The Forgotten Mikaelson // Th...

By __w0nd3rland__

102K 1.9K 347

Harper Mikaelson is Hope Mikaelson's younger twin sister. She has been neglected by her family and finally, s... More

00. Running Away
01. We Will Bring Her Home
03. They're Looking For Me
04. The Plan And Bodies Found
05. We've Found Her
06. Hope...
07. Not Good Enough
08. The Bus Journey
09. Motel California
10. Currents
11. The Girl Who Knew Too Much
12. The Overlooked: Part One

02. Meeting Derek

8.2K 156 31
By __w0nd3rland__

Harper's POV:

Ashley, Jacob and I pulled open a metal 'door' and walked into an old-looking loft that was on the second or third floor of an old-looking building. Apparently, this was where our new guardian lived and where we would be staying. Directly in front of us, there was a large window, with a desk slightly in front of that. There was a sofa slightly to the left of us and then other rooms on either side. In the far left corner, was a spiral staircase that I'm guessing led to the bedrooms. We walked further into the room but stopped when an unfamiliar voice spoke up. 

"So, you three are the kids Marcel told me about?" the three of us turned around to see a tall man stood in front of us. 

"Yes. Who are you?" I questioned.

"Derek Hale. And I'm guessing that you're Harper Mikaelson?" he asked pointing to me and I nodded. "Then that means you are Ashley Davis," he pointed to Ashley, and she gave him a small smile, "and you're Jacob Smith," he said as he pointed to Jake. And Jake, being Jake, gave the man an awkward thumbs up.

"So, this is where we're gonna be staying?" I questioned, taking another look around the loft. 

"Yeah. There are three bedrooms upstairs for you three," he told us and we all nodded. "I should probably tell you that my uncle sometimes stays round and he is very, how do I say this nicely? Irritating. He's very irritating, so pay no attention to him." Derek told us. 

"Annoying family members. We all have those," Jake muttered, causing Ashley to snicker. 

"And I'm guessing since you know Marcel and Davina, you know about the supernatural?" he asked, to which we responded with nodding our heads. "Are any of you a part of it, like a supernatural creature?"

"I'm a vampire," Jake told him,

"Witch," Ashley muttered,

"Tribrid," I said.

"Tribrid?" he questioned.

"I am a vampire, witch and werewolf. And we call that tribrid." I told him.

"How are you all three things?" he asked.

"My grandmother was a witch, so I got being a witch from her. My dad is a Hybrid, which is a werewolf and an original vampire, so I got that from him. And my mother is a werewolf." I explained.

"Alright then. Well, how about you three go make yourselves at home. You can choose which rooms are yours, they all have separate bathrooms. And then sometime tomorrow we can grab some things to decorate your rooms with." he told us. We all looked at each other, before trying to push each other out of the way and run up the stairs to choose the first room. I could hear Derek chuckle at our childish antics downstairs. 

I was the first one to get upstairs and used my superspeed to have a look at the views from the windows of each room. I quickly chose the one with the best view before putting my bag down and flopping onto the bed.


The Next Day:

In the morning, Derek took us interior shopping, so we could choose what we wanted in our rooms. I chose a few simple things, like fairy lights, a small light, white covers, a white woolly throw over a blanket, a bunch of white pillows and a bunch of other things. 

Once we got back to the loft, we started decorating. This is what my room looked like once I had finished:

I then went to check and see how Ashley and Jacob's rooms looked.

This was Ashley's room:

And this was Jacob's room:

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