Reasons Why I Love You [Xavmi...

Od EekTheSnitch

544 16 16

Xavmi fan fiction from the Filipino BL web series and movie, Hello Stranger. If you haven't watched the serie... Více

Waking Up With You On My Mind (mature)
You Are My Yesterdays, Today, and All of My Tomorrows
I'm Muffin Without You

After Party

251 6 8
Od EekTheSnitch

Xavier and Mico's foreheads touched as they finished off their first kiss. Xavier leaned back and smiled widely at his new boyfriend. Mico smiled shyly back. Xavier pulled Mico to himself in a warm hug. 

When they leaned back out, Mico and Xavier realized that they were surrounded by their friends dancing. It was like nobody noticed them kissing in the middle of the dance floor and continued with the party.

Unbeknownst to them, their friends and the other Paniticamp participants were very much aware of them kissing. They did not make it a big deal since it was not. Xavier and Mico were two people in love. They believed that love is love and that Xavier and Mico deserved to be accepted.

Mico looked questioningly at Xavier, who shrugged.

"Do you wanna dance?" Xavier asked.

"Sure," Mico answered. Mico and Xavier danced along with their friends. At one point, Xavier had his arms around Mico from the back, and they were swaying together with the music. 

Mico was so happy being with Xavier that he held on tight to Xavier's hands wrapped around him, not wanting to let go. Xavier felt lucky to finally have Mico in his arms. Xavier kissed Mico's shoulder before asking Mico if he wanted to sit down to take a breather. Mico agreed. They walked hand in hand off the dance floor to one of the tables. Xavier moved two chairs together and had Mico sit down.

"I will be right back," Xavier said. Mico watched as his handsome boyfriend walked off to the drink table to grab some drinks. Xavier made his way back to him with a smile on his face that Mico could only replicate.

"Here. Drink some water," Xavier suggested. Xavier opened the bottled water and handed it over to Mico.

"Thanks, Xavier," Mico said with a grin that was not going to come off his face. Xavier was being so sweet.

"No problem. Anything for you, Mico," Xavier said as he sat down. He opened his own bottled water and chugged down half of it before closing it and putting it on the table. Xavier and Mico watched as Seph and Kookai were trying to make each other laugh by performing funny dance moves.

"Everyone is having fun," Mico pointed out. Xavier nodded and then interlocked his fingers with Mico's.

"It is too bad that tonight is the last night," Mico continued. Xavier nodded and rubbed Mico's arm with his free hand. He then leaned his head on Mico's shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Mico asked, concerned. He brought his free hand up to rub Xavier's head.

"Just tired. It has been a bit of a draining day," Xavier admitted. Mico turned to look at Xavier.

"Do you want to go back to our room?" Mico asked, concerned about his new boyfriend.

"Not really," Xavier said. Xavier wanted to spend as much time with Mico as he could.

"Do you want to go take a walk along the beach?" Mico asked. Xavier lifted his head and perked up.

"Yeah, let's go," Xavier said as he stood up and stretched. Mico watched as Xavier's shirt went up and showed a strip of his abs. Mico swallowed.

"Ready?" Xavier asked as he gestured for Mico's hand. Mico put his hand in Xavier's and was pulled out of his seat. They walked over to their friends and teachers to say they were leaving and walked down to the beach.


The moon was out and was helping light the way as Xavier and Mico walked along the beach.

They continued to hold hands and carry their shoes while they walked barefoot in the sand together.

Xavier and Mico did not say much. They were finally able to process and absorb that they were finally together. They both appreciated the time to just be with each other, walking along the beach, hand in hand, under the moonlight. Mico thought it was romantic and did not say anything because he was too overwhelmed by all the emotions he was feeling at that moment.

Xavier pulled Mico past a wooden canoe and a palm tree before he sat down on the sand.

Xavier patted the sand for Mico to join him. Mico sat down and moved his arms behind him to lean back to get the view of the moon and the beach. It was beautiful.

While Mico was watching the waves crash, Xavier grabbed something from his pocket. Xavier had helped Mico with taking the post-its off of the beach canopy. Xavier made sure to take every single one of those post-its. Unfortunately, since they were in a hurry, he did not get to read all of them, so he took the chance to do so now.

Xavier started going through the post-its. He saw the ones that he had looked at initially:

You make my heart beat faster.
You make my world stop.
You always bring me milk tea.
Your laugh is infectious.

Xavier then started reading some of the other reasons why Mico loved him. Mico realized that Xavier was quiet and glanced over at him. He then leaned forward and watched Xavier as he read some of the other post-its.

"You calm me down when I am stressed," Xavier read out loud and looked at Mico.

"You do. You have this way of getting me to calm down and not get overwhelmed. It is like you can make me snap out of it and realize that things will be okay," Mico admitted. Xavier was touched by Mico's comments and was happy he could do that for Mico. He moved on to the next post-it.

"When you sing to me, I melt," Xavier read aloud.

"Really?" Xavier asked. Xavier did love singing, but he did not know he had that effect on Mico.

"Well, you are a good singer," Mico pointed out.

"Awe, do you want me to sing to you right now?" Xavier teased. Mico shook his head.

"Please continue," Mico urged Xavier. Xavier read the next one.

"You are cute when you are scared," Xavier read out loud. Xavier turned to Mico with a pout. Mico laughed heartily.

"When you had asked me to keep you company was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I will protect you from ghosts from now on," Mico teased. Xavier pushed Mico's shoulder and smiled. Xavier looked at another post-it.

"You look sexy with no shirt on," Xavier read to Mico and looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Really? You think I look sexy?" Xavier asked as he started to lean into Mico. Mico's eyes bulged as he leaned back so much that he ended up laying down on the sand. Xavier turned his body and trapped Mico with his arm. He leaned down so his face was right above Mico's.

"Well, you also look sexy with no shirt on," Xavier commented as he remembered catching Mico without a towel after his shower.

"What! I knew you were checking me out!" Mico exclaimed and was mortified. He completely disagreed with Xavier and shook his head. Mico honestly thought he was the last person someone would call sexy.

"You do," Xavier said as he leaned over and pecked Mico's nose with his lips. Xavier shifted back to a sitting position and put the post-its in his pocket, intent on looking at the rest of the post-its later to learn why his boyfriend loved him. Xavier then laid down next to Mico with his hands behind his head. Xavier and Mico looked up at the night sky to watch the stars. Mico sighed loudly. Xavier turned his head to look at him.

"What's wrong?" Xavier asked, concerned. Xavier stared at Mico's face to see if he could figure out what was the matter.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just happy," Mico said. Xavier scrutinized Mico's face further.

"Are you?" Xavier asked.

"I am. It is just almost too good to be true," Mico said honestly.

"Are you still worried that I might leave you?" Xavier asked. Xavier was not sure if Mico was really going to trust him after all the things that happened with Crystal.

"Not really," Mico said. He really was not worried. Mico knew he was just getting lost in his thoughts.

"I know you do not want promises anymore, so I will not give you any. I will show you in my actions that I am serious about our relationship. I want to make it work," Xavier affirmed as he looked at the stars again.

"I do, too," Mico said. Mico really wanted the same thing Xavier wanted. They both continued to look at the stars in silence until Xavier spoke up.

"Do you remember when we watched that movie that night?" Xavier asked. Mico remembered.

"Yes. I was trying to be supportive after you and Crystal broke up, but I ended up getting emotional about it," Mico stated as he looked at Xavier. Xavier turned his head to look at Mico.

"We really had a heart to heart that night, didn't we?" Xavier said. Mico had disclosed that he had never been in a relationship because he was scared and saw how it hurt his mother. Mico did not want to get hurt either. His mother still has yet to move on past his father, who left them when he was young. Mico hated to admit it, but he was a bit scared about trying again. Yet, he was willing to try if Xavier was.

"Xavier, you were the first person I could really talk to about my mom and dad. Their relationship impacted my view of relationships and impacted my ability to trust others with my heart," Mico said.

"I have to be honest. I am scared, Xavier. I want us to work. I am afraid I will do something to mess up and hurt you or get hurt in the process again," Mico admitted.

Xavier grabbed Mico's hand and linked their fingers together. He rubbed his thumb along Mico's hand to help him calm him down.

"Do you remember how I responded to you that night about worrying about getting hurt?" Xavier asked. Mico nodded.

"I told you that the best part of a relationship is the surprises. Like today, you completely surprised me by having Junjun scare the heck out of me in his monster outfit. He then pointed me towards the beach so I can find out the reasons why you love me. Being able to read the reasons why you love me on post-its will be one of the happiest memories of my life and our relationship," Xavier proclaimed.

"I wanted to do something special to apologize and declare that I still loved you," Mico stated.

"Well, it was a wonderful surprise because I had thought there was a possibility that you would not want me anymore, that what I did hurt you too much. I am just happy that we were able to resolve everything and that we are together now," Xavier shared. Before Xavier could say anything else, Mico let go of Xavier's hand, got up, and looked down at Xavier.

"So, what is the plan? How are we going to do this?" Mico asked.

"What do you mean?" Xavier asked, sitting up with his elbow on the ground and his head leaning on his hand to look at Mico questioningly.

"How are we going to make this work?" Mico asked as he turned his body towards Xavier.

Mico had never really been in a relationship. He had been on dates, but nothing ever lasted. Mico was just not into anyone that much. Mico had always been scared of having a relationship because of how his father left his mother. It was no wonder that Mico fell for Xavier and fell for him hard. Xavier was different. Mico and Xavier talked about things he did not discuss with others about. They understood each other. They were there for each other. Xavier was the first person that Mico fell in love with. He was also the one that had caused him heartache. Now that things have been resolved and Xavier was by his side, he wanted to keep him by his side.

Xavier looked at Mico fondly. His Mico was a planner and a worrywart. He knew that Mico was insecure about himself despite him being confident academically. Xavier figured he was the one who had the most relationship experience considering that he and Crystal had been together on and off for a long time. Xavier knew they would never get back together again. The issue with Crystal not coping with her parents' divorce caused his and Mico's relationship to end before it even started. He did not want anything like that to happen again. Xavier wanted to take things slow with Mico.

"Mico, after what happened last time, let us take things slow. Let us talk, spend time together, and figure out what will make our relationship work," Xavier suggested.

"How are we going to spend time together? I just checked the news today and they are going to start reimposing stricter quarantine measures because of the increase of COVID-19 cases. We are going back on lockdown," Mico pointed out.

"Well, we all had to get COVID-19 tested to be at camp, so we are okay right now," Xavier said.

"True, but we are going home tomorrow. We are not going to be able to go out or to each others' houses. We will not be able to see each other at school," Mico declared.

"That means it will kind of be like when we were on lockdown last year. Well, that is how I fell in love with you the first time," Xavier concluded as he sat up so he could face Mico. He grabbed Mico's hand and started to massage it.

"Being able to talk to you on video would be fine, but staying in the same room with you for the past week has made me realize it is going to be hard to be apart. I am going to miss sharing space. I like waking up with you in the morning and saying goodnight to you before going to bed," Mico admitted as Xavier put his hand down and grabbed his other hand to massage.

Xavier looked at the night sky and then got an idea.

"Well, since we are already together, why should we be apart? I have my own place and enough space. Why don't you stay with me until the lockdown is lifted?" Xavier suggested

"Xavier! We could be on lockdown for a long time. What would my mom say?" Mico wondered.

"Maybe she would understand?" Xavier questioned.

Mico sighed. Because it has been only him and his mother for a long time, they were pretty close. Mico had disclosed what had happened at the milk tea store and was surprised that his mother had accepted the idea of him being with a guy. She also was there when Xavier never showed up to his birthday dinner and when Mico would get off the phone crying. She did not like how Xavier hurt her son. Mico was pretty mature about the whole thing. He was hurt, but he also understood why Xavier had to be with Crystal. The timing was just not right for them. His mother ultimately told Mico that it was his life and his relationship. She warned him that he would have to deal with both the positive and negative consequences of his actions.

"Okay," Mico said.

"What?" Xavier asked to get clarification about what Mico was okay about. Mico looked into Xavier's face.

"Okay, I will stay with you during the lockdown, but only for a week or two. I feel bad leaving my mother alone, but she is always working anyway and has her friends. You have to let me study," Mico affirmed while pointing at Xavier to make his point. Xavier had a massive grin on his face as he realized what Mico had decided.

"Of course! That would be good because it would force me to study also. We can pick up your clothes and school stuff tomorrow," Xavier proposed.

"What about Crystal? Didn't you bring her to camp? Aren't you going to take her home?" Mico asked. Despite being with Xavier now, he still felt bad for Crystal and would not fault Xavier for having to bring her home since he was the one who originally picked her up.

"She told me at the costume party that she was going to catch a ride with Arvin and James, so I can spend more time with you," Xavier shared. For being Xavier's ex-girlfriend, Crystal seriously shipped him and Mico together. Xavier owed her.

"I owe Crystal a present," Mico said under his breath. Xavier smiled at how they thought the same thing.

"Will your mother be okay with seeing me?" Xavier asked. He was worried she was still mad about what happened in the past.

"Xavier, my mother is happy when I am happy. Right now, you are making me happy. I think we will be fine," Mico reassured him.

"Okay, that sounds like a plan," Xavier said, thinking that their plan was rock solid. Mico then remembered something.

"Oh wait! I have a doctor's appointment on Monday," Mico said out loud and then quickly put his hand over his mouth.

"Why? What's wrong? Why do you have to go to the doctor?" Xavier inquired, wanting to know if his boyfriend was okay. Mico flinched.

"I am going to see the doctor for a follow-up on my leg," Mico admitted.

"What happened to your leg?" Xavier asked.

"Nothing. It is fine. I have been walking on it all week without crutches," Mico uttered and quickly put his hand over his mouth again.

"Mico, why were you on crutches?" Xavier shifted in the sand to face Mico. He tried looking into Mico's eyes, but Mico was avoiding eye contact.

"I was in an accident," Mico shared hesitantly.

"What kind of accident?" Xavier asked. He had not known that Mico had gotten injured and was concerned about him. Mico figured that since they are starting over that honesty was probably the best policy.

"I sort of got hit by a car," Mico confessed.

"What!" Xavier exclaimed. Xavier was shocked that nobody had told him about Mico's injury.

"What happened, Mico?" Xavier demanded, looking at Mico seriously. Xavier wanted details, and he was going to get them. Xavier started checking Mico's face and arms for scratches but was stopped when Mico grabbed his hands to hold in his.

"I kind of got drunk and started walking around the city on the street instead of on the sidewalk. I was not paying attention and kind of got hit by a car. I ended up fracturing my leg. I was on crutches for a while, but I had not needed them at all this past week," Mico admitted.

"Why were you walking around drunk?" Xavier asked. This did not sound like Mico at all. Mico brought his hand to the back of his head to rub it so he can have a few seconds to figure out how to explain to Xavier.

"Um, I was drinking because I was still upset at you for saying that you were sure about us. I was mad at you because you lied. I was also mad at myself for believing you at the time," Mico disclosed. Xavier looked down and felt terrible. It was hard knowing how much he hurt Mico. At that moment, he wished he was the one that was hit by a car. Mico noticed Xavier cave into himself and brought his hand up to lift Xavier's chin, so Xavier was looking at him.

"Hey, hey! Stop that. I was being stupid at the time. I knew better not to drink my sorrows away, but I did so anyway. I just wanted you and the relationship so bad," Mico confessed with all his heart.

Xavier grabbed Mico's face in his hands.

"I know. I wanted it, too. I was really sure about wanting you. The circumstances that came about were out of our control. I had to decide to help Crystal, and you had to decide what was best for you. Regardless of what happened in the past, we are together now. Looking back at that time will always seem hard but it also helped us understand how strong our love was for each other and how much we still wanted to be together despite the obstacles. I love you, Mico," Xavier said.

"I love you, Xavier," Mico responded.

Xavier then leaned his head forward and laid a chaste kiss on Mico's lips and let it linger there for a few seconds before letting go. Mico liked the kiss and wanted more. Mico did not want Xavier to stop and grabbed Xavier from the back of the neck and pulled him back for another kiss. Xavier was taken off guard and had not expected Mico to be so forward. Mico experimentally guided his tongue along Xavier's lips, which caused Xavier to slightly open his mouth to allow him entrance. Xavier's tongue then met Mico's tongue, and both felt sparks going through their bodies. Mico brought his other arm around Xavier's neck to kiss him deeper. Xavier then decided to grab Mico and lift him.

"Aah!" Mico shrieked as he realized he was being lifted into the air.

"Oof," Mico yelped as he landed on top of Xavier's firm thighs. Xavier put his arms around Mico's torso and pulled him close so their bodies were flush against each other. Xavier then sniffed Mico's neck before kissing along it, then kissed up his jaw, and started their kissing session over again. They both quickly realized how comfortable and easy it was to continue kissing in this position.

Xavier could not handle how soft Mico's lips were. He tilted his head so that he could get more access to them. Mico was just so overwhelmed by the sensation all over his body. He just wanted the kiss to continue because it felt so good. Xavier tested the waters by slowly nibbling Mico's bottom lip, which elicited a low moan from Mico. Xavier took that as the green light to nibble on Mico's upper lip and thoroughly explore Mico's mouth.

Eventually, their kisses started to slow down. Xavier and Mico gave each other one last kiss on the lips before separating. Xavier gave Mico one of his patented smiles, and Mico got suddenly embarrassed. He turned his head away from Xavier, his neck and face turning red all over. Xavier thought that Mico was the cutest when he was like this.

Xavier smiled to himself. Trying to get Mico back in his life turned out so much better than he expected. Xavier looked at his watch and realized they had been out on the beach for some time now. It was starting to get late, and they had to check out early in the morning. Xavier grabbed onto Mico's torso and brought his knees up.

"Mico, hold onto my neck, okay?" Xavier directed Mico. Mico did what he was told but nearly screamed when Xavier leaned forward and stood up, holding Mico like a baby.

"Hey!" Mico said as Xavier put Mico gently down on the sand. Xavier and Mico brushed the sand off their clothes and each other.

"Ready to go to our room?" Xavier asked. Mico nodded.

"Hold on," Xavier said. Xavier got in front of Mico and squatted down.

"Jump on," Xavier said. Mico's eyes widened as he realized that Xavier wanted to give him a piggyback ride.

"I can walk, Xavier," Mico said. Xavier looked back at Mico.

"I do not care. Please get on my back. It will make me feel better to carry you back because I was the cause of your injury," Xavier stated.

"No, Xavier. I can walk," Mico whined, challengingly.

"Please?" Xavier asked with a sad, puppy dog face. Mico could not say no to that face.

"Okay, but only to our room since it is late and I doubt anyone can see us. You have to let me walk tomorrow," Mico compromised.

"Deal! Hop on!" Xavier declared happily. Mico leaned forward so he was on Xavier's back and put his arms around Xavier's neck. Xavier grabbed hold of Mico's thighs.

"Ready?" Xavier asked. He felt Mico nod his head.

"Let's go!" Xavier said as he stood up straight, lifting Mico at the same time. Xavier started walking along the beach back towards the Paniticamp.

"Am I heavy?" Mico asked, concerned that he may be hurting Xavier.

"No, you are not heavy. You are fine," Xavier reassured him.

"This is so embarrassing," Mico mumbles near Xavier's ear.

"Mico, it is late. Nobody can see us and I am your boyfriend, so who cares? This is what boyfriends do," Xavier pointed out.

"I know, but I should be able to walk by myself. I feel like I have fully recovered," Mico stated.

"I know you can walk by yourself, but you do not know how bad I feel about you getting both emotionally and physically hurt. Just let me do this to make up for it. Plus, I kind of like being able to take care of you," Xavier admitted. Mico nodded.

Mico got comfortable on Xavier's back as Xavier walked along the beach.

"Mico, I know you put all those post-its up to tell me the reasons why you love me, but I feel like I need to do the same," Xavier declared.

"You don't have to," Mico interrupted.

"I know, but I want to," Xavier stated.

"Okay," Mico relented.

"Here are some of the reasons why I love you," Xavier started as he looked up to the sky to think of some of the reasons.

"I love your smile and your dimple. They are the cutest things I have ever seen," Xavier told Mico.

"Really?" Mico asked, smiling. Xavier noticed Mico's dimple. Xavier rubbed his cheek over it.

"You are organized and structured and get things done. You are also smart and goal-oriented. I wish I could be that way," Xavier admitted.

"I love how you are a good listener and that you were the first person with whom I could share my issues without judgment. I love how you can look at a situation and try to think positively about it. I love how you look in our couple shirt and how you look with no shirt at all," Xavier shared, then smirked at Mico as he looked back at him.

"Xavier!" Mico shouted.

"What? You look good without a shirt on. I would have never thought that I would be attracted to a guy that way, but when you came out of the bathroom, wet without a towel, you looked so adorable and embarrassed. When you told me not to look, all I wanted to do was to look and I liked what I saw," Xavier admitted.

"That was so embarrassing," Mico responded.

"I had not realized what kind of body you were hiding under your clothes. Very sexy!" Xavier stated.

"Stop it, Xavier!" Mico said as he slapped him in the back of the head.

"Sorry!" Xavier said as they got to the resort. After some silence, Xavier continued.

"One of the things I also love about you is that you are encouraging and never stopped pushing me to believe that I can do and be my best. You made me feel good about being me and about decisions I made for myself. You make me a better version of me," Xavier reported.

"Really?" Mico asked, turning his face towards Xavier's.

"Yes, you do," Xavier confirmed as he walked up the steps to their room. He squatted down so Mico could get off his back and then turned Mico towards him. Xavier gave him a significant look.

"I love how you can be demanding because you know what you want and how you want it. You exude this confidence that I admire so much," Xavier reported.

"Well, Mr. de Guzman, we should take showers and get to bed. We have an early day tomorrow," Mico said as he unlocked the door and opened it up for Xavier. He gestured for Xavier to go in.

"Yes, sir!" Xavier said and fake saluted before walking into their room. Mico followed right behind him, giggling at Xavier's behavior.


Mico grabbed onto Xavier's arm, and Xavier turned around.

"Thank you, Xavier," Mico said as he wrapped his arms around Xavier's waist.

"For what?" Xavier asked as he wrapped his arms around Mico.

"For loving me," Mico informed Xavier. Xavier looked lovingly down at Mico.

"Thank you for loving me, too," Xavier told Mico.

"You go take a shower first," Mico said as he let go of Xavier.

"Okay!" Xavier said before pecking Mico on the cheek. Xavier grabbed stuff from his luggage and went into the bathroom.

Mico touched his cheek in awe at how much Xavier was being so sweet to him. He took out his clothes for bed and put them on his bed. He then started organizing his luggage, taking things out, and refolding things so his luggage was more organized.

Mico was almost done packing all of his stuff for tomorrow when Xavier came out of the bathroom freshly showered.

"It is all yours, Mico!" Xavier said with a dazzling smile.

"Thanks, Xavier!" Mico said as he packed the last bit of stuff in his luggage. He grabbed his clothes and towel and went into the bathroom.


While Mico showered, Xavier started packing up his stuff in his luggage and thought about how his night had turned out a lot different than expected. After Xavier's emotional disclosure at the Paniticamp, all he wanted to do was relax. Xavier had planned a quiet night hanging out near his room by himself. He was going to go on social media and play some games. He had not planned to go to the costume party because he really didn't feel like hanging out with anyone.

Xavier had never imagined that Mico would set up such an elaborate and wonderful gift of expressing his reasons to love him through post-its. Someone else may have thought it to be cheesy, but Xavier was touched. Now that he has the chance to be with Mico, he was determined to do his best to make Mico happy.


Mico got out of the shower, changed, and climbed onto the top bunk to lay down. Xavier was not sure what to do, so he ended up lying down on his bed. Xavier wanted to see if Mico would sleep next to him, but he did not know how to ask.

Mico was having similar thoughts on his bed but did not know how to talk to Xavier about it. He did not want to come across as expecting too much, but he wanted to be close to his boyfriend. He wanted to be in Xavier's arms. He did not know what to do, so he said the first thing on his mind.

"Goodnight Xavier!" Mico said.

"Goodnight Mico. Sweet dreams," Xavier responded, wanting to respect Mico's desire to go to bed.

They both tried to fall asleep. Mico grabbed an extra pillow on his bed and hugged it close to his chest. He could not get comfortable and felt restless. Xavier laid on his bed with his arms behind his head. He started feeling hot, so he took off his shirt and hung it on the rail above his head, but he still could not fall asleep.

Xavier could not take it anymore.

"Mico, are you awake?" Xavier asked.

"Yes. Can't sleep?" Mico asked.

"Yeah," Xavier said, then continued, "Mico?"

"Yes, Xavier?" Mico responded.

"Since we both cannot sleep, do you want to talk?" Xavier asked.

"Sure," Mico said.

"Come down here then," Xavier got the nerve to say.

"Why?" Mico asked, getting nervous.

"I like looking at your face when we talk," Xavier admitted. Hours and hours of video chatting with Mico made it hard to not talk to Mico face to face. Xavier liked seeing Mico's facial expressions.

Mico smiled. He liked looking at Xavier's face when they talked, too. Mico remembered all the hours they video chatted and him staring at Xavier's face.

"Okay," Mico said as he removed his blanket and climbed down the bunk bed. He sat at the edge of the bed, then turned to Xavier, who was still lying down.

"What do you want to talk about?" Mico asked, his eyes widening as he noticed Xavier had no shirt on, lying in front of him. Xavier then sat up and grabbed Mico, pulling him half on top of him.

"Oof," Mico said as she landed with his head on Xavier's shoulder and his arm across Xavier's warm stomach. Xavier immediately wrapped his arms around Mico's body. Mico froze for a second before relaxing in Xavier's arms.

"Sorry, Mico. I couldn't sleep because I kept on thinking that you were up there and I was down here. I just wanted to be close to you," Xavier admitted.

"Don't worry. I was thinking the same thing," Mico disclosed.

"Really?" Xavier asked, turning his head to look at Mico's face.

Mico got up and leaned over to look down at Xavier's face.

"Yes, I was thinking that I wanted to be close to you, too," Mico whispered as he looked into Xavier's eyes. Mico's face started slowly moving towards Xavier's face.

Mico took a deep breath and leaned in those last few centimeters to put his mouth on Xavier's. Xaver brought his hand up to rub his thumb along Mico's cheeks as he tilted his head slightly to get a better angle. He tentatively opened his mouth and slowly allowed his tongue to glide along Mico's lips. It caused Mico to gasp and open his mouth as Xavier intensified their kiss even more. Mico got used to their mouths moving and then accidentally touched Xavier's tongue with his own. Electricity went through his body again as he and Xavier explored each other's mouths. Mico was enjoying the sensations in his body so much that he wanted to touch Xavier more. He held onto Xavier tightly so they were closer together. Xavier realized they needed to stop before things got more heated, slowed down the kiss, and then leaned away from Mico. Mico, not wanting to stop, had continued kissing the air.

Wondering what happened to Xavier, he opened his eyes to see Xavier grinning at him.

"You liked that, didn't you?" Xavier asked. Mico nodded.

"You felt it too, right?" Xavier said as he grabbed Mico's hand and put it on his heart. Mico grabbed Xavier's hand and brought it to his own heart. Both hearts were beating quickly, in sync with each other.

"You are stuck with me, Mico," Xavier concluded with a bright smile. Mico nodded.

"You are stuck with me, too, Xavier," Mico grinned happily at Xavier, who nodded also.

Xavier lifted Mico and rolled him over to lay on Xavier's left side. Mico laid his head comfortably on the pillow as Xavier turned his body, so he could wrap his right arm around Mico.

"Goodnite Mico," Xavier said as he kissed Mico on the cheek before snuggling with Mico and getting comfortable.

"Goodnite Xavier," Mico responded before kissing Xavier's forehead. Mico then brought his hands up to hold onto Xavier's arm, holding him in place, not wanting to let him go. The contentment and comfort of finally being held by the one you love allowed Xavier and Mico to drift off to sleep, their hearts filled with hope and happiness about finally being together.


Hope you enjoyed it! Not sure if this is going to be a one-shot or if I should continue this as a series. What do you think? I would appreciate any feedback.

Thanks for reading!

PUB 6144  4/11/2021

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❝ if I knew that i'd end up with you then I would've been pretended we were together. ❞ She stares at me, all the air in my lungs stuck in my throat...
1.3M 57.5K 104
Maddison Sloan starts her residency at Seattle Grace Hospital and runs into old faces and new friends. "Ugh, men are idiots." OC x OC
762K 28.2K 103
The story is about the little girl who has 7 older brothers, honestly, 7 overprotective brothers!! It's a series by the way!!! 😂💜 my first fanfic...
1.9M 86.2K 194
"Oppa", she called. "Yes, princess", seven voices replied back. It's a book about pure sibling bond. I don't own anything except the storyline.