Bangtan Mafia Amour

By QueenieLee84

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Queenie Davis was a young girl in an orphanage with her best friend Jk, the day he was adopted was one of the... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Birthday Bonus Chapter 18
1k Followers Bonus Chapter 19
B-day Bonus Chapter 20

Chapter 1

2.1K 65 40
By QueenieLee84

 "NO, JK, don't leave me, please," Davi cried as she fell to the ground. You are all I have." Her best friend in the world, the only one who was nice to her when she was sent to that awful orphanage, was leaving her. She had gotten there when she was six and barely spoke Korean. 

Her Dad got a job in Seoul, and he packed them up and moved them from the States after her mother passed away. They'd been here a month when he was murdered. Since she had no family, she was dumped into that god-awful orphanage and left here until she ran away. Jungkook was the only one who would talk to her; he was a year older than her and became her world.

Davi shot up in bed and wiped her face. She was crying. She couldn't believe she was still having that damn dream, it's been over ten years. Oh well, it's time to get up, Davi; you have an actual job interview today; maybe you can finally stop working random part-time jobs and make something of yourself. 

It took a bit of hacking; she had to change her name from Queenie Davis to Davi Queens. It was erased that she was an orphan and added a few other things that weren't exactly true. She was now a Harvard graduate and moved to Seoul to improve her Korean a year ago. She was also 24 years old, on paper. She had a great time adding that to her resume; she'd also never even been to Boston before—time to get up and get ready for this interview.

Jungkook had that dream again: they took him away from Queenie. While he was thankful that he was adopted, he just wished he could find her. How was he one of the leaders of the most powerful Mafias in South Korea, but he couldn't find an orphan? He needed to get up; they needed to meet at one of their cover businesses today. 

He was the last to join, after his six brothers. Their Father, Bang PD, the head of the Mafia, never married, and he needed people he could groom to take over. The only issue was they were bleeding money, and soon, the Mafia would be done for. His brothers Joon and Jin were brilliant, and they got his father to invest in better business fronts. Their businesses were now some of the most successful ones in Korea, and because of that, their Mafia was also thriving. 

He heard a noise to his left and saw the girl he fucked last night still in his bed; he pushed her hard on her shoulder to wake her up. She groaned, "What."

"Get the fuck out of my bed; I wanted to fuck you, not spend the night with you."

"Excuse me, asshole, after I rode you for 2 hours, I was tired. Geez, sorry."

"Like I give a fuck now, get out before I throw you out."

She scrambled out of the bed and room; Jungkook heard her cussing him in the hallway. Oh well, it's time to wash the skank off. 

Davi snickered at herself when the secretaries were scrambling. She was the only applicant to show up for the interview. While she thought her forged resume would be enough, she had to be 100% sure. So, she might have hacked into their system, emailed applicants, and canceled the interviews. For a security company, they have a shit firewall. Davi smiled when the lady called her name and told her to go in.

"Please sit down, Miss Queens. Your resume is quite impressive. You are a Harvard graduate who moved here to learn more Korean."

She nodded her head and answered in perfect Korean. They didn't need to know that she'd been in this country for over ten years compared to the one year on her resume. 

"I'm assuming you speak English as well?"

She did, but she didn't get to use it as much since people only spoke to her in English when they wanted to practice or when a foreigner saw her and needed help. You could tell she wasn't Korean in about two seconds. Her hair was bright red, the red you couldn't get in a bottle. She had light blue eyes, and while she was slim, she was nowhere as small as the women there.

"Yes, I can speak English as well."

After about 20 minutes of questions, she was hired. "Normally, we'd have to interview others and call you back, but since you are the only one who showed up today, and you are more than qualified, you got the job if you want it?"

She was dancing on the inside. She was hired, and maybe she could finally get into a decent place to live where she didn't have to sleep with a knife under her pillow. "Yes, I'd love to work here."

God, that was the dullest meeting ever, Jungkook groaned to himself. Yes, he's technically the CEO of this business, but why do they make him go to all these damn meetings? He went down with his brothers on the escalators when he saw her. There she was; he'd been looking for her for over a decade, and she showed up at his company. 

He had to laugh; it had to be her. He'd never forget that hair; he'd imagined it 1000s of times spread across his black sheets. When she shook the hand of the guy she was talking to and laughed, he felt himself wanting to murder him. It wasn't the man's fault; he touched what wasn't his, and no one but his brothers can touch what Jungkook deems as his. 

She was leaving, and there was no way he'd catch her at this rate. He started trying to get down the escalator, but there were so many people that he couldn't get through. As soon as he was on the ground floor, he ran off. Jungkook heard Yoongi and Hobi yelling behind him, but he was on a mission. He needed to get to her. He ran out the front door and looked both ways; there was no telltale sign of her bright red hair. Jungkook dropped his head and turned around to walk back inside.

"What was that about?" Tae asked him.

"I saw Queenie." He heard them all suck in a breath.

"Are you sure we've been looking for her for years?" Yoongi said.

Jungkook nodded his head. He knew it was her, and now he was about to find out why she was there. He walked over to the man she had been talking to before, bowing when he saw him. "Why was Queenie here?" The CEO asked.

He looked at him, confused, "Sir, I don't know who you are talking about."

Jungkook was getting irritated, "the redhead that was just here."

He handed her file, "Oh, Davi Queens, she's our newest hire."

Yoongi was behind the younger brother, and he grabbed the file from him. "She changed her name so that you couldn't find her. Smart girl."

They started walking away, and Yoongi stopped. "Are you sure that's her? It says here that she's 24, a Harvard graduate, and just got to Seoul last year."

Kook had to laugh. He didn't know how she did it, but she did. "She's only 18, so all of that is a lie. This is going to be fun." He had to tell security she needed to come to his office as soon as she showed up on Monday; he would be busy this weekend, making room for her arrival.

Davi needed to go shopping. She wore the only nice thing she owned and had to get more clothes. If she got a few things, she wouldn't have any money for food, so she'd have to make do with what she had. My God, she was so ready not to be poor anymore. She went to a second-hand store and bought a few dresses, blouses, pants, and skirts. 

Then she snagged a pair of heels and a pair of flats. This will have to be done until she gets a paycheck. When she got home, she put everything up and went to find something to eat. She didn't have much; she'll get paid next Friday, so she'd have to stretch out what she did have. Ugh, three packs of ramen and two apples. It looks like she was going to starve this weekend.

The weekend flew by, and she got dressed and ready to head to work on Monday morning. She put on a form-fitting pink dress that flared out at the bottom. It was professional and adorable. She threw on her heels and then hopped on the bus. Twenty minutes later, she was standing in front of the enormous building. Jeon Security Inc. was an imposing building, but she didn't let that bother her. Davi walked inside and headed to the security desk. "Ma'am, we've been asked to escort you to the CEO's office. Please follow us." 

Shit, did they figure out that her resume was fake? Time to put on your game face, Davi! She entered the elevator, and the security guard hit the 25 button. Then, they went up. When the doors opened, a secretary was waiting. 

"Miss Queens? Please follow me." Six guys were sitting on two couches when they went inside the CEO's office. 

They all looked at her expectantly. She bowed and said, "Hello, I'm Davi Queens. I'm new and was told to come here." Right as she stood up straight, she saw him. He turned the chair around, and there was Jungkook, the boy who had been taken away from her all those years ago. 

"Hello, Queenie, it's been a long time," he said with a smile. She'd only had an apple to eat since Friday morning, so she was ashamed to say that she had fainted.

Jungkook wanted to make a dramatic entrance, but he didn't think she would faint upon seeing him. Thank God for Yoongi; he caught her before she hit the ground. 

"Damn, Kook, did you have to make her faint?" Yoongi said with a smile.

"Put her down, Yoongi," Jungkook growled as he walked towards them.

"Naw, I don't think I will; I kinda like having her in my arms, if I'm being honest. She's a pretty little thing."

Jungkook looked like he wanted to smack Yoongi, but if he got what he wanted, she'd be living in their house and sharing their beds very, very shortly.

"How long do you think she's going to be out?" Jimin asked from the couch.

"I'm not sure," Jungkook answered back.

Yoongi looked down and smirked, "20 minutes or less."

Davi heard voices as she was coming to. She was being held in someone's arms. She kept her eyes closed and just listened to them for a bit. They talked about how pretty she was and how they couldn't wait to get her home. She must have stopped breathing because Yoongi whispered in her ear, "I know you are awake; you can stop pretending." His voice made her entire body shiver. 

He growled in her ear, and she could feel him growing hard underneath her; she squirmed a bit, trying to sit up. He kept a firm grip on her and kept her in his lap. He allowed her to sit up, but now she could feel his very hard and very large erection underneath her. 

She turned to look at Jungkook, "Where have you been all these years? I tried to find you but didn't remember your real name." When she first got to the orphanage, she had difficulty saying his real name, so he told her to call him JK. 

That's all she knew him by, and the mean old ladies working there wouldn't tell her his name or who adopted him. Their files were handwritten, so she couldn't even hack into the system to find out. She was at a loss. 

Jungkook walked over to where she was on Yoongi's lap and kneeled in front of her, "You've been looking for me? I've been looking for you too. When I saw you on Friday, I couldn't believe it."

Davi smiled softly as she nodded at him.

"Oh, let me introduce my brothers; the lap you are sitting in is Yoongi, to his left is Taehyung, and on his right is Jimin. On the other couch, from left to right, are Seokjin, Namjoon, and Hoseok." 

They all nodded their heads at her, except Yoongi. He ran his nose up and down the side of her neck. Again, another full-body shiver. What in the hell was going on? She had never been interested in anyone, so why did this stranger make her feel things she'd never felt before? That bastard just laughed; he knew what he was doing and wouldn't let her up either. She tried to get up a few times, and he kept a firm grip on her waist. I thought it was hilarious. 

Jungkook had to figure out how to get her to accompany them. He just got her back, and he wouldn't lose her again. Plus, he was pretty sure Yoongi was also hooked, and based on the looks the other five were giving her, they wanted her, too. "Queenie," he barely got out before she interrupted him.

"It's Davi now." 

He had to laugh, "You'll always be Queenie to me. Please listen to me. I have a proposition for you. I want you to come live at our house and be our live-in toy." She looked pissed; he wasn't doing this right. "Queenie, I know that your resume is fake. If you don't take my offer, I can throw you in jail. I know you illegally made a new identity. So what's it going to be?"

Her defiant look was all over her face. "Throw me in jail; see if you can prove anything. I have a degree from Harvard; it's hanging on my wall at home."

It took everything in him not to laugh in her face: "Queenie, you aren't 24 years old. Did you forget that I knew you when you were young? You just turned 18 last month."

Her eyes got wide, and she dropped her head down. "But I have an apartment. Can't I stay there? Why do I have to live with you guys?"

Because they all want her in their beds, naked and screaming, but he couldn't exactly tell her that. "First, tell me how you changed your identity. Did you hire someone?" She snorted and started laughing like she was laughing at him. 

"I hacked into several government servers and did what needed to be done; I also hacked into your pathic system here and changed a few things. You guys need better cyber-security." 

Hmm, that's good to know. "Perfect. That's why we need you. We need your hacking skills. So what will it be: come live with us or go to jail?"

She should go to jail; it would be tough for anyone to prove she committed a crime. So it's not like she'd be in there long, but there's something dangerous about these seven men. They won't take no for an answer, so her only choice is to go with them. 

She dropped her shoulders and sighed, "I'll come with you. Can I at least go home and pack my stuff?" Yoongi shook his head, "No, we'll send someone to pack whatever you want. Make a list. Everything you'd ever need is at the house. Let's go." He stood up but kept her flush against him. 

Davi turned to look at him, "Umm, you can let me go now. I can walk." He looked at her with a smirk and pushed his pelvis against her ass; he was still hard somehow. Then he whispered in her ear, "Unless you want to take care of this with an audience, I suggest you start walking."

They loaded up in a blacked-out van. Seokjin was driving, Namjoon was in the front, Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok were in the back, and Jungkook took one seat—there was only one other seat. Yoongi sat down and patted his lap. He has to be kidding, right? "I'm not sitting in your lap."

"It's either mine or Jungkook's lap." He smirked. There was no way in hell she was sitting in Jungkook's lap. She was still in a crush with him—not love, but that childhood one you never quite get over. Davi climbed into the van and sat in Yoongi's lap. He just chuckled. "That's what I thought."

She kept squirming because she couldn't get comfortable; she could feel how hard he was, and honestly, her little virgin mind was going a tad wild. He squeezed her thigh, and she immediately stilled. Then, that devil decided to move his hand up higher. Davi stopped breathing. 

He got to where her underwear was, and he lazily moved his finger all over her. She was starting to pant. Yoongi thought her reaction was hilarious. He snuck his finger inside her underwear, and he flicked her clit; she had to bite her tongue just to keep from moaning. This devil knows precisely what he's doing, and if he doesn't stop, everyone in the car will also learn. 

Yoongi spent the better part of 10 years listening to Jungkook talk about Queenie. He had built this image about how she looked and was like, and he could have never dreamed up anything worthy of her. She was the hottest woman he'd ever seen, and the fact that he could probably make her cum right here in his lap with his brothers' none the wiser just makes her that much hotter. 

She's trying hard not to squirm and be quiet, but that's not work for him. She's facing the door to the van with her back to Jungkook. They can't see what he is doing, but they are about to figure it out. He would push her limits and see how far she was willing to go. 

He licked her neck and started kissing her from her chin to her shoulder. Her hair hid what he was doing from Jungkook, but he thought they were caught when he inserted a finger into her, and her head dropped back onto his shoulder. Thankfully, everyone was either talking or on their phones.

When Yoongi got his finger inside, he felt her clench. Then he felt the barrier, holy fucking shit, she was a virgin. How is someone this hot still a virgin? Interesting, he inserted another finger and used his palm to rub her clit. She let out a tiny moan, and he saw Jungkook looking at him. Ahh, Kook knows what he's doing; Yoongi wondered why he wasn't pestering her with questions. 

She's close, he could tell. He looked at Jungkook and raised an eyebrow. He knows what Yoongi is asking: should he push this or drop it? He wants her; the elder can tell by the look in his eyes. But they share everything; they want someone to be at the house and in their beds whenever they want her. 

Having multiple women around is too much drama, and he's been obsessed with Queenie ever since he was adopted; he wants to protect her, but he's also in love with her. He would talk about her non-stop. He wants Yoongi to push her; if she passes this test, then she might be the right girl for them. 

Yoongi scissored his two fingers inside her, she was so tight, and there was no way any of their cocks would fit easily. She grabbed his knee and squeezed; he returned to kissing her neck. Her breathing was frantic at that point, and she couldn't sit still; he rubbed her clit with his thumb, and then he bit her neck, right on her vein, and she exploded. She drenched his hand completely; she hadn't made a peep yet. 

Oh, this won't do. He leaned into her ear and nibbled just a little. Finally, he got some noise out of her. She moaned. It wasn't loud, but loud enough when you were in a confined space like a van. He didn't let up on her clit so he could drag the orgasm out. She let out another tiny moan and then sighed. Yoongi had to chuckle; he kissed her on the side of her forehead and said, "Good job, Queenie, you passed."

He expected her to have a smartass retort, but he looked over, and she was asleep. His hand was still in her fucking underwear, and she was passed out on his shoulder like a goddamn baby. 

"Hyung, did you just do what I think you did?"

Yoongi turned to look at Jimin, "Uh yeah, if you think I made her orgasm so hard that she passed out, then I guess so. Not sure how I pulled that one off, but okay."

Jimin had to laugh; he saw how Yoongilookedg at her when he caught her. Yeah, he was already in love. He's been on a mission to find her for Jungkook, and Jimin was pretty sure that made Yoongi a tad bit obsessed with her, too. But he gets it; she's gorgeous and okay with having an orgasm in front of seven men, six of who she had just met less than an hour ago. He was going to like having her there. 

Yoongi got her situated; he then put his fingers in his mouth and licked off her juices. Jimin heard him groan, "fuck, she tastes sweet." He couldn't wait until he got a taste. Then Yoongi said something that shocked them all, "Oh, FYI, she's a virgin." 

Jin nearly hit the brakes. He was so surprised, "she's a virgin; are you sure?" He asked. 

Yoongi nodded, "Yeah, I felt it, her hymen. It's still there." Now, it will be a mad scramble to see who gets to her first.

Davi woke up in a big bed covered in silk sheets. It was dark; she could barely see anything. She heard a noise and turned to see Jungkook lying beside her in bed. He was smiling, "Hey, you are finally awake." 

She just nodded, "Where am I, JK?"

"You are in your bedroom; welcome to your new home," he said with a huge smile.

"How long have I been out?"

"A few hours, Yoongi must have done a real number on you." He laughed

It all came back to her; she had her first orgasm all over Yoongi's hand and then passed out. It probably had something to do with the fact that she was starving, too, but the orgasm was super intense. Davi turned bright red and went to get out of bed. She was in a silk baby doll with no bra or underwear on. "Uh, JK, where are my clothes?"

He had a massive grin on his face. "We changed your clothes; the ones you wore didn't look comfortable enough to sleep in."

"You did what? You stripped me?"

"Well, we didn't think you'd care after you let Yoongi finger you in front of us." He said with a pointed look. 

He was right; she had no right to be judgmental. Thankfully, her stomach broke up the tension. "Are you hungry? Jin was cooking, and it should be ready by now. Come on."

He walked over, picked her up, and threw her over his shoulder. "Jungkook, I can walk, you know." She yelled, but to no avail.

He smacked her bare behind, "I know, but I want to carry you."

Jungkook carried her into the kitchen; her ass was in the air, bare for all to see. When he sat her down, she saw seven sets of hungry eyes. She looked down at the food before her; she was starving, so she dug in. Davi groaned; it was so good. 

She felt a hand on her knee and turned to look at who the owner was, Jimin. He looked at her and smiled, "Queenie, please have care with the noises you make. We all got to hear your orgasm earlier and then seeing your fine ass just now. Let's just say we are wound a bit tight."

She nodded and swallowed her food, "I'm sorry, I haven't had anything besides an apple since Friday morning. I'll be quiet." Then she got back to eating. 

She heard Seokjin mumble, "I like hearing her moans."

Davi made it through dinner and hurried off to her room. She needed to shower badly. She found her room quickly, thank goodness. She walked into the bathroom and went to lock the door; there was no lock. What the hell? She walked to her bedroom door, but there was no door there. What is this shit, no freaking locks? Whatever, she dragged a chair over to the door and pinned it under the handle. There now, she could shower.

She walked into the bathroom and started the shower. They weren't lying. They had everything she'd need. She had more choices than a drugstore. Davi washed up, brushed her teeth, dried her hair, and walked into the bedroom with her towel wrapped around her,

She was not expecting Taehyung to be sitting on her bed; she screamed so loud that she dropped the towel. He was out of bed in an instant; he backed her up against the wall and had her pinned. She was trying to cover herself with her hands; Tae pinched her chin and made her look at him. 

"I was annoyed that you thought you could lock us out of your room. We will have access to you 24/7, but now that I can see what I'll have, it was worth kicking your door in." Then he leaned in and kissed her. At first, she tried to resist but couldn't for long. Davi opened her mouth, and his tongue was in her mouth in an instant and exploring. She brought her hands up to his hair to bring him closer. She forgot who she was; she forgot everything except for this kiss. 

When Davi moaned into his mouth, he brought his arms under her and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around him, and he returned them to the bed. He sat down, and she was in his lap; she could feel how hard he was underneath her. When he moved, and it hit her clit, the moan that she gave him was enough for him to flip them over. 

Davi was on her back, and he was rubbing his pants over her pussy, over and over and over. She was so close to orgasm, and he knew it. He started moving a little more frantically, and soon, she screamed into his mouth. When she was done, he stopped kissing her, pulled back, and had a little smirk on his face; he reached down and ran a finger through her juices. He put his finger in his mouth and groaned, "Yoongi was right; you are delicious." 

What the hell... She heard a laugh coming from the door; it was Jimin. "Well, look what we have here." 

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