My Deaf World

By 8Daydreamer8

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Val Ambers is a girl who keeps to herself. Reads indoors all day, doesn't get out much. More like at all... More

My Deaf World
Ch 2- First Friend
Ch3- Chace
Ch4-Fritz Is There
Ch 5- Best Friends
Ch6- My girl
Ch 7- School
Ch 8- Don't Be Late
Ch 10-Fool
Ch 11 Me and Myself.
13 - My Cousin Liam
Halloween Special
14-Game Night

A lot of Talking.

650 19 6
By 8Daydreamer8

All I have to say for myself is:  Writers Block.

I have written this chapter 10 times!  Every time was dramatically different than what you are about to read.  I had a little bit of how I wanted this to go but it was hard guys.



"Why is Alex - " I was cut off by Ally shushing me and Damon looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"He's a heavy sleeper so if you wake him up violently he starts swinging. He packs a strong punch." He told me while turning left.

I was currently in Ally's car. Damon driving and Ally in the passenger seat while I sat in the back with a sleeping Alex.

School started in five hours.

"Why again are we up at three A.M.?" I asked.

Ally had kept calling at 2:40 until I had answered and told me to pack a swimsuit.

"I don't feel like swimming before school. I need more sleep." I muttered.

Not only did I need sleep for school but also to think of what to say to Fritz. The two days were officially over and anytime I heard my phone go off I would freak out thinking it was him wanting to talk. The two days apart I spent it being the old Val who would spend all day in the room on the internet. Surprisingly nothing on the internet kept my interest. So I tried to read books but not even that kept my mind off the boy who I couldn't stop to thinking of.

The problem with all this is that I let him affect too much of my feelings. If he backed out of plans I let myself get sad because of it. This didn't mean I didn't want to be with him, just that we might've rushed things. He was the first boy I met other than my cousin and I was the first girl he met that could hand sign. Evidence of this is that we didn't start having trouble until he met Emily.

"In one day we are doing two things you've never done." Damon told me.

"Skipping school and going to the beach!"

I flinched away from Alex who now looked wide awake. So the next minute was spent with Alex yelling good morning to us.

"But our grades!" I cut in. I'm all for new things but cutting class didn't sound like a fun thing and then I remembered, "Beach! But it's November!"

All talking ceased for a second before the twins erupted. Ally yelled about skipping school being a blast, while Alex yelled about how no one goes to the beach this late in the year so we have it to ourselves.

"So wait," I started when they quieted down, "Why did we have to get up at three?"

"The nearest beach is a four hour drive." Damon told me, "And we want to stay for a while."

"So just us four at the beach, that sounds nice." I told them.

Instead of joyous yelling I got silence. Both twins were fidgeting and not looking at me so I caught Damon's eyes in the rearview mirror.

He coughed, "Chace is in his car driving the others."

"Others?" I asked, slowly but already knowing who the others were.

"Yeah, you know." Damon started listing, "Taylor, Jordan, Cody, -"

"And Fritz!" Alex interrupted, "We know what happened so we all planned this!"

"Alex!" Ally yelled at her brother.

"You guys planned this because of that? How do you guys even know?" I asked.

"Cody asked why Fritz was at Chace's house all day and then told Jordan who told Taylor, who in turn told Ally who then told Damon and me!" Alex explained.

"So this was the plan? A day at the beach." I said and looked around at all of them.

Ally nodded, "Isn't it the best! Relaxation at its finest!"

"I guess you never got my text." I told her and she immediately turned to look at me.

"What text!" She yelled while scrolling through her phone.

"I don't have a swimsuit."

"Abort mission!" Alex yelled while his sister yelled out "Emergency!" They yell every time they speak, not on purpose but now that they intentionally want to yell it felt ten times louder than usual.

"We have to make a stop and get one!" Ally screamed.

Damon placed a hand on her thigh and kept both eyes on the road, "We will but what's open right now?"

We sat in silence until Ally started calling someone on her phone.

"Girl emergency!" She said instead of a normal hello, "Val doesn't own a bathing suit so we need to stop and get one ASAP!"

She listened for a second, "Yeah!" She yelled in response to whatever she had heard, "I know! We should've known! So you all go ahead, we'll go to the first Wal-Mart we see." Another second of listening, "Oh! There is one coming up! No you guys don't need to stop also!"

So the others were ahead of us but only for a little as I saw a Wal-Mart. My eyes darted at all the cars turning in, hoping to see Chace's car. I needed to eventually talk to Fritz but in a Wal-Mart store? I also didn't feel comfortable with the guys going in all because I needed a swimsuit.

"Okay!" Ally yelled after hanging up, "Taylor said they parked in row eight and she and Jordan will meet us in the clothes department!"

"What about us!" Alex whined. He even started grumbling.

"No guys allowed!"

"We can hang out with Chace and the others." Damon said, sticking his neck out a little to read the numbers.

I felt my nerves sinking in at the prospect of seeing him. We were at five and soon before I even knew it we were turning in row eight. I was torn from looking for him or sinking into the seat to hide from view. I didn't realize my eyes were closed until I felt the car park.

"I parked two cars in front of him so if you leave now..." Damon trailed off.

I nodded my head in gratitude and Ally kissed Damon before we headed off to the store. I was so close to him. My mind and body knew it and it felt like torture after being away for two days. I shook my head, dispersing my thoughts. This is what I meant. I got too sad just because I didn't get to be around him. Didn't that make me clingy?

"Do you think I'm clingy?" I blurted out. I definitely didn't want to ask that and to top it off I hadn't noticed that Taylor and Jordan were within hearing distance.

"What makes you ask that?" Taylor asked.

"Well you know..." It was a silly question I shouldn't have asked.

"You are not clingy. You never were. You acted like any other girl would have in your situation." Taylor told me, " Now let's get you a bikini."

I started chocking on spit, "Uh guys I would like a one piece. Bikinis show too much."

All three girls looked at me and Ally grasped my hand and dragged me past the one pieces into a big section full of bikinis.

Oh goodness.

Before I knew it we were there. The guys were at the cars unpacking the cooler and the big umbrella. While us girls were laying out towels and blankets, claiming our spot but since it was a school day there were not that many people. While we waited we rubbed sunscreen in our skin, each helping the other with our backs.

When the guys came I went to Ally's side and helped her tell Damon and Alex on where to put the umbrella, while Jordan and Taylor pointed to where the coolers needed to be. Then the guys started putting on sunscreen. Damon got help from Ally, Cody from Jordan, and Alex from Taylor.

"Could you help me?" I looked up at Chace. I thought for sure Fritz would reach out to me first.

He knew what I was thinking because he said, "I beat him to you as he kept trying to work up the courage to talk to you and now he's getting help from Taylor."

I took a quick look and sure enough Taylor was helping Fritz whose back was now to me. I grabbed the bottle and he turned around. I squirted a nice amount and started rubbing it in.

"He's beating himself up about all of this." Chace started saying, "I know that this all started happening when Emily entered the picture. I got on to him that even though he was happy for another friend that he now has a girlfriend to think about."

"Do you think he's dating me just because I'm the first girl he could really talk to? That if he had met Emily first things would be different?"

Chace's shoulders stiffened and when I finished rubbing the back of his neck I told him I was done. "I can see how you think that but he came over to my house after you guys talked and I know he's not with you just because of that. You know we swore each other not to tell anyone about our spot - the bridge." He stopped me when I tried to apologize, "We swore that we would tell no one but the one we love. So when I saw you on the bridge I thought he had already told you."

I didn't know what to say so I glanced away and saw everyone but Fritz in the water. I started looking around and I was about to tell Chace when I felt a hand pat my shoulder. And their behind me was Fritz, I should have said 'hi' but all I could do was stare at his broad shoulders in plain view.

"Later you two!" Chace yelled while running to the open water, leaving me and Fritz alone.

After a second I noticed he wasn't looking at my eyes or hands but that he was checking me out just like I was. Yes, in the end the girls talked me into a light pink bikini. So I blushed and he noticed immediately looking at my face.

"Thank you for giving me the two days I asked for."

He smiled at me but it didn't reach his eyes and I signed on, "The two days just made me realize I missed you but it also got me thinking that you're with me because I just happened to be the first girl you met who can sign. And I think that," I told him when he tried to interrupt, "Because we were just fine until you met another girl who can sign."

Fritz took a little step closer to me, "Well I already started the paperwork to transfer back but the counselor thinks that I won't be able to until the next semester starts and I told Emily that I am in love with you and no one can change that. So if you need more days I can wait because I am in love with you." He moved in to give me a kiss but I turned my head and he ended up kissing my cheek.

I took a step back. Fritz told me he loved me. At this exact second I was extremely happy but the logical part of me told me to be weary. We just went through a rough patch so now might not be the best time but my not so logical side wanted to yell it so that everyone else knew.

"Fritz I still have a lot to learn, a lot of new experiences to have and I don't want to waste any more time sad because you forgot about me."

He slightly nodded, "I know you do and I want to always be the one by your side. I didn't forget about you. It got hectic going to a new school and catching up on the lesson they were on. I slightly noticed and asked Chace to keep you company but that backfired when I got jealous of him. It all became a big mess that I'm trying to fix."

I understood where he was coming from. Going from home school to a normal high school got hectic for me and he had been in a small school all his life to suddenly going to a big school.

So I told him, "I do know where you're coming from. I do still want to be with you. Please just don't disappear on my again."

He grinned, "Thank you." and he hugged me.

I pulled out of his reach and when he frowned I told him, "It's not going to be that easy, I want a real date this time."

Thinking back I realized we never had a date. We hung out a lot and then had a picnic that could count as one but I believe I told him it wasn't a date until I met his parents. After that we still did things without the group but we never went through the slow dating process before giving our relationship a title.

"Done." and then he looked a little nervous, "Would you like to go on a date with me this Friday?"

I Val Ambers giggled, "Yes I would love to. Now let's join our friends, it is after all my first time at a beach."

"Well then to give you an authentic experience I have to throw you in the water."

I shook my head, "In the movies and books, throwing the girls in water is usually at pools or off the -."

It didn't matter what I was going to say because Fritz carried me in his arms and ran to the water. In those seconds I thought about a lot of things, how I'm glad I didn't eat my sadness in sweets the past few days because I felt bad that he was carrying me. I knew I wasn't the lightest person but I mostly enjoyed the moment. How all our friends noticed us coming at them and hollered at us. How I loved the feel of Fritz's arms holding me that at the very last second I remembered to take one more breath before I got the feeling that I was soaring through the air.

Once in the water I felt like time slowed and laughed when I swam up for air because once my head was out of water time sped up with everyone yelling and splashing.

"Damon! I challenge you to a race!" Alex yelled.

"Count me in!" Jordan yelled and Cody also joined in.

"Where are we racing too?" Damon asked.

Alex had to think for only a second before he got an idea and he started hand gesturing for Ally, "Sis come stand over here! This will be the starting point and," he swam a little distant away and called over me and Taylor, "You two will stand this far apart," He moved us to how far he wanted us standing, "And this will be the finish line."

Everyone racing headed to Ally but Chace and Fritz were headed my way.

"Chace you have to race! A rematch from the last race!" Alex yelled, heading our way while Damon nodded in agreement.

"We were on the same team last race." Chace still shrugged and headed to Ally and Alex grabbed Fritz and dragged him to the starting line.

"Are you ready!" Taylor yelled and I signed.

When everyone nodded Taylor started yelling, "Ready! Set! GO!"

It was not a clean race. Alex noticed Damon was ahead and he dived forward and grabbed Damon's ankle. With Damon being held back Chace was in the lead with Jordan right behind. That changed when Cody swam at Jordan and grabbed her. Now it was Fritz behind Chace but it was too late because Chace passed by Taylor and I.

"The winner is Chace!" Taylor yelled.

There were groans and angry yells from Damon and Jordan.

"That race doesn't count." Damon muttered once we sat down for lunch.

"I agree with that." Jordan said and glared at Cody.

Ally handed Damon a sandwich and sat down next to him with hers in hand, "Don't be a sore loser." and leaned in for a kiss. Damon grumbled "Yeah," and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Will a kiss make you happy?" Cody asked Jordan and leaned in.

She scoffed under her breath, "Maybe but not from you."

Cody looked hurt and Taylor shot Jordan a mean look. She shrugged but Taylor gestured to Cody who looked like he was dumped and Jordan's shoulders sagged, and she scooted close to Cody, close enough that their shoulders touched. Cody grinned and looked at Jordan but she was paying a lot of attention to her food. I looked at my own sandwich. Nothing special. I turned when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"You can have mine if you don't like yours." Fritz told me, already giving me his.

I shook my head, "No it's good." and to prove my point I took a big bite. I regretted it once a big chunk of bread got stuck on the roof of my mouth. I tried to be sly about getting off but I failed, out of the corner of my eye I saw Fritz silently laughing. I softly pushed him in the shoulder but it made him shake even more.

Suddenly everyone else was laughing at Alex and I took that moment to reach into my mouth and scrape the bread off. After that I set my sandwich down, scared it would happen again. I turned and saw Fritz watching me so I made conversation, "So who thought of all of this?"

"Me and Chace. I didn't know if you would come since we were skipping school."

I smiled, "I didn't know that. I might not have if I did know."

"Well I told Ally to tell you but she didn't agree."

A part of me was glad that she didn't because I was glad I was here.

"It'll be easy making up for one day tomorrow, well I hope it will be." I chuckled.

"If it is could I come over tomorrow after school?" He asked.

I nodded and he smiled at me.

"So are you two officially together again!" Ally yelled with her brother nodding vigorously.

"Ally!" Taylor gasped but then turned to us for the answer.

"Right now we don't want to bother with the labels of what we are. We know we will be fine and that's all that matters." I told them and looked at Fritz, "We will be alright. We officially have a date this Friday."

The group was happy for us and my phone went off the next second, I looked down at a missed call and one voicemail.

"Excuse me I got to check this." I told everyone and stepped away from them.

Checking my phone both notifications were from my mom. I clicked on the voicemail and raised the phone back to my ear. She thanked me for the detailed note I left her and then I heard her take a deep breath. "Your Aunt caught Liam in a bad situation and kicked him out. He'll be living with us for a while, until she calms down. Hopefully this will help them both. Have fun and call me when you get the chance."

I hung up and stood still. My cousin Liam was coming. He was going to live with me, the guy that last time we spoke he yelled at me that I had no life.

"Is everything all right?" Chace asked and I looked at Fritz who looked concerned for me.

I didn't know when Liam was coming, probably later today but for now I just wanted to enjoy this moment with everyone. Thanksgiving break was in two weeks and we all wanted to hang out now before then since Jordan and the twins were leaving to visit family.

So I smiled at everyone, "Everything is great!" and joined them again.

But when I looked at Fritz I knew he didn't buy it like everyone else. He nodded when I gave him a look that told him I'll explain later. But that later never came. I didn't want to talk about my cousin who seemed to hate me.

When I got home there was a note from my parents that they went to pick Liam up, so I trashed the note and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning my parents were still gone and I got worried. My Aunt must be really upset and for a minute I was sad I wasn't with them.

I kept thinking about it through school, it wasn't the same at lunch anyway since Alex was sick, so no one questioned me. I didn't snap out of it until my history teacher said, "You can spend the last thirty minutes on your project with your partner."

I miss one day and suddenly we have a project and a partner. I hear everyone move around but I don't want to look. This is what happens when you skip school. Just as I was about to talk to the teacher the desk next to me was pushed to mine until they connected.

"Hey partner."

I looked over to see right into a pair of hazel eyes. The owner of these eyes smiled at me, "Basically we just have to learn everything about a country. I hope you don't mind but I chose Poland for us."

I shook my head, "Of course I don't mind, I'm Val." I said and reached my hand out.

"Scott," He smiled and took my hand.

I had seen Scott in class of course but I never talked to him, in fact he hardly talked to anyone in class.

"Watch yourself around him." Some girl said when she passed us on her way to her partner.

Scott looked upset now and suddenly I remembered hearing about Scott. It was Fritz who told me that Scott was a player.

"So you've heard about me." His voice snapped me back to attention.

I nodded and still heard people whispering about us. I ignored them and looked at Scott, "Yeah but it doesn't matter, we're just doing a project together."

He looked relieved, "Once these people judge you that's all they see you as." He started looking upset, "My past might not be the best but-"

I stopped him right there, "Who cares what they think? The past is in the past, now let's talk about Poland." I smiled at him and looked down at my blank paper ready to jot down topics about Poland.

He smiled and suddenly we heard a snarly voice say, "Someone needs to tell Fritz." And we heard some people agree and one girl even said "Poor Fritz."

"No, poor you guys," Our teacher said, now standing up, "You guys lost your privilege, no more thirty minutes on your project at the end of class, in fact starting from now expect homework every day until break. Now take this time to make plans outside of class to work on the project."

I sighed and thought about my house, my parents would of course be fine but should I be bringing people over with Liam there?

Scott looked a little nervous, "We won't be able to go to my house, sorry."

He couldn't look at me and I realized he might have some serious personal problems at home that no way could compare to mine, who cares what Liam thought or did.

"That's alright we can go to mine." I told him and he looked relieved, "But I already made plans today so we could start tomorrow?"

He nodded, "We actually have plenty of time still so if you want to meet up even later that's fine."

I shook my head, "No tomorrow is fine if you can, I like to get things over with so that I don't have to worry about it later, and I can keep proofreading when we complete it and make any edits I think we need before turning it in."

He laughed, "I heard you were smart."

I didn't know if that was a compliment or not but I still got a little nervous, "I'm really not smart, that's just what everyone says."

He actually smiled, "Well it's better than what everyone says about me. Can you write your address down and what time should I come over?"

After giving Scott all the information he needed and even my cell number just in case, the bell rang. We said our goodbyes and went on with the rest of the day, which after that class I had a free period as my last class before the end of the school day. I had some classmates from the last class who kept looking at me and I ignored them the best I could, it was hard since they thought they had to stare at me while talking. So I was relieved when finally school was over. Only to find out that basically everyone knew about Scott and I hanging out tomorrow. All I heard was Scotts names through the hallway as I made my way to the parking lot.

Ever since Fritz switched schools it has been Chace giving me rides home and when I reached his car Cody was standing there arguing with Chace.

"I'm taking her home today. She's my brothers' girlfriend."

"He's been my best friend since we were kids; you've been gone a long time so the responsibility is up to me." Chace argued.

Cody grumbled loudly, "He is my brother, we are family."

I stepped up to them, "What's happening?"

That stopped them, they both stood silent and looked at me. Neither of them looked like they were about to speak. They just looked at me, really looked at me.

"Um I got to go home now, Fritz said he'll be coming over." I finally told them.

"My brother is visiting you, how about I take you home today." Cody really emphasizes the word 'brother' and stared straight into Chaces eyes as he tried to steer me to his bike.

Chace stepped closer, stopping us. "Let's go Val, I don't know what's up with Cody today. Don't you usually take Jordan home?" He asked Cody.

Cody narrowed his eyes, "She grabbed a ride from Taylor."

We stood there and I could just feel the seconds tick by, what a waste of time this was but apparently it meant a great deal to take me home.

"Alright why are you guys really wanting to take me home? Did Fritz cancel out?" I was already starting to get sad, I had believed him when he said he would change and there he goes canceling out and making either his brother or best friend hang out with me in his place. This wouldn't be the first time he's done that.

"No!" Cody said loudly, "That's not why."

Chace shook his head and looked at me, "All right Val, we just want to talk to you about you inviting Scott over to your house tomorrow."

Everyone did know! This school is way too small for comfort.

I nodded slowly, "I invited him over to work on our project."

They both looked at me, waiting for me to say more but I had nothing else to say about it. After a while they realized I really had nothing else to give them.

Cody coughed, "Well I think maybe we should have a study group. Jordan is my partner; we can also go over and study together."

Chace nodded, "I got partnered up with Alex since we were both gone last class, so we would love to join you guys."

I looked at them weirdly, "That would be alright but I think we all got different countries. So there is no point for all of us to get together and study different things."

"Well we don't have history together so we could've gotten the same country. I got Canada, what about you?" Cody asked.

I smiled, "Poland." And I turned to look at Chace who shook his head no.

"I got America."

Cody and I stared at him in shock but it was Cody who was able to speak, "He didn't even let my class choose that country, how did you get it?" I nodded in agreement; I heard today from Scott that no one was allowed to do the United States of America.

Chace shrugged, "The teacher said that's the only country he thinks Alex would be able to handle."

We stood there in silence glad that Ally or Damon weren't around to hear what the teacher thought Alex was capable of.

"Well I would love to go home." I was a little nervous that Fritz would beat me there and have to meet Liam on his own. I mean Liam was mean to me so I dread to think of how he would treat Fritz.

Both boys looked at each other, having a silent conversation between them. Finally Cody sighed and grabbed his helmet, "Alright I guess I'll go home. See you guys tomorrow." He gave me one last look before leaving.

The car ride was silent, which is unusual because we always make conversation. With it silent I got a weird feeling, and when I coughed he finally started speaking.

"Weird thing happened today, people kept walking up to me and telling me I needed to tell Fritz." Chace said without looking away from the road.

I looked at him, I knew he could feel my stare but he never looked to me, I sighed, "Is this because of Scott? We are just doing the project together and that's it, besides he seems like a nice guy."

Chace slightly frowned at that, "Just be careful around him alright. I have noticed he's quiet now."

"Now?" I asked.

He nodded, "He was always an outspoken person, flirting with every girl in school, even if they had a boyfriend."

That was definitely not what I got when I met Scott, people change but that seemed like a big drastic change. I didn't get to respond because we were already at my house, I was relieved to see my parents car and a little nervous to run into Liam. I said my goodbyes to Chace and walked in my house.

Stepping in I could hear voices in the kitchen and I went in once my shoes were off in the front, I grimaced when I saw a pair of Vans that were definitely not my parents sitting there. This is real, my cousin was actually here.

"Val I got bananas, your favorite snack! They are on the table." My mom yelled from the kitchen.

Still having my backpack on I went to the table and saw dad sitting there silently. Peeling my banana I chewed slowly, savoring it. Thinking about how many days I have before they start turning brown, Oh! If I bought ice cream I could make a milkshake with them.

"Did you hear me?"

I jumped at Dads voice and shook my head nervously, "Sorry, what did you say dad?"

I took a better look at him, he looked tired and ready to actually pass out. I looked around fast for my cousin but didn't see him.

"He's upstairs getting settled in the guest room. And we are all going to sit down and go over rules during dinner." Mom told me.

I nodded, "Alright Fritz is coming over, I made the plans before I got your call. I'm sorry."

"It's alright." My dad said and motioned me to pay attention to him, "How are you taking this sweetie? I know it's been a while since you've seen your cousin but you guys were best friends' years ago."

I smiled, "Don't worry about me I'm fine with it." But I wasn't too sure about that. My parents didn't know about our falling out years ago and ever since then when they wanted to visit I kept making up excuses of why we shouldn't.

Years ago Liam's dad-my Uncle- passed away. I kept reading every article there was when you didn't know what to say, I didn't want to be one of the many who kept saying 'sorry'. Most of them told me that they will be around a lot of people they can talk to and probably want to be around someone who keeps their mind a little occupied but still there for them. So Liam hung out with me and instead of sitting still with him since he didn't want to talk I told him all about a new recipe I was trying out. The molten lava chocolate cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top, I even bought cherries for him. Liam can never say no to chocolate and ice cream. I didn't want him to think I was only making it for him because of his loss so I kept talking about how I wanted to learn how to bake, maybe work at a little café.

He exploded. I had set the cake down and he immediately grabbed the spoon and stabbed the cake to mush. "That's all you ever do!"

I stumbled back a little in shock, he had never yelled like that to me, "You never do anything but learn new things! I'm sick of it Val. You have no LIFE! Everyone feels sorry for me but I only feel sorry for you. And I've wasted my life being around you." And he stomped out.

I watched as the ice cream melted and the cherry on top swirled around the melted mush. I watched as suddenly everything became a blur and next thing I knew I was in bed reading when my mom told me that Liam came back and wanted to see me. "Tell him I'm asleep please."

I shook back the past. And I noticed my parents were trying to tell me something.

"Sweetie are you sure you're fine?" Dad asked me.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm going to go set my stuff down in my room, I'll wait for Fritz and we'll do our homework together."

At that Dad got up and put his hand to my forehead, "Feels fine. Your mom was telling you that Fritz is here."

I turned around and sure enough there was Fritz. "Bye parents." I grabbed Fritz's hand and dashed for my room. I didn't slow down when we ran by the guestroom but I felt Liam rush to the door.

"Val!" He yelled and managed to stumble into Fritz a little.

I didn't stop or slow down and pulled Fritz in and closed the door. He looked a little frazzled, "Who was that?"


I hope you enjoyed!

I know it has been months but I trashed this chapter so many times.  And each time was so different from the next.  Like one rough draft for this chapter Jordan said something rude to Alex and the group of friends broke apart!  

I didn't know if I wanted Val and Fritz to mend so easily or still be distant, but they were meant to be together so I had to mend them in this chapter.  Val is a sweet girl, it will take like cheating or doing drugs to get her really angry at you.

Please let me know what you think!  Also if there is anything you want Val to do as a new experience let me know, I'm kind of coming up with lame cliche experiences.....  And I feel like we keep meeting new people each chapter. 

I posted a new story! 'An Angel & her King'  There is some violence so beware. Go check it out if you want!

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