NOTHING TO YOU. seonghwa


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━━━ In which Park Seonghwa and his friends make a bet on the new girl, hoping to gain some sort of entertainm... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 73

1.8K 96 113

"Wait, wait! How do we do this? Do I hold your hand? I've never loved a girl this much before heck I haven't even dated one yet. Ohmygod don't reject me, that was supposed to be a secret!"

Lucas rambled quickly out of panic, tugging at the ends of his black hair as he walked beside Daeun, her outstretched hand only making him panic more.

"You never dated a girl before? So does that mean you've dated a boy?" Daeun asked teasingly, wriggling her brows at him.

"No! Of course not!" Lucas yelled, a bright pink his crossing his cheeks. Daeun giggled at his frenzied hysterics. She slowly took hold of hands, lacing it with hers as she flashed him a genuine smile.

"You haven't dated neither genders. How about kiss? Have you ever kissed anyone?"

He snorted, nodding his head. "There were a couple but my first one was in 7th grade. It was in an infamous game of truth and dare... the girl... she had braces and a really bad breath."

Daeun erupted into a fit of boisterous laughter, trying to picture a small Lucas and his expression when he realised she had braces on, her fingers not letting go of his once as she looked away, still laughing at his embarrassing revelation.

After his unexpected confession two nights ago, which lead to Lucas also eating out with a protective Somi and a suspicious Daehwi, they had temporarily kept their distance on the weekends until today; Monday. He had been waiting outside her apartment complex, obviously frightened and hysterical after Daeun had avoided him on the weekends.

She frankly just needed time to adjust to their sudden build on a relationship and when she explained how she wasn't ready for all this 'relationship drama' again, he took it all in calmly and surprisingly good.

So for now, he was happy enough to know that she was considering it.

It's better to rely heavily on hope rather than rejection in his eyes.

"How about you?" Lucas questioned with a sly smirk. "Who was your first kiss?"

Daeun's smile immediately dropped, her heart wrenching at the sudden memory that plagued her mind.

He had kissed her with feelings she thought were real.

"Seonghwa." She replied simply and seemingly unaffected. Lucas cleared his throat abruptly, suddenly feeling guilty at his reckless questioning.

"Okay I was a tad late but let's say he doesn't count. And then I'll be your first real kiss." He quipped in quickly and happily, eliciting a chuckle from Daeun.

"Oh yeah? And how are you so sure that we will kiss?" She teased and Lucas winked.

"I'm telepathic elsa, I can see it coming."

"I think you mean you're psychic Lucas."

"Oh that..." he trailed off, a sheepish smile on his smile that intensified the embarrassment he felt.

Daeun giggled at him. "Let's say we do kiss my telepathic/psychic Lucas. Where can you see us do it?"

Thick brows furrowing out of his deep thinking, a peace smile painted itself across his lips, and he relaxed. "At night, where the black sky is scattered with luminous stars. It reflects a foreign tranquillity we would feel as we watch from underneath; breathing in it's beauty, we stay side by side, together, with genuine smiles on our faces. No thoughts, no worries, no stress because... in that moment... it will just be us and our serenity."

He finished with a small smile, slowly meeting her eyes as she listened soundlessly, the pure shock on her face making him chuckle.

"Too imaginative?"

"No... that was perfect." She breathed out, her throat tightening at the sudden overdose of feelings that she felt through his words. In those words, she could see the love radiating in it, how much that hour should mean to him, how it should be in a place so special he would never forget it.

She would never think of him to envision such a beautiful moment.

"Don't think too much of it." Lucas chuckled as though he was able to see right through her, making her tense a bit. "I'm going to wait for you- as long as I need to."

no... you shouldn't be waiting for me.

Daeun grinned at him. "Eh stop being so desperate. The girls don't like desperate boys."

"But I am desperate for you." Lucas rolled his eyes.

"How cute." Daeun deadpanned, her grin transitioning into a scowl making him snicker.

But through their differences, their hands remain connected; allowing then to submerge into their own shared peace.

[ ]


That's what Daeun felt when Yeosang had sat next to her again, even after weeks of uncomfortable silences and his questions that she always gave one-worded answers to, he's still sitting with her as though he's neglected what happened.

"To those who haven't started getting ready for their piece that may or may not give them a scholarship, better start because the scholars this year are not so kind." Mr Lee smirked, eyeing the quiet class with a mischievous glint in his dark orbs. "There's two months, I understand, however the earlier you start the better it is for you."

Daeun sighed, not wanting to stress but here she was- stressing.

Scribbling down messy notes, body hunched over the desk, she ignored Yeosang's piercing gaze that made holes at the back of her head, forcing her to bite back a profanity.

"You're at an advantage you know." He finally spoke up, a sigh slipping from his parted lips. "You're the only girl who plays the cello in our year, imagine if you do exceedingly well, you could definitely be given that scholarship."

"Stop giving me false hope."

"I wasn't giving you false hope." Yeosang claimed, shaking his head in disbelief. "I said if you do well. Don't get the wrong idea, I'll probably do way better than you ever could."

Daeun pressed her lips together, his distinct cockiness was beginning to get to her, heck it got to her ages ago when they were friends. She despised every ounce of his ego, only making her want to prove him wrong.

She will prove him wrong.

"Sorry to break it to you Kang Yeosang but you're basic. You play the piano just like the 8 other people in this room and the other 26 students in our year group. And the fact that you barely play it and instead, try to start a conversation with me proves how little effort you are putting into this competition. Telling me you're going to do better than me, is an insult to yourself. You know I put much more effort into my work and I actually enjoy it unlike you, one of the rich, arrogant males in our school who clearly wants nothing more than to waste the time of others. So please, if you are going to continue talking trash, I request you to go do it elsewhere- away from me, so I can study in peace without a distraction."

Yeosang only quipped a brow up at her pre-snapping-paragraph, his amusement purely concealing the shell shock he was really feeling.

"Now, why couldn't you snap at Seonghwa like that?" Yeosang chimed in, watching as Daeun stiffened at the name.

A silence follows as Yeosang awaits an answer, tilting his head to the side with an eager smile. Daeun had to fight ever limb in her body to not just grab him by his chestnut-coloured hair and rip it all off but instead she sighed tiredly, she could only wish.

"I would've if I had the confidence back then."

"So breaking up with him just suddenly boosted your inner confidence?" He inched in closer, not ashamed one bit that he was invested in all this tea.

"I gues- wait why do you care? You were in on this pathetic bet." Daeun scoffed, brushing her fingertips on the strings of her cello absent-mindedly. Although she keeps on slipping back into the ways she used to talk to him- when they were close friends, she can't, not when he took part in something that destroyed her trust.

"Oh you'd be surprised on what I did bet on." He whistled lowly.

Her head instantly snapped in his direction, narrowing her eyes at him quizzically as she asked. "What did you bet on then?"

"Isn't it funny how we're just casually talking about the thing that ruined your life?" He giggled and Daeun kept quiet. Usually Yeosang never really laughed nor smiled and only teased her, but today he was full of giggles. Why was he in such a good mood?

Was this another one of their group's sick tricks, trying to get to know how sad the girl is after the break up?

Because she wasn't going to have any of it.

"Okay that clearly wasn't funny." Yeosang cleared his throat, now feeling slightly annoyed that she was in another of her silences, ignoring him yet again.

"If you're not going to tell me what you wagered on, then leave because I am not going to be apart of another of their sick games." Daeun stated, her face and voice void of any visible emotions.

Yeosang scrunched up his nose in distaste. "Their? You think the rest of them sent me to talk to you? Please, they would've sent Yunho to talk to you because he's the sweet talker. But in reality they've moved on and forgotten about you, they don't give a shit."

"That's assuring huh." She chuckled dryly, but the only thing that plagued her mind was that none of them could be trusted. None of them could be trusted and that includes Yeosang.

"It should be but your trust issues are getting in the way." He murmured, instantly getting glared by her. "If I tell you what I placed my bet on, will you be my friend?"


"Alright fair enough." Yeosang sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes fluttering close. "Thatyouandseonghwawouldstaytogether."

"What?" Daeun questioned.

"That you and Seonghwa would stay together."

"Oh- wait what? Why?" She stammered, not completely registering his words. He thought that she and Seonghwa would stay together? That's shocking.

"I don't know, thought I was telepathic."

"...You mean psychic?"

"Ah yes that." He smiled blissfully, taking note of her tone change. "See now you have no problem with me and we can be friends again."

"You expect me to believe that?" Daeun scoffed. If this boy had been lying to her for months about Seonghwa using her, he can make up a lie in seconds.

"Want proof? Ask Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Mingi, Yunho, San, Wooyoung or Jongho. They'll tell you the same thing." Yeosang winked.

"Whatever." She grumbled, seeing as he wasn't backing down from his explanation, she couldn't help but sigh, the feelings from before when she assumed he wagered on something much more devastating, toppling down on her. "W-Why are you telling me now though?"

"I don't know, I feel ignored, neglected even and I am in need of your attention." He smiled with his teeth out, the wrinkles much deeper and bigger than his usual smile. And immediately Daeun realised how forced it looks.

"What's with you? Why are you so happy?" Daeun sneered out of disgust, when in fact she was slightly concerned. Nevertheless instead of asking 'are you okay?' she straight up questions his glee.

"Y'know, just another day where I feel extremely good." Pure sarcasm dripped from his mocking tone, making Daeun sigh loudly.

"What is it?"

"You and Lucas. Are you dating?"

Daeun tensed for a moment, avoiding his peering as a wave of panic rushed over her. Were they dating? Not... really? She told him she would when she was ready, maybe soon, or maybe even longer, but for now he was just there- patiently waiting for her with his childish grin.

So no. They aren't technically dating just yet.

"He wants us to." Daeun uttered and seconds of silence followed, before her eyes widened, realising what she had just said. Instantly, her body whirled around to his, now absolutely panicking as she roughly grabbed his upper arm. "You can't tell anyone."

"You have my word." Yeosang smiles, putting a hand over his chest to show his secrecy.

"I'm serious Yeosang, you cannot tell a soul."

"I know! I just said I won't!" He hissed, removing her hand from hers with a tch. "So why won't you date him? Judging from my poor eyesight, he treats you like his queen."

Daeun only kept quiet, intently shuffling around as she avoided the question.

Yeosang cracked into a knowing smirk. "You're not over Seonghwa yet, are you?"

"No! I-It's not that!" She snapped, rushing out her words and Yeosang just chuckled, she just confirmed it for him.

"It's just that..." Daeun trailed off, before groaning. "Lucas is waiting for me, like literally he will wait an eternity for me and I... I don't know if I could ever date someone again."

"Or you still have feelings for Seonghwa." Yeosang deadpanned.

"No. That's bullshit." Daeun scoffed. No way in hell does she like Park Seonghwa and nor will she ever like him again, she just... wasn't ready to trust anyone anytime soon.

Scratch that, she won't be able to trust anyone for a long long time.

"It's hard to trust people nowadays."

"Ah the infamous trust issues." Yeosang inhaled with closed eyes. "Or you're lying to me and you still have feeling for Seonghwa and not him."

"I don't!" She defended, letting out a cry of frustration. "Stop making this about him! This is about Lucas you idiot! He told me using words, that he will wait for me and he's happy to know that I will one day date him. The way he speaks to me I... it's just refreshing to know it sounds real enough. He's willing to risk it all just for me, I know it sounds cringe worthy and insane but there is a part of me that's willing to try dating him but there is also another part that is too scared to trust him. My feelings and paranoia is all over the place I-I can't explain it in words!"

Daeun exclaimed, the rush of emotions coursing through her veins harshly. When she looked back at Yeosang he was too busy examining his nails to even look back at her.

"W-Were you listening?"

"...I stopped at Lucas."

well well yeo and bae have
officially become besties
again yay

say yay 😤

anywho my guy doesn't
approve of yukhei ugh🗿

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