Yandere Females x Male Reader

By SteveJones687

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Everybody loves a good yandere story, so here we are. P.S. I don't own any of the photos I use. More

EP 1 Jedi Reader x Yandere Fem. Clone Squad
EP 2 Powerless Sidekick x Yandere Royal Pain and Layla (L)
EP 3 Male Reader x Yandere Boss
EP 4 Male Reader x Yandere Helen Parr
EP 5 Male Reader x Yandere Nekos
EP 7 Male Reader x The Yandere Store
EP 8 Male Reader x Yandere Mermaids
EP 9 Male Reader x Yandere Poison Ivy (L)
EP 10 A Very Yandere Easter(Female Easter Bunny)
EP 11 Jedi Reader x Yandere Fem. Clone Squad Part 2
EP 12 Male Reader x Yandere A.I
EP 13 Teacher Reader x Yandere single mom
EP 14 Male Reader x Yandere Booette
EP 15 Male Reader x Yandere Demon (L)
EP 16 Yandere Time Loop
EP 17 Male Reader x Rich Yandere
EP 18 Male Reader x Yandere Highschool DXD
EP 19 Male Reader x Yandere Resident Evil (L)
EP 20 Male Reader x Yandere Female Pokemon
EP 21 Male Reader x Yandere Female Orc
EP 22 Male Reader x Yandere Nezuko
EP 23 Male Reader x Yandere Hermione Granger (L)
EP 24 Male Reader x Yandere Attraction Syndrome
EP 25 Male Reader x Yandere Werewolves vs Yandere Vampires
EP 26 Yandere Reunion
EP 27 Yandere Female Disney Plus
EP 28 Male Quirkless Reader x Nana Shimura
EP 29 Male Reader x Yandere Female Pirate
EP 30 Male Reader x Yandere Ghost
EP 31 Male Reader x Yandere Alien
EP 32 Male Reader x Yandere Teacher (L)(T)
EP 33 Male Reader x Yandere Alice Angel
EP 34 Male Reader x Yandere Fae
EP 35 Male Reader x Yandere Corpse Bride
EP 36 Male Reader x Yandere Female Jason Voorhees
EP 37 Male Reader x Yandere Female Frankenstein
EP 38 Male Reader x Yandere Succubus Girlfriend and Daughters (L)
EP 39 Abused Male Reader x Yandere EX-Girlfriend
EP 40 Male Reader x Yandere Other Girlfriend
EP 41 Male Reader x Yandere Tribe (L)
EP 42 Male Reader x Yandere Resident Evil Part 2

EP 6 Male Reader x Yandere Female Magician

26.4K 215 87
By SteveJones687

One of the biggest shows in the country was the Celestia magic show. She had performed all over the world. She had everything: fame, money, power, but one thing was missing (y/n). She layed in bed looking at a picture of him and her she had taken five years ago. She had dropped out of highschool and joined the circus. One fateful night she invited a boy about her age to join the performance. He was shy, but performed like a pro. Celestia couldn't help but fall for him and after the show she asked for a picture together. She eventually broke out on her own and became a huge success, but sadly she had to leave her home and him behind.

Celestia: Oh (y/n) you are so precious. I love you so much.

She kissed the picture before putting it on her bedside table. She picked up her phone and called her assistant.

Assistant: Yes, Celestia.

Celestia: Did you complete the special task I gave you?

Assistant: Yes, ma-am.

Celestia: Make sure everything is ready for tonight's show.

Assistant: As you wish.

She hung up the phone and jumped out of bed to get ready.

(Y/N)'s POV

I had just finished a night shift working as a nurse at the hospital and I was getting ready to leave. That's when my friend Mindy joined me.

Mindy: You ready to go?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Mindy: I want to grab a coffee and you are coming.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the hospital. When we got to the cafe we ordered two coffees and a newspaper. We sat down outside because it was a nice summer day.

Mindy: So any big plans this weekend?

(Y/N): No, You?

Mindy: Probably just gonna spend some time with my wife and baby. Really a young single such as yourself doesn't have any weekend plans? No special girl to take out?

(Y/N): No plans and no special lady. You know we spend most of our time at the hospital.

Mindy: Well you have some time off so go have fun.

(Y/N): What would I even do?

She looked back at the newspaper and pointed to something.

Mindy: This.

I grabbed the paper and the headline read "Celestia Comes to Town One Night Only". I continued reading "Celestia was quoted as saying tonight I will perform my greatest trick; it will be truly magical".

Mindy: You should go to the show. I know you love her shows. I have seen that picture of the two of you in your house.

(Y/N): First off I can't because her show has been sold out for weeks and I could try and get last minute tickets, but they would be like over thousand dollars. Second, that picture was taken five years ago and I haven't seen a show since because she never performed here again.

Mindy: That way I think you should try. This is like the biggest thing to happen around here.

(Y/N): I'll think about it.

We finished our coffees and she gave me a ride home. I said goodbye and started walking into my house and noticed something in the mailbox.

(Y/N): Weird the mail never comes this early.

I grabbed it and noticed it was a lone envole. It had nothing written on it except "(Y/N) open asap". I was a little worried opening it because it was hand delivered meaning whoever sent this knew where I lived. I went inside and opened the envelope. I noticed there was a folded piece of paper and a ticket to Celestia's show. The paper read

"Dear (Y/N),

Congratulations because you have a ticket to Celestia's show. We hope you will enjoy the magic evening."

(Y/N): No way. How did I win though?

I wanted to check if this was real, but there was no number to call or anything. I guess I just have to show up tonight and see for myself. I decided to go because if this was real it was to go to pass up. I mean what the worst that can happen. I did stuff around the house until it was time for the show. When I got there I got on line waiting to get in. I noticed two security guards looking at me and soon they were walking over to me.

Security Guard #1: Excuse me sir are you (Y/N) (L/N)?

(Y/N): Yes.

Security Guard #2: Do you ID to confirm this.

(Y/N): Yes. What is this about?

I gave them my ID and they gave it back.
Security Guard #1: Sir come with us please, but don't worry you are not in trouble.

I followed them into the building and they led me backstage. They brought me to a woman with a headset and clipboard.

Security Guard #2: This is him.

(Y/N): Hi.

Emma: Hi, it is so great to me you. We were wondering when you were gonna show. My name is Emma and I am Celestia's assistant.

She took my hand and it shook it.

(Y/N): I am (Y/N)(L/N), but you already knew that.

Emma: I did.

(Y/N): Yeah I wanted to ask you about that. How did I get the ticket?

Emma: Unfortunately I don't have that answer for you, but maybe it was faith that you would be here or make magic.

We shared a small laugh at that.

Emma: Come on I will show you to your seat. The show will start soon.

Celestia's POV

Celestia: Ok you got this. Everything is going to be ok because I have magic on my side. I am gonna do great.

I was talking to myself in the mirror when I heard a knock at the door.

Celestia: Come in.

The door opened and I noticed it was my assistant Emma.

Celestia: What is it?

Emma: He's here.

I jumped out of my seat with excitement. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about him.

Celestia: Emma you did so well. If everything goes the way I think it will, then you will be rewarded handsomely.

I pulled her into a hug.

Emma: Thank you so much.

I was so ready for this. It was time for the greatest show of my life.

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen I hope you are ready for a night of magic and wonder because Celestia has promised this will be the greatest show in history.

Boom. I magiced my way on stage to hear roars of approval. I looked out into the crowd and spotted (y/n) sitting in the front row. He had a smile on his face that was all for me.

Celestia: Good evening everyone! I am the one and only Celestia and tonight is gonna be a special show that will require a lot of audience partiaction, so don't be shy. My first act I will need a volunteer. Let's see those hands. Yes you young lady want don't you come up here.

The girl got up and came on stage.

Celestia: What is your name?

Sam: My name is Sam.

Celestia: Nice to meet you Sam. I have a question for you. Do you like card tricks?

Sam: Yes I guess.

Celestia: Well I think you will like this one. Please take the deck of cards out of your pocket?

She looked confused.

Sam: I don't have a deck of cards in my pocket.

Celestia: Maybe you should check again.
She did and a magical deck of cards appeared in her pocket.

Celestia: Now pick one card and show it to the audience but don't let me see it and after put it back in the deck. 

She did as I asked. I shuffled them up and threw them in the air. Before everyone's eyes the cards turned into butterflies.

Celestia: Oh no butterflies well that won't do unless. I think I might need my wand for this one.

I grabbed my wand and waved it in the air and the butterflies began to move into a shape. They were forming in the shape of a playing card, but not just any card. It was the red seven of hearts.

Celestia: Was that your card?

Sam: Yes!

The audience clapped and cheered, but all I cared about was (y/n). His claps and cheering was all I ever needed.


The show had gone amazing and the energy was electric. It was time for my closing act and my greatest trick.

Celestia: All right everyone it's time for the last act of the night. For this trick I will need one final volunteer.

Everyone's hands shot into the air. I decided to hop down off stage and bring up my next guest. I walked right up to (y/n) and offered him my hand. He looked so nervous it was adorable. I wanted to kiss him right then and there in front of everybody, but I held myself back. I brought him one stage and a magiced a big box to appear on stage.

Celestia: Alright everyone for this trick I will make (y/n) disappear.

He looked at me and I knew he thought it was strange I knew his name.

Celestia: All I need you to do is step in that box.

I took his hand and led to the box. He stepped inside and before I closed it I said.
Celestia: Don't worry I won't let anything back happen to you and I will bring you right back to me.

He nodded and I closed the box. I waved my wand and the whole box disappeared. The audience gasped.

Celestia: Silly me I made the whole box disappear. I better bring him back.

With another wave of my wand the box came back.

Celestia: Should we open the box up and see if he is still in there?

All: Yes.

I opened the box and out stepped a body double for (y/n). The audience wouldn't be able to tell the difference, but I sent the real (y/n) somewhere safe. The double took a seat, so I could take my final bow. Once the show was over I was so happy it was time to get my reward.

Celestia: I'm coming my love.

(Y/N)'s POV

I don't know what happened. One minute I was stepping to the box and next I was tied to a chair with tape over my mouth in what looked like a parking garage. I was scared out of my mind. I heard the door open, but it was too dark to see the person. I only notice when they were right in front of me it was Celestia. She pulled the tape off my mouth.

(Y/N): Thank yo...

Before I could finish she jumped into my lap and kissed me forcely sticking her tongue in my mouth. She broke the kiss, but planted like twenty more little kisses on me before I could say something.

Celestia: This is wonderful. So much better than I imagined.

(Y/N): What? Why did you do this to me?

Celestia: Baby please don't be upset with me. I did this for you. For us.

(Y/N): I don't understand.
Celestia: Do you remember my first show? I know you do. When you came on stage and performed with me it was magical. I knew there was something between us. It was like we were meant to be together. I know you felt it too. I was trying to find you after that night, but before I could I was offered a show deal. I left and I am so so sorry I left you alone.

She went back to kissing me and saying she was sorry in between kisses.

Celestia: Even though I left I still kept an eye on you. The internet and social media are the best tools ever. I watched you all the time through fake accounts. Sometimes when I had time I would fly back here and break into your house. I would sleep in your bed, clean, and maybe every now and then take something like a shirt. One time when I was there I noticed the picture of you and me out in the open on display in your house for anyone to see. I was so happy I got in your bed and touched myself.

(Y/N): You did what?!

Celestia: Baby I know you are upset with me for leaving, but no need to yell at your future wife. I will make it all better. We are going home to my house where we will be alone. I will help you remember how much you love me and if worst comes to worst I can always use some magic to fix it, but I know you will be good and I won't have to do that.

Before I could say anything she put the tape on my mouth again and gave me a kiss on my forehead. A car pulled up and the truck opened.

Celestia: I am going to have to put you in the trunk for right now because you are a little upset. You know even though I said this was my last show maybe in the future we can do a come back tour together. You can be my little helper that is a beautiful dream don't you think.

I didn't say anything. She carried me and put me in the truck and right before she closed it she said.

Celestia: I love you.

Sorry this took a while I had some writers block. Which is why I probably don't feel great about this chapter, but I hope you like it.

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