Pokemon Power Ranger - Tears...

By Ashpikachu481

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Ash has been betrayed by his friends, crush, companions and some rivals but some stood by his side.Ash mother... More

Chapter-1 (Heartbroken)
Chapter-2 (Betrayal & Broken)
Chapter-4 (Kalos High School)
Chapter-5 (Summer Camp)
Chapter-6 (Cold Hearted Soul)
Chapter-7 (Truth Reveals)
Chapter- 8 (Princess Cup -1)
Chapter- 9 (Princess Cup -2)

Chapter-3 (Truth behind the walls)

5K 79 68
By Ashpikachu481

At Mount Silver:

After 5 years

No One's P.O.V

While there was a heavy snowfall,
a hooded figure stood at the top
summit of the vast mountain
located between Kanto and Johto,
looking down into the distance
below while accompanied with a
yellow mouse anda canine-like
figure standing on two legs.

He is now an aura master/ guardian and is named as mischievous undefeatable trainer to the world and has collected nearly all strong Pokemons of every type and all of them are fully evolved and are in the final stage except pikachu. He had collected all the mega stones, z-crystal,etc for all of his Pokemon. He has also mastered all types of abilities of his Pokemons such as bond, aura, blaze, etc. His name is Ash Ketchum who was commonly known as Red Aaron. He had been living in such bad conditions of mt silver. He is now more handsome than other. As no one could recognized him. He got training of aura through sir Aaron who was the father of Ash. As sir Aaron is dead, he communicates ash through his aura powers. Ash discovered that sir Aaron was killed by Giovanni. Ash has never caught a legendary but always helped them and even sacrificed his life for saving them. So all legendarys offered him to become their master but ash reply of being friends with them. Then all legendary promise him that whenever he needs them he just needs to call them and they will immediately come to him. But for legendarys they have already considered Ash as their master.

"It's been exactly 5 years since
that day," Ash sighed to himself.

"the most worst days of your life?"
Lucario enquired through aura

Ash- I felt so helpless in that moment.
That day I decided to throw away all emotion and focus on getting
stronger so nothing like this will ever happen again.

"That's right," lucario replied.

A minute later, a Pidgey appeared
from the snow clouds, with a letter
tied up to its talons approaching
Ash and his Pokemon. Ash untied
the letter and sent the Pidgey back so that it can return back to its owner.

As Ash opened the letter, he was
surprised to see that it was for him.
"A letter for me?" Ash thought.
"Who could have sent this to you?"
Lucario wondered. "Let's open it."
The letter read:

Dear Red Aaron,

You have been invited to attend
the world championship
Tournament, which is going to be
held in Luminous city in Kalos region
and will begin in 1 years from now
The winner of the tournament will
receive 1 million Poke-Dollars and will be declared as Pokemon master .
All of the champions and elite
four members will be there to
help conduct and supervise the
tournament, as well as taking part
in some battles. The reason that it
will be 1 years from now is because
as a global event, the tournament
will require a lot of organisation.
And for you, we have registered you're name in Kalos high so you can learn something and practice for the world tournament. Please arrive there before
the school starts and summer holiday ends.
You will be entered into the tournament directly through school.
We look forward to seeing
you there.

As for accommodation, you don't
need to worry about a single thing.
There is a hotel that is specifically
only for competitors of the
tournament. All of the expenses,
such as buffet for all meals, hotel
room fees etc, have been covered
for you.

Kind Regards,

Charles Goodshow and Scott

"Very well. Let's head to Kalos
now," Ash said as he recalled all of
his Pokemon except for Pikachu
and, who then jumped on Ash's
shoulder. Before leaving, Ash had
got himself a new outfit but still
kept the cloak in case needed (the
new outfit is the one that Red
wears in the Pokemon Games)

A few hours later, Ash and his
Pokemon arrived at Kanto Airport
and boarded a plane to Kalos, ready
to start another new journey and

In Vanivilli Town

Grace pov

I was inside the kitchen preparing

"Looks like serena is still sleeping
"I said to myself as I walked to
her room.

"Serena honey wake up"...I said as
she starting waking up and give me
a hug.

She was completely devastated
when he left her. It was not his
fault nor her fault but a plan. After
that she never smile and always
sad and sometimes she cry in night
so I have to sleep beside her. But I couldn't see her like this so I sent her to Kalos high so that she can make new friends and enjoy.

"Honey I have prepared breakfast
come down fast"..I said as she
nodded and I went downstairs.
I went to kitchen take my cup of
coffee and start watching news
then something caught my eye.

"The world pokemon battle
tournament will held in luminous
city in Kalos region in 1 year.
There will be many trainers like
champion favourites, league
winners, etc. All the students of Kalos high are required to come back as the summer camp is gonna over and it just 1 day left, so all students head back fast"

"Hey mom what the news"...she
said in a lifeless tone.

"It's just that you are called back to the school and there will be a tournament after 1 year in luminous city " I replied

"Ok"..she said and start eating
food she finish her food

She went upstairs in her room
for packing her stuffs.

"Serens honey you will be leaving
Tomorrow why don't you go and
meet bonnie"....I said to her. She
was still in her room. After that
happened to her she didn't go out
with friends. Only Bonnie can
comfort her.

She came from her room and went
towards main door.

"Ok mom see you later"....said
serena and she left towards
lumiose city.

I was sad after seeing her like that
everyday. I can only pray to God
that ash can understand. 'Please
ash you are the one who can
change her'...I said to myself.

Serena pov

I was still sad but mom is right I
should meet bonnie she can cheer
me up.

"I miss him it was my fault I fell for
that"...I said to myself.


I notice two figures at the half way mark. I hide under the bleachers.
And one of them is Calem, but the other was someone else I couldn't recognize. How do I know? They could just be friends though. But I doubt it, and I reach into my pocket for my phone, that luckily for me, is
there. Luckily, the field lights turn
on at 8:20, so when I pull my phone
out, I am able to take a clearer photo.
They scout the area, and I can now make out who he is with.
It is a girl with short blue hair. I quickly recognize her - Meitti!!!!, I press the button to start recording
while I stay hidden. They weren't
able to spot me, and they start to
lean forward. I only hear three
sentences but it is enough. "Calem,
what about Serena?" "I don't care
about that b!tch! She can die in
hell, she was just a toy for me"
And I see them lean forward
while they stare into each other's
eyes. They keep leaning forward
until they kiss. I make sure to
record the whole thing. I only
recording at 8:35, when they stop
their make out section and are long
gone. I was also very very very happy cause now I can finally break up and leave that beastard calem. I emerge from the bleachers, looking at my phone in shock. This is crucial information, and I need to tell everyone about this. I felt like I am in hell even staying near him. Now one thing was clear in my mind, I have to tell the truth to Ash. I need my Ash back and heal that wound that is on Ash's heart because of me.

Flashback ends

I reached lumiose city and make
my way towards prism tower. I
entered and told clembot and he
opened the door. I entered the door
to find bonnie is playing tag with
dedenne and luxray and Clemont is
working on some machine.

"Hey bonnie "... I greeted her.

Bonnie saw me and ran towards
me and give me a hug. Then
Clemont come and greet.

"Hey "...said Clemont.
"Hey "...I said to Clemont.

Then we chatted and take a walk in
lumiose city. It started to dark and
I went towards Vaniville town and
reached home.


After I done my performance, I head towards airport.

"Are you sure you want to do this
serena, Palermo would be angry if
she gets the information" a man in
black inside limousine asked her in
a worried tone.

"Don't worry about me John, I
will keep out of trouble and there
is no way Palermo could find me
as I m just going to meet up my friend and for some important visiting because we didn't catch up with each other for long time but please don't tell her." serena pleaded to the driver in anticipation that he would understand the situation.

"Alright but you have to keep out
of trouble. You got your disguise,

He said with a sigh as he knew that
there was no stopping serena, once
she had made up her mind.

Yup, I got it right here" she said
pointing towards her bag.

"Alright, don't forget to call me if
you need anything," John said as he drove away.

Serena took the flight to Kanto, after 3 hours of journey she reached town.

Serena then took a wig and glasses from her bag and put it on. After sneaking through the city she reached forest. It was very dense and dark inside but she put up all her courage to enter the forest with just one thing in mind. 'I hope he forgives me' she thought as she walked along the path to pallet town.

After a long walk which seemed endless to her, serena finally reached the end of the forest, from which a small town could be seen.

"Wow, this place hasn't changed one
bit" serena told herself with an amazed look on her face. Then she began to run towards the town with excitement plastered on her face. As she began to run, she took out a box from her bag. 'I hope he likes them, I made it with all my love, specially for him' she thought. Within a few moments, she reached pallet town and began to wallk. Soon she reached a place, which was a complete mess. Broken glass and pieces  of burned wood everywhere. "Looks like something terrifying happened
here" serena told herself seeing the
broken house. What she didn't knew
was that she was about to face her
worst nightmare there.

"Wow, this place hasn't changed
one bit" serena told herself with
an amazed look on her face.
she began to run towards the
town with excitement plastered
on her face. As she began to run,
she took out a box from her bag. 'I
hope he likes them, I made it with
all my love, specially for him' she
thought. Within a few moments,
she reached pallet town and
began to walk.

Soon she reached a place, which was a complete mess. Broken glass and pieces of burned wood everywhere. "Looks like something terrifying happened here" serena told herself seeing the broken house.
What she didn't knew was that she was about to face her worst nightmare there.

"I assume you're new here, are you
looking for someone?" An old man
came towards her and spoke. "Ya, I
was actually looking for a friend's
house, do you know were Ash
ketchum lives" serena asked with
pure excitement evident in her

Soon the look on the old man's
face changed into a rather sad
one. This made serena worry
for a bit but decided to shrug it
off. "You are standing in front of
his house" the man told with his
head looking towards the ground
and pointing towards the broken
house. Serena soon began to panic
as her mind began think of the
possibility. "WHAT, what happened
here, is he alright?"., "This place
was attacked by the members of team
rocket some weeks ago, it was too
early for anyone to wake up, so
we didn't see anything until a loud
explosion was heard. But it was too
late, by then all we could find was nothing from the blast" he told in low voice.

"The police said that here was no
way anyone could survive the blast
and everyone including delia and
her son was declared dead" the old
man said.

By this time the breathing
rate of serena was increasinng
dramatically and her legs began
trembling. The box in her hands
fell down and broke apart, leaving
some macarons to roll out of it.
"This can't be happening, no it's
a lie, it's a lie". her mind filled
with thoughts, she felt like her
world began to fall apart. Many
negative emotions made their
way to her mind, guilt, sorrow,
fear,heartbreak. She began to keep
her composure, but fell down on
the land, unconscious.

"Oh no, we need help, someone
please take this girl to a hospital
" the old man began yelling as
villagers gathered around.

"There is no hospital near, we
should take her to the professor"
a women told and everyone nod
their head in agreement. Soon
they reached the lab to see a
very relaxed professor drinking
tea and reading a book with his
faithful partner, bulbasaur. Soon
the villagers bought professor's
attention to the unconscious girl.
He hid the book in his lab coat
pocket and began to walk towards
the girl. His eyes widened with
shock as he realised, who she
was. Soon he asked the villagers
to bring her to the medical room,
were he began examining her and
the villagers waited outside. Soon
the professor came out and let out
a satisfactory sigh. The villagers
gathered near him to ask what
happened to her?, to which he said
that she was just unconscious and
nothing to worry about. Soon all
the villagers left. After 2 hrs, serena
woke up and began looking around

"Where am I and why did you
bring me here?" She asked in
half sleepiness. "You are in my
lab serena, some of the villagers
bought you here because you
passed out" professor oak answer.

Soon she remembered the events
which happened in pallet town.
"p-professor is it true?" She asked
between sobs. The professor looked
down and answered "yes". She
began crying louder.

Serena *subbing* - can you tell me how it happened

Prof.oak *angry* - why do you even care?

Serena - Please, I Beg You!!!!!!!!!

Professor oak *annoyed voice* - fine then listen

Then p.oak told her everything from the betrayal to Delia's death. But he lied that Ash is dead. Serena gasped
after hearing it from the professor,
she couldn't think what ash went
through. Now the only emotion
left for calem was hatred and
rage. Serena couldn't control herself and started crying more louder. She came to this far to tell the truth but now Ash is not here. She felt guilty for what she has done to him. She saw how much she hurted the one she loves the most.

"May I ask you, why are you crying?" He asked in a rather annoyed voice. Serena didn't reply as the only thing that was on her mind was ash and the
memories they spent together. She
was soon snapped out of thoughts
by a rather angry professor. "why
are you sad?, you didn't lose
anything, you threw him away,
broke his heart and now acting
like you care for him." The words
pearced through her heart. "You
left him when he needed you the
most, you left with the person who
had cheated and almost tried to killed him and his pokemon with a legendary which is against the rules, you left him for your greed" professor continued.

Serena was hearing everything with her head looking at the ground and
with tears falling from her chin.
But soon she heard something
which made her even worse.

"You are taking it in wrong way?"
She said with fear. "Oh really, It was your boyfriend, he tried to kill ash's
pokemon with Yveltal, it was his
plan so that he can hurt Ash internally." He said with venom in his voice. professor paused and took a deep breath.

professor yelled at her face. "I had
never seen him more happier than
when he was planning to ask you
on a date but never cause he was so broken when you turned him down.".
Serena was beyond shocked when
she heard his relivation. She had
the love of her life in the palm of
her hand, but she allowed it to
slip away. Serena fell on her knees
trying to grasp everything she just
heard. She assuced herself for
what happened to him, her heart
shattered into a million pieces.

She accused him for what
happened to her. "It was him who
separated me and ash, he will pay
for everything he has done." "Oh
please he just planned it, it was
you and those morons, pathetic
excuse of friends who did the real
deal" professor turned his gaze to
bulbasaur. she said with red eyes, which was a result on constant crying. "Well you got everything you want in
your life, go enjoy it. As for ash not
loving you...."

Serena - it's lie, you don't know the truth. Please let me explain

P.oak - what? Then what's the truth, tell me

Then Serena explains everything to professor oak. Why she did this to protect Ash, she was forced to do this, etc.......

Serena - that's all I want to say

P.oak was shocked

P.oak - Serena dear I am sorry for what I told you before, I take all my words back and please forgive me!

"it's ok professor it was not your, but How do you know all this?" She said facing the floor. "He was like my own grandson to me. He always came to me for advice, I could read him like a book and also read his personal diaries." He said handing her a diary.

"This was ash's diary, I used to see
him write this in our journey. I never thought that Ash could write such an amazing love story. "

The diary had a blue ribbon as a bookmark which was wore by Serena on their journey.

Flashback ends

Serena opens the door

"Hey honey how is your day"..my
mom asked.

"Good mom"..I said as I hug her.

We ate dinner and I told her about
my day and compete of Clemont.
Then I went to my room and took the diary out of my bag.


Serena starts reading the diary,

Today was a great day, I'm happy Serena agreed to travel with us I don't know why but she makes me happy; what made it even better was when she got me to remember her. It turns out that Serena was the straw hat girl when I helped back at summer camp all those years ago and used to play with her. Man, I'm so psyched to travel with her. This would be an amazing journey.

Last week I caught my newest
pokemon, a Hawlucha. I also won
my forth gym badge. Serena won
her first princess key and man
she looked gorgeous on stage.
Her new look was perfect, she
even wore the blue ribbon I gave her,
which made me very happy.
I have to admit I feel really
different towards her, in a good
way. What are these new feeling.

Done and dusted, I won all
eight gym badges ,I stumbled
at first but but with some help
from serena,I mastered the
bond phenomenon and won my
badge, now into the kalos league.
A few weeks ago Serena won
the masterclass, defeated Aria and took the position of kalos queen. I am
so happy for her. I hope I can
win the kalos league and then
confess my feelings towards
her. Yes after some talk with my
mom and professor I realised
my feelings towards her. I am in
love with serena Yvonne.

Well I didn't expect this. I lost the league, again but I can handle that. Serena pushed me away, so did my so called friends. Everyone left me, other
than my Pokemon and some of my good friends who stayed by my side a
It of course seemed like Serena loved me. But I was wrong she don't, She just cheated on me with that guy just for her reputation. Just because I was a dense guy or a weak trainer. She choose Calem over me. When I saw Serena and Calem kissing each other and she also threw that ribbon which I gave her. She promised me that she will treasure it but no, she broke the promise and my heart. It felt like someone had shooted a bullet inside my heart, All the memories of serena and i together rushed in my mind, the time i helped her, when she and i were small, the time we met again, The time we played, the time we laughed together, The time we spent, the times we teased each other,etc.
And from that day on I told myself
that I wouldn't fall in love ever
again. I've done a good job at it,
until now.

Now Calem is dating serena. Though I am sad, I couldn't hate her. All this was a Calem's plan. Even though Serena is with Calem, I just want to see her happy and smiling or else I will kill him. I just want Serena to be blessed by the God.

But I also know who is calem, Calem Xavier, top commander of Lysander, wasn't hard to find out, I knew that Yveltal was captured by team flare and by seeing him made things clear to me. It was already captured that's why I didn't wanted to hurt him by battling and so does greninja also knew about this, so we left him to defeat us. They just want to capture this world and make this beautiful place a living hell. But I will not let this happen. I will save this world even if it costs my own life for it. After that what my mom says is:-

'Never give up until its over'

Serena thinking - ow Ash! You are still dense as always. Now also you could not figure out my true emotions towards you. But I think it's not your fault because I should have told you little earlier.

Serena stood up from the ground
and closed the diary. "I know you
are broken, I am sorry for talking
to you like that, but you must
accept the truth and move on" the
professor told her trying to calm
her down. Serena was deep in her
thoughts suddenly a picture of a
raven haired boy and his pikachu
came to her mind, 'never give up
until its over' the he said as the
image fade away. "No" she replied
in a determined voice. "What?"
Oak asked in confusion. "I said no, I
won't give up on him, I will confess
my feelings for him, I know he is
not dead, I can feel it in my heart,
he is somewhere there trying to
get back up and prove others his
strength and to bring down calem.
I will support him the best I could.
I know I made a mistake and I will
correct it. I won't leave you ash
ketchum, even after our death, I
will love him to infinity and this is
my word." She said with a newly
ignited flame in her eyes. "Thank
you for making me realise my
mistake professor, I should get
going now, I have a lot of work to
do and could I keep this diary please!! ?"
She asked in a pleading voice. "Yes
my dear, you can keep it and who
knows what, maybe you will find
your knight again. I mean he has
died about 4-5 times, so it shouldn't
be hard for him" he said with a
huge smile on his face. "What"
serena asked in a confused tone.
"Maybe he didn't tell you, well he
died but was always bought back to
life, so it could happen again "he
said with a smirk as he knew ash
was still alive. Serena was still confused but she thought to keep this aside.

"I should get going now, bye
professor" serena said waving
her hands. Professor just stood
there with a smile. "She would
make an excellent wife for him" he
mumbled to himself "bulba" noded
to professor and they went back
to the lab to check on the other

Flashback ends

She kept the diary back in her bag and
Then I laid on my bed.

'sorry Ash please forgive me '..I
said to myself as a tears streak
down my eyes.

After that Serena fell asleep

Author's POV

Flashback at Misty's house

Misty saw Ash's final with Calem. She was happy that Ash is not far from his dreams and that are still hopes that Ash can achieve his dream after all, every companions of Ash has achieved their dreams. Misty thought to meet up with Ash and congrats him because she haven't met with Ash for a long time so she thought to catch up a bit.

When Misty reached to her sister, she saw her sisters were not in the home. Then she saw a note in the hall on the table with a big symbol of 'R' in it and she knew it was from Team Rocket. It was written that they have kidnapped her sister and if she wants her sister back then she has to betray Ash and say him to give up on his dreams. If she denies it then they can do anything to them. Misty was shocked. She could not do that with him but she can't lose her sisters after all they her took care of her after her parent's death. She thought that Ash already hates her because of her tomboy behaviour towards him. And she knew after this, their friendship will end but she was now forced to do it.

Same goes with others - May, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, etc.

Team Rocket knew that Brock's weakness is beautiful girls. They sent one of the member to Brock who was dating him. After sometime she asked Brock to betray Ash but Brock refuses to do that.

Paul and Max were on a journey so they gave Ash a surprise visit.

Team Rocket convinced Kenny and Trip and Drew to betray Ash so that they can date Dawn, Iris and May because they were jealous of Ash and scared that Ash will steal them.

After the betrayal they felt like they have done unfair to ash and were very sad for ash.

The memories of them travelling with him played through their minds. The boy with a dream, his smile brighter than the sun. The one who made them
who they are. The one cause for
them to be alive. Now everyone
was filled with a new emotion,
guilt. They all thought to themselves that even if ash don't forgive them but one day they will apologize him.

They all are now in Kalos high. They have introduced themselves to each other and they know they're all ash companions. And luckily all are in the same batch and are friends of each other.

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