Choosing Love


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(Sequel to Choosing Family) After the events of Ben's coronation, Mal finds herself adjusting to life in Aura... Еще

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Forty Four

588 21 85

Audrey paced her dorm room, livid as could be. How dare Ben do that? Propose to Mal of all people when he should have been marrying her! Didn't he know how humiliating that was? It was even worse than the whole school knowing he'd withdrawn from their contract, because she had to see that damn ring every time she turned around!

Gods, it was almost like Mal was following her or something. But if she dared even say that, everyone would just say she was being dramatic or imagining things. Dramatic? Her? She had never been dramatic in her life!

But no one dared wanted to risk hurting Mal's feelings by confronting her about her almost stalking of Audrey so Audrey was the one who had to tamp down her feelings. Just another reason why rage pulsed though her body like a bolt of electricity.

It'd been a week since Cotillion and all she had heard about was everyone gushing over Mal and Ben or talking about how brave Mal had been to go after Freddy! Oh yeah, they were calling Fredrick 'Freddy' because that's what Mal called him. Never mind that he might not want to be called that!

Even Chad had brushed her off when she tried to complain about how ridiculous everyone was being. Chad! One of her oldest friends, someone she thought would always be there to lend an ear when she needed to vent about something!

"I wish Grammy was here," she muttered to herself as she continued to pace her room. "She'd know what to do to make things make sense, to get things back on track and put every one where they were supposed to be. But she's on the Isle."

Well it was more that her body was on the Isle. Mother had given her and Phillip the news—she honestly thought her brother was going to start cheering had their parents not been there. And her father just looked slightly amused at his antics!

Honestly, I know father never quite cared for Grammy but I thought the rule was to think no ill of the dead? If I had done that, he would have lectured me about how we don't celebrate someone's death. Then again Phillip is a son while I'm just a daughter, Audrey thought as she grabbed her diary from her bedside table. Normally reading her thoughts was enough to calm her down.

But right now, looking at her past entries about her wedding plans with Ben, reading what her royal titles would have been—Queen of Auradon, Queen of Auroria, Queen of the Moors, all Audrey felt was rage. That's all anyone really had been able to talk about, what the Royal Wedding would be like. And it made her sick.

"I wonder who Mal's going to pick for her bridesmaids," Audrey heard Lonnie ask Jane as the girls made their way to class. Neither girl had even noticed that Audrey was within ear shot, nor did they notice Audrey's new hair! She had run out and gotten it done a couple of days after Cotillion—bleached blonde with pink and blue highlights.

If that was the type of thing to turn Ben's head then it was at least worth a try right? But no one even mentioned it! All they could talk about was Mal.

Oh sometimes they'd switch it up and talk about Uma, or Evie, or even that mutt that liked to hang around Mal! Didn't they know that a beast like that had no business being at a school?!

Evie's not even that special, Audrey thought with a small scoff. Oh sure, she can do a round off and a backhand spring. Big deal, that's the same kind of tricks I can do but you don't see me bragging about how I basically carried the squad on my back! None of the other girls wanted to learn how to do the tricks from me but Evie comes along and not only do I get kicked off the squad but all of a sudden they want to learn! From the girl who brought Maleficent to Auradon!

"Probably Uma for her maid of honor," Jane told the other girl, paying no notice to Audrey. Gods forbid the girl even say hello to her former friend! But now that she was buddy buddy with Mal, there was no room for Audrey it seemed. "Maybe Macaria and Elle for bridesmaids ? They are cousins after all and I don't really see her having more than four people in her wedding party."

"Think Hadie would be ring bearer?"

"Isn't he kinda old for that role though? He's what? Eleven?"

"Ah good point," Lonnie nodded and then smiled. "Five bucks says purple plays a role somehow."

"I won't take that bet," Jane chuckled. "And you know Ben's groomsmen will include Emir and Akiho."

Audrey held back a scoff. Those half royals, groomsmen to the King?! Had Ben been marrying her like he was supposed to, he'd have only the most refined groomsmen! Chad of course would be his Best Man instead of that silly former teacup and she supposed Phillip Jr would be able to be a groomsman too. Though he'd have been better as the ring bearer.

Oh sure he'd probably make a fuss about how it would be humiliating but Audrey would be the bride. He couldn't say no, not on one of the most important days of her life after all.

"Think Evie will design the dress?"

"After the gorgeous dresses she made for Mal and Uma, plus the dress she made for Mal to wear to Ben's coronation? I think Mal would have to be insane to go with anyone else."

"You know Akiho asked me to provide security?" Lonnie chuckled. "I'm pretty good with a sword and if Ben asks Harry to be one of his groomsmen, they're going to need someone to make sure the wedding doesn't get attacked."

"Aren't they holding off though? That's the rumor around school."

"Well yeah I mean they've got to graduate after all! Could you imagine The Gazelle running a headline like: Teenage King Doesn't Graduate? Or King's Shotgun Wedding: Prince or Princess Coming Soon?"

"Shh! Don't give them any ideas," Jane said but giggled slightly.

"Please, after Ben's press statement, I doubt they'd go after Mal any time soon," Lonnie said and Audrey rolled her eyes. Yes Ben had issued a press statement about the reports that'd been done on Mal by The Gazelle. The statement basically said anyone speculating Mal's parentage was within their rights to take it up with Lord Hades and Lady Persephone but any one running an article on it would be sued on grounds of libel.

"That plus the rumors that Lord Hermes was driving them up the wall? The Gazelle will probably stay away from Auradon Prep until we graduate," Lonnie said, continuing to talk as if Audrey wasn't lost in thought.

"Oh, happy, happy day," Jane grinned. "That's less stress for mom and I know it's less stress for Mal and Ben. They definitely don't need it right now though I'm pretty sure they haven't come down from cloud nine."

"I think the only time they'll be happier is when they start having kids," Lonnie smiled and Audrey rolled her eyes. If she had talked about her future kids with Ben back when they were going out, Lonnie would have told her she was being ridiculous to think about kids when she was a teenager.

"Oh! I wonder if they'll have a boy or a girl?"

"Why not both? Can't you picture Ben talking about wanting a little Mal running around the castle?"

"Oh and Mal would deny it but you know she'd want a little Ben, clutching a book and politely demanding he read to her."

Audrey couldn't take it anymore. A little Mal?! It was supposed to be a little Audrey Ben imagined, because she was supposed to be his future wife! "If you two could stop walking like you're going to your execution! Some of us would like to get to class!"

"Oh hey Audrey," Lonnie said as she looked over her shoulder, giving the Princess a small smile. "Missed you at Cotillion."

"I'm sure you did," Audrey muttered as she pushed past the two girls and continued on her way. Still, even class wasn't an escape as she felt everyone's eyes on her. Like they were thinking: Poor Audrey. She was going to be Queen and then Ben broke his promise and her heart.

Audrey shook her head and threw her diary across the room so that it hit the opposite wall and slid down to the floor. How could they just side with Mal?! Didn't they remember anything about what her mother did to her family?!

Her mother, forced to grow up with no knowledge of her royal linage. Her grandmother, forced to give up her only child to three fairies, women who had no business raising a Princess! Her father, held prisoner! All because Maleficent had to be petty about not being invited to a party!

Honestly I don't blame Grammy for not inviting her, Audrey thought as she stormed over to the mantle. There, she could see all the photos taken throughout the years of her and Ben. Displayed proudly as a testament to their love. Their love Ben forgot about. Their love he crushed under his heel like he did her heart!

Picking up one of the pictures, she smiled slightly as she stared at the last time Ben had truly loved her. Before that...that witch came along and made it so she would have Audrey's life! Mal was now the most popular girl on campus, she was dating Ben...she was engaged to Ben!

"Ugh!" Audrey shouted, throwing the photo on the nearby sofa. The force from the throw caused the photo to bounce upon landing and ended up on the stone floor; cracking the glass slightly.

Audrey frowned and bent down to pick it up. Ben's section of the photo was fine, practically untouched. But her side...there were cracks going up and down the glass. They were tiny, practically invisible unless you ran your hand over the picture.

Huh, isn't that perfect? Even the photo Ben gets to remain untouched while I crack away. No one to care what I want. Mother just granted Ben approval to remove himself from our contract, never consulted me! Never wanted to see if I wanted to end the contract! Ben just threw my grandmother on the Isle, never carrying that I might want to say goodbye. Because it's all about what Ben and Mal want. No one else matters apparently.

Her hands curled into fists as rage filled her veins once more. Ben and Mal were content to just chip away at her life while she had to bite her tongue.

"No more," she muttered to the empty room. "Bennyboo thinks I'm going to just sit by and be nice while Mal steals my life? He's got another thing coming! She's got another thing coming!"

They all did. Auradon turned her back on her to focus on Mal, her own brother was even gushing over the little faux-cul, the hypocrite. Oh so VKs coming from the Isle were okay as long as they kissed the ring huh Mal? Audrey couldn't help but wonder what Mal would do if Ben dared to invite a VK she didn't like.

After all I heard her on the radio. She seemed almost itching for a fight, even when Fredrick had only walked up to her and Bennyboo, Audrey thought. And what did Fredrick get for it? A sword fight and wounds he's probably still recovering from! Honestly, if I had transformed into a dragon, the thief and the ice man would be telling Ben to run away and get out of our relationship.

Oh wait! That's what they did throughout the year we were dating! Never mind the years of our friendship they spent poisoning Ben against me! No wonder it was so easy for Mal to just swoop in and steal him from me!

She was so done with everyone thinking she wouldn't fight back as they took advantage of her, as they stole what was hers! Evie with the cheer squad, Mal with Ben and now her role as future Queen of Auradon!

Maybe it's a good thing Grammy's dead for this, Audrey thought. At least then she won't have to say the words Queen Mal. Oh Gods, the sycophantic idiots that follow Mal around would probably gush about how cute it was, the fact that both King and Queen had three letters in their name. Never mind that her true name is Maleficent—I was the only one who paid attention when Maleficent let that little tidbit slip at the coronation. How long did Mal really think she was going to be able to hide that?

Not to mention Ben often wanted to go by that ridiculous nickname of 'Benji' that Chip liked to call him. Honestly, that teacup needed to know his place—talking to the king like that? Only she could do that, because they had been of the same rank! She never quite cared for him, he always gave her a look like he thought she wasn't good enough for Ben.

Imagine! A commoner thinking a Princess wasn't good enough to date a Prince! It was enough to make her blood boil!

"If Auradon wants a Queen, then they'll get a Queen," she muttered, snatching one of the fireplace tools and stormed out of her room. She knew exactly where she needed to go: the Museum of Cultural History.

Thankfully, it was dark enough that no one saw her as she made her way to the museum. Not that anyone was out anyway. They were all off celebrating the engagement no doubt, or at least Mal and her insipid followers were. Gods, it'd been a week. Get over it and talk about something else why don't you?

Smirking as she found the door unlocked, she strolled in as the guard started to go to sleep. She didn't want any video of this. Video had been Ben's reasoning of chucking Grammy onto the Isle though honestly Audrey figured that it was just an excuse.

Everyone knew the Le Bête family didn't care for her grandmother. They were just too polite to say anything to her face.

With a few keystrokes, the cameras were turned off and Audrey made her way through the museum. She didn't need a map to know where she was going. She'd made the trek to this particular exhibition numerous times when she'd been dating Ben. The crown of the Queen of Auradon.

Her crown. The crown that she was supposed to just give up and let Mal take, like she'd taken everything else.

I'm sick of it! Everyone's like oh boohoo, poor Mal! She suffered on the Isle! What about me? What about my suffering? Mal's not going to even miss this crown anyway, she'd probably demand that the colors get changed to something like purple and blue no doubt. And Ben would do it, because he doesn't even know how spelled he is!

Swinging the tool, she hit the glass container and smirked as it shattered on impact. Her hand reached out and grabbed the crown. As she turned to leave, the curtain separating the exhibit from the ones in the other room drew to reveal Maleficent's scepter. The gem glowing as if someone was controlling it.

Audrey walked toward it, as if she was a moth drawn to a flame. The scepter...were they really just going to let it sit there? Such untapped potential and it was basically shoved into a closet of all things. As if Auradon was content to just forget about it, now that Mal had basically turned her back on Maleficent, insisted that she was one hundred percent Olympian.

Someone would need to use the scepter wouldn't they? No use for it to just sit there collecting dust with the other artifacts collected when the villains were rounded up. The poisoned apples. The Black Cauldron. Maleficent's spinning wheel...which Audrey really had to wonder why they kept that out in the main room instead of having it here with the other artifacts.

If Mal's just going steal my life, then why shouldn't I do the same? She should know how it feels, to have the thing that defined you taken from you without you even knowing it was happening! Oh she can play pretend with Uma, act as if she's a Princess. But she's nothing but a VK! Everyone knows they have no royal status, no matter how much they claim otherwise, and I'm the one who's supposed to be Queen! It's my birthright after all!

She put the crown on her head and, with a flash of light, changed. Her light pink outfit turned into one that was more dark pink, something that wouldn't have looked out of place on a VK. Her bluebird necklace changed to that of a raven. Even her makeup changed to a more dark, a more sinister look.

"Oooh, I like that feeling," she muttered as she lifted the scepter and felt the power tingle through her veins. "Why would Mal ever want to give this up? Sure Maleficent's an evil fairy but no one messed with her! Just like no one will mess with me!"

As if to punctuate her point, Audrey fired the scepter toward the chandelier that was hanging in the room. It exploded, sending sparks flying all over the place. Audrey smirked as she strolled out of the room. There was one more thing she needed to pick up.

Mal had made a big show about donating her spell book, well actually it was Maleficent's spell book, to the museum. Stating how it was time it was seen by all of Auradon and not hidden away. That there was no need for Maleficent's magic when her life was already so magical.

Audrey wanted to gag. And of course no one questioned how Mal had Maleficent's spell book, they just thought she was so good to donate it. Jane spent a week going on about having the chance to read it, to go over the history of the Fae that might have been in there.

Why would Maleficent of all creatures keep notes on the Fae? Just because she was one, didn't mean she cared. Audrey didn't go about keeping notes on other humans just because she was a human.

She paused as she saw the spell book, sitting proudly on display. It was part of a new exhibition after all—the VK wing. To show the new VKs how the ones that came before them succeeded and became good. Well, more like they pretended to be good until the right moment came around.

Evie's stunt at the coronation ring any bells? Oh but wait, no one cared about that. Not since she became a cheerleader and pretended to be sorry about stealing the wand, about ruining Ben's coronation.

But unlike the crown, there was no glass container to smash. All Audrey had to do was reach over and snatch the book.

"Well well," she smirked as she flipped through the pages. Mal, of course, had defiled the book with notes along with Jay—Uma and the filthy pirate she was obsessed with joined in later on. But the spells were still usable. Were still legible.

"I think it's time I picked up some back up," Audrey muttered as she slipped her spell book into her pocket. Poor Fredrick must need some company after all, locked up all by himself. Honestly, Audrey had no idea Auradon even had cells but then again, Auradon Prep was Beast's old castle before Auradon was founded.

It'd make sense that a castle have a dungeon.

"Sleep well Mal," Audrey muttered with a smirk, the light of the full moon casting an eerie shadow over her face. "You're going to learn just why it's a bad idea to steal from me. And I'm sure Fredrick would love to get his revenge on you too. Why should I have all the fun?"

She turned on her heel and headed out, her mind set on only one thing.

To get Fredrick on her side before Ben chucked him back onto the Isle, the place where he didn't belong.

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