The Art of Warren

By b00klover09

280K 12K 1.7K

He was a mosaic, composed of broken pieces. She was an unfinished art project. ******** The moon goddess en... More

•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
•Twenty Four•
•Twenty Five•
•Twenty Six•
•Twenty Seven•
•Twenty Eight•
•Twenty Nine•
•Thirty One•
•Thirty Two•
•Thirty Three•
•Thirty Four•
•Thirty Five•
•Thirty Six•
•Thirty Seven•
•Thirty Eight•
•Thirty Nine•
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
The Art of Submission

Forty Seven

2.3K 106 8
By b00klover09

"Don't judge others because they sin differently than you."

After Pomelia wiped at her eyes and made sure she wasn't going to randomly burst into tears again they made their way to the scene.

Pomelia was shaking so hard as they approached the LPA and all of their blacked out vans and guns he felt like turning around and putting her back into the car.

Instead of having blinking red, white and blue lights the LPA vans that raided the small parking lot of the temple were all blinking white. He supposed it was to resemble the moonlight. As he glanced up, he felt like someone slapped him in the face.

It was a full moon. A full fucking moon. "War? What's wrong?" Pomelia's warm hand was in his but her other hand was rubbing his bicep soothingly.

"It's a full moon, Pomelia." He told her as she glanced up and smiled at him, sort of in a confused 'duh' type of way.

She didn't understand and he had to explain it someone. He needed Erica immediately. He walked up to a group of agents and they first glanced at Pomelia before looking at him. One in particular was staring at Pomelia rather intensely before cursing loud.

"Wait a minute. What the fuck is going on," the man growled out loud as War suddenly remembered the man's voice. This was the LPA agent who pounced on him at the bar when he was fake choking Jess.

War growled, wrapping his arm around her pressing her into his side. "Where is Erica Grace? I need to speak to her immediately."

The agent cocked his gun at War. "Listen Tarzan I'm not sure what the fuck is going on but you're going to have to let go of this woman. Pomelia right?" The man spoke, his eyes straying over to look at his mate. "Come here, you don't need to be afraid. I can get you to your mother."

Pomelia began to push away from War and he suddenly felt sick. Was she really betraying him like this? What was going on?

"Excuse me...Peter I think it is? I'm fine. Could you please just grab Mrs. Grace. I really need to speak to her," Pomelia smiled softly at the man who had called War 'Tarzan.' He even managed to get a few good punches into the man's face before he was restrained.

War was more interested in how Pomelia knew this idiot, on a first name basis. The man's eyebrows knitted together, and War could see the fury behind them.

"Cuff him," he snapped at the other agent as War resisted the urge to curse him and knock him out. He chose peace when he really honest to every living being wanted to choose violence.

The other agent warily maneuvered behind War to put on handcuffs. "Don't you dare! He is my mate. Peter I don't know what's going on but we need to speak to my mother."

War flexed his hands in his new handcuffs, thinking of happy thoughts. Like Pomelia clinging to him when they were in the lake, them holding hands. Her cooking. Lo's terrible attempt at singing in the morning. The pups in the pack following his wolf around wanting to play...

"Listen honey I don't know what lies he's told you but you're obviously being brainwashed. This man is a killer. I've seen him rip someone's heart out, okay? He's not a good man."

War kept quiet, watching his mates response. Would she recoil? Would their progress be erased from this man's words?

"I know who he is, I do not need you, you a-a man I barely know to tell me who my mate is. Please we have important information and we need to speak to my mother." Pomeli was upset, she was shaking with anger. Her eyes were bright and he could see the little hints of her wolf being riled up.

The man was glaring at him so harshly if looks could kill War would be a goner. War smirked at him. "And please get these cuffs off of him. They'll hurt his wrist," Pomelia pleaded as War chuckled softly as she placed a hand on his arm.

"I've been is worse...situations. Find your mom and bring her back here. Okay?" He said to her as she looked ready to burst into tears again. "I'll be fine. Go find your mom."

Pomelia took a shaky breath and put on a smile. "Okay. I'll be back." She reached up to kiss him and he ducked down so they could peck lips quickly. The kiss had its purpose and they both knew it. To infuriate the male who was too pissed off about them being mates.

"Can you show me to my mother?" Pomelia questioned, arms crossed and glaring at 'Peter.'

He frowned. "Bring her to Agent Grace. I'll keep the criminal company." The agent definitely looked uncomfortable about the entire thing but was quiet, glancing at Pomelia then turning around, her following him.

"I see you marked her but she didn't mark you. Tell me how you did it."

War gave the psycho an odd look and chose to do what he did best. Stay silent. "C'mon Tarzan. You must've tricked her. No way a woman like that let's a shit stain like you claim her." Silence. "Maybe you forced her? She's small. Did you get a power trip out of it? Probably did, sick fuck."

Bait. He was baiting him so War could lose his cool and then he would have all the authority in the world to beat the shit out of him. "What else did you force her to do? I know you wolves in Bane pack have no honor. Not an ounce. Poor girl probably has Stockholm's syndrome."

War wondered what Pomelia had on the menu to cook tomorrow morning. He hoped it was pancakes. He didn't realize how much he enjoyed pancakes til she started making them.

He imagined himself bashing the man's skull in and that brought a smile to his face. "How the hell does a man like you get a mate and I'm still mateless. How does that work exactly?" He was getting in War's face now. "I deserve a cute little mate. I've done so much good shit in the world and yet you, a worthless piece of shit get one. I don't get it."

"Excuse me agent, what is your name?"

War didn't realize how close the man was until he looked up. The agent immediately straightened up and they both looked towards who was addressing him.

It was Priestess Arana. She had blood all over her cream dress and her hair was a bit disheveled. Her eyes were blood shot and she looked...angry?

The asshole agent bowed. "Priestess," he addressed her before straightening up. "It's Agent Waters. I was just speaking to a criminal who may have something to do with this recent raid."

Arana pursed her lips together and growled lightly. Agent Idiot immediately tensed. "This is holy ground and I am in charge as an ordained priestess. You will let this man go immediately. Are we clear?"

Agent Waters anger smelled so rancid he nearly gagged. War chuckled instead. "Priestess I understand this is your jurisdiction but-"

"-But nothing. I was inside as my females were taken. I know all who conspired and this man is not one of them. Do I need to repeat myself?" She snapped as War felt like hugging the woman. He had to remember to keep his anger in check when he got his handcuffs off. He was two seconds from knocking this guy out.

He cleared his throat and begrudgingly let War go. "Agent Waters?"

"Yes, Priestess," Peter bit out, his fury getting the best of him. He would be careful to anger Arana. War didn't know much about the woman but she was a little scary when she was in priestess mode.

She walked up to him with a smile. War noticed she was as close to Agent Waters as Agent Waters was as close to War just a few minutes ago. "To answer your question on how Warren has a mate and you do not all you have to do is check your entitlement. No one is promised or entitled to anything in this life. You are gifted a mate, the goddess does not owe you absolutely anything. Do you understand?"

"I got it."

"Good. Warren let's...Trent don't you dare!"

Out of nowhere, Trent appeared. Fuming. His fist came flying, knocking the agent unconscious. "Seriously?" War snapped, as Trent shook out his punching hand, wincing. "That was my punch to throw."

"Not when he was looking at Arana like that. Piece of-"

"-Trent! No more hurting or killing people in my name do you understand? That's it! I can't take any more violence tonight," priestess Arana half yelled at Trent as he looked ready to yell right back at her. War was wondering what the hell transpired between them. He could cut the tension with a knife with how intensely they were glaring at one another.

"What is going on over here!"

War cursed as he heard a familiar female voice. It was Erica Grace of course. He turned around to see a teary eyed Pomelia, her mother and another agent.

Priestess Arana was the first to look as if she wanted to speak up...before she got choked up. Her and Pomelia ran to one another and embraced tightly. While they cried and held onto one another, Agent Grace was looking between her fallen agent and Trent and War.

"Who knocked my agent unconscious?"

"Me and that's because he was being a dick. Got a problem lady?"

Agent Erica Grace rolled her eyes and whispered something into the agents ear that was next to her. He quickly went over to the dumb agent, checked his pulse and then lifted him up over his shoulder.

"According to my daughter he was being...a dick. I apologize for his unruliness Warren." War shrugged, before she turned her attention towards Trent. "You have caused quite a ruckus here. Killing all of our suspects. You're free to go back to your pack. You've helped enough."

Trent scoffed. "I'll leave when I know that you guys have a good plan on keeping this temple fucking safe."

Agent Grace glared at him. "I assure you we're drawing up a plan as we speak. You are not a warrior and while Priestess Arana and various other priests have attested that you were a valiant helper today you are still who you are and you cannot further aid us."

"Yeah well fuck you too lady," Trent smiled as he grabbed War. "I'm out. Let's switch cars. Leo's is parked in the back." War forgot he did have Trent's car. They switched keys and Trent milled around a few more seconds, watching Arana talk with Pomelia before huffing loudly and making his way to his car.

Agent Grace sighed loudly. "Can we all take this inside? Warren, Pomelia tells me you have vital information."

War nodded his head. "Yeah."

"Priestess Arana please take us somewhere we can speak privately."

The priestess wiped at her eyes and then wiped at Pomelia's. War watched Agent Grace seem frozen as the two women held on to one another tightly again. "Priestess Arana."

"I heard you, Agent Grace."

War was sure Agent Grace growled at Priestess Arana but that couldn't be true. No one would willingly growl at a holy woman... Well maybe Trent would but that was about it in his mind.

Priestess Arana lead them into the temple, where a lot of priestesses and novices were crying and weeping. Some of them waved at Pomelia and stared at War as if he was going to rip all of their heads off or something.

Pomelia made it a point to hold his hand and he supposed that helped them realize he wasn't going to murder all of them.

Once they got to a secluded room, Priestess Arana spoke. "This is a soundproof room so no one will hear a peep."

"Thank you Priestess," Agent Grace said as she sat down and Arana bowed slightly. "No need to bow. If anything I should be bowing to you."

Priestess Arana smiled. "No need to. You do important work the goddess sees your strength. I see your strength." Agent Grace stiffened and War swore he saw some type of emotion before she bottled it up.

"Pomelia dear will you be sitting in with us?"

"Yes," Pomelia piped up as Priestess Arana grabbed another chair from the corner and placed it next to War.

"Well I am going to change my outfit. If you all need anything done priests are right outside."

They all said thank you before she closed the door and left. Once she made her exit, Agent Grace took something out of her pocket. It was a little recorder. "Warren everything you say will be recorded do you understand?"


Pomelia slipped his hand in hers. "Good. This is Agent Erica Grace recording Warren Apsel of Bane," she spoke into the little device before staring at War. How did she know his last name?! "Now tell me about this organization. How did you first get into contact with them?"

War couldn't rat out Reese. "Someone hired me to find a friend and my trails lead me to this group."

She took a bag out of her suit jacket and handed it over to War. "Do you recognize any of the names on this list?"

War looked over the page that listed female names and male names next to them. None. All but Q, their leader who spoke with Pomelia, who introduced Jess and him to the organization. 

"The guy who spoke to Pomelia earlier. His name is Q. He's their leader..well of this sect here. Their big leader is Ivan. I've never seen him before."

"And this Q.  Describe him please. Did you two talk about anything?"

"He's tall, decked out in black, looks feral. He wanted to induct me in. Asked me personal stuff wanted to know all the alphas I knew of. Any powerful people in packs."

Pomelia's hands were sweaty but she remained holding his hand. "And did you give him the information he wanted?" War nodded his head. "What did he want with it?"

"I don't know. They hate pack hierarchy, they want to get rid of it. They demean women. Recruit young kids...maybe high school age."

"And what are they going to do with those females? What do you think they'll do?"

Pomelia's hand gripped his tighter. "They'll rape them and impregnate them most likely. When I was there," he stalled. He couldn't tell them about Jess. She was a victim...but he could just make her out to be apart of the plan. "Like I said I was acting like I wanted to join. I had a woman help me."

"That red head who you were choking?"

"Yes. She knew how they operated. They enjoyed me demeaning her...they even told her the only thing she was good for was ah..fucking." He didn't mean to curse but he had to put it bluntly.

"So you're basing your assumption that they will be raped on the groups ill actions or well treatment towards women?"

"Yeah...I think they're creating some sort of cult or something. Raising them up young," War spoke out loud hoping it made sense. "What other use would they have? They all seemed like starved dogs to me when I walked in with the female who helped me."

She nodded her head slowly before pressing down on the recorder again. "This is all off the record. That means I'm not turning any of this in to be analyzed or poked or prodded. You understand?"

War nodded his head. "I know you killed Alpha Reese's brother and I know he hired you. Ben is the reason why you were there in the first place. You Give me Ben's book of scribbles and I'll drop the charges I'm about to slap Alpha Reese with."

War shouldn't care. Reese wasn't necessarily a friend, he was a client but saying that he wasn't a friend felt wrong. Reese Mei and Pomelia got along well. He would feel...bad if Reese went to jail? Yeah, he really would feel bad about it. 

"I'm in the clear, Alpha Reese is in the clear?"


"Okay. It's at my pack. I'll grab it and drop it off-"

"-No, no. I'll be headed to your pack soon. I'll pick it up when I arrive."

War didn't know why that didn't sit well with him, but it just didn't. "Okay great." She smiled. "Now I'm going to press the recorder again." War was already  tired of talking.

After another lengthy session of questions, Erica Grace was done with her 'interrogation.' War tried to remember as much as possible and it apparently helped, or so Erica Grace claimed.

Once they were done, Erica thanked them and then awkwardly told Pomelia she would be in touch. War waited by his car as Pomelia milled around the temple grounds for a few minutes, catching up with a few of her 'sisters.'

When she was done, War thought she would be a little more happier, but her mood hadn't improved much. "You okay?" He questioned as they hopped into Leo's car.

"They took my friend, Sera. My old roommate."  That must have been the plump girl who was screaming and terrified of him when War first met Pomelia.

"I'm sorry," he told her truthfully as her hand slipped into his.

"It's not your fault. Let's just get home, okay?"

Did War feel some type of away at the way she said 'home?' Yes and it made him have a shit eating grin on my face all the ride there.

Once they got home, a bonfire was going on, which they quickly opted out of. On the way inside the house a drunken Khan had approached them.

"Aye. We got an important meeting tomorrow. Be there," he told them in his drunken state before he turned around and two females flanked the sides of him.

Whatever it was he hoped that it wouldn't add more stress onto him. And he hoped by the way Khan was drinking that the meeting would be cancelled...

Merry Christmas and a Merry Saturday my lovely readers🎄❤️

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