyone makes their way down a path leading to where our reception is to be held. We all reach it, and mingle for a while waiting for the food so we can sit at our designated tables. I stand next to Beau, and he holds my hand, caressing my knuckles, occasionally brushing my wedding band while talking to our parents, and the twins.

‘I still can’t believe it.’ Jai says, shaking his head.

‘Believe what?’ I ask.

‘I can’t believe you actually married my brother – I feel bad.’ He laughs.

‘I feel bad for myself.’ I say, smiling.

‘Hey!’ Beau says pouting.

‘I’m sorry.’ I kiss his jaw, his hand tightening around my own, giving it a light squeeze.

‘So where’s the honeymoon?’ Gina questions.

‘Jamaica.’ Says Luke. ‘I suggested it, because I and Alannah went and it was absolutely beautiful.’ I still can’t believe I married Beau, after all the months of panicking, designing, booking, looking at places… and it was all for one day!

‘So, what’s the plan now?’ Mum asks.

‘Finish the reception and we’re off.’ I reply.

‘Well you haven’t got long so I would go and talk to the other guests.’ Dad muses. I smile and nod, following Beau around, thanking people, talking to friends and family alike. After what seems like forever of talking everyone sits down to eat. After our meal we do speeches, the sun has started to set, meaning all the fairy lights and lanterns are lit – creating a beautiful atmosphere.

Jai and Luke are up first, standing on the little stage trying to share a microphone. They bicker for a couple of minutes, and then Luke gives in handing it to Jai.

‘So Beau, I’d like to say I wish you all the best with your new life with Sydney, and if you ever have a baby boy in the future you must name him Jai otherwise I will find you, and… yeah.’ He grins, handing the mic to his twin brother. Luke snatches it and sends a creepy smile our way.

‘Now, Sydney I hope you’ve had enough sleep over the past couple of days because when you’re in Jamaica, I honestly don’t think you’ll get any.’ Everyone laughs quietly, sending me red. They step down and Gina stands up, taking the mic.

‘Ok Syderz, and Beau, I’m going to make it quick and snappy, because I know other people want to speak. I hope you two have a beautiful honeymoon and after watching you two grow together for the past 7 years, I know full well you two will be together for quite a time to come.’ She smiles at us and a soft round of applause spreads through the crowd. My mum and dad walk up to the stage, wishing us all the luck in the world. The speech is beautiful, and it honestly brings tear to my eye, until my dad takes hold of the mic.

‘Now Beau, I believe roughly 6 years ago I remember talking to you about my daughter.’ I groan, sending laughter all round. ‘And after these years I’ve realized something. I was wrong. You’re not wrong for her – you make her happy and I see that now. All you need to do now is look after her for the rest of her life.’ He nods and walks off stage with mum in tow, blowing kisses to us.

Katie and Jessica are the last of the speeches.

‘It’s weird thinking that my sister has married one of my idols.’ Katie begins. ‘I remember bickering with friends over who got which Janoskian, and I always used to have to say that Beau was my sisters.’ Jessica snatches the mic.

‘And Katie herself always said that Skip was hers.’ Jessica laughs.

‘Yeah, yeah whatever.’ Katie laughs, blushing at the memory. ‘Well anyway, I know a lot about you Beau and I know full well that you know if you ever hurt my sister-’ Jessica takes the mic away from her.

‘What Katie is trying to say is that good luck with your lives! Love you Sydney!’ Jessica says pulling Katie off stage. Beau stands up in his seat, turning the attention to him.

‘So Sydney – want to dance?’ I nod, reaching for his outstretched hand. He pulls me to the main floor, close to him. Our song ‘Kiss Me’ by Ed Sheeran starts playing, and we start swaying to the music, trying to keep in time with the slow song. He lowers his head closer to my ear.

‘Have I ever told you how much I love you?’ I put my hands behind his neck, craning my neck to reach his own.

‘Everyday for the past seven years, and hopefully for the rest of my life.’

 I squeeze his hand, trying to push with everything I have.

‘That’s it one more push.’ I push once more, my baby girl being born. I sigh, letting go of Beaus sore hand. He rubs it and laughs. Our baby is wrapped in a towel and placed on my chest her dark hair contrasting to her pale skin.

‘She’s so beautiful.’ I say, kissing her head.

‘Just like her mum.’ I turn my head to face Beau, holding our baby in my arms. ‘Our little Darcy.’ He says, hugging us both. 

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