He could be the one - - Luke...

By juliaaaross

4.3K 113 750

Blakley May Peters (Reggies younger sister) is a very talented girl. She plays piano, guitar, drums, and most... More

2 - BLAKE?
4 - HOME
9 - LILY


194 7 59
By juliaaaross

📍Jan 9th, 1995,
10:38 pm, The Patterson's
Luke's POV

I found myself thinking more and more about Blake. She was beautiful. She is beautiful. How did I not truly realize it. I mean I guess I had kinda known I liked her like that but I hadn't actually realized until Alex pointed it out.



📍April 12th, 1993,
3:23 pm, The Peters
Luke's POV

I was just hanging out at Reggies like I always do when the door slammed open. His parents had been on a work trip so everyone came over, me, Alex, Bobby, and Blake was obviously here in her room upstairs.

Everyone jumped out of there seats in shock of the loud noise. "Reginald, where is your sister." Reggies mom said sternly. "Mom no, you can't keep doing this! She's 13!" Reggie fought back trying to protect his little sister.

"And your only a year older so you can't help her, so where is she." His dad said. The boys and I were just there in shock, not knowing what to do and from the looks of it Reggie didn't know what to do either. He looked helpless, like a lost cat.

Next thing I know Blake is running down the stairs. "What the hell is all the yelling fo-" she got cut off when she saw her parents. "Language young lady." her dad said. Now she understood what the yelling was because she cleared her voice and straightened up a bit.

"Do you have something to tell us?" her mother said. Did they still not see us here? I mean we did back up a little but seriously are we invisible or something?

"I- I don't think so?" she hesitantly said before her dad walked up to her, slapping her across the face. Reggie went and pushed him back almost getting slapped too but he was to late. Blakley let out a little whimper and held her face.

"You got a D on your test." her mom added. "I know mom but I will do better next time." she tried to defend herself. I wanted to go up and hit her parents and I truly would have if it wasn't for Alex holding me back this whole time. He knew what I would do.

Reggie had sent a look to us telling us to leave but I didn't budge I needed to know they were ok, but Alex pulled me into the back yard.

"We have to do something!" I said "I know, I know, but I don't think there is any way we can." Alex added trying to keep me calm.

I felt bad for Reggie but something about Blake just made me want to help her. Maybe it was because she just got hit in the face, or maybe just because of how pretty she was.

After about 20 minutes of hearing the bickering it got ended by a final door slam which meant that they had finally left. I ran in as fast as I could to make sure they were ok.

Blake's face was red and starting to bruise from the slap. Reggie was holding her face, making sure it was ok and nothing too serious, and it wasn't but we were all still worried.

It seemed like she was done with Reggie asking her if it hurt every five seconds so she ran out the door and into her tree house. It was her safe space.

Everyone looked at me because even they knew that she would only talk to me for some reason. I headed back out the door and to the tree house with a deep sigh.

"Blake..?" I said while slowly climbing up the ladder. "Go away." She said sharply. "Yea no way." I said stepping in to the tree house

"Holy crap Blake your face." I had seen her face but not in good lighting. It was all beat up, more than I thought. "It's fine Luke." she added putting a hand over her face. "I'm just here to help ok? I want you to feel safe in your own house." I said while sitting down next to her.

"I know but I just want to be alone right now."


"Ok just come inside in a bit?" I said with a smile "Of course beanie boy."


📍Jan 9th, 1995,
10:38 pm, The Patterson's
Luke's POV

I only do one think when I can stop thinking about something. Or someone in this case. I write. Am I actually about to write a song about my best friends sister? Oh Lord help me.

"I wonder if I'm being real
Do I speak my truth or do I filter how I feel?
I wonder, wouldn't it be nice
To live inside a world that isn't black and white?"
I sang as I wrote it down. I didn't really know where to go with this. I haven't really written a love song in a while.

The next day I decided to go back to the studio. To my surprise when I got there it was only Alex on the couch.

"Hey Luke." he said as he sat up on the couch. "Hey um, I couldn't stop thinking about what we talked about and I may have written a song?" I responded hesitantly.

"You wrote a song for Blake?!" He said excitedly. I slowly nodded "Oh my Lord I got you to realize your feelings! Finally!" I just rolled my eyes.

"Well?" He looked at me "Well what?" he rolled his eyes at me "Are you gonna just tell me you wrote a love song and not show it to me?"

I had to think for a second before I decided that I could probably get Alex to keep this all on the down low. "Ok fine I guess."

I went to pick up my guitar and began to play.

(Watch this if you don't already know the song but imagine Luke singing it ofc)

"Wow Luke um that was different but a good different. I love it." Alex said as I sat my guitar down. "You should play it for her." I looked at him wide eyed "Are you crazy?" He shrugged.
"Maybe one day, I don't know." I added.

Almost right as I said that the others came busting in the door. Of course my eyes instantly went to Blake but they were quickly pulled away to Reggie because he was pulling on Bobby's hair.

"For the love of God please help me. They have been fighting like this since we left the beach." Blake said. Lord she was pretty.

"Actually on the other hand it's kinda funny so..." she said just staring in amusement at them fighting.

A few hours have passed and we were all chilling and Blake was just singing along to Beat it by Michael Jackson, her favourite song. I swear that girl is going to make it big one day. Her voice is amazing. Even though she sang that song way too much.

"Blake..." I said holding out the e. "What's up Lukey." She said belly flopping next to me on the air mattress we had blown up. "Wanna play with us again?" I asked as she looked around at the other guys, asking for their approval.

"Why not."


Hey y'all!!! Sorry this chapter is a little short but I should be uploading again this week!!!

Please give feed back it would help a ton!!!

Don't forget to vote and comment!!! Love you all!!


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