Locatlie: The Revelation. (Bo...

Por Locatlie

8.7K 616 165

After Julia gets taken by a gang, her husbands must do everything in their power to get her back. Once they d... Más

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 12

360 24 16
Por Locatlie

The cousin of my husbands' brought me to the middle of Locatlie, close to Yordan and in the sky I could see the military basis; they had built an extra island next to it for all the airplanes and ships. She landed the helicopter and I climbed out thanking her.

"Follow the path again." She said and I nodded looking at her as I followed the path and I then arrived at the end of the cliff, where a house was situated. I opened the front door and I put my bag down, and saw another bag of mine already here; already packed by my handmaids. I also saw Hugo's boots and I smelled bacon; so, I knew he was cooking for me. I took off my jacket and my shoes. I took my hair out of my shirt and released it a bit as I followed the smell of bacon. I obviously arrived in the kitchen and I saw that Hugo was standing there, his back facing me. This obviously right away had an effect on my body, but anger did spread through my body a tad. I went and sat by the barstool that was here and he turned around, doing a double take. I grabbed out the piece of paper with the questions and I bit my lip looking at him as he looked back at me. He turned down the music and looked at me.

"Hey." He said very carefully and I nodded at that. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Tea, the one." I started pointing up, not knowing what it's called.

"Green tea?" He said with that cute smile of his, he knew that it was my favourite tea whenever I was cold. I nodded at that as he got out a bag and put it in a cup and poured some hot water in it. "I'm making the bacon pasta that you're obsessed with." I nodded at that slowly. "What's that?" he said.

"My nine questions of cleansing." I responded and he looked at that and then at me and nodded slowly.

"Do you want to start asking those questions now or can I finish the dinner?" He asked very carefully and I stared at him for a second, I wanted to know the answers right now.

"How long till dinner is done?"

"Five minutes" he said carefully again, not knowing what to do really.

"That gives me time to take a warm shower. Where is the bathroom?" I asked.

"Up the stairs, second door on the right." He said and I nodded at that as I stood up and I went to the hallway and got the two bags of mine and walked up the stairs. I took a quick warm rinse before putting on cute fuzzy socks. I then put on a simple sweater and a pair of sweatpants and I walked down putting my curly-haired mess in two braids.

"I saw a woman of colour having loads of braids in her hair." I said casually as I sat back down and he looked up at me. "Is that unqueenlike or?" he looked at me for a second.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about?" He asked and I nodded at that as I looked at the tablet and he handed it to me. "Password is" but I knew that the password was the name of his favourite Seglusa book, I looked up a bit cockily like he would and he gave me an amused smile and nodded. I typed in braids. "What are coloured people called in the other world so to speak?" I asked.

"Black." he said and I shook my head. "Weird I know. You guys aren't black, brown at the very best. You're a bit caramel." He joked and I smiled a tad at that.

"Am I half and half? I think I'm half and half but I'm not sure. I always thought I was though but I could be wrong?"

"You are. Your father is black and your mother is immensely white and blonde haired" He said and I looked at him and giggled a bit as I looked through some pictures of braids on coloured people, before I found one that I liked. I showed it to him after he poured the pasta through the grainer thing and shook it out. "O that, you can have that if you want. Why do you want it?"

"My hair is annoying me lately. I can only do a braid or a ponytail and urg." I said "And I think it will look nice and washing won't be such a chore." I added and he giggled and nodded.

"No, we can have that done after your trip with Trev, if that's ok? We've got security meetings all day in Gotar, so-"

"Can I go to those meetings as the Queen?" I asked and he put some of the pasta on one plate and handed it to me "Thank you."

"I think so, I'm not sure. You'll have to ask Trevor." he said carefully and I nodded at that. "I wouldn't mind though, is it because you're afraid for your safety.

"I guess." I nodded as I smelled it. "It smells great."

"Thank you" He said as he sat down on the other side, putting loads of food on his plate and I shook my head at that amused; he always ate three times more than I did.

"So, your nine questions." He said pointing to my piece of paper and I nodded as I put one knee up, not caring that it wasn't classy or something.

"Why did you lie to me?" I started and his eyes widened.

"Going there right away. Ok" He said and I couldn't help but smile at that "We-"

"No no no no no. What is it with you guys and always saying we?" I said putting my hand up and his eyes widened at my notion. "I'm asking your opinion, your take on this, your experience. You are a person on your own, I know why Will did it, and I will ask Trevor this. But I want to know why YOU lied to me, why YOU decided to do the things that happened, and YOUR opinion. I don't' care about Will and Trevor's opinions right now, I want to know why you lied to me." I said and he stared at me for a second, blinking and then nodding slowly. "I get that you're triplets and you haven't known a life without those two idiots, but I mean, you are a person."

"Good to know a point of frustration from your side. Noted." He said as he finished chewing and I smiled a bit at that and nodded. "I lied to you, because the decision had been made that we were going to do that." I rolled my eyes at that "Not a good enough answer. It's the truth"

"Really Hugo?" I said looking at him. "That could be the answer to every question I have. I know that you like to follow the rules but." I said and I put my head down and I took some deep breaths. "Why didn't you ever- I" I shook my head, I knew this was going to be hard, and slightly frustrating. I took a bite of my food.

"I can't give you a better answer than that Julia. In my mind there are rules that I have to follow, one being following the orders of the Leader king." He said. "That's how my brain works. I like to follow and live by the rules. I know that that frustrates you sometimes, but that is just the way I am." he said with a bit of sadness.

"I don't- That doesn't" I said shaking my head not looking at him. "You don't frustrate me, well your actions sometimes do, but you never would be able to that" I said shaking my head. "I'm just wondering if you never thought about telling me, why you didn't think it was necessary for me to know, and why you accepted the lying aspect? Because you could've said you didn't agree or something. I don't know." I said and he looked at me for a second.

"I didn't want you to be hurt. You would've been hurt if we said you were chosen because Heather didn't want it. Rightfully so by the way. I do understand why you're upset right now and maybe if we had told you in the beginning, that it wouldn't have been a big deal. But I for one, didn't want you to hate me any more than you did in the beginning" he said and tears appeared in my eyes. "I hurt you enough as it is, and if I told you that Heather had been chosen but she didn't want it, you would've been heartbroken and not only angry at me but at Will because everyone in our family knows that Trev did chose you." He said and tears rolled down my cheeks looking at him. "And I knew that I could twist the story of me stating that Heather was better and that she was going to be it, but that I decided on you, better, than me stating that she wasn't chosen and now it's you. It would be better for our relationship."

"So, you manipulated the situation, you manipulate me?" I asked and he looked at me for a second.

"I do." He confirmed and I nodded at that.

"When was the last time you manipulated me?" I asked and he stared at me for a second with a bit of amusement.

"Just now." he said pointing to the food. "I knew if you walked in and I was cooking, that you would wait until we were eating to start talking about what was in your mind, that way I could maybe warm up to you a bit in the process of small talk. It's a tactic I use on foreign leaders as well. My assistant always waits ten minutes before bringing the briefing notes, and in those ten minutes I warm up the other party, and then I tell them how it is." He said and I stared at him in total and utter shock as I looked at my food and then back at him for a bit and I had to process this.

"I would ask you to stop manipulating me." I said after a minute of silence. "But that's equally as much a part of you as the rulekeeping." I said and I took another bite of it and he stared at me in shock. "Later on, I want to hear more of your tricks though so I can recognise them and use them."

"That sounds like a good idea" he said. "Any more questions?"

"We only covered the first one" I said and he blew out some air and I smiled a bit and shook my head. "You're unbelievable." I muttered under my breath. "Why did you choose her?"

"Again?" Hugo said sighing and I looked at him. "Fine. All right. She was better for the crown, and because I liked her." He said. "I've told you countless times why I think she was and would still be better for the crown, but right now that doesn't matter in my opinion. I'm married to you and more than happy about that." he said and I stared at him for a second, that hurt me and I looked down. "What did I say that specifically hurt you?" those darned mind reading abilities.

"That she would be a better queen." I said and he nodded at that.

"She would, because she had a following and rule keeping personality. She would never force the three of us to take a week off of work to talk through our problems, she would ignore the problems and suck it up." He said and that shattered my heart. "But that isn't a basis of a healthy and good relationship and long term I do think it would cause major problems."

"Do you see the purpose of this though, or is your mind only thinking 'I'm missing this' or 'I'm missing that'?" I asked and he took another bite of his pasta and nodded slowly.

"I do think a week is a lot, but at the same time I am happy that we can finally talk one on one for a bit. I also love that you want to hear my opinion instead of the troika opinion." he joked and I smiled a bit at that. "And I love spending time with you and I love answering questions so it's good."

"What was your response when it was clear she did not want to be your wife?" I asked carefully, tracing my question before looking up at him and this time he was the one that was shocked and that made me smile. "Answer up, you just said you love answering questions."

"You and your mind." He said shaking his head with an amused smile and he looked sideways for a second. "I was upset, really upset. Angry too. I felt rejected." He said carefully. "I wondered what I did wrong, and didn't really know how to deal with the emotions." He said and I nodded at that. "I wanted to ask her why, but that's not allowed. I'll have that question in my head for the rest of my life but yeah"

"Would you want to see her and ask her?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"No, because that's not permitted." He said and I stared at him amused for a bit. "But most importantly, I know that it would hurt you." He said and I rolled my eyes. "What it's true. If I told you that next week, I was going to visit her and ask her why she didn't want to be with me, you'd be fine with that?"

"No. but it's not really my choice. I'm sure you're not happy whenever I go over towards Trev or Will."

"Yes, but that's healthy jealousy about my wife being with her other husbands and that's normal." He said and I smiled at that. "Me going to basically my ex-fiancé to ask her why she didn't want to marry would only cause problems. Think about it as you not wanting to know whom your parents are because you'd miss them. If I visited or saw her, it would just open a can of emotions that would only complicate them."

"So, you still love her?" I said looking down at my questions. "We're not going in order right now, but that's cool" I said and he giggled a bit at that and nodded slowly.

"I did love her the same way that I love you. I had loving feelings for you both. I know that both of my brothers-"

"STOP." I said covering my ears. "Only Hugo" I said and he looked at me amused but nodded.

"I did love her, and I did have feelings for her, I think I would have been happy with her to a certain extent. But that's just not an option anymore." He said and I nodded at that.

"So, if she was at your doorstep next week begging to take her back or put a baby in her or just fuck her, you would deny that?" I said and he looked at me and he burst out into laughter. "What?" I said with a huge smile.

"Hun. I follow a recipe to the dot, we get into huge fights because I see everything black and white, I follow all the rules Seglusa has stated, and the law has written and you think out of all the people in this world; I would cheat on my wife?" he said and I looked at him with some amusement; it was indeed a stupid comment. "I made an oath to you, forever until the end of time, and I will upkeep that oath forever and until the end of time."

"But what would you do if Heather knocked on this door right now and I wasn't here?"

"I would invite her in and ask her what she is doing here, listen to her. Send her away, go to Brusta and admit that I've sinned." he said and I stared at him. "On the way there tell Will so he could tell you, as Trevor would go to Brusta and beat me up for even talking to another woman, and you listen better to Will." he said and I looked at him amused a bit. "And then beg and pray for your forgiveness." I nodded at that slowly.

"Why didn't you give me a choice?" I said looking down. "As mister rule-keeper himself?"

"Veto'd by Leaderking. Literally wasn't allowed to have an opinion about it. Fought him on it though, as you should be free, but you aren't, well you weren't. Aren't. Anyway." he said waving it away. "I genuinely cannot answer this question as it wasn't my choice, but I'm sure that Will told you why he chose that."

"If you had to choose, would you do the same?" I asked.

"No. One because I knew you would have said yes as you were so upset in the first place, second of all I get a mindboner for following the rules." He said and I giggled at that a bit and nodded. "Dessert?"

"Yes please. What do you have and I know this is some trick or whatever, but I want dessert?" I said and he laughed at that and I giggled a bit as well.

"Your favourite ice cream." he said handing it to me and a spoon and I cheered. "Want to continue this conversation on the couch under a blanket?"

"O yes, but just so you know I have a no sex rule for this week. So, you especially, keep your hands to yourself" I said and he looked at me for a second and there was some amusement in his eyes.

"No sex rule huh?" he asked with amusement and I nodded.

"Yes. Our sexual chemistry and happiness aren't an issue. Our mind and trust and communication are." I said as I sat down and he nodded as he sat down next to me and he put a blanket over us. "And I want to really get to know you and that mind of yours behind those perfect eyes."

"Ok" he said with a small smile "Making out ok, and can I masturbate in the shower?'

"You can do what you want."

"No. I have to ask permission for that if you're in the same area and you stay a night with me?"

"Really? Wi- you're not will" I said to myself now and he laughed at that a bit. "You can masturbate all you want." I said waving it away. "Anyway, what was the next question." I said grabbing the piece of paper and he wanted to grab it and I smacked his hand. "No" I said and he laughed. "Do you love me? Or the idea of me" He gave me a look as I took a bite of my ice cream and he had a spoon himself and ate out of it as well. "Hugo?"

"O, you're serious?" He asked.

"I am." I confirmed to him and he smiled a bit looking at me.

"I'm obsessed with you and making you happy." He confirmed and I nodded. "You make me question every single thing I do, to a point where it gets frustrating. You make me crazy with your grey monster." he said and I couldn't help but smile at that as I took another bite and he looked ahead. "When you're not with me, my heart beats differently and my breathing doesn't make sense sometimes. I have moments when I'm with you that I can't think clearly, I can't form sentences. I like to think that is love" He said and I stared at him and tears were in my eyes as it was so cute how he said it. "I can't live without you, and the idea that." He said and he stared ahead with tears in his eyes now. "Those two hours were shit, pure and utter shit."

"Even though Heather would have become queen?" I asked and he frowned.

"She would not have. Lea's sons would take over when we're around 50 or we'd have a new Process."

"With which girls?" I said confused.

"The ones in Gotar" he said amused and I frowned. "There are always 20 girls ready to become queen in case shit happens. They get released the moment they're 21 and are sent to the city in Valkarae."

"So, Heather wouldn't?" I said shaking my head and he looked at me amused for a bit.

"Who told you that?" he asked putting his arm over my leg.

"Harry." I whispered softly.

"Well Harry is a piece of lying shit." He said and I giggled at that a bit. "And the idea I'd have to be with another woman; well, I just, I love you" He sighed and I believed him so I nodded.

"Can I trust you?"

"Yes." He said, not even elaborating it and I smiled a bit at that.

"Do you promise, from now until the end of time, to never lie to me again? Total transparency? That you tell me everything I should know in advance, so I don't get blind sighted?" I asked and he looked into my eyes and fucking hell those brown eyes of his. I knew he could just read that those eyes made me wild and I blinked and looked at my ice cream.

"I promise." he confirmed.

"So, if I ask you whom my parents are?" I asked as a test, taking a bite of my ice cream and he looked back amused at me.

"I know for a fact this is a test because Will would have told you if you asked him." He said and I giggled. "But if you want to know whom your parents are, I wouldn't tell you right now, but wait until we are with the four of us." He said and I nodded at that as I took another bite of my ice cream. "Do you want to know?"

"Not yet. Maybe later when everything is settled down a tad and we have a month or two with no drama and mind shattering shit" I said and he giggled at that as he took a bite of our ice cream. I looked at his lips and I sighed "Can I kiss you?"

"Do you forgive me?"

"Yes" I said and he nodded as he grabbed my ice cream and put it on the floor and he then put his hand on my waist and he pressed his lips onto mine and I put my arms around his neck and we made out slowly. I bit his underlip after a while and gave him a couple of pecks. We had the most severe case of sexual chemistry and my body wanted more.

"You sure?" he asked as I leaned down for the ice cream and I frowned not understanding "The no sex rule."

"Yes" I said looking at him amused. "My body doesn't agree right now, but I do. We can have unlimited sex our whole life."

"We can talk our whole life."

"Don't Hugo" I said covering his lips with my finger. "Please."

"Ok. But if you attack me, I am going to let it happen."

"Even if you know that it won't make me happy?"

"I know for a fact it would make you happy." he said taking a bite of our ice cream and I laughed very loudly at that and he laughed as well.

"You know what I mean."

"I do." He confirmed. "First five days I'll stop you."

"All days. Will did it too."

"I'm not Will. I'm Hugo," he reminded me and I rolled my eyes at that. "Using your logic against you is annoying huh." he said kissing my cheek and then giving me a peck and I laughed. "No, sure, if you think a week of being around me and not getting fucked will be better for our relationship, I'll accept." He said and I smiled looking at him. "Reminds me of the weeks before our wedding."

"I know right." I said right away.

"Can I ask you a question and you have to be honest. No bullshitting. I was honest with you." He said and I giggled as I took another bite.

"You were my favourite up until the trip to Gotar." I said answering his question without him asking and he smiled a bit looking at me.

"Who is your fave now?" he said.

"Right now, it's Trevor." I replied casually. "Up until the attack it was Will."

"Makes sense." He confirmed looking at me. "Why me at that moment?"

"You understood me." I said casually as I took another bite and he nodded as he leaned against me a bit and pressed some kisses on my lips and I giggled as I gave him pecks back. "And our sexual chemistry was the most intense. Still is by the way." I said and he gave me a couple of kisses and I bit his underlip. "And those eyes".

"You and my eyes." he said and I giggled as I gave him another peck before he put his head on my chest and hugged me and I put my hand in his hair.

"I want at least one baby with your eyes." I demanded and he put his chin on my breasts now and opened my mouth and I fed him ice cream.

"You don't want to have sex so we can't work on it." He replied casually and I laughed at that as I fed him another bite of ice cream, licking off the remainder of the spoon.

"Hugo." I said touching his nose and he smiled.

"Julia." He replied as he looked at me. "Wait, I can't lick your pussy either then?" he said his eyes wide.

"No" I said as my pussy did respond to that a certain way. He squinted but sighed dramatically.

"It's been two months, you're mean." He said and I laughed very loudly at that as I put my head back and he kissed my neck now, biting on it, me moaning. "Sorry, you just make me a tad wild."

"And that's exactly why we need to work on our mental connection. Our physical connection is there, but our mental needs some improvement." I said as he put his hands under my sweater on my waist.

"But how can I concentrate on our mental needs, when you're looking like this" He said and I giggled a bit as I looked into his eyes. "Or are you a tad traumatised by the situation" He said as he went and laid down again, his head on my chest. I put my hand through his hair.

"Yes, that too." I commented as I took another bite of my ice cream and he put his leg in between my legs and I smiled a bit. "If you'd been a minute later, you would've." I whispered softly. "We'd have two deaths."

"That is very true." He whispered softly at that as he kissed my hand and I smiled at that. "I missed you." he said and I smiled as I rubbed his back a bit. "No, I'm serious Jules." He said as he put his chin on my chest. "I genuinely missed you so much. Your laugh, your eyes that always roll, your cheeks reddening when I compliment you. Your giggle." He said and I giggled at that and he smiled. "Your judgy looks. Everything." He said and I leaned forward giving him a peck and he then went up a bit and we made out quite heavily and after a while he let go of my lips and I went and laid on my side next to him, hugging him tightly.

"I've missed you too." I whispered as my hand was under his sweater now and I was rubbing his back. "You're my best friend." I said against his chest.

"And you're mine." he whispered as he kissed the top of my head. "Want to go upstairs to bed?"

"I'm serious Hugo-"

"I just meant to cuddle there; I can sense that you're tired." he said. "Even though my dick is not liking this agreement at all and my lips can't control themselves, I will uphold our agreement."

"Thank you" I said as I rolled off of the couch and I stood up and he looked at me. "I don't even understand how you find me attractive right now. I'm wearing a huge ass sweater and sweatpants."

"Because I know what's underneath it, and it's hidden." He said looking at me hungrily and I smiled as I sat on top of him and we made out quite heavily now. His hands on my ass and I rid against him a bit and I bit his underlip. "You're the devil." he whispered as he was holding onto my ass tightly.

"Goddess actually." I whispered against his lips and he giggled at that and I smiled as I gave him loads of pecks before I stood up and he picked me up and carried me to bed, where we spend about five minutes making out heavily again, with grinding and shit, before I went and laid on top of him and fell asleep.

The conversation we had had, had gone better than I expected and I couldn't help but be happy.

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