Dragon of Destruction

By LunarFlower693

172K 8.5K 17.9K

Error didn't know what to expect after being pushed into the Void. He didn't expect to be transformed into a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 28

2.9K 172 508
By LunarFlower693

'I knew that it wasn't a good idea...' Was the only thing that Gaster thought when he looked at the chaos that his sons created. They were nice enough to make sure that they didn't destroy important researches and inventions, but the chaos was still there.

How did this happen? Well it all started in front of the lab, actually.

They soon arrived in front of the building in which Gaster was working at. It was the biggest building of the village; standing tall in the middle of the smaller houses nearby. Unsurprisingly, the building was a pristine white. The teenagers had already saw it when they were flying not so far from there. Gaster easily walked through the village, saluting a few people on the way, while the Gods followed him, looking around in curiosity. They only flew above villages; it was the first that they actually went inside of one since they came here.

They noticed how some people looked at them curiously while some seemed to understand who they were. It wasn't a surprise; Gaster had told them that he talked about his new sons to make their adoption seem more credible and believable and not seem as if they just appeared out of nowhere. Which was the actual truth, but nobody needed to know that. Of course, the fact that it wasn't a surprise didn't stop them from glaring at some people who stared too much. It wasn't really noticeable, but they were tense and ready to fight at any second.

It didn't take too long for them to reach the front door of the lab. Once in front of it, Gaster turned toward them, finally noticing how tense they were and wincing slightly at the sight. He didn't know why he was even surprise; many people staring at them like that? For them, it might sound like the start of another ambush. It broke his SOUL to see his sons constantly so leery of their surroundings.

He cleared his throat, effectively gaining their attention, and offered them a soft smile to calm them down a little. Thankfully, it seemed to work, as they smiled back at him. "Alright sons, we're there."

"Wow, I wouldn't have guessed." He ignored Blade's sass with practiced ease –it probably shouldn't be a good thing, but Torment assured him that it was normal with them to get used to it– and continued. "A few rules before we get in." Drako rolled his eyes, Torment crossed his arms, Demise snickered –did he dream or Demise said 'A few rules to break', just now?– and Blade groaned in annoyance.

"First of all, please, try not to traumatize my coworkers or make the building explode by strange ways that I'd rather not know of." They all snickered in response, making the adult sweat in apprehension. They were totally going to destroy everything and he knew it. "No PrOMiSEs~"

That answer didn't reassure Gaster at all. But what did he expect? One of his sons was a fucking God of Destruction for crying out loud! He should have known that destruction and chaos came with the teenagers when he adopted them. He sighed and continued. "Don't scare them too much with how smart you are. Try not to attack them." He saw Torment's tentacles twitch, making him hold back a groan. His coworkers weren't going to make it alive and sane. Alive would already be good, sane wasn't so sure. "Demise."

The dragon perked up in confusion at the sudden mention of his name. "Do not drink all the coffee. We all need it to survive." The black dragon offered him the saddest expression he could possibly make while whining slightly. "I need coffee to survive too, you know!"

"No, you don't, you're just addicted." Demise stared at him for a few seconds before sticking out his tongue childishly. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't deny it; he was totally addicted to coffee and didn't really need to drink it since he could sleep properly now that he didn't have to reap SOULs all day and night. That didn't stop him from planning to steal their coffee, of course. Hey! Drako could steal chocolate, why wouldn't he do the same after all?

Gaster rubbed his forehead tiredly, knowing that nobody would make it out without some mental damage. He really shouldn't have agreed and just let them go to another AU. At least he couldn't see them create havoc when they were outside of Dragontale! "And last one; try not to make us all insane in just a few seconds. Wait a few minutes at least."

They didn't answer nor agreed to the rules that Gaster set, but he saw the unhidden mischievous glint in their eyes. They were going to do all the things that he said not to do and be damn proud of it. 'Perhaps I should have tried reverse psychology on them...'

Oh well, it was too late to escape his and his coworkers' doom now, anyway. He could only hope that they would have mercy on his SOUL and shorten his suffering quickly.

He sighed and took a magnetic card out of his chest pocket, gently placing it on the detector near the door. The door opened revealing...

"Another door? Are you that scared of someone stealing your researches?" Gaster shrugged, taking out keys from the same pocket and opening the second door. "I'm not the one who designed the building, Demise. But yeah, some things in there shouldn't be outside of the lab, so I guess it was a needed precaution."

He entered in the lab and kept the door open for Torment and Drako, who quickly went in, silently analyzing the interior of the building. It didn't look that much different from the other AUs' labs –without anime or instant noodles–, but they could see a clear difference. First of all, there wasn't just one scientist working here, so Monsters were running around the place with documents of all kind in their arms. Secondly, things were more organized; multiple stacks of documents were placed neatly on the few desks here and there, each desk having one or two computers showing different diagrams and complicated looking calculations and solutions. The place wasn't trashed like Alphys' lab was most of the time, leaving an open area to walk around and giving the lab a more professional atmosphere. It was also bigger and seemed to have a few more rooms that they would probably discover later.

Torment nodded to himself. "Your lab seems more organized than in most AUs. This is nice." Gaster smile proudly at this little compliment. "WeLl iN oThEr AUs It'S AlPhYS ThE ROyAL ScIenTiSt And ShE'S AlOne, iT sEEmS LoGiC ThaT ThIs LaB WouLD Be DiFFeRent."

"Well this is the main lab; I have my own one at another floor. This is where we'll go, if you don't mind." They nodded, knowing that Gaster was probably talking about this AU's True Lab. 'At least my coworkers' sanity should be safe for a few hours if they stay with me...'

They all started to walk toward the elevator when suddenly a Monster blocked their way, looking down on Gaster's new sons. Or at least he tried to, which wasn't really successful as he was smaller than them. Gaster could only sigh, internally cursing the Monster for the chaos that was about to enfold because of his haughty attitude.

"I didn't know that it was a 'bring your kids at work' day, Gaster. Couldn't find a baby-sitter for them?" Gaster just looked at him blankly, internally asking himself if this man would make it out alive. He doubted so, honestly, but maybe his sons would be merciful. Eh, who was he kidding, that man was already as good as dead.

He felt a shiver run down his spine when he heard all of them growl dangerously. Not just the dragons; all four of them were growling and glaring at the poor Monster. How he didn't run away yet was quite impressive. He opened his mouth to defend his kids, only for one of Torment's tentacle to gently push him out of the way before walking slowly toward the Monster with Drako. Said skeleton towered over the scientist, and if it wasn't for the aura that his SOUL was emitting and his young traits, they wouldn't have been able to know that he actually wasn't an adult. It was one way the Monsters could use to know how old someone was; their SOUL's aura served as an informant. They could always feel if a Monster was an adult or a child. Or, in this case, a teenager.

Torment, even if not as tall as Drako, was still taller than the Rat Monster –yes, he was a rat– in front of him. Not that it was really hard, as the Rat was quite small. They smirked darkly when they noticed that the Rat started shaking slightly once he saw how much taller they were. That, added to their auras that they fully let out –making them look terrifying for anyone pissing them off– was enough to scare the adult.

Torment's tentacles were swaying faster than usual behind him, making the King of Negativity seems even more threatening. "Care to repeat that? You're the one who sound like a child, dumbass."

"BuT If YoU'Re So GrEaT, lEt'S tEsT YoUR InTElLiGeNce. ThE lOSeR WiLL cAlL A bAbY-siTtEr To WaTcH OvEr HiM AlL WeEK. AlRiGHt?" Their tones were darks; their words filled with venom and the promise of a bad time if the Rat pissed them off just a little more. Gaster groaned and facepalmed, knowing that his sons would easily win the bet. A coworker with a baby-sitter, just what the lab needed, thank you kids!

The Rat scoffed, trying to look more imposing than he truly was, and failing miserably. "Alright, don't come crying to me when you'll call your baby-sitter, you damn brats!" Torment and Drako only chuckled darkly in response, shaking their heads.

By now, everyone in the lab was surrounding the three Monsters, making Gaster want to take his kids and run away. He could see how uncomfortable they were at being encircled like that, even if they didn't show it. The only thing that they demonstrated was their growing hate for the Rat.

The test was simple –for them anyway–; multiples difficult equations and science related stuff. Someone who wasn't a scientist shouldn't be able to answer those questions, and even one would take some time. Most solutions required to have a calculator to effectuate the problems.

That was, of course, not considering Drako and Torment, who finished the improvised test in just a few minutes, looking smugly at the Rat –what was his name already? Gaster never liked him enough to remember–, who still was at the first question. The Rat and the others gasped in shock when the two teenagers gave their copies at another scientist for them to be corrected while crossing their arms, gesturing to him to do his test with a common smirk. Gaster just sighed and grabbed some coffee from the coffee pot, rolling his eyes at Demise's pleading look and putting some in a bowl for the dragon.

Gaster wouldn't answer if anyone asked him why he had bowls in his inventory. It was always good to have, mostly when half of his sons were dragons.

Demise happily drank his coffee, purring out gently in appreciation while the other scientists were asking themselves in which world dragon started to drink coffee and if this one was a special case or not.

The Rat groaned, clearly angry that those kids finished before him, before smirking while doing his test. 'They probably answered randomly, can't wait to make them call their baby-sitter in front of everyone!'

During this time, the poor SOULs who were chosen to correct the tests –damn it, they had work, why were they doing this?!– were getting more and more shocked by the absence of wrong answers. Seriously, those tests were perfects! How was that possible?! It couldn't be Gaster, since he only adopted them a few weeks ago!

They soon finished correcting the tests –which was fairly easy due to the lack of actual need of correction– and put them on a desk, their faces pale because of the shock. Just how much did those two knew?! Most of the scientists took a look at the papers, snickering in advance at how failed they imagined it to be, only to gasp in shock at the sight of a fully correct test. They looked at the teenagers, who just smirked, and at Gaster, who shrugged while drinking his coffee, seeming unimpressed by all of this.

'What have they done for him to not be shocked by that?!' Was what all of them were asking themselves.

Other people tried to correct the tests, in hope of finding the smallest mistake, only to end up with the same result; a perfect test. They snickered once again, this time knowing that the Rat wouldn't be able to do nearly as well, and that he would have to call a baby-sitter. He deserved it honestly; he was really annoying and always tried to pick up fights with everyone in the lab.

The Rat, oblivious to what his coworkers were thinking and of the score of the teenagers, smirked once he was done, giving his test to the same coworkers while looking smugly at Gaster's children, who only smiled at him.

This time, it didn't take long for the correctors to find errors in the test and quickly correct them, snickering to themselves while occasionally looking at the Rat. "I hope that you know a good baby-sitter, 'sir'." The way Torment said 'sir' showed that he didn't respect him at all. Moreover, he spat out this word like poison. The Rat just rolled his eyes with a scoff.

"He is so going to regret testing you out!" Blade snickered, flying around the correctors with Demise to see how many mistakes the Rat had made. There was quite a lot, surprisingly. Was he truly a scientist? "This is perfect; you guys need to film all of this! Please!"

Drako and Torment chuckled and took out their phone, starting to film the scene around them and explaining what was happening while Gaster just wanted to go work in his lab –but at the same time he wanted to see that damn Rat make a fool of himself when the results would be announced–. Thankfully, the King was quite lenient on their work schedules, but they still needed to do some work for the day!

The two teenagers showed their test with their perfect results before going behind the correctors, who just finished correcting the Rat. They snickered at the sight of his result; the man barely had half of the points, and it was only because the corrector were nice enough to count some things right when the explanations were hazardous. How come teenagers could give better explanations than a fucking scientist for Toby Fox's sake?!

"Well... We got the result and..." The scientist paused, looking once again at the tests to make sure that he didn't dream –he surely felt like this couldn't be real–, making the Rat groan in annoyance. "Oh stop trying to be mysterious and tell those kids that they lost!" The four children rolled their eyes, waiting for the results to be said.

"Yeaaaah... About that... You lost." All form of pity that the two could have to propose a challenge impossible to win at the Rat evaporated at his reaction. The Rat chocked on his saliva, looking at the correctors, astonished. He just managed to mumble a small 'W...What...?" through his shock while the two Gods were laughing their nonexistent asses off. "Just what I said; you lost. Those two genius didn't make any mistake while you barely reached the average amount of point. So, yeah, you're the loser."

They filmed the Rat's expression varying from shock to anger while he accusingly pointed a finger toward them. "You cheated!"

"No We DiDn'T. No NeEd fOr IT AnD We WouLdN'T HaVE BeEN ABLe To EVeN If We WaNtEd, wIth EVEryOne wAtCHiNG." Was the only thing Drako answered, shrugging slightly. "Now that this has been said... Why don't you call your baby-sitter, hmm?~"

The look on his face as he walked up to see the tests was priceless. Torment let out a small purr of appreciation at the pure hatred that the Rat was emitting. Everyone around them was laughing. "T-This is absurd! I am not going to participate in your childish games!"

"Oh? BuT ThAT wAs THe BeT, No? 'ThE LoSeR CaLl A bAbY-SiTtEr To WATcH OvEr ThEM ALl WeEK'. If We WeRe ThE LosERs, YoU WOUlDN't SaY ThAt, so CAlL A dAMn BaBy-SIttEr YoU cOwARD." The Rat growled and walk toward Drako, raising his hand to punch him, only for the glitchy skeleton to catch it without any effort. "CaReFuL, I'M pReTtY SuRe ThAT YoU ShOUlDn'T Be VioLeNt tOWaRd AnOthEr's cHiLD."

As he said that, Gaster put a hand on the Rat's shoulder, giving him a bone-chilling glare. Granted, his aura wasn't nearly as impressive as his sons', but it was still powerful enough to make the Rat really nervous and scared. Added to that Drako and Torment who stopped suppressing their aura the moment that the Rat's hand was going toward Drako's chest –poor guy couldn't even hope of slapping Drako with his height–, it was easy to see that the Rat was absolutely terrified. Even the others, who weren't targeted by the family's wrath, were scared of them right now.

In the end, the Rat ended up calling a baby-sitter, who was explained the situation and didn't hold themselves back from laughing at the Rat's misery while congratulating the two Gods. The woman, a Cat Monster ironically, promised to stay by the Rat's side at all time during the week, and to film everything. Of course, everyone wanted to have the video at the end, which the baby-sitter promised to give.

Once that the Rat's episode was done, everyone in the lab was laughing and knew not to mess with the new additions of the skeleton family. Gaster patted their heads and congratulated them proudly... Even if they didn't follow the rules and ended up traumatizing his coworkers with their knowledge. Oh well, it was inevitable in the end. Plus, seeing this damn Rat with a baby-sitter was totally worth it. He was proud of his sons.

They then went into his floor of the building, that his sons liked to call the 'True Lab' for some reason –probably something related to the labs in other AUs–. He let them roam around freely after they promised not to destroy everything... Well not intentionally, at least. It was good enough for Gaster.

It didn't take them long to visit the entire floor. Some inventions were the same as other AUs', some were different, some weren't there and some were special to this universe. It was quite interesting to compare everything. The notes were the same as the inventions; they couldn't be totally similar to other Gasters' notes, as they weren't studying the same thing, but there were still some similarities.

Once they were done walking around and reading all the notes scattered around the lab, they went back in the room where Gaster was working. His current researches were on the magic bound between dragons and Monsters, as well as their shared ability and increased strength when the both of them were fighting together. There was also a part focused solely on dragons, which he could test himself since he was part dragon.

They took a sit next to him, silently watching him work... While Demise was emptying his coffee pot without even trying to be discreet about it. Gaster stopped caring at some point, since Demise seemed determined to drink all of his coffee. Why did he adopt a coffee-obsessed dragon already?

"HeY, CoUld I HeLP YoU WiTH ThOsE ReSeArcHes?" Gaster looked at Drako in surprise. "I mEaN, YoU AlrEAdY TOlD Us ThaT YoU CaN OnLY ChAnGE bEtWeEn yOur DraGON aNd SKElEToN FoRM OnCe Or TwIcE A dAy SiNCe iT CoNsUmES A LOt Of MaGIc AnD EnERgY. I DOn'T HaVE ThIS PrObLEM, SO I CoUlD HelP YoU? If YoU WANt mE tO, ThAT Is."

Gaster stared at Drako for a few seconds before he let out a sigh and smiled at his son. "I could use the help, since I don't have a dragon bound to my SOUL, but it's up to you. I don't want you to feel obligated to help me or anything. I'll gladly accept your help though, if you want to join in my researches."

Drako smiled and nodded, happy to help his father, knowing that he wasn't like those crazy Gasters who didn't care about using their sons to experiment on. He was a good father, and just for that, Drako would gladly help him out. "We can help too, since we also are dragons!"

Gaster nodded at Blade –and Demise who nodded in agreement after Blade's intervention– with a small smile. By Toby Fox, his sons were truly amazing. Granted, they were chaotic, destructive and maybe not the sanest, but they were amazing and he loved them with all his SOUL. "I maybe am not a dragon, but I'll also help with your researches."

Gaster chuckled and shook his head with a smile. "You're all supposed to be my sons, not my assistants!" Drako shrugged while Torment laughed in response. "We HaVE QuIte A BiT oF KnOWlEDgE, iT'S oNLy NoRmAL FoR US tO SHaRE IT WItH YOu. AfTER EoNs oF ExIstENCe, We ARe bOUnd tO KNow ThinGS ThAT COUld HElp YOu ouT."

"I... Thank you all, you're awesome." The four brothers smiled and hugged their father, who was extremely happy and proud of his babies –they must never know that he called them that, otherwise he won't be safe from their inevitable vengeance–. Torment smiled at the feeling that he was sensing from Gaster. What Gaster didn't know was that besides wanting to help him, they wanted to be able to come back to traumatize that stupid Rat. "I guess I'll have to ask King Asgore to give me keys for you to enter the lab as you want, if you're going to help."

"Can't we just teleport inside?" Demise tilted his head curiously after asking his question, which was followed by nods and curious expressions from his brothers. "This building is supposed to block people's magic, so no, you shouldn't be able to teleport inside."

Drako and Torment frowned before teleporting at the other side of the room. "... But of course, it doesn't work on you. Why am I even surprise..." Gaster paused and let out an amused sigh as his two oldest started teleporting around the room to prove Gaster that the magic restraints didn't work on them at all. Guess they weren't strong enough for Gods, who would have thought? "I'll still need to get you keys, since you're not supposed to be able to use magic here. We don't want people to get curious about you and your abilities."

They all nodded in agreement. None of them wanted to have curious Monsters on their back trying to understand why their magic was so powerful. They didn't need more people to know the truth.

The next hours were spent by Gaster working on his researches and making equations while being helped by his sons, who proved themselves to be extremely clever once again. Not that he was surprised anymore. Why would he, anyway? They were Gods after all. It shouldn't have surprised him in the first place.

Once done, they went up to the lab where the tests took place and... All hell broke loose.

They had the kindness not to cause a mess in his lab, but now that the day was finished and that they were in the principal lab, there was nothing holding them back. They started creating mixes that shouldn't exist with different kind of liquids before throwing them around, making them explode. Contrary to what some scientists might have thought, they knew exactly what they were doing with those chemicals. Some barely missing the Rat, strangely enough. They didn't want any witnesses if they killed him, and didn't feel like killing everyone in the lab. Not today, at least. 'Why do they even know how to make bombs like this?' Gaster asked himself as he stared at the chaos from a safe spot that they didn't seem to target. They probably let this side alone because he was there, and Gaster was thankful for that.

Stacks of papers started flying around, Demise finally decided to drink all the coffee he could find, more explosions and weird chemical reactions were caused...

All in all, it was a good day.

Gaster sighed, looking at his terrified coworkers and at the chaos that his sons caused, just because they could and felt a bit chaotic. Oh well, at least they didn't destroy the entire building and everyone's sanity wasn't too much at stake. "Boys, let's go home, we need to go pick up your brothers' from school."

They stopped everything and went toward their father –not before throwing a last bomb at that damn Rat–, smiling innocently and waving at the scientist as a good bye. The scientists all made a mental note not to mess with Gaster's kids.


C h a o s! :D

I'm not exactly proud of this chapter but I love torturing this Rat, for some reason-

I just need the boys to have access to the lab for something that will only happen much later-

Sorry for posting this late, it was hard to find the time to edit this chapter-

Speaking about it, I probably left some errors or some sentences that didn't mean anything. If so, I'm sorry... I'm too tired for this-

Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! ^^

Lunar's out!~

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