The Primordials

Von leashy3695

64 6 131

Allura was a small-town girl with a big supernatural secret - the only problem was: she didn't know too much... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

8 1 27
Von leashy3695

I woke the next day to the warm sun shining through the window, enveloping me. Damn, I had forgotten to close the drapes. I rubbed my eyes a few times to ready myself and sat up, looking out the window. My eyes landed on the window to Jaydens room across from mine, watching him pull a shirt over his head. He turned, catching me looking and winked before pulling his curtains closed. I scowled. Typical egocentric ass.

I didn't bother checking my phone before getting ready for school, I knew there would be no messages anyway. I showered and washed my hair before using my air to dry it, letting it hang in loose waves that tumbled down my back. I looked at myself in the mirror, assessing my appearance. I never thought of myself as beautiful or anything like that but I assumed that I was pretty enough. I had light grey-green eyes which I had always admired and stretched to about 5'7 - pretty tall compared to all of the short girls at school. Just another reason to stand out. I sighed, I preferred to fly under the radar - most days.

I was never too obsessed with the way I looked but I liked to present myself the best I could when I had time. I applied a light layer of makeup to my face and accentuated my lashes, lips and brows, which would have to do for today. I grabbed a mint green skirt which I thought brought out my eyes and threw on a white knitted sweater. I headed into Noah's room and quickly woke him up for school. Noah attended a special school for kids with the same condition as him, I think he liked it there. He showered and I helped him pick out some clothes, it was strange doing this for a 13-year-old but I had gotten pretty used to it over the years.

I waited for Noah downstairs as I hastily got some cereal ready for us, we were running pretty late if I was going to make it to his school first. Mum and Dad must have already left for work because the kitchen was empty when I made it down there. We swallowed down our breakfasts, I swiped my keys and ran out to my car. I quickly - but safely - sped over to Noah's school as he tried to describe some stories about people he had met on the first day, yesterday. I smiled and nodded along, trying to follow the strange directions the story was going in, it was usually like this with Noah but I did my best to keep up. I dropped him off and kissed him goodbye to which he turned completely red in embarrassment and I quietly chuckled to myself.

I blasted Lana Del Ray the rest of the way to school and finally pulled up with two minutes to spare and literally ran to my first class, English with Mrs Walsh. I always liked English, I had no problem in comprehension and loved stringing words together. I was going so fast I must have not seen the 6'2 brick wall in front of me and swiftly crashed into it. I was in a haze for a few seconds as the brick wall reached out to steady me and I realised it wasn't a wall at all, it was Jayden Ross. I promptly smacked his hand away and he laughed.

"So little into the new year and you're already falling for me", he joked, reaching out again.

"Get away from me Ross", I huffed, collecting my books and other things that fell to the ground.

"Better watch where you're going Jones" he chuckled, "You don't want to lose the few brain cells you have left".

"Jump off a bridge" I spat.

"Only if you go first" he smiled sweetly, backing into my English classroom.

I sighed, annoyed that I wasn't able to fire back a retort. My annoyance was prolonged when I remembered that Jayden was in my class, and sitting directly behind me. Stupid alphabetical order, I silently thought to myself. I strode into class, ignoring the whispers and looks shot at me by my classmates, probably regarding the scene they witnessed outside the door. I kept my head down and collapsed at my desk, grabbing out books and other things I might need.

Mrs Walsh suddenly breezed into the room in all of her hippie glory. I always liked her, she was pretty laid back but always passionate about whatever she was teaching. Today she was sporting a multicoloured dress of sorts and bracelets lined halfway up her arms. She wore black leather boots and modelled a large turquoise stone at the end of her necklace to complete the look.

"Today we will be continuing yesterdays discussion regarding the book I assigned over the holidays. If you have not read it yet then I suggest you get on it soon, a test will be coming up that is almost dedicated to it", she began.

"Now", she continued, "The Great Gatsby. Yesterday we discussed many main themes including hedonism, materialism and the American Dream. We also began exploring the characterisation of the Buchanan's as well as Nick Carraway. Today I would like to talk about Jay Gatsby and the key concepts he brings to the table."

A few hands shot up in the air, mine included - I loved this book. Instead, someone called out an answer from directly behind me. I rolled my eyes, of course.

"I think that Gatsby was an idiot", Jayden announced.

A few gasps filled the room, one of them being my own. At the same time, a small crumpled up piece of paper found its way onto my desk. I looked around to see where it had come from but was unable to find the source. My eyes drifted to Mrs Walsh instead, I thought she would be angry but she almost looked intrigued.

"How so?", she questioned.

"He waited around half his life for the woman he loved when she was right in front of him, throwing countless extravagant parties just in case he might have the chance to see her again. Daisy lived right across the water from him! He could have professed his love or even just reconnected any day, but he didn't and then he died. He was a coward", Jayden proclaimed.

As he was spewing all of this crap I had finally opened and read the note. 'Have fun checking me out this morning? ;)'. All of a sudden I knew exactly where this note had come from and I spun around in my seat, looking Jayden in his deep blue eyes.

"I WAS NOT CHECK-" I started to say incredulously when Mrs Walsh interrupted me.

"Got something to say, Miss Jones?", she questioned.

I froze like a deer in the headlights, realising that everyone was staring at me, including Jayden with a smug look on his face. I took a deep breath, the air already calming me and straightened up in my seat.

"Yes I do actually", I began confidently. "I believe that Gatsby was very considerate and a hopeless romantic. It's not easy waiting for the one you love, especially for the number of years Gatsby had to, but he knew it would have been improper to approach her when she was already married. Jay Gatsby acted with such a degree of chivalry and gallantry in his quest for romance that boys today, especially Mr Ross, would never be able to comprehend." I concluded, giving Jayden a pointed look.

"Interesting debate-", Mrs Walsh started.

"I comprehend plenty about love Jones", Jayden interrupted. "It's funny you think that you're the authority on romance when you've never even had so much as a date in your life."

My face burned red with embarrassment and a gust of wind suddenly appeared, playing with the pages of books placed upon various students desks.

"How would you even know that Ross?", I shot back. "Unless you're stalking me or something".

This seemed to take the wind out of his sails a bit and he faltered. "Whatever Jones. All I'm saying is that Gatsby could have done something sooner and that some girls expect too much." He answered, quickly recovering. "Like you, evidently"

"You misogynistic assho-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH" Mrs Walsh shouted, bringing me back to reality. I turned to her, hanging my head in shame. I hated disappointing my favourite teacher.

"Principles office now, Allura", she said tiredly.

I stared up at her in disbelief. "What? But how? He-"

"HE didn't swear", she interrupted.

I grabbed my bag, shoving my books into it in a huff. Jayden leaned back in his chair with an amused expression on his face. I shot him my nastiest look before putting up the finger and holding it there as I stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

The hallway was empty as I marched into it, throwing my bag up against the lockers and sliding down to the floor next to it. I was fuming. I balled my fists and blinked away tears of anger as my face burned red. I was somewhat aware of the lockers around me blowing open and smashing shut as a result of my losing control. Thunder began to roar from the courtyard and the once shining sun was lost in the haze of dark clouds beginning to gather. I knew that I was causing this and had to calm down but I didn't care. I was in a blinding rage.

Suddenly, there was a hand on my leg.

"Hey, shhh it's okay", a soothing voice whispered next to me.

I looked up, unshed tears clouding my vision. It was a girl I had never seen before.

"Just relax it will pass soon", she said confidently.

I stared into her amber eyes, she was beautiful. Smooth and dark mocha skin almost matching her even darker hair - a mess of black curls separated by a single strip of bright green running through it.

"Ok good", she soothed. "It's almost cleared up".

"Um what do you mean?", I tried to look confused.

She giggled. "Relax girl, I know you're a Storm. My names Emerald Williams, I'm a Dust."

I blinked at her, clearly confused for real this time. "What on earth are you talking about?"

"The elements?" she replied. "You clearly know how to use them but you don't know what you are?", she seemed very puzzled.

I just shook my head in response.

"Wow. It seems I have a lot to teach you. We're gonna get along just fine. I can be like your Yoda!", she laughed in excitement, pulling me up from the ground.

I giggled along with her. The storm had completely passed and the sun was once again shining down happily. "I always knew that I had powers of some sort but I never knew there was a name for them", I replied.

"Your mum never told you?", she asked. I shook my head again, she looked a bit bewildered but understanding all at once, as if she knew something I didn't. Emerald quickly fixed herself. "No biggie. Anyways everyone gets two. You have water and air so you're called a Storm. There are plenty of names for other combinations too".

"What's a Dust?", I questioned, very interested.

She looked around the empty hallway quickly before shooting me a mischievous smile. "Let me show you".

Emerald lifted her left hand into the space between us and squeezed her palm tight, closing her eyes in concentration. A light gust of wind flew around us and I knew that it wasn't me. After a few seconds she opened her hand and my eyes widened in awe. Sitting there, on her previously empty palm was a beautiful and vibrant sunflower, stretching open wider as it took in the warmth from the sun. She smiled as she handed it to me and I played with it's soft yellow petals.

"I have earth and air, so I'm a Dust", she explained. "We should really talk more about this, I have so much to tell you about". 

"I'm looking forward to it", I smiled. "What are you doing out in the hallway in the middle of class anyway?" 

"I'm new at Bayrose High. I didn't realise that school started yesterday and I had to spend all of this morning in the office getting transcripts and schedules sorted, it was a whole mess. What about you?"

"Oh, I tried calling this asshole guy I know an asshole and got sent to the principles office", I laughed. "I'm not going to see good old Greg just for spreading well-known facts".

She laughed out loud at that. "That explains the whole spontaneous storm situation then. I bet he deserved it".

"Yea that and more", I joked. 

Emerald asked me for help finding her first class and I explained to her where it was. We had a few periods together - for which I was overjoyed - and we agreed to meet up after school to talk. I headed off to my second period as it was about to start anyway, I was not going to the principles office. Fuck. That. 

I started thinking about how amazing it would be to have a friend like Emerald, someone who actually understands what it's like dealing with these abilities. How hard it is to constantly control them. I got more and more excited as I wondered about everything she had to teach me, I had so many questions building up for years about who I was and if there were others like me and they were finally all about to be answered.


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