My Alpha King

By paranormalRHlover

210K 8.4K 468


chapter 1: No Time To Hide IT!
Chapter 2: Have To Attend
Chapter 3: Getting Ready
Chapter 4: Come To Escort Her
Chapter 5: On Arrival
Chapter 6: Really Don't Like Him
Chapter 7: Meet My Brother
Chapter 8: Not My Fault
Chapter 9: Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me
Chapter 10: What Is Going On?
Chapter 11: Please, I'll Do Anything
Chapter 12: You Know What IT Is?
Chapter 13: Where The Fuck Is My Mate
Chapter 14: Enjoy The Hunt
Chapter 16: Marked
Chapter 17: I Want To Know Everything
Chapter 18: Who Am I
just a quick note
Chapter 19: Who Am I (from Jesse's pov)
Chapter 20: I Am!
Chapter 21: Not Like This
Chapter 22: What The Fuck Was That
Chapter 23: Well?
Chapter24: Don't Want Your Pity
Chapter 25: Bugatti La Voiture Noire
Chapter 26: Not A Nightmare
Chapter 27: Hello, Buttercup
Chapter 28: Feel Almost Feral
Chapter 29: Who's He?
Chapter 30: Dream
Chapter 31: Ahhh HELL NO
Chapter 32: What Did I Do?
Chapter 33: Suprise For You

Chapter 15: It Won't Go Away

5.9K 251 10
By paranormalRHlover

Want to say thank you to NadineLornaSacker and AvaLynn1220 for your vote. Smellerella75, cutieboot20, katyjennings4, You're all the reason I'm still writing. Thank you for sticking with me. Tiffany Bryant/Saltmarsh Unstoppable/Inez Rivera-chaides/Colleen M/Katja Knip/Brenda Keister. thank you too.


I don't know which way to go. I can hear so much going on around me. My body is still humming and it doesn't seem like it's going to stop any time soon. I don't understand why this is happening.

I reach into my pocket and find the darts, I have just over 2 dozen, I look behind me to see if I'm being pursued and run straight into a tree bouncing back and landing on my back. Ouch! I lay on the floor catching my breath and trying to gain some strength. I have no idea which way will take me away from this place and there's so many wolves about. I don't even think they can see the state I'm in, much like the night of the ball. 

I stand up and look around, and decide my best bet would be to climb this tree, right to the top and see if I can get a bearing on which way I should go. I start climbing, my body protesting every move. And as I brush past the tree scraping my nipples on the bark it sends a thrilling pulse through me and I can't help the moan that escapes my lips. I might need to take care of this shit myself, maybe that's the catalyst to getting rid of the feeling. 

I make it to the top and look around but all I see is tree tops. Shit!! I do see the glow of lights right off in the distance, but is that my escape or is that the compound? I'll have to go that way and see what it is, if it is the compound i'll just have to turn around and go the other way or try and sneak around everyone.

I climb back down which is harder than the climb up, and as I step on the last brance to get down. I slip and land awkwardly on my arm. I bite my tongue to not cry out and give away where I am to any close by males but with their super hearing it was inevitable that one would find me. 

I'm cradling my arm running through the trees when I'm knocked to the ground by a naked body. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here. I can smell your arousal you know. Would you like me to help you out with that?"

I stand and face off with him. He's got long shaggy blond hair that comes to his chin. He's average height and not bad looking and though my body is crying out for what he's offering, I don't want him touching me. So I shake my head No and start to back up. When I bump into something behind me. I tense up and look to see what it is and find another naked man, this one has honey coloured hair and is quite tall.

Seriously! Are there no decent wolf's around here, why do I always come across the dick heads? The rotten ones? I spin round, so there both in my line of sight.

"Back off Ian, I found her first!" The blond one says

"It's called a hunt Samuel, and in case you forgot I can challenge anyone for her pussy. And she smells so good. I don't want to pass this up. So what do you propose we do? I don't want her getting away while we have it out!"

They both look at me and the look they give me sends fear through me. I turn and run and fumble in my pocket for one of the darts. 

"She has two hole's, I don't mind sharing" i hear Samuel say and then they both laugh sinisterly 

I push myself to run faster then stop in my tracks when the Ian guy is in front of me. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Where's the other one? I'm about to turn when I'm pulled back against a hard body and can feel his arousal bobbing against my back as he puts his hand down the top of my dress and fondles my breasts. 

Again I moan, it feels so good, I really need to get rid of this feeling building in my core. Ian makes his way over and starts kissing my neck, and his hand hitches up my dress and he caresses my folds with his fingers. Oh Goddess this is exactly what my body is craving. I feel Samuel slip his dick between my legs and start rubbing and covering himself in my juices. No this isn't right. I come back to myself and find 2 dart's and stick one into Samuel's right thigh. As he drops to the ground Ian stops and looks at his unconscious body on the floor.

As he looks at me i smile and stick him with the other one in his arm and as he drops his hand falls away from my sex too. How many more times am I going to have to do this? I'm so exhausted and just want to find somewhere I can rest and hide from any males. 

I hear rustling behind me and I just run, that's all I can do right now. Iv managed to evade any more confrontations and the sun is starting to come up. I must be going around in circles because I still haven't found my escape. And it's going to be harder to hide in broad daylight. 

I try to find a cave and am attacked by 5 more wolves but manage to dart them before they get too close. Once or twice there were a few decent wolves that helped me out and I just ran. Maybe one day I can thank them. The need I have is getting stronger and I'm scared that I won't be able to stop the inevitable the next time someone touches me.

"Where are you?" 

That sounded like it was whispered in my ear and the voice is so deep and sexy it makes my body drip with more need and I start panting. I just need to find somewhere safe and relieve myself. I'm hoping that will stop my body reacting to any unwanted touch, so I can think clearly. 

Hours later and I still have not come across a cave or a hollowed out tree or anywhere to sort myself out. And am now down to my last few darts. The nerve of some of these wolves. Yes most are from my pack so they don't care, most of them have beaten or raped me at one time or another but a few have been from other packs! So I don't know why they are reacting that way unless it's something in the shot Alpha gave me Or? Or is it the hunt itself, amping up the body's sexual need that no one can think clearly and doesn't take NO for an answer. 

The sun has almost set, disappearing below the horizon, letting the full moon illuminate the night sky. I can't believe i've been stuck in these woods, being jumped left and right for over 24 hours and found no means of rest, safety or escape. 

I'm now running on empty but my hormones are still running at an all time high. My eyes are getting heavy and I really need to rest. I look up and think climbing a tree will have to do otherwise I'll pass out where anyone can find me and take advantage. 

I climb and get comfortable. I can hear noises of animals and wolves scurrying all around me, Cries of ecstacy and excitement! I can barely keep my eyes open though so forgetting to sort myself out as it can wait for a little while longer, I give into sleep.

"She's up there I can smell her"
"I can fucking see that! How do we get her down…..."
"Maybe we should climb up?........ fuck…..tree!"

I hear muffled voices as I start to wake. Where am I? My eyes shoot open as I startle, remembering where I am. And I start to fall, I hit a few branches as I go but manage to catch myself on one to stop my fall to the ground. I'm in so much pain again. The drug has worn off, well the pain relief part, I'm still emanating arousal though. I should have seen to that before falling asleep, I'm regretting that now. 

I look down and see Alpha and Mark. No this can't be happening. I'm going to fall soon as I'm starting to lose my grip. 

"Your in big fucking trouble IT, get down here now. Iv had to stop my hunt to come find you, and Remi is not a patient girl!" 

I try to pull myself back onto the tree, it's so dark now, only the moon making them visible. I have no option but to climb down or fall, I can't climb back up no matter how hard I try. Tears start falling down my face from the pain and frustration that I haven't been able to get away. I drop to the ground landing in a heap then scramble up and put my hand into my pocket for my last darts only to come up empty. 

Shit, they must have fallen out my pocket. I look at the ground and a glint catches my eye and I see it's the darts a couple feet away from me, then look up at them.

"The darts won't save you this time. You've been a bad girl haven't you! It's lucky I implanted a tiny tracking device in the first injection. You've given me the run around and iv seen all the wolves you've incapacitated. Very well done considering your state and though the drugs may have worn off now, that need to be touched, to MATE! It won't go away until you cum. Part of the mating spell I infused the drugs with. So come here and let me relieve it for you then we will go find Alpha Darren so he can complete your mating. He Interrupted the first time." 

I'm filled with dread, I have to try for the darts. I have to. And if he's taking me to Alpha Darren that means the midnight wolf didn't make it and that fills me with a crushing pain in my chest. I let me tears fall in grief for him, his sacrifice was in vain as I didn't get away. I feel heartbroken and it's confusing as to why when I don't know who the wolf was. Then I feel an all consuming anger and it bursts out of me in a wave. I see his eyes widen as my eyes, for the first time in years connects with his. All he's ever done is take from me. And the wolf was the last straw. Even if I don't know why.

"How dare you break my command and challenge me!! I'll soon have you back to the pathetic excuse of a she-wolf you were. Now come here!" He angrily says as he points down to his feet and makes his way towards me. Do i look like a fucking dog.

That burst of anger has taken alot out of me and then breaking the command too. As he gets closer to me I dodge out from infront of him and dive for the darts, only managing to grab one. I then notice Mark has nabbed the other one. They both start  circling me with sardonic grins on there face.

"You might aswell give up now. One way or another I will take you and watch your face as you scream for me. Because you only have one dart and there's 2 of us! So take your best shot." He challenges

"Fuck you, I'm done being all your play thing. I'd rather die than go back to that, So go ahead and try me. I will fight you even if it kills me."

They both laugh, the deep mocking belly kind. Then they both make a move on me.

"Have it your way then, you'll be screaming out for me in a few minutes"

"Bring it! I told you I won't go down without a fight"

Mark makes a move first, so I twist and kick him in the balls again and enjoy the cry of pain that leaves his lips as he goes down, the dart flying from his hand. Whilst distracted, Alpha pulls me back by the hair. I go to stick him with the dart but he catches my wrist.

"Drop it now!" He growls 

"Drop dead!" I sneer back

Laughing he bends my wrist making the dart fall out of my hand. And he laughs then whispers 

"Nice try but it's time to make you scream."

"I don't think so!"
I manage to twist in his hold and elbow him in the solar plexus. I hear the air woosh out of his mouth and he let's go. I dive for the darts but Mark gets to it first gritting his teeth against the pain he's still feeling in his goolies! Jeering he says

"Come on then bitch!" Holding the dart out towards me. He swipes it at me but misses. We dance around as he does it a few more times still missing me. I'm so engrossed in makeing sure he doesn't get me with that thing when I feel something on my ankle. I look down and see Alpha is wrapping his hand around it and he yanks my foot out from under me.

As I fall Mark tries to get me with the dart but I manage to redirect it and it lands in his hand making him drop on the spot! Alpha growls out his annoyance and anger but has me on the floor.

He pins me to the ground with his hand on my chest, I claw at his face making scratches but he's ignoring my protest. He then backhands me across the face so hard, you can hear the resounding smack and it puts me in a daze. He then settles himself between my legs, shoveing them open wider as he pulls his bottoms down. I squirm trying to get free then he starts rubbing his dick over my folds and pleasure overtakes my body.

"NO….get the fuck off….arrggghhh…. Get.. Off…. Of…….oh….oh…. Stop...I...I don't want….aarrrggghhh…."

I'm trying so hard to fight this. But my body is forcing me to want it and enjoy it. I keep moaning as he rubs my clit.

"That's it…. Just feel how good I'm making you feel… you like that don't you?" He pops the tip of his dick in and out and groans. 

"No….no...please….I don't want…. Or ….oh my… this…. Stop… pl-pl-please."

As he slides all the way in I whimper and moan. My body just won't do what I tell it to. I cry as he really starts pounding into me. I want this to fucking stop. So i scream in his face.


"I fucking….. told you….you'd enjoy…!" He laughs out between thrusts. 

Then I hear a savage growl that shakes the ground beneath me. And Alpha is ripped away from me. I stay panting on the ground. With my eyes closed thinking how lucky I am right now that iv been saved and try to quell the mating hormones rampaging through me right now. I can hear the vicious snarls and snaps of there jaws as they try to kill eachother.

Who's my rescuer this time? I take a peak and see the midnight Black wolf and cry out my joy that he's alive. But Alpha has really started this now and I can't control my body anymore. It wants a release and when Parker comes running over to check on me, I fight with all I am to not pull him down to me, my body not caring anymore what I think or who does it but I'm a volcano on the brink of erupting and there's now nothing that can stop it and I cry out at the mounting pressure building and building readying to blow the lid. I just need some help.

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