Why Me? | Book I | Jason McCa...

By biebernlovatoXP

503K 11K 2.5K

"What do you want from me? I don't even know who you are." I asked getting annoyed that a guy I don't even kn... More

Why Me? (Jason Mccan love story)
Characters list:)
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~ Chapter 25 ~
~ Chapter 26 ~
~ Chapter 27 ~
~ Chapter 28 ~
~ Chapter 29 ~
~ Chapter 30 ~
Read this! Sequel & More
Sequel is UPPPPP
READ THIS*****Wattys 2015?

~ Chapter 31 ~

6K 145 33
By biebernlovatoXP

Last chapter eh? Long wait too! Gotta make it count. Super long just for ya.

Chapter 31 aka Last Chapter

Nicole's POV

Jason explained to me that while coming back from getting the ice creams, he had tried helping an elderly lady find the gift shop and on his way there tripped over a kid chasing his puppy. He then explained his bruises were because he yelled at the kid to watch where he was going next time and then the kids father showed up and decided to punch him, in which Jason did not respond and immediately apologized.

But on the real, he would never help an old lady, he would probably fight the dad back, and he would walk away without apologizing.

So let's just say I didn't believe him at all.

But I was too wrapped up in my thoughts, I decided to let it go.

I was scared, terrified, afraid. I had a bad feeling, a very bad feeling something was going to happen.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Jason grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, swinging them causing my gaze to linger on our hands before I looked to his face.

I didn't know why, but it was like everything hit me, he was so beautiful, so perfect, so handsome.

He was Jason.

And for some strange reason my heart did a leap at the mere thought of his name.

I looked out into the ocean and couldn't help but ponder, did I actually want to leave him? No.

Did I want Jason to go to jail? No.

Could I possibly be falling for him? Maybe.

Was I just blurred by my imagination and the thought of him, I might have skipped the part of who he was and why I was here? Possibly.

Do I love him? Well, -


I looked up at him,"Yeah?"

He grinned at me and said,"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get the car. Don't go anywhere, please."

His eyes pleaded, 'Don't run from me'

I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek before waving him off.

I turned around and looked at the waves.

Bored of thinking, I turned and looked at the people here.

Smiling to myself, I saw a family. It was a young couple in their early 20's and a daughter who looked about 3-4 years old.

She was giggling at her dad because he had ice cream on his nose and the mother threw her head back howling in laughter. Her husband turned his head and stared at her with such intensity and love, I almost turned away but I couldn't help but stare and think

'I want that..'

Thinking I looked a bit like a stalker I turned my head just in time to see a guy with washboard abs come up to me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

He chuckled and pointed toward my feet. I giggled as I saw a soccer ball near my feet.

Oops, I thought he was hitting on me.

I quickly swept the ball off the floor and tossed it to him.

"Thanks beautiful."

I gaped at him. That was a bit forward. He was very attractive. Green eyes, olive skin, blackish hair, nice abs.

I smiled at him and said "You're welcome foo"

He openly threw his head back clutching his stomach, he was cracking up so much there were some tears falling from his eyes.

I stared at him with a blank expression.

"Whats so funny dude"

He chuckled and explained "Sorry, I usually get hit on or called sexy maybe even hot or babe. And you called me foo, thats never happened."

I grinned at him.

He stuck out his hand to which I shook.


"Sharkisha- well in this state and every other, but like a week ago my name was Nicole. Yeah, just call me Nicole."

He cracked up again and after some silence he spoke "I'm gay."

I smirked at him "Nice!"

His eyes twinkled and asked where I was staying.

I didn't mind because well Jason is a gang leader so Chris is harmless.

"Some houses down that way" I pointed to a secluded part where really big houses(mansions) were.

He smirked and repeated my previous line,"Nice!"

Where was Jason?

I laughed a little and was confused when Chris looked behind me at a figure. I turned and Jason was behind me staring at Chris.

I grabbed his hand and introduced the two, it was pretty awkward because well Jason is awkward around everyone except me.

Noticing no one was willing to strike up a conversation, I smiled at Chris and proceeded to explain that we had to go now.

He smiled a little and said,"No problem, hope to see you around later Nicki."

I waved and so did Jason.

Once far enough Jason stopped abruptly to ask who Chris was and why I was talking to him.

I rolled my eyes at him before responding.

"I was bored and his soccer ball was at my feet so he talked to me and don't worry, he's gay" I added with a wink, excluding how he called me beautiful.

He nodded his head while I was talking but I could tell his attention was not on me.

I shrugged it off once again.

I continued to walk, letting his hand go. He hadn't realized until I was about 5 feet away.

I don't understand, Whats going on with him?

He quickly walked at my pace.

I don't know why, but it was like suddenly he felt different; distant and cold.

We continued our way back to the car and he didn't open my door like many other times, instead he looked at some blonde chicks ass that was walking passed us.

I frowned, angry and upset that he wasn't being my Jason.







What am I? Claiming my lunch table like a third grader?

I was going crazy, but I still couldn't help the tinge of jealousy I was hit with.

I got into the car and he drove off. This is the longest we have ever been in silence-well, except for that one time at church.

(this is the part that got deleted because my computer crashed and I didn't save it)

The car ride was long and quiet. It was a very awkward silence and I didn't feel comfortable. I didn't stress on it because I was letting loose and going with the flow.

Pulling into the driveway I found the boys ready to leave and already walking out the door. I quickly scattered out of the car and ran to them before they could leave.

"Hey guys, Where is yous be goings?" I said this in a weird thuggish voice. (lol)

Vince chuckled and told me to quit acting like a chunti.

I laughed and said,"But on the real, Where are you guys going?"

"Get some hoesssss!" Alex through his head back in laughter at Vince's comment.

Marco smiled at me and replied,"We're going clubbing, Jason messaged us he wanted the house for the two of you so we basically got kicked out and now we are about to get crunk."

I chuckled, "Alright, well have fun and don't bring home a girl unless shes sober." I scolded them before walking into the house.

[ So basically, they have a boring ride filled with silence and low music and when they get to the house Vincent and the crew are headed out because they're going clubbing. The reason they're going clubbing is because Jason sent them a text to clear the house for the night. She gets inside the house along with Jason and they both take separate showers]

Walking happily out of the shower, happy by Pharrell was playing and I was dancing my toosh off.

I was clapping my hands and singing along while holding my brush as though it was a microphone.

"Because I'm happpppyyyyy, clap along if you feel like a room without a roof."

"Nice moves."


I was so frightened I ended up tripping over my own feet and falling face first. Trying to get up was the struggle because of the rug on the floor so somehow I ended up like a burrito.

Oh man I want a burrito.

"Nicole?" Jason tilted his head.

"You look stupid, get off the floor already."

What? That is not something Jason- You know what, whatever.

I quickly got up and made my way downstairs while mumbling, "Yeah well at least I'm not an asshole."

I knew he heard me because he walked after me.

I wasn't trying to be dramatic. I walked out to the back porch, we had a house near the beach so it was practically our backyard.

I shut the door and leaned against the railing. Pulling my cardigan closer to my body for warmth, I heard the door open then shut.

Then a blanket was placed over my shoulders and arms wrapped around my waist. Jason held me close and tight and stuffed his head in my neck. He was rubbing his nose on my skin and I couldn't help but think of how easily I forgive this dork.

I sighed and he spoke, "You can get a cold, it's freezing outside."

I couldn't help but chuckle and nod my head because to be quite honest, it was really cold.

We both walked inside and I made my way into the kitchen.

"I'm gonna make some tea, do you want one too?"

He turned to me and smiled. "Yeah, thanks."

I smiled back before kissing his cheek and proceeding.

Once I had finished making our teas, I went into the living room to hand Jason his and he took a sip.

He spit it out, "What is this!?! It's disgusting!"

I looked at him crazily and then somehow I pieced this all together.

"It's your favorite tea, the one you always ask me to make."

He shook his head and fake smiled, "Sorry it must have been the toothpaste from when I brushed my teeth a while ago."


I was about to confront him when the doorbell rang. Save by the bell.

He stood up to answer it and when he opened the door, there stood my father and his partner.

No ones POV

Nicole watched the scene unfold. The policemen watched his every move and when he chose to run for it, it had to be done.

Time slowed, and everyone within miles could hear the three shots that rang through the wind and cool air. He had been shot.

Nick wrapped his arms around a sobbing Nicole and a few other policemen checked the pulse of the man lying on the ground, there was no pulse.

He was taken away and from a van a few feet away Vincent and the rest of the gang watched. Shocked and Confused.

But what no one knew was that the real Jason was in the trunk of a car only 3 feet away from them, slowly losing his oxygen and if he didn't wake up soon. He too, would be dead.

Nicole's POV

He was gone, for a moment I let myself believe that maybe it wasn't the real Jason but I could feel it. I could feel him slipping away.

When he was shot, I couldn't help feel everything for him intensify. He was my everything and now... I felt so lost and alone. Jason was my rock, he was.. so much more. But now? Now he's gone. Dead. And there's nothing I can do to change that.

Holding back another sob I leaned my head on the police car window.

My dad turned around from the drivers seat and smiled at me.

"Ready to go home?"

I turned my head and looked out the window.

I miss you, Jason.

A silent tear fell and I wiped it away in anger. Toward what? I don't know.

But I was prepared to forget and leave the past in the past.

And all I could think was,

Why Me?


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