dark alleyways

By raaaainydays

75.3K 2.4K 3.7K

just read the latest chapter and if you need to reread the whole thing, if youre new dont ask More

initial meet
meeting new people
ex boyfriends
luciano marchesi
how bizzare
so shallow
eggs and toast
je vous aime
oh well
eclairs and macarons
twinkling stars and sandy beaches
you love him, don't you?
a couple months, a year or two, or just days
five men
eye contact
two flights of stairs
the worst
what idiots
no response
lupines and cosmos
we'll all be okay. we're okay.
the man he loves
when hell freezes over
when you get him back, dickwad
it couldn't be
easy as can be


2.9K 90 104
By raaaainydays

ok listen im just so tired and i have to leave soon for a trip, forgive me

                                    < ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >

'Holy shi-'

As much as Dream's face was very, very kissable right then, George knew how to play it cool.

"Eh, solid 7/10." he said as he looked away.

Dream wheezed, bending forward.

"What does that mean!?" he said in between loud laughs.

George couldn't help but chuckle a little himself. "You heard me!"

Dream stopped laughing, wiping a tear from his eye. "Oh come on."

"Sorry to not boost your ego, you prick." George said, and someone overheard of course.

"Hold up, do we have another brit in our mix?" Tommy yelled.

"You've literally heard his voice before, you didn't notice?" Tubbo said from beside him, and Tommy started going into a rant about how he didn't assume.

"Your friends are absolutely crazy." George whispered so only Dream could hear.

The taller chuckled softly. "That's what I love about them."

George couldn't help but smile at the sincerity of him. Although George was sure he was some kind of mob boss, he was still considerate of his friends.

"You've got some nice friends, Dreamy boy." George said, turning back to the table at the people and admiring the family.

"What about you? Any friends?" Dream said, leaning back in his chair.

"Hah, no one that I know of. I moved here from England after my parents kicked me out, and I decided I want nothing to do with them." George said, looking down to his hands.

"Oh god, that sucks. My parents want nothing to do with me either; my grandpa died and instead of giving the money and the business to them he thought just as I would. They're far too immature, and instead I got everything." Dream said, picking up the glass in front of him and swirling the whiskey softly.

"What a bad boy." George laughed, making Dream smile and scoff.

"Yeah yeah, you know the protagonist has to have a backstory." Dream joked.

George laughed. "Sure, Dream."

For a minute they sat without speaking; just enjoying the lovely room filled with people cheering and laughing. The most homey George had felt since- well, home.

George's happy smile quickly faded to a sad one, remembering how his life once was. Going on little adventures with his younger sisters out to forests and little creeks, biking around the rough streets of England just for fun.

Dream looked over, seeing George sadly smiling with a tear in his eye.

He frowned. "Hey, you okay?"

'Wait, why the hell am I concerned?'

Dream mentally facepalmed, pushing all his intruding thoughts back far, far in his mind.

"Oh, yeah. Just thinking about my family." George said, bringing a dainty hand to wipe a tear threatening to fall.

Dream felt full empathy for the chestnut-eyed boy. Dream missed his siblings all the time; he wasn't even allowed to see them.

"You're sure you're fine, George?" Dream asked, wincing at himself as empathy dripped through his voice.

George took a liking to the softness of the cold-hearted killer. "I'm okay. It's in the past."

George once again smiled, but much less sad however. Dream couldn't help but smile back; George's grin could do that to anyone.


Dream turned back to his glass, thinking thoroughly about his rather strange thoughts that night.

'What is up with my thoughts today? Starting to get creepy, Clay. Knock it off.'

Dream took a sip from the amber liquid, smiling as the liquid hit the back of his throat like fire. His thoughts echoed through his head; all revolving around one subject.

'His smile is so bright'

'Is he okay? Looks kinda sad...'

'George. George. George.'

His head echoed the name, making Dream contemplate.

'Why the hell can't I stop thinking about him?'

And that's when it hit him. The realization was quite a shocker, widening his eyes.

'I like George.'

He was contemplating all his thoughts, realizing his feelings. He liked George. Like liked him. More than a friend.

"Hey, you okay? You look awfully lost in thought there, Dreamy." George said, jokingly but curiously. Just enough to pull Dream out of his deep thoughts.

"Yeah. I- I need to talk to Nick for a minute though. Er- Sapnap." Dream said, slightly tripping on his own words.

"K, seeya." George said, trying his best not to sound suspicious.

Dream walked to the other side of the table to Karl and Sapnap, who were happily chatting. He latched his arm around Sapnap's, raising him out of the chair and out of the room.

"Woah, woah, what's wrong?" Sapnap asked as the dragging stopped when they'd reached the backyard.

"I have a problem. A very stupid and annoying problem." Dream said, dropping his head and cupping it in his hands.

"What?" Sapnap asked, now intrigued by how Dream was acting.

"I- I really don't want to say it out loud." Dream said, feeling his own cheeks flush red against his hands.

"Okay, you're stuttering, what's going on." Sapnap said, cocking an eyebrow at the other.

Sapnap knew Dream the best out of almost everyone in that room. Best friends since way before all the mafia bullshit, they'd been through everything together.

"I-" Dream sighs at what he's about to say. Sapnap will never, ever let this go. Ever.

"I think I like-like George." he said finally, burying his face further into his hands.

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