A Dark Gift

Par Brittney_m2

13.5K 275 15

A grown woman who'd given up any thought of adventure suddenly finds herself given a gift: A chance at a new... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

1.1K 28 5
Par Brittney_m2

*Note: From this point on, I might mess around a bit with the timeline just to fit things into Madison's experiences that I want in there. For instance, this chapter will have the date with Max at Grandpa's house, but Lucy hasn't taken the bottle of wine to Max's and been attacked by Thorn, because I want to play around with that scene a bit with Madison there. But while Madison was at the Cave with the boys, Michael did start flying around after nearly attacking Sam. So therefore, this dinner is an apology for Lucy having to run out on Max that night when Sam called her hysterical because Michael was flying around outside his window. Got it? Good. :)

I awoke around noon, feeling exhausted. I dragged myself out of bed and gathered together some clean clothes before running across the hallway to the bathroom. I locked myself in from the hallway and Sam's room so that I would have some privacy. I ran the water into the tub and climbed in, relaxing as the hot water soaked into my body, loosening all the tensed muscles I had from lack of sleep. I washed quickly with good old Ivory Soap and washed my hair with green apple scented shampoo. I leaned back against the tub, humming to myself, my toes tapping in the water. A knock on the door startled me, and I squeaked out a "Yeah?"

"Hey Maddie, I'm going to town, you wanna come?" Michael asked.

"No, Mom's got that date with Max tonight, I'm going to clean up the house while she's at work and get supper started. Why don't you take Sam? He can go see his little buddies at the comic store!" The instant I said it, I winced, I'd almost forgotten what those two idiots, along with Sam would end up doing to Max tonight. Well, I'd do my best to try and keep them out of trouble, I thought.

"See you later, okay?" he called.

"Bye, Michael!" I yelled as he strode away from the door.

I sighed and dunked my head under the water, rinsing the shampoo out of my hair. I stood and wrapped a towel around myself, using another to partially dry my hair. I pulled the plug from the tub and listened as the water drained, whistling as I looked in the mirror, wondering what the boys saw when they looked at me. I blushed and quickly started to brush my hair out, braiding it and pinning it in a bun at the back of my head to keep it out of the way while I cleaned and cooked. I brushed my teeth and pulled on clean underwear and a matching bra, followed by a denim skirt that hung just past my knees and a light blue tank top. I pulled on a pair of socks and my tennis shoes. I spritzed myself with a single spray from the bottle of Beautiful by Estee Lauder that Lucy had gotten me for Christmas, knowing how much I hated overpowering perfumes. Beautiful was a much softer scent than most of the perfumes on the market and I missed some of my much softer perfumes from my old life. I couldn't wait 'til more of them were back on the shelves.

As I entered the kitchen, I waved to Grandpa. He was on his way out to his shed where he would do his woodworking and smoke a joint. I started cleaning, picking things up from the floor and tossing garbage away. I cleaned up the laundry from the boy's rooms and grandpa's, tossing them by colored loads into the washing machine and hanging the clean clothes outside in the sunshine to dry. I dusted and wiped down tables, did dishes and made lunch for me and Grandpa.

He smiled and kissed the top of my head when I handed him a plate with a sandwich made from my leftover meatloaf, with a side of potato chips and his root beer. "This looks delicious, Maddie-my-girl. You know how much I love your meatloaf."

I smiled and nodded. "I know, Grandpa. Sorry it's so late, dinner will be a bit later tonight, too. Will that hold you 'til later or will you need another sandwich?" I asked. He looked as if he were debating. "No, I think this will hold me," he decided. I smiled and fixed my own plate. I looked at the clock and was surprised at the time. I ate quickly, and started the spaghetti sauce for dinner. Grandpa finished his plate and put it in the sink as I was opening cans of whole peeled tomatoes and placing them in a large pot. I used my hands to squish them and added in dried Italian seasoning mix and garlic. I set the pot to simmer while I finished up dishes and started in on making the meatballs to simmer in the sauce.

Mom arrived home just as I was finishing the meatballs. She was surprised that I had everything started, but I smiled at her. "Everything's ready to go, it just needs time to cook. You go on upstairs and take a nice bath and get ready for your date. I've got everything handled down here," I said.

"Oh, Madison! Thank you, my sweet girl," she said and hugged me. I knew how excited she was, it had been so long since she'd gone out and done anything that wasn't something for me, Michael or Sam as "Mom." She needed to remember that she was still "Lucy" as well.

I plopped the meatballs into the sauce and put a lid on the pot to let them cook through. I put a tall stockpot of water on to boil for spaghetti noodles and grated parmesan cheese. I slathered bread with garlic butter, since I knew that Michael would be inviting Max inside and didn't need to worry about the garlic bothering him. I wrapped the bread in foil and placed it in the oven on very low heat to warm through.

Before too long, Lucy came downstairs. She'd put on a pretty dress and even some light makeup. "Wow, Mom! You look beautiful! Max isn't going to be able to keep his hands to himself," I teased her. She laughed and kissed my cheek before going to check on my sauce.

I pulled the tablecloth out of the drawer in the buffet cupboard and with Lucy's help, set the table beautifully. I looked up, hearing a sound and saw Grandpa closing his door to what I called his Frankenstein lab, just as Max walked into the doorway. He kissed Lucy, making her blush. "Hi Max!" I said, waving.

"Well, Madison, hello! I hear it's thanks to you that we have a lovely meal to look forward to," he said. I nodded, glad that my love of cooking from my former life had carried over to this one as well. "I try," I said, "I've got a dessert ready to go after, as well." I said. I had made a beautiful-and fast- tiramisu after lunch the day before, giving it plenty of time to soak up the flavors of the espresso and custard by tonight.

"Dessert? Oh honey, you didn't have to do that!" Mom said, happily surprised. I brushed it off. "What's a good meal without dessert, right, Max?"

"Uh, right!" He said, nodding in agreement.

Just at that moment, Sam showed up with his friends. "Mom, these are my dinner guests, Edgar and Alan Frog," he said, gesturing to the two boys dressed in almost-military-style clothing. The one boy, Edgar, had a bright red cloth tied Rambo-style around his forehead.

"Oh, I didn't know you were having guests," Lucy said, looking a little dismayed. She was already upset that Michael had already made plans and wasn't joining us and that Grandpa was hiding in his lab.

"Oh, if we're in your way we can eat peanut butter out of the jar in the kitchen," Sam said.

"Oh, that's not an issue, there's plenty for everyone," I said. "Let me go put the noodles down to boil, everyone sit down and I'll be right back with drinks." I stood and headed into the kitchen. I dropped the noodles into the boiling, salted water and stirred them, before I grabbed a pitcher of milk for Sam and the Frog brothers, and a bottle of wine for Lucy and Max, and a bottle of Sprite for myself.

I could hear the boys whispering among themselves as I walked back into the room; Max and Lucy sitting with their heads together talking about something and Lucy giggling. It made me smile and I was glad I had gotten everything off to a good start. I poured milk for the boys, noticing that Alan and Edgar kept trying to peek down my shirt and I had to struggle not to laugh as Sammy rolled his eyes. I placed my Sprite by my plate, between the Frog brothers, and carefully poured the wine for Max and Lucy. "For the Madame and Monsieur, our finest red wine," I said in a fake French accent, making them both laugh.

I set the wine on the table and walked back into the kitchen to finish up the sauce and noodles, which were ready to be drained. Lucy came and helped me prepare and carry plates, and I pulled the hot garlic bread from the oven, sliding it into a basket filled with a heated tea towel to keep it hot. I placed the parmesan cheese in a small glass bowl and carried it to the table myself so that the boys couldn't mess with it. No raw garlic tonight! I took a plate in to Grandpa, who kissed my cheek before shutting his door again, and I returned to dining room table. I sat between the Frogs and we all began to eat.

I was happily surprised that for a while, all that was heard were soft murmurs of appreciation of good food. "So not only are you an animal charmer, and musically talented, you're a budding chef as well?" Max teased, making me blush. "I just enjoy cooking," I said.

"Yeah, and she's real good at it, too," Sam said, praising me. I smiled at him, he could be awfully sweet when he wanted to be. When Max and Lucy started talking to each other, the Frog brothers turned to Sam and nodded. Oh no, here goes, I thought and then the lights were suddenly out.

"What on earth?" Lucy said.

"Must be a circuit breaker, Mom. You know how it is with these old houses," he said. I had to clamp a hand over my mouth not to laugh when I heard Edgar talk about the fact that Max wasn't glowing. Then the lights came back on and Max let out a shriek as a mirror were directly in front of him, Sam holding the extender part of it.

"Sam!" Lucy and I both shouted. He knew he was in trouble. Before he could really ruin the dinner by tossing a glass of water on Max, I stood up. "Mom, why don't you and Max go sit in the living room and I'll bring dessert in after we clear the table," I said, glaring at the three boys. Alan and Edgar gulped and Sam looked worried.

"Thank you, Madison, that sounds wonderful," she said, giving Sam a look that meant they'd be talking later. She and Max excused themselves and walked into the living room. Once I saw they were sitting on a couch, I closed the sliding door and turned back to the boys. I grabbed Edgar and Alan each by an earlobe and twisted, gaining a yelp from each of them. "Kitchen. Now. March," I said, jerking my head at Sam.

His face fell and I marched all three of them into the kitchen, letting the boys loose and sitting them down on stools around the small wooden island. "Sam, I am so disappointed in you, first of all," I said and his face fell even further. "Mom really, really likes Max, and you're acting like a spoiled, rotten brat," I said, pulling a small pan of tiramisu from the refrigerator. I placed a slice on each of two small dessert plates, along with chocolate shavings and fresh raspberries. I added two forks and put it on a tray with Grandma's old silver coffee service filled with fresh hot coffee and two sturdy white mugs. I practically shoved the tray into Sam's hands. "Now you take that into Mom and Max and you better apologize and mean it, Sam!"

He nodded and looked at me sadly. "I really am sorry, Madison," he said. I sighed and nodded, kissing his cheek. "I know you are, now go tell Mom that," I replied. He left and I turned my wrath on the two brothers in front of me. They looked at me and their complexions paled a bit under their tans and they gulped. "As for you two, you'll be joining Sam on kitchen cleanup. I'm not mad at you, but I think you're seriously misguided kids. From what Sam's told me, your home life isn't that great, but that's no excuse to come into someone's house and abuse their hospitality by playing trick's on someone's guests. Am I understood?" I said.

"Yes, ma'am," both boys answered immediately, nodding, eyes wide.

"Good, now both of you go start clearing the table," I said, just as Sam walked back into the room. I saw tears in his eyes and hugged the crap out of him as he buried his face in my side. "It's ok, Sammy," I whispered into his soft blonde hair. I kissed his temple. "Come on, we're going to clean up and then I'll give you boys dessert. Then we'll take the boys home, alright?" I asked. He nodded and went out into the dining room to help the Frog brothers.

I started filling the sink with hot water and dish soap and laughed quietly when I heard what the boys were talking to Sam about. They were trying to be quiet and failing.

Alan: Dude, your sister is hot! Why didn't you tell us she was hot? We were completely unprepared!
Edgar: And that drill sergeant demeanor? That is sexy!
Sam: Oh my god. You guys! That's my sister. She is not hot. Or sexy. God.

I giggled, I could just see Sam shuddering at the thought of his older sister being seen as sexy. Just as I opened my eyes, they came in carrying the plates and glasses. I scraped the plates into Nanook's dog bowl and put the plates in the hot water with the silverware, leaving Lucy's wine glasses out so that they didn't get broken. "Frog 1 and 2, front and center!" I said and they jerked to attention.

"Yes, ma'am?" they said in unison. I handed Edgar the washcloth to scrub the plates and handed a dish towel to Alan. "Dishes, now!"

Edgar nodded and Alan gave me a tentative smile. I returned it and pointed to the sink. They took their positions at the sink once I again I heard my name along with the words "sexy" and "dominating." I had to grit my teeth hard not to start laughing.

"Come on, Sam, we've got napkins and a tablecloth to fold," I said and he followed me into the dining room. I looked into the crack between the doorways and saw that Max and Lucy were enjoying dessert slowly, talking in between bites of the sweet dessert and sips of the bitter coffee. I hummed to myself as Sam helped me put away the tablecloth and napkins. Alan brought out the cleaned and dried "good" plates and I replaced them in the china hutch.

I walked back into the kitchen and was happily surprised to see that everything was done except for one pot that was soaking and the crystal stemware which I'd told them I would wash myself so that they wouldn't break them. I pulled out the pan of tiramisu and cut each of the boys a slice and decorated them as I'd done for Lucy and Max. I had them sit at the stools around the island while I took Grandpa his piece with no raspberries and lots and lots of chocolate shavings on top of it. He took it quickly and slammed the door almost in my face, which surprised me.

I turned to Mom and Max. "Did you two need a refill or anything?" I asked.

"No dear, everything was wonderful, thank you," Lucy said, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

"No problem, Mom. Hey, I'm going to take those boys home, ok?" I asked. She nodded and reached into her pocket and handed me her keys. "Thanks, Mom," I said. I turned to Max. "It was very nice to see you again, Max. Sorry about the issue with Sam earlier. I hope it won't deter you from coming to dinner again," I said. He looked delighted. "Well now, I think that would be very nice. Thank you, Madison," he said and stood, shaking my hand. I grinned at him, "Tell Thorn I said hello." He laughed, "I will do that. I swear, he misses you. Every time I walk in the door it's like he's looking behind me waiting for someone. I can only assume he's hoping I'll bring you home."

"Oh, before you go, Max, I've got a container of leftovers to send home with you, there was so much leftover that I know we won't eat it all, and I thought that you might like to not have to cook for yourself some night this week," I told him.

"Lucy, you definitely raised this young lady right. That is downright thoughtful of you, Madison, once again, thank you," he said and smiled, blinking widely in surprise. I smiled back, my plan to push Max and Lucy together was working! I waved goodbye to the two of them and walked back into the kitchen. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the boys had washed and put away their dessert dishes and had scrubbed and put away the remaining pot. All I had to do was wash the stemware when I got back from taking the brothers home.

"Boys, go grab your bikes, we'll put them in the back of the truck and I'll drop you off at home," I said. They nodded and just when they thought they were going to get away clean, I dropped a slight bombshell on them. "After you go apologize to Max and my Mother for your behavior."

They stopped short and turned around and looked at me in horrified wonder. "Wh..what?" Edgar choked out.

"You heard me. You embarrassed her in front of her guest. You will apologize. Now. Move!" I said, growling slightly at them. They looked at each other and then back at me. They sighed and shuffled into the living room. I heard a muffled and stilted apology, but Mom and Max graciously accepted it. "Oh, you boys are welcome anytime, I'm so glad that Sam has made some friends," I heard Lucy gush. I grinned and smiled at the boys when they came back in, surprising them by kissing them each on the cheek when they came back. They blushed bright red and hurried out to get their bikes.

"You realize you have admirers for life now, right?" Sam asked. I grinned at him. "All the easier to get them to do things for me," I said, wrapping my arm around his shoulder. "Now come on, let's get these two home so we can hurry back. I'm exhausted.

The boys had just finished putting their bikes into the back of the truck and had climbed in when Sam and I made it outside. I got into the driver's seat and put the truck into gear, and we drove back into Santa Clara. I parked just outside the back of the boy's house. I escorted them upstairs just in case their parents were semi-conscious. I wasn't surprised to see that the two of them had a ton of locks on the door. As I turned to leave, I handed them another container of leftovers that I'd packed for them.

"Any time you boys feel like a home cooked meal with lots of leftovers to bring home, you let me know through Sam, okay?" I said. I hated leaving them in this house with parents that were more interested in being high than being with their kids, but I didn't want to say anything. This was my way of telling them that someone cared about their well-being, without being pushy about it. They took the container but looked like they didn't know what to say, so I simply said goodnight.

I climbed back into the truck and saw Sammy curled up against the window on the other side, sleeping. "Hey, Sammy?" I said quietly. Her jerked awake and blinked at me. "Madison?" he asked yawning.

"The one and only," I teased him. "What do you think about hitting the convenience store for a couple of Slurpees, some chips and some chocolate?" I asked, thinking it would also give Lucy and Max some makeout time.

He lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh, can we, please?" I nodded and we drove deeper into Santa Carla to find a 7-11. We took our time choosing our slurpee flavors, and our chip and chocolate selections. I ended up with a cherry slurpee, salt and vinegar chips and chocolate covered almond toffee. Sam had a blue raspberry slurpee, doritos and chocolate covered raisins. We took our purchases back to the truck and climbed in, driving slowly back to the house so that all of our goodies were finished by the time we pulled in.

I was a bit surprised that Michael wasn't home yet, but wasn't worried. We wandered back inside to see that Max had already left and that Lucy had gone up to bed already. "Why don't you go ahead and head on up, Sam. I'm going to finish these glasses and head to bed myself," I said, yawning.

He nodded and kissed me on the cheek before Nanook joined him for the voyage up to bed. I grinned at the two of them, then turned back to the sink, filling the sink with hot water once more. As I washed the remaining dishes, I sang to myself.

Mama told me when I was young
"Come sit beside me, my only son
And listen closely to what I say
And if you do this it'll help you some sunny day"

"Oh, take your time, don't live too fast
Troubles will come and they will pass
You'll find a woman and you'll find love
And don't forget, son, there is someone up above"

"And be a simple kind of man
Oh, be something you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh, won't you do this for me, son, if you can"

"Forget your lust for the rich man's gold
All that you need is in your soul
And you can do this, oh baby, if you try
All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied"

"And be a simple kind of man
Oh, be something you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh, won't you do this for me, son, if you can"
Oh yes, I will

"Boy, don't you worry, you'll find yourself
Follow your heart and nothing else
And you can do this, oh baby, if you try
All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied"

"And be a simple kind of man
Oh, be something you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh, won't you do this for me, son, if you can"

Baby, be a simple, really simple man
Oh, be something you love and understand

I finished up the dishes, put them in the rack to drain and let the water out of the sink. I hung up my dish towel and looked around the kitchen to make sure everything was turned off and put away. I checked on Grandpa, still in his lab. "Night, Grandpa," I whispered to him.

"Goodnight, Maddie-my-girl," he replied, bent over a taxidermy piece.

I climbed the stairs and into the bathroom where I took a quick shower, but left my hair in it's braid and wrapping it in a shower cap. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked back to my room. I pulled on a pair of clean panties and one of Michael's old shirts that was nice and soft. I shook my hair out of it's braid and it tumbled around my back and shoulders in soft curls from being up so long. I sat at my vanity and brushed through it, secretly wishing my boys were there. I had a image in my head of Dwayne sitting behind me, carefully running the brush through my hair. I shivered and blushed at the thought sending a flash of heat to pool in my lower belly. I missed them and couldn't wait to see them again.

I sighed and climbed into bed, letting out a noise of pure contentment as my body relaxed into the soft bed. I drew the sheets over myself and closed my eyes and was asleep before I could utter a goodnight to the stars.

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