Forget Me Not

By AmethystStar19

3.2K 98 66

Kat's life was about to change in so many ways. She was about to remember a life she didn't know she had or w... More

Character Info
Chapter One: Lost
Chapter Two: Then There Were Two
Chapter Three: Truth
Chapter Four: A Flicker of Truth
Chapter Five: Training
Chapter Six: Kuchiki
Chapter Seven: Lost Soul
Chapter Eight: A Boy and a Girl
Chapter Nine: The Kiss
Chapter Ten: Wounds That Never Seem to Heal Part I
Chapter Eleven: Wounds That Never Seem to Heal II
Chapter Twelve: The Weirdo with the Black Mustache
Chapter Thirteen: The Odds
Chapter Fourteen: Quincy
Chapter Sixteen: Flashes of the Past

Chapter Fifteen: Goodbye

311 6 1
By AmethystStar19

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. I only own Catalina and Eita Harada.

Water (Mizu): hair color turquoise, eye color bright blue

Fire (Kaji): hair color red, eye color bright orange

Ice (Koori): hair color white, eye color bright white

Earth (Chi): hair color brown, eye color bright green

Air (Kuki): hair color white, eye color bright orange

Metal (Kinzoku): hair color silver, eye color bright gray

Lightning (Inazuma): hair color yellow, eye color bright yellow

Shadow (Kage): hair color pitch black, eye color bright violet

Chapter Fifteen: Goodbye

[Couple Days Later]
[Kat's POV]

I stood yawning tiredly as we waited for Yoruichi to show up. She had been training us for the last couple of weeks. She was usually the first one here ready with the sneak attacks. Strange that she wasn't already here. I had been wanted to talk to her since yesterday about what I had remembered but she hadn't been around.

"Sorry kiddos. No training today or for the next couple of days. Yoruichi said she was busy." Kisuke suddenly arrived with his fan covering his face.

I furrowed my eyebrows confused. Busy? What could she possibly be doing that has her busy, she's a cat 99% of the time?

Later that morning I walked to school with plenty of time to spare I had even bought Ichigo a birthday present. We had been so busy these last couple of days I forget to give him a present. But after spending most of my morning before school, I had finally found something that had a meaning to it and was quite hilarious.

I seriously doubt he'll wear it though. I shrugged to myself as I walked down the streets happily. It's the thought that matters...right? Plus, we still haven't talked about the kiss. We haven't been alone to talk about it yet.

I suddenly stopped when I stepped on something soft. I looked down confused seeing Kon under my foot.

"Nice view." Kon said happily lifting his thumbs up weakly. His black buttons sparkled while they looked up my skirt.

"KON!" I shouted my eye twitching in annoyance. "You pervert!" I shouted kicking him out of my site. That little crept looked up my skirt! I tugged on my skirt a little continuing to walk to school.

I smiled happily when I felt Ichigo's spirit force up ahead. I jogged off quickly trying to catch up to him. I saw him walking by himself, which was strange I thought he would have been with Rukia.

"Ichigo!" I yelled happily.

Ichigo stopped walking turning around confused to see me running over to him.

"Kat? I thought you were training?" Ichigo questioned confused.

"I don't have training for the next couple of days." I explained happily.

"You must be happy you don't have to wake up early." Ichigo teased.

I rolled my eyes. It was true. I wasn't much of a morning person.

"By the way I have a present for you!" I exclaimed happily.

"Present? My birthday was days ago." He said confused.

"I know. We just have been so busy I forgot to get you something" I exclaimed happily finding the little box. "Ha, found it." I said happily pulling out the little box out.

Ichigo stared at the little box confused.

"Here." I said happily handing him the box.

The little box was wrapped up with silver wrapping paper with a small light blue bow.

"What is it?" Ichigo questioned grabbing the little box.

"Open it and find out." I smiled happily.

Ichigo opened the box and his eye twitched weirdly when he saw what was in the box.

"Kat..." Ichigo said oddly.

His face reaction was priceless! Man, where's a camera when you need it?! Ichigo pulled out the necklace looking at it weirdly. The silver chain itself wasn't the hilarious part. The hilarious part was what was on the chain. I looked at the orange carrot shape locket smiling happily. Ichigo still didn't know it was a locket.

"Why are you giving me a carrot necklace?" Ichigo questioned dumbfounded.

"Well for starters I wanted to see your face reaction." I giggled happily. "Also, it's not just a's a locket." I whispered happily grabbing the locket. I opened the locket and gently placed it back on his hand.

Ichigo looked at it his face soften up with a small smile forming on his lips. Inside was a picture of me.

"It's a picture of me." I smiled happily at him. "I wanted you to have something that you could carry around that would remind you of me." I whispered softly looking at the locket in his hand.

"I'll wear it." He muttered still looking at the picture. He closed the locket looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I questioned confused.

"Why a carrot?" He finally deadpanned.

I giggled happily, "Because your hair reminds me of a carrot." I muttered amused by his bright orange hair. I stood on my tippy toes softly running my fingers through his orange hair, "But I love your hair and its color. I wouldn't change it for the world." I said happily running my fingers gently through his hair.

I pulled away blushing dark red realizing what I just did.

"Um, sorry about that." I whispered bashfully.

"Kat..." Ichigo whispered. "About the kiss the other day." He finally spoke up seriously.

"It was nice." I quickly blurted out before he could say he regretted it.

Ichigo stared at me amazed.

"We, uh, should get going to school or else we'll be late." Ichigo muttered softly looking into my grayish-bluish eyes while I just stared into his amber eyes.

I nodded softly trying to think straight again. Ichigo placed the box in his bag when I noticed he was putting the necklace on. I looked at him bewildered.

"You don't have to wear it...I just wanted you to carry it." I stated embarrassed.

"You gave it to me; it makes it special." He countered making sure the necklace was under his black shirt so no one could see it.

I blushed furiously looking at my feet. I felt him grab my hand intertwining our fingers together.

"Ready to go?" He questioned.

"Yeah let's go." I said happily.

[Later That Day]

[Nobody's POV]

Kat stood on the field happily watching everyone play. Today is one of those few days that a hollow didn't show up and Kat enjoyed days like that. They were the best in her opinion. She looked across the field watching Tatsuki getting ready to throw the ball towards Orihime who was ready to swing.

"GO ORIHIME! YOU CAN DO IT!" Everyone shouted happily.

"Yeah!" Orihime shouted happily.

Tatsuki pitched the ball and Orihime hit a homerun.

"HOMERUN!" Kat shouted happily clapping her hands.

'Yeah, today is going to be a great day. I started my morning off with Ichigo. Everything is going to be great today.' Kat thought happily staring up at the bright sky, no cloud in sight.

Ichigo stared across the field watching Kat playing happily with everyone.

"Today after school I'll talk to her about it." Ichigo thought looking down at his shirt where he could see the outline of the carrot locket. "For the first time in a long time I don't feel lonely anymore." Ichigo thought happily looking at Kat and then Eita who have somehow become a part of his life.

"ICHI...GO!" Keigo shouted happily jumping onto Ichigo's back. "What are you doing? Oh, I get it. You are looking at Orihime!" Keigo exclaimed happily, getting off Ichigo. "Excellent choice may I say, Orihime is a beautiful goddess-" Keigo was cut off when Eita threw a ball at him.

"Yeah, right. He isn't eyeing Orihime." Eita snickered smirking at Ichigo.

"What?" Keigo exclaimed shocked. "Then who's he looking at?" Keigo demanded.

"Kat." Eita snickered walking away.

"WHAT?!" Keigo shouted shocked. "Is this true Ichigo?!" Keigo shouted still shocked.

"I wasn't looking at Kat!" Ichigo growled angrily.

"Ichigo there is nothing wrong with a healthy teenage boy looking at a beautiful young girl like Kat-chan!" Keigo spoke daydreaming about Kat. "Kat is a beautiful goddess like Orihime!" Keigo continued his rambling while Ichigo sighed softly ignoring Keigo's rumbling. He turned back around to get one last look at Kat who was still laughing happily with everyone.

"No arguing with Keigo she's beautiful." Ichigo thought walking away to help Chad, Keigo, Eita and Mizuiro put everything away.

[Kat's POV]

I sat at the back of the classroom looking up ahead at the back of Ichigo's head.

"Want some tissues?" Eita questioned from beside me staring broodily up ahead.

"What?" I questioned confused looking at him.

"For your drooling." Eita snickered.

I glared at him. "So how are things with you and Rukia?" I asked looking at my book casually, noticing the thoughtfully look in his eyes.

"Dunno...she's been acting weird since yesterday." Eita mumbled, tapping his pencil on his desk still looking forward.

"Did you do something?" I questioned.

"No." Eita said seriously. "What about you?" Eita suddenly teased looking at me.

"What about me?" I questioned narrowing my eyes at him.

"What did you give Kurosaki to make him so happy?" Eita snickered holding his book up to block his chuckling face.

"Nothing, I just give him a necklace." I muttered looking away, blushing.

"Right, a necklace." Eita mocked.

"Shut up." I hissed looking at my book.

After a couple of minutes, I turned to look at Eita again who was staring at Rukia's back.

"Just talk to her after school." I whispered sincerely.

"I will." He muttered, looking at his book again.

I was writing some things down when I heard everyone gasping. I looked up and saw Uryu walk into the classroom with his arms all bandaged up.

"I fell down the stairs." Uryu explained bluntly.

"Seriously, ranked number one and that's the best he can come up with?" Eita questioned amused.

I sighed softly looking out the window. Yeah, things were good and going back to normal. Well as normal as they can be.

The bell rang and I slowly stood up stretching out happily.

I walked out of the classroom to look for Rukia and found her sitting up on a tree. I swiftly jumped up next to her sitting down beside her.

"Why so alone?" I asked softly feeling the soft breeze blow my hair.

"I just needed to think." Rukia whispered staring up ahead.

"Did Eita do something wrong?" I questioned confused.

"No. Eita hasn't done anything wrong. Eita does everything right." Rukia explained somberly.

I looked at her confused.

"Then what's wrong?" I questioned confused, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I think he's too much for me." Rukia whispered softly.

I looked at her weirdly. I was about to say something when I heard Mahana, Orihime and Tatsuki underneath the tree.

"Kuchiki-san! Kat! Want to have lunch with us?" Mahana asked happily.

"Sure." I replied happily. I looked at Rukia happily, "Come on, let's go have lunch maybe it'll make you feel better." I suggested happily.

Rukia nodded jumping down from the tree with me.

We all sat down in a circle underneath a tree enjoying the cool shade. I pulled out my lunch eating happily.

"Kat?" Mahana questioned slyly.

"Yeah?" I asked happily taking a bite from my bento.

"Are you and Kurosaki-kun dating?" Mahana asked going straight to the point.

I choked on my food.

"Mahana! You can't be so straight forward about that?!" Michiru shouted bashfully.

"What? I'm just asking a question that has been on every one's mind for the last couple of days." Mahana said shrugging.

Rukia softly patted my back while I tried to swallow my food, "What makes you think we are dating?" I choked out embarrassed.

"Recently you and Kurosaki-kun have been spending a lot of time together." Mahana explained looking at me sneakily. "Rumor has you guys have even been seen holding hands." She added cunningly.

Everyone looked at me waiting for my answer. I looked at Orihime face it was neutral, it didn't give anything away. But I knew she was hurting with this Ichigo talk. We have kissed but we weren't exactly dating. We haven't really even talked about the kiss, just a little this morning.

"No." I muttered softly, blushing. I looked back at everyone who was shocked at my answer.

"R-R-Really?" Michiru questioned shocked.

"Yep." I said nodding. I looked at Orihime her face seemed to lighten up at my answer. But she didn't know the whole story. I'm sorry Orihime.

I smiled sadly looking at my bento as the talk shifted to another topic.

Could Ichigo and I date?

[Nobody's POV]

Eita walked out of the school with one of his hands in his pocket and the other held his bag over his shoulder.


Eita turned around at the sound of his name watched Rukia run over to him. Rukia stopped in front of him looking at him sadly.

"Eita...are you happy with our relationship?" Rukia questioned sadly.

"Huh, of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Eita questioned seriously. "What's wrong?" Eita questioned softly caressing Rukia's check.

"Nothing." Rukia said softly smiling up at Eita. "Just silly girl thoughts." Rukia whispered gently looking at Eita.

"Never took you for the girly type." Eita teased softly making Rukia blushed.

"Shut up." Rukia muttered looking away flustered.


Eita turned around and saw Kat running over to him.

"What is it Kat?" Eita asked.

"Kisuke wants to talk to us. He said it's important." Kat said shrugging.

"Fine, let's go." Eita muttered annoyed. "I'll see you later." Eita promised.

He leaned down towards Rukia placing a soft kiss on her lips.

Rukia stood there blushing furiously while Kat bite her lower lip softly trying not to giggle.

"Let's go Kat." Eita muttered walking off with Kat beside him.

"Rukia tell Ichigo we'll talk later!" Kat shouted over her shoulder heading to Kisuke's shop.

"Yeah." Rukia whispered somberly.

Rukia watched Eita and Kat walk away happily as they playfully shoved each other.

"I'm sorry...Eita." Rukia whispered softly to herself walking away.

[Kat's POV]

Eita and I sat down at the table drinking some tea while we waited for Kisuke to show up. We have been sitting for a few hours already and still no sign of Kisuke.

"Tessai where's Kisuke?' I questioned, looking at the clock.

Ichigo will be wondering where I'm at if I don't hurry up here.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon." Tessai assured us politely.

I laid down on the floor staring at the ceiling thinking of the wonderful day today was.

Suddenly two strange spirit forces made themselves known as it echoed through Karakura Town. I quickly sat up and paled as I felt Rukia's faint spirit force there as well.

"Rukia." I whispered scared.

"Kat what is it?" Eita asked confused.

I quickly stumbled to my feet about to run out the door when Tessai blocked the entryway.

"Lady Kat, I'm afraid I'm not allowed to let you leave." Tessai said politely.

"What do you mean?" I questioned annoyed.

"Tessai, she can leave whenever she wants." Eita said seriously standing behind me.

"I'm afraid I can't allow either of you to leave." Tessai said more seriously.

"What are you talking-" Eita stopped midsentence spacing out.

I know why he stopped. I felt it too...I felt them too. Their spirit force was high, higher than anything I have felt. Just like Yoruichi and Kisuke.

"Tessai get out of the way!" I hissed.

If Eita felt it, there is no doubt Ichigo will feel it too.

My stomach twisted anxiously as I studied the spirit forces and bite my lip nervously. I had a bad feeling about this.

Tessai finally moved out of the way letting Eita and I ran towards the front door. I reached the front door and suddenly slammed into something invisible keeping us from stepping out the door. I slammed my hand onto the invisible barrier.

"What the hell is this?" Eita hissed angrily, punching the barrier.

"I'm afraid I can't let you two interfere." I heard Kisuke's voice slyly from the other side of the barrier.

"Kisuke?" I questioned confused. "What are you talking about?" I growled annoyed.

"Ichigo has to see for himself that he's no match against them." Kisuke explained walking away.

He wants Ichigo to fight them alone?! That's suicide!

"KISUKE! LET US OUT!" I yelled after him angrily. "KISUKE!" I screamed slamming my hands against the barrier.

"KISUKE!" Eita shouted just as angrily slamming his fists onto the barrier.

"LET ME OUT!" I screamed desperately pounding my hands against the barrier. "KISUKE! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! YOU HEAR ME! LET ME OUT!" I screamed holding back tears that were forming.

I need to get out of here! I need to go help Ichigo! What was all this training for if I can't even protect the one person I care so much about!

"Kat..." Eita whispered shaken, he looked paler than usual. "They are here for Rukia, right?" He asked dazed.

I shallowed thickly, "Yes." I choked on the verge of tears. "They have to be here for Rukia." I hugged myself tightly staring at the barrier tearfully.

Eita stared at me disbelief.

"I don't understand why Kisuke won't let us help." I whispered outraged.

I stared at Eita who just stood there staring at nothing.

"Rukia." Eita said softly walking towards the barrier in front of us.

I watched Eita softly place his hand on the barrier closing his eyes.

"These barriers always have a weak point." Eita muttered bluntly running his hand over the invisible barrier.

Eita snapped opened his eyes stepping back away from the barrier. Eita took a running start towards the barrier turning his hand into a tight fist. He jumped towards the barrier. His fist collided with the barrier as he poured more of his spirit force into his attack cracking the barrier.

"I won't let them take her!" Eita shouted breaking the invisible barrier.

I stood there stunned, staring at the slowly disappearing barrier, it broke away piece by piece.

"Kat, let's go." Eita hissed running towards where we felt all the spirit forces.

Eita and I flashed stepped as fast as we could down the dark streets of Karakura Town, they were dimly light by the streetlights. I ignored the queasy feeling I was to get at the pit of my stomach as we continued quickly down the streets.

"Eita, what are we going to do once we get there?" I questioned seriously from beside him as we continued running.

"Kick their ass, save Rukia and Kurosaki." Eita said seriously.

I stared at him a little surprised. Eita really was confident that we would beat them. I on the other hand couldn't keep my hands from shaking with fear. These people were just as strong as Kisuke and Yoruichi. We barely started to land a hit on Yoruichi. But she was still surprisingly fast.

I suddenly slammed into Eita's back who had stopped running. I stumbled back a little rubbing my nose. I leaned sideways trying to get a view of what Eita was looking at. I gasped distressed. Up ahead on the ground laid Uryu in a puddle of his own blood.

"Uryu." I choked sadly.

Suddenly fear consumed my whole body at the sight of Uryu's bloody body. The same thing could happen to Ichigo if we didn't hurry. I needed to protect him. Suddenly the fear I had felt earlier regarding our situation slowly melted away. The fear was replaced with anger. I have trained so hard to be able to protect Ichigo and my friends. I couldn't back down.

"Let's go." Eita hissed sidestepping Uryu's body.

We jogged the rest of the way up the steep hill and stopped reaching the top. As we got there, I saw Rukia pinned down by her neck against a pole, a red head male held her against it. His forehead was all bloody. I would leave him to Eita.

My eyes scanned the area and I found Ichigo on the ground in a pool of blood. I felt my insides boil with rage at the sight of Ichigo's hurt body. I moved so quickly no one noticed me not even the raven hair man that was about to finish Ichigo off.

His slate gray eyes suddenly widen as I appeared beside him. I punched him, hard. He stumbled back surprised at my sudden arrival. Behind me I could hear grunts and a gasp. Eita was able to prey away that guy away from Rukia.

"Get away from him!" I shouted.

"Kat!" I heard Rukia shout surprised. "Eita, please stop! Go home!" Rukia pleaded tearfully.

I ignored her running towards Ichigo but stopped when the man spoke up.

"Catalina Shihoin." He said firmly.

I stopped in my tracks staring at the man before me. Something about him seem familiar. My heart was beating so loudly against my ribcage I could hear it behind my ears. This man knew my name.

"How do you know my name?" I stammered shocked. Rain slowly started to fall as we stood there staring at each other. "Do you know who I'm?!" I yelled.

I held my breath, maybe he knew who I was. Maybe he could answer all my unanswered questions.

"You don't remember me?" the man questioned gently.

I stared at him confused. I stared into his eyes and I flinched painfully. Suddenly the name that had been hunting my dreams slipped from my lips.

"Byakuya..." I whispered.

I couldn't believe it. This man was Byakuya Kuchiki. I screamed. My head felt like it was being split open.


That was the last thing I heard as I slowly passed out staring at a pair of concerned slate gray eyes.


[Nobody's POV]

Kat screamed painfully as her eyes rolled to the back of her and she fell to the ground.

"Kat!" Eita yelled.

He lost focus for one second against his opponent and was quickly knocked against the wall unconscious.

Byakuya stared at the brunette shocked. He then glanced at Eita just as shocked. They were both alive.

Byakuya stared at them a sense of disbelief coursed through him as he walked towards Kat. He kneeled beside her staring at her.

"Get away from her!" Ichigo growled angrily. "Kat!" Ichigo screamed at the unconscious girl.

"Catalina..." Byakuya whispered stunned, his stone-cold gray eyes soften for a split second. "Renji, we will be taking the boy and girl." Byakuya ordered sternly.

"No, brother, please!" Rukia begged her older brother.

Renji picked Eita up slanging him over his shoulder. Blood dripped from his forehead.

"Eita!" Rukia cried running towards him. She noticed the gushing wound on his forehead.

Rukia without thinking about it started to heal his wound. Green energy formed on her hands. Renji watched from the corner of his eye, jealously course through his body at Rukia's worry over the human boy. Or so he thought he was a human.

Byakuya kneeled beside Kat about to pick her up when suddenly an invisible barrier formed around her blocking him.

Byakuya touched the barrier and furrowed his eyebrows angrily realizing someone more powerful was protecting her. He glared at the barrier not wanting to think about that woman. If Kat was alive then she must be alive as well.

"Renji, the boy will do let's go." Byakuya whispered dully.

Byakuya stood up glancing one last time at Kat.

"I'll be back Catalina." Byakuya vowed.

"Rukia! Eita!" Ichigo screamed after his friends desperately trying to stand up.

Renji opened a senkaimon with his zanpakuto.

"No!" Ichigo screamed.

"If any of you follow me...I'll never forgive you." Rukia uttered tearfully following her brother and Renji who was carrying a wounded Eita.

The senkaimon closed behind them leaving an unconscious Kat and a bleeding Ichigo behind. The rain slowly picked up as Ichigo laid there devasted.

Soft clinking noises echoed through the silent night and Ichigo looked up at the new arrival confused.

"Kisuke Urahara." Ichigo whispered disbelief.

"My, seems you are in quite a pickle." Kisuke said slyly.

Yoruichi in her cat form jumped off Kisuke's shoulder and ran to Kat's unconscious form. She sighed relieved realizing she was simply knocked out and not wounded.

Yoruichi furrowed her eyebrows realizing Eita wasn't there.

"He took him back." Yoruichi whispered to no one in particular.

[To be Continued]

Another chapter down and boy I bet you guess weren't counting on this plot twist. Eita was taken back to Soul Society before the others. What will this mean for Eita. How will Kat react when she realizes two of her closes friend have been taken.

Byakuya has finally made an appearance and has vowed to return for Kat. 

What will happen to Ichigo's and Kat's relationship with Byakuya in the picture now.

I think there might either be one or two more chapters and then it's off to Soul Society. But I think it's most likely going to be one.

Thanks to everyone who has voted, commented and added to their libraries means the world! See yea all next week!


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