Gravity Falls: Summer After T...

By Soulless_Author06

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this is a sequel to gravity falls which I don't have the right to they belong to Alex Hirsch basically 3 ye... More

Return To The Falls
chapter 1 : day 1 back in the falls
chapter 2: water wings
chapter 3 : sleepover
chapter 4: old "Friends"
chapter 6: The date
chapter 7: Dippers Big Night
chapter 8: Pioneer Day
chapter 9: witch way did she go?
chapter 10: Act Your age
chapter 11: pre-summerween
chapter 12: Summerween
Chapter 13: Mabels in charge
chapter 14: Northwests
chapter 15: search and rescue
chapter 16: journal log
chapter 17: into the unfamiliar
chapter 18: The day it all ended
chapter 19: Bipper
chapter 20: the other side of the story
your choice
chapter 21: lets party!
chapter 22: when are we?
chapter 23: return of the love god
chpater 24: back to the mansion
chapter 25: The End
Thank you

chapter 5: friend- pocalypse

246 4 2
By Soulless_Author06

*Two days after the twins discovery*

Mabels Pov

Okay so since what happened  dipper and I have  been really trying to reach grunkles Stan and Ford

This is one if the many emails I sent

Dear Stan and Ford,

I how have you been? I hope you've been good also it's been a while since we last spoke we have some news like we're back in Gravity Falls, dipper has a date this Friday with Pacifica Northwest crazy right, and also Bill is back.
I wish I was kidding sooooooooooo get here ASAP also bring us souvenirs

-Love Mabel

(excuse my language)

It was 7:00 pm and dipper was still down in the basement  while Soos,SJ,Melody, and me were at the table eating dinner

"Mabel where's dipper?" Melody asked me

"In the basement"

"Isn't he gonna eat?"

"Okay hun I should have told you but dipper tends to fall really deep  into his projects and well it's not that we don't care it's just we found it easier to leave him alone so he can finish faster" Soos answered for me

Melody had a look that said "my mother sense is kicking in I'm gonna feed that boy if it's the last thing I do"

She got up and said "I'll be right back with dipper"

She left and all we heard was "oh hey mel- OW!"

"Your are going to eat with your sister understood?"

"Allright just let go of My ear!"

Less than a minute later dipper came up massaging now his red ear saying "sorry I'm late lost track of time"

We all sat down and started eating after a few minutes melody asked the big question

"Dipper what are you even working on down there?"

I looked at dipper and in a panicked reaction I blurted out "On his porn addiction!"

Dippers water came out of his nose and he said "MABEL WHAT THE FU-"

"Language" SJ said after throwing some broccoli at dipper

Then sj said "Dad what is this  porn?"

We all started laughing and dipper looked at Melody and soos and explained he didn't have a porn addiction

After about 5 minutes dipper said he was working on a device to help track for possession

"Why would you need that?" Melody asked

"Ever since Bill turned dipper into a sock puppet we figured we needed a way to know if people were possed"

"Don't forget blendin Mabel it was actually Bill and you know what happend after that"

After dinner we washed up and dipper was going to go back but then Melody stood in front of the door and said

"Where do you think your going?"

"Back to work"

"Nope you are going to bed, sorry dipper but Mabel Said you have a date and well she also told me about your dating  history"

"So what" dipper asked

"You need to focus on that relaxed until Friday you have 3 days left, do you even know what your gonna do?"

Dipper said "yes I have a plan"

"No plans!" I yelled

"What?" Dipper asked

"Okay bro when it comes to adventure plans your like a God but people and plans you are just-terrible like do you have one of those long complicated lists?"

"No!....okay I have a list but it's not complicated with super long steps it's more like a to-do list  what what we are gonna do no time stamps no weird talking points"

Just at that moment

Wendy came in and said "excuse me Melody I forgot my keys earlier"

"Wendy! Your back!" I screamed

"When was Wendy here?" Dipper asked

"While you were down stairs" I replied

"And you didn't come down to say hi? I'm hurt" dipper said jokingly while leaning against the wall

"Hey Wendy are you okay you look a little warm" Melody asked

"I'm fine but uh- hey do you guys wanna hang out tomorrow?"

"I don't know I have work tomorrow" dipper replied

Melody looked at him and said "mystery shack work? or mysterious basment work?"

Dipper looked at his feet and said "Both?"

"Remember what I said mister" Melody looked at Wendy and said "pick them up at 2:00 they'll be off work by then"

"Okay cool see you guys tomorrow" Wendy said before leaving

We went upstairs and dipper was on his phone for a bit and I got a text from Wendy

Wendy: hey Mabel I can't pick you guys up tomorrow met us at the cemetery okay?

Mabel: okay! Wait Us? Who else is going?

Wendy: oh sorry just the old gang you know Thompson,Lee,robbie,Tambry, Nate, and me

Mabel: all right we'll be there good night!

Wendy:okay tell dipper is said goodnight

Mabel: He already a sleep look

*sends a picture of a shirtless dipper*

Wendy: when did he start looking like that?

Mabel: wym?

Wendy: I thought he was scrawny not fricken baby captain america

Mabel: you should have seen Pacifica's reaction she started blushing and staring super hard

Wendy: how did she see before me?

(Mabel tells her what happened in the sleep over chapter I'm lazy dont judge)

Mabel: yeah dipper seems to really like her hey wanna help me make sure their date is perfect in Friday?

Wendy: They Are Going Out!?

Mabel:Well this is their first date

Wendy: I'll be there

After that I went to sleep

* ze next morning *

After breakfast dipper couldn't put his phone down and he kept smiling

"What you doing bro-bro?"

"Oh just texting Paz!" He said with the biggest smile

"Are you sure you don't want me to help you plan your date"

"Mabel I've got this when paz tells you how it went you'll be speechless"

"Okay fine" I don't care I'm gonna spy on them hell I'll bring some people I wonder who? I'll think about it later

"Hey dipper I forgot to tell you we are going to the cemetery with Wendy and her friends later!"

"Okay that perfect for the final touch on the possession-dectection I need  zombie fluid so that saves me the trouble"


"Okay i promise! I wasn't planning to anyways I was gonna go to the cemetery"


Next thing you know it's 2:00

"Wanna take the mustang?" I ask dipper

"Did you put gas yesterday?"

"Of cour- ah shit"

"Guess we are taking your bike" I replied

We went outside and got our helmets

Dippers was black with the pine tree sticker and he got me a red one that I put rainbows on and most importantly a shooting star

We were there in 10 minutes  and when we got there we immediately saw everyone

Wendy's pov

We were just chilling on the grass when robbie said

"Look I know those kids saved  us and all but come on you still invite them their like 15 now they can find their own friends"

"Shut up robbie" Lee said

"Yeah those guy are actually pretty fun" nate finished

Even Tambry looked up from her phone and said "Babe come on if it wasnt for Mabel we wouldn't be together"

"Are you still mad that a 12 year old broke your relationship?" Thompson said

We all laughed and Lee said "Nice one dude"

Nate said "A Thompson Burn those are rare"

The we all turned to the sound of a load engine that I recognized

It was Dippers bike every one looked up to see the twins. Mabel was being her goofy self  jumped of and threw her helmet at her brother and yelled

"Oh my God its been so long how are you guys!?"

I could tell that the guys were in Shock about how much of a young woman Mabel was becoming

Then dipper turned off his bike and took off his helmet for some reason it looked like it was in slow motion especially when he shook his head to fix his hair and put his hat on

"Hey guys"
He said in his deep voice

Crazy that this guy had a crush on me when he was 12

"Woah what happened to junior?" Robbie said looking shocked

"He grew up" tambry said after she dropped her phone

"Hey robbie how's the band going?" Mabel asked

"It's going pretty good I have 32k followers on the tube"

"Wait didn't you get those after your stage dive fail went viral?" Dipper asked

"Yeah look" Nate said while pulling up the video

Robbie: stage dive!

Someone from The crowd: your belt is stuck to the guitar

Someone else: Too late look!

Robbie was dangling off the stage with his pants down

Tabmry laughed harder than anyone

Robbie looked at dipper with so much anger I think steam started to come out of his ears

"Sorry for bringing it up man" dipper apologized

"Whatever" robbie replied

"Actually I got a question do your parents still see zombies around here?"  Dipper asked

"Sometimes why?"

"I need some zombie fluid for a project" dipper said while holding his backpack

After an hour or 2 robbies parents finally came home so dipper ran over to ask them

Third person Pov

Mabel had  dared Thompson to twerk on a grave for 5$ then we heard a lady like scream

"I guess the kid got scared!" Robbie exclaimed

"That wasn't dipper" Mabel replied

"Then who was-" Nate was interupted when a zombie head bit his hand

Nate then bit Lee who bit Thompson
Mabel,robbie,tambry,and Wendy  ran into a shed

"What the hell is going on!?"  Wendy said  out if breath from running

"I swear if dipper raised the dead again!" Mabel Said angrily

"What! Again!" Robbie and tambry said at the same time

Just then there was a knock at the door

"GUYS OPEN UP! OPEN UP!"  Dipper said while banging on the door

We let him and then robbie grabbed him by his shirt and yelled

"What the hell did you do!"

Dipper pushed him off and said "this wasn't me!"

"Then who?" Tambry asked

"Robbies parents had like 10 zombies in the basment"

"So?" Mabel asked

"They Kinda fused into one if it wasn't for my plasma shield I would be dead"

"Wait did you leave my parents in there to die!" Robbie yelled

"What no I told them to get out of there and they took the car"

"Okay then now what?" Wendy said

"Mabel and me know what to do" Dipper said while reaching into his bag

He took out some new device and started to take it apart

"DIPPER!" Mabel yelled

"What are you doing that was gonna help us later!"

"Mabel I can rebuild it just don't freak out"

After about 5 minutes dipper said "okay I need your phones"

We handed him our phones and he linked them to the device

"Okay now we just need to put something over Lee,Nate,and Thompsons ears

"Why?" tambry asked

"When zombies hear a three harmony frequency their heads explode and we can cure them still " dipper replied

Mabel reached into her purse and pulled out some marshmallows

"Thank Mabel for her emergency stash" dipper said with a prideful look

Just then zombie Thompson broke through the door and before we could react dipper stuffed his ears and broke the back of the shed

They all ran out and saw that the 10-15 zombies had grown to around 40-60 and was still growing

Robbie had run away so quick he didn't realize he left his girlfriend behind. Tambry looked annoyed before she ran after him

Before anyone could stop them they came back just looking a little green Mabel quickly stuffed marshmallows in their ears before they all ran

Dipper helped the two women on the roof of robbies  house the he saw the Lee and Nate

"Mabel give me some Marshmallows!"

Mabel threw the bag and dipper quickly stuffed their ears before getting his arm scratched thank God you need to be bitten for it to spread  dipper was going to run over to the house only to see girls were cornered

"Mabel!" Dipper yelled

Mabel grabbed Wendy and said "grappling Hook!"

Just then she got pulled them into the trees and dipper pressed the button on his device and one by one the zombies started to explode

Wendy roped her friends rodeo style and asked "how do we cure them?"

Mabel Said "a lot of formaldehyde"

And "some cinnamon" dipper added

after about two hours everyone was cured and sent home plus dipper had what he needed so today could be considered a win

Dippers pov

After we got home the first thing I did was take a shower. After I got out I quickly changed and got some stuff before I could leave Mabel noticed

"Where are you going?"  She said sheepishly

"Mabel I'm kinda an idiot sometimes" I responded

"I know but what did you do this time?"

"Nothing it's what I didn't do"

"I have a solution for Bill, at least a temporary one"

When I said this Mabel shot up from bed and said "I'm going with you"

"Allright this shouldn't be to dangerous.....I hope" I told her

As we were gonna leave Melody was in the kitchen drinking a cup of something before me and Mabel could react she said

"It's 11:30 where are you going?"

"This time I panicked and said "Mabel needs to go to a planned parenthood!"

Mabel punched me and said "No I don't"

"Your right you don't but you should get birth control for.....Ethan!" I was making all this shit up

Sadly Melody saw right through it "Go to sleep now please"

Before we could say a word soos put his hand on each of our shoulders and said "trust me dudes don't mess with her when she's pregnant"

Me and Mabel listened

"How are we gonna do this then?" Mabel asked me

"Mabel you have a grappling hook"

"Oh yeah"

"Also dip what's this plan anyways?"

"Unicorn hair"

"I thought that kept his weird stuff out" Mabel Said confused

"It does but maybe we can lock him in"

We then zip loned out of the window and went to the statue

After  nearly compleating the spell Mabel handed me the last of the unicorn hair

"I hope this works" Mabel Said

After finishing the spell it kinda glitched slightly but then seemed to have stabilized

After this we went home one last time and finally went to bed

But the next day I woke up to a long list of chores from Melody with a note on the back

"Dear dipper,
I know you and Mabel snuck out last night so here's your punishment also no more basement for a week"


I looked at the note and sighed it'll be Allright i looked at my phone to see laz texted me

Princess Paz: Morning loser 🤪

Sir dipping sauce: morning Princess

Princess Paz: why did Mabel call me at 3 talking about zombies?

Sorry dipping sauce: I'll tell you later for now I gotta do this long list of chores

Princess Paz: always sad 😥

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