The Forgotten One (MCYT Fan F...

By ultimatelytired

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@wooloo-inc on tumblr, who gave me inspiration to write this story. go check them out on tumblr, and the stor... More

part 001 - (prologue)
part 002 - (cybele)
part 003 - (surviving)
part 005 - (karl)
part 006 - (dreamxd)
part 007 - (dream!team)

part 004 - (philza)

240 9 8
By ultimatelytired

few minor *spoilers* and theories around philza, not completely sure if I'm correctly but I'm faintly trying to remember what my friend told me about philza and the theories about him being a former god or something *shrug*.

an incarnation means embodied in flesh or taking on flesh. It refers to the conception and birth of a sentient being who is the material manifestation of an entity, god, spiritual or universal force whose original nature is immaterial (taken from google search). I believe an incarnation would have the memories of their past life, so philza doesn't believe that cy is the incarnation of herself.

I have absolutely no CLUE how old immortal!philza is and this is years into the past before the originally plot of the dream smp lore.

that is all.

word count: 11,608

(third person pov)

Philza Minecraft, a man who's lived for many centuries with a single life to his name, a former God, known as the God of Adventure and Wonders, who's blessings were to protect and guide those who travelled and went to new places to explore. The Goddess of Death, who embraced all who fell to early or to late, fell herself for the God of Adventures, they loved each other and nobody could tear them apart no matter what. But he himself was a God who had fallen from grace, breaking the sacred law, he aided a young adventurer who was supposed to meet their demise and enter the Realm of the Dead. As punishment, he was cast out of the Promised Lands to roam the earths as an immortal being, never to once embrace death again. As a former God, the only features he retained were his pitch black wings, mistakenly making people think he was a crow type hybrid. Unlike Cybele, who was punished to roam the earth without a single memory to her being, Philza remembers everything but his memory slowly deteriorates as years go by. 

As a former God, he himself knew who Cybele was before he was cast out of the Promised Lands, they were rather great friends, as well as the fact that he was the many people who looked up to her and respected her greatly. He wasn't an Elder God like herself, since she had many responsibilities and her abilities were greater than his, but she didn't care about hierarchy and cherished him as a great friend, though since Death was practically his lover and she was a former God of Creation and Life before being known as the Mother of All, her and Death weren't always on good terms. As his greatest friend and his lover, the two were forced to put their differences aside when in front of him and act like friends, but whenever he wasn't looking, they couldn't help but make snide comments towards each other.

"How does it feel that your creations always end up in my realm, Cybele? You're doing nothing but wasting your time and power, all I have to do is sit back and watch as you fill my realm with more residents."

"I see where you're going with this, Death, well, two can play that game. So, how does it feel that you don't have the capabilities of creating something, and instead, all you can do is take the lives of those who have passed? All you're doing is ending their stories before they could begin."

"The story only ends if they thing they're the main character."

"What's wrong with believing that you're the main character?" neither lost their smiles as they stared each other down, a downcast over their eyes.

"Hey ladies! Am I interrupting anything?" immediately the tension from the duo disappeared as they flashed Philza a bright smile.

"Not at all my love~"

"Of course not, my friend. We were simply discussing our responsibilities over the mortals."

"That's right, admiring each other's work in our respective realms." he chuckles at them, patting their backs.

"I'm glad you two are getting along. I was afraid since you're both the Goddess of Death and Life, you wouldn't get along." Cybele waved him off, rolling her wrist at the silly thought.

"How preposterous, Philza, I get along with Foolish swimmingly, and he is the God of Death and Rebirth." Death nods her head.

"She is correct, what made you think we wouldn't get along?" he shrugs at that, turning around, his back facing the two older women.

"Well, I guess I was worried for nothing." and at that comment, he failed to notice the glare the duo were sending each other. Life and Death were a force to be reckoned with, they didn't get along well with each other, but they both loved Philza just as much to drop all the tension between each other just to be there for him.

Now back to the story at hand.

Philza let out a tired sigh, landing on the ground after flying quite the distance, he took his signature green and white stripped hat and fanned his face before putting it back on his head. Letting out a groan followed by a couple chuckles, the murder of crows that usually flock around him finally caught up to him and were flying around him and chattering like broken record players, it was rather unfortunate that only he was able to communicate with the birds.








"Quiet down, would you?" he pleaded with the birds, waving some of them off when they were crowding his vision. Most of them still flew around him, repeating the same words over and over while a few of the silent ones perched themselves on his shoulders and his head, he chuckled at the one sitting on his head and raising his hand, allowing the bird to hop onto his fingers and lower it so they were eye to eye with him "Calm down would yah, mate? We're coming up on a village, I'd appreciate you lot to piss off when I go in. Wouldn't want to scare off the locals, would I?"








"Please, god no! I need to do some tradin'! I don't want that Iron Golem on my ass!" he let out a groan, a few of the crows fucked off, maybe only a handful still flocked around him and another few perched themselves on his shoulders, head and wings as he entered the village. He obviously got a few looks from the locals, but paid no mind to them as searched for a Cleric, planning on trading some emeralds for a Bottle o' Enchanting, if he were lucky, that is. He tussles with his hair beneath his hat before approaching the clerics house but soon got side tracked when he heard the chattering coming from the crows around him. 









"What's this nonsense about a... Goddess?" he slowly trailed off when his eyes landed on the person they were chattering about, not believing his eyes at the sight before him. Exiting out of a Librarian's home, he saw the glimmer of golden blonde hair that blew back because of the wind, forest green eyes that sparkled out of excitement and peculiar white branch like antlers that protruded out of her head with a few small birds that flew around her, tweeting sweet tunes or turned themselves on her horns.

[Cy has just earned the achievement Haggler]

[Cy has just earned the achievement Librarian]

"Eh hehehe~ I managed to trade a couple emeralds and books for a bookshelf, compass and an Enchanted Book! They were right about coming to the village, I should thank them when we get home." a few of the birds tweeting in agreement, she then pumped her fist "I told them that mining all those emeralds wasn't worthless!" she cheered to herself, giggling softly when she felt a bird press themselves to her cheek so she raised her finger and allowed it to perch on her finger.


"go home?"

"more people?"

"i'm hungry."


"pretty lady."

"Hungry? Are you guys hungry? Many apologies, pretty birdies, let me feed you." the ones perched on her head chirped happily as they flew off her antlers and hovered around her hands when she pulled out some seeds and allowed the birds to, she then giggled "And thank you for calling me pretty, such sweet little things." when they finished eating up all the seeds, they flew around her once more as she dusted her hands off. She then raised her head and blinked when she noticed someone was staring at her, it was a local villager, but another traveller like herself. When he noticed that he had been caught staring, he looked around embarrassed but froze when she flashed him a smile as she raised her hand, greeting him.

"No way..." he muttered softly, instantly recognizing the smile on her face "Cybele?" he muttered softly.







"Shut up!" he hissed, waving his arm to get them away before approaching the woman, we turned around and began to leave but was brought to a stop when he grabbed her wrist. This startled her and her birds, she turned around and noticed the man that was staring at her was the one that grabbed her by the wrist and was looking up at her in disbelief.

"U-Um, can I help you?" 

"Is that you, Cybele?" he watched her blink once more, her eyebrows scrunching up in confusion before she gave him an awkward smile.

"Who is Cybele?" she questioned, she felt her expression soften a little when she noticed the look of anguish cross over his face, she turned around fully as she used her free hand to grab a hold of his forearm "Are you alright? You don't look too good." she asked rather concerned, he grits his teeth as he looked up at her.

'Is this her human incarnation? No... if this was her incarnation, she would've at least remembered who I was. Maybe it's her reincarnation, if so, this human looks so much like her.' he gives her a sad smile, shaking his head as he released his grip on her.

"No, I'm fine, I just thought you were an old friend of mine." her eyes widened at that, a hand hovering over her mouth at the announcement and she gives him an apologetic look.

"Oh, I apologize." he shook his head once more.

"No need to apologize, it's not your fault that you look like her." she nods at that, she then watches as he places a hand on his chest "My name is Philza, Philza Minecraft. Some people tend to call me Phil."

"Philza, huh?" she hums at that, sounds familiar, she flashes him a bright smile as she pressed her hands together "Well then, Phil, my name is Cy, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." he twitched, even her name is close to hers.

"May I ask what you're doing here in the village, Cy?" she hummed.

"Well, a friend of mine told me that this village was close to where I live, so they suggested that I go check it out, talk with a few of the locals and maybe trade a few things. So I traded a few emeralds for what I have now." she then gestures to him "What about you, Phil? What are you doing?" 

"Well, I was looking for a Cleric. Hoping I could trade a few things." she lit up slightly.

"A Cleric? Well you're in luck, the Cleric's home is the one over there. I dropped by and traded a few things as well."

"Really? Did you get anything good?" 

"I'd like to say I did, why don't you try your luck?" he chuckled.

"Sure, care to join?" his smile widened when he noticed her smile grow brighter, they both laughed as their respective birds started chirping and squawking at each other, a few of Philza's crows perching themselves on her antlers while a few of her birds sat on his hat. Though his murder of crows were still being rather talkative, they were much less quieter with her around, wanting to hear her speak instead of talking over her, repeatedly calling her a GODDESS or SAINTESS, or saying she was being that shouldn't exist... but in a good way! She was just too good to be true, she looks like a flower that cannot welt, an absolute rarity she was. She now currently sat outside the Cleric's house while Philza was inside trading with the villager to get something he either wants or needs while she had her message board out, giggling every so often when a few of Philza's crows would start caressing her cheeks.

<Cy> I believe I made a friend, Protector

<Protector whispers to you> a friend?

<Cyindeed. at first he mistaken me for somebody else, but then we both apologized to each other and started talking. he even has a murder of crows that follow him, like how a flock of birds follow me, it's quite entertaining, mostly because he cannot control his crows like me with my birds

<Protector whispers to you> I see, I am glad you're enjoying yourself, my friend

<Cy> I am indeed, now I hope I have two friends

<Protector whispers to youyou are too trusting for your own good, cy, people may take advantage of your kindness one day

<Cy> I'll have them regret it

<Protector whispers to you> :|

<Protector whispers to you> who knew you could be threatening

"Pft! I can be threatening!" she laughed, she then raised her head when she saw Philza walk out of the Clerics shop but with a downcast expression, she raised a brow as she stood to her feet, reaching forward and placing a hand on his shoulder "Are you okay there, Phil?" he nods his head, looking dejected. 

"Yeah... it's just that the Cleric didn't have what I wanted."

"Oh? What did you want?"

"I wanted a Bottle o' Enchanting, but he said he was out of stock." she hummed at that, pursing her lips as he threw his head back in frustration, causing of few of the crows and birds to fly back. He lowered his head, hiding his face in his hands but let out an oh when he felt her tap his shoulder, raising his head, his eyes widened slightly when he saw her holding a bottle in her hand.

"Is this what you were after?" he took the bottle from her and looked it over.

"You HAVE one?" she nodded her head.

"I guess they were out of stock because of me." he raised his head as he looked at her in shock.

"And you're going to give this to me?" she nodded her head.

"You need it more than I do, and besides, with my luck, I can probably get another one, or if I'm really playing with my luck, I can find one in a shipwreck." his shook his head in disbelief before letting out a chuckle "I also got a Brewing Table, so it isn't a complete loss for me." now the disbelief was back.

"You got a Brewing Table? How?! You need a Blaze Rod to make a Brewing Table, and those suckers are in the Nether! Plus, you don't seem like the type of person to steal." she gave him a confused look.

"The Nether? What's the Nether?" he looks up at her.

"How... how long have you been here?" she looks up in thought.

"Um... almost two months now."

"Two mon--" he cuts himself off, shaking his head "Never mind that now, how have you have a Brewing Table if you haven't been to the Nether? You need Blaze Rods to craft one." she giggles softly, looking back into the Clerics shop and waving when the Cleric looked at her, to which he waved back at her.

"The kind gentleman gave it to me after I told him I was interested in brewing, isn't that kind of him?" he gave her a skeptical look as he looked back at the Cleric, he then shook his head.

"I see, yes, that is very kind of him." she then ran a hand through her hair, being mindful of her antlers.

"Well, I got everything I wanted from the village, so I might as well head home." she didn't miss the fact that Philza twitched a little at the thought that he couldn't spend any more time with her, she smiled softly.

"I-I-- I see..." she chuckled, he flinched when she offered him a hand.

"Care to join me? I could use the company, and I've enjoyed talking to you very much."

"Really?" she nods her head.

"Of course." she chuckled when she noticed that he did not hesitate to take up her offer and followed her rather enthusiastically, when they were out of the village, she jumped when a whole murder of crows surrounded him to the point she could barely see him through all the birds. She looked up at the flock of birds that usually follow her around and gave them a grateful look, at least her birds don't smother her like that.

"Fuck off mate!" he swears as he tries to wave them off, she gives him a look.

"Language." he stares at her, she purses her lips as she crosses her arms, looking away "I'm not a large fan of profanity, Phil." he snorts.

"Bruh." she giggles softly as she watched him struggle to keep his crows under control so she brought her fingers up to her lips before blowing on them and whistling loudly, this caught the crows attention.

"Come on now, can't you see you're causing him trouble? Calm down, won't you?" she said softly, Philza let out a sigh, knowing full well that the crows wouldn't listen to her, much less listen to him, but was surprised when the crows actually flew back and gave Philza some space, she looks down at him as she offered him a hand, her other up so one of his crows could perch themselves on her hand beside one of her birds "Shall we get going, Phil?" he chuckles, taking her hand.

"Sure, lead the way." she smiled softly at him before proceeding to lead him to where her home was. To say he was surprised at the sight of her home, would be an understatement, he was completely flabbergasted at the sight of her cottage way in the forest that had so many wild animals loitering around, some even came up to her and pressed themselves into her legs for some affection, to which she did not hesitate to lean down and start petting them, some even approached Philza out of pure curiosity "I see that you're, uh-- you're an animal person?" she chuckled softly, leaning down to pick up a fox and began to pet its head, to which it let out yips at the affection and leaned in closer to her hand.

"Well, curiosity does things, doesn't it? And I can't exactly turn them away, they aren't bothering me, and they're the only company I've had since I woke up here. You, other than those villagers, are the first person I've verbally spoke to. So... thank you for that, Phil. I'd like to consider you a friend right now, even though we just met."








"You want to be friends?" she tilts her head to the side.

"Is that too difficult of a thing, Phil?" he shook his head, raising his hands as he pushed away a couple more crows that were squawking in his face.

"No, no! Not at all! I'd love to be your friend, it's just that..." he trails off, looking to the side.

'Cursed to roam the earth as an immortal being, I don't want to be friends with this woman that looks like my old friend, it'd be crushing outlive her.' he looked back at her and saw she had a hopeful expression on her face, he smiles softly 'I can't exactly pass off this opportunity to be her human reincarnation's friend, it'll break my heart, but that is a risk I'm willing to take.'

"No! No... I'd love nothing more than to be your friend, Cy." he smiled when he noticed her smile brightly, a soft blush rising to her cheeks.

"Yes... I'm so glad you accepted to be my friend, Phil. It makes me feel overjoyed."


"he's a friend?"

"he won't hurt you?"

"you have a friend, pretty lady?"

"how lovely."


"Well then, friend, how about joining me for tea?" he chuckles.

"I'd be happy to attend." to Philza, it felt like the good old days when he would enjoy tea with Cybele in her sacred grounds in the Promised Lands. In a large garden filled with nothing but gorgeous and exotic flowers, they enjoyed tea together as they spoke of anything that came to mind. He closed his eyes as he tried to reminiscent with the good ol' days when he was still a God, when he opened his eyes, he saw the image of his God like friend until she slowly faded away and he was left with the deer hybrid of his old friend "So you built this cottage all by yourself?" she hums to herself, nodding her head as she brought her cup to her lips.

"I did, took a lot of time to create, but I did manage to gather a lot of wood through my excessive amount of strength." he raised a brow.

"How strong are you?" she giggled softly, lowering her cup so she could bring her finger to her lips.

"Lets just say I'm very strong." he chuckles at that, taking a bite of one of the biscuits that were on a plate.

"Alright, I'll leave you at that." she smiles, nodding her head softly at that, she then took a deep breath as she raised her head to look up at the clear blue sky, she then looked back down at Philza.

"May I ask where you reside, my dear? As you can see, I reside here in a forest biome, what about you?" he shook his head, raising his hand as he lowered his cup back onto the table.

"Oh no, I don't stay in one place. I travel a lot, I never stay in one spot for too long." she pouts softly at that.

"That's a shame, but I can see why." she says, gesturing to his wings "How long have you been travelling for?" he lets out a tired sigh, leaning back in his seat in thought.

"Um... a long time?" he chuckles to himself, leaning forward again and looking at his reflection through the tea in his cup "I don't remember the last time I wasn't on the move, this may be the longest time I've ever been in one spot for so long."

"I just hope you're enjoying yourself."

"I definitely am, I feel so relaxed for once. With you around, my crows are so quiet. They aren't bothering me as much as they usually do, thank the heavens for that." she hums at that, turning so she could scratch under the beak of one of his crows, giggling softly when it croaked out softly as its tail feathers wagged happily.

"At least I can bring you peace, Phil." she places a hand on her chest "You will always be welcome here, Phil. I could always appreciate the company of someone that isn't just animals, it'll ease my heart." he nods his head.

"Then, I promise that whenever I'm in the area, I'll drop by so we can enjoy each other's company once more." she blushes softly at the idea.

"I'll hold you to that promise, my dear." she then looked back up at the sky and frowned "Hmm, the sun is beginning to set." she muttered to herself, she then stood to her feet, her seat being pushed back as she stood, she then offered him a hand as she used her other to gesture inside "Would you like to stay the night? I'd hate for you to fly out at night, especially since it's when the mobs come out. Please, join me for tonight." he rubs the back of his neck, raising his hand to take a hold of her hand.

"I don't mean to impose." she shook her head, helping him to his feet.

"Pah! Not at all! I have plenty of room, and a guest room." she then chuckles to herself, leading him inside "Luckily I built it. They said it would be a waste of my time, but look at me now." she brought him to the room and she placed her hands on her hips "I'll leave you to it. You can explore my home if you want, familiarize yourself with the surroundings, I'll even let you look through my chests. If there's anything that catches your eye, you can take it, just tell me what you take so I can replace it later." she then starts to leave but stood at the door "My room is down the hall, call me if you need anything." he nods.

"I will! Thank you for your hospitality." she offers him a smile before finally leaving the room, he slowly dropped his smile as he looked around the room. He let out a long tired sigh before leaning back and collapsing onto his back, tapping against his chest as he let his thoughts consume him.

'Who is this THEY she keeps referring to? Not only that, but sometimes I caught her looking down at her message board.' he looks down at his and saw there were no messages, it was a public thing from what he learnt, that no matter who you were talking to, others who were in the world could also see what was written on the message board, that is unless the individual is whispering to you, only then could reading the messages be unreadable. He raised his hand and looked at it, turning it over so he could stare at the palm of his hand, it felt warm 'I never thought I would ever get the chance of seeing Cybele again, or rather, the human version of her. My oldest and dearest friend... how I've longed to see you again.'

(time skip: the morning)

Philza woke up feeling oddly refreshed, having had one of the best sleeps he's had in the longest time. He let his wings spread out as he let out a long yawn, stretching his arms over his head before relaxing once more. He looked around the room in confusion for a couple seconds before remembering where he was, he then winced slightly when he realized that his feathers left quite the mess. His brows perked up when he caught whift of a smell, standing to his feet, he pushed opened the door to his room and his eyes widened slightly at the sight of Cy brewing some coffee while making coffee, her ears perked up at the sound of the floorboards creaking so she turned around and her eyes lit up at the sight of Phil.

"Ah hah! Good morning, Phil. I was going to let you sleep in before waking you up so we could eat breakfast together." she gestures for him to take a seat and he slowly did, watching her, still rather sleepy, only when the plate of food and a cup of coffee was placed in front of him did he wake up a bit more, she giggled at his dazed state as he stared at the food in front of him "Well? Go on. It'll get cold the longer you stare at the food, my dear." at that comment, he blushes softly out of embarrassment and scratches his cheek.

"Heh, forgive me. I don't remember the last time I was served food, good food, that is." she herself blushes at the compliment.

"You haven't even tried it yet, how do you know it's even good?" he chuckles at that, picking up the cup of coffee and bringing it to his lips, almost melting at the overwhelming smell coming from the mug, just having the smell warm him up.

"If your cooking is anything like the tea we had yesterday, I can beg to differ." he takes a sip from the mug and shudders at how well made the coffee was, the feeling of the warm liquid completely warming him up "Now this... this is a good cup of joe." she raised a brow, her fork of food stopping inches away from her mouth at his comment.

"Joe...?" she questioned, he laughed at the confusion on her face, waving his hand to dismiss it.

"It's nothing." she pouted at that and insisted on him telling her, only for him to laugh louder. Throughout the entire time of them eating breakfast, they would be chattering about anything that came to mind that forgot to speak about when they were enjoying tea the day before, Phil found it absolutely pleasant to spending a morning like this, instead of being alone... well, with his crows too, but they weren't anything compared to talking with Cy.

"So what are you going to do after this, Phil? Are you going to go back travelling?" he hummed in thought, leaning back in his seat.

"Well... I do want to go to the Nether." her brows perked up at that.

"The Nether? Oh! You did mention the Nether yesterday." she then leaned forward "May I join you on your travels to the Nether?" she blinked when she saw him pull face, looking away.

"Um... I don't think it's a place you'd particularly enjoy." she raised a brow.

"Pray tell." he hummed this time, looking up in thought as he scratched his chin.

"Well, um, for starters... everything is on fire and most of the things inhabiting the Nether want to kill you." her eyes widened slightly at that, looking up in thought, trying to imagine such a place to exist "I mean, not EVERYTHING, but practically-- actually, nah, yeah, everything there wants you dead. Maybe except for the Zombie Piglins, they only attack if you provoke them first, but you get the idea." she then pales slightly, she really didn't like undead mobs, they scared her very much "Other than that... the materials and drops there are pretty amazing, sometimes even rare, I'd suggest you go there if you want to get certain materials to help with brewing and making other good tools." she pouted softly, that definitely caught her interest.

"Oh... as much as I don't like the idea of hot places, as well as hostile enemies... you had me at rare materials." he snorted before bursting out into laughter, to which she blushed out of embarrassment "Hey! Don't laugh!" he slowly collected himself but let out a breath as he wiped away a tear.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't find you to be a looter." she waves her hand.

"I wouldn't say that, I'd like to call myself... a collector, of sorts." he rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Alright, collector." he said in a rather mocking tone, this earnt another pout followed by a smack to the arm, he only laughed but winced on the inside as he rubbed the arm she smacked, man, that hurt. Before heading the the Nether, Philza helped Cy clean up her house and water all her plants, to which he was absolutely astonished to the amount of plants she had in her house in the first place. Not only did she also have her flower garden outside, but there were so many plants hanging around or setting around inside. He also helped her feed all the animals that were lingering around her cottage, and there were a lot of animals, and none of them were tamed or her pets, they were all wild animals that just simply loved Cy "The fact that you have so many animals that love you, it's ridiculous." she giggles softly, kneeling down to caress an ocelots head, humming softly when she heard it purr.

"At least I don't get lonely, that's one of the things I appreciate, neh~" she cooed, pressing a kiss on the top of the ocelots head, causing its tail to start swaying side to side as it nuzzled its head closer to her face, causing her to chuckle.

"I'd love to see you try that on a wolf." she raises a brow at the challenge, she then proceeded to snap her fingers and a whole pack of wolves appeared at her feet, wagging their tails excessively while panting, some jumping on her and others pawing at her legs and feet.

"You were saying?" he purses his lips.

"Never mind." she laughs as she kneels down and started showering affection on the wolves beneath her, she finally stood to her feet and stood beside Philza "So, how do we get to the Nether?"

"Do you know where a pool of lava is?" she raised an eyebrow at the odd request, she looked up in thought before walking off in a certain direction and having Philza follow after her. The pool of lava was a few hundred blocks away from her cottage but she did eventually find it, she then stood to the side as she watched him pull out a bucket and start making some odd structure. It was made of obsidian, five blocks tall and four blocks across with the middle empty "Now, do you have a flint and steel?"

"Yeah?" he extends his hand out to her, intending that he needed it, so she pulled it out of her inventory before handing it to him, she let out an oh when the inside of the structure turned purple with purple particles floating around "What is this exactly?" she questioned, stepping forward and pressing her hand against the obsidian, being mindful not to accidentally trip into the lava.

"It's the Nether Portal, it'll take us to a random location within the Nether, and if we're lucky, we'll spawn right next to a Bastion or the Nether Fortress." she raised a brow at him once more, going back to standing beside him.

"You know an awful lot about the Nether." he shrugs his shoulders.

"When you've been around as long as I have, you tend to know a lot."

"I see." she then looked down when she noticed him raise his hand, offering it to her.

"Shall we?" she smiled softly, taking his hand.

"We shall." walking through, a few seconds passed as they stood in the portal until their surroundings changed and they walked through once more. 

[Cy has just earned the achievement Into the Nether]

Philza and Cy stood together as they were surrounded by nothing but fire, he looked up at Cy and snorted at her expression. She lost that smile that was always on her face and she was unimpressed, she let out a sigh before turning around and planning on going back through the portal to get back to the Overworld.

"You were right, Phil, I don't like this at all." he laughs, rushing over and grabbing the end of her cloak and started pulling at it.

"No! Don't leave yet! I promise you, the drops here are worthwhile!" she let out a sigh, her hand resting on the obsidian as she turned back around to face Philza with a reluctant expression.

"... oh, fine." he lets out a silent cheer as she turned around once more, taking in the environment and simply not liking it "But when I say we go, we go, mmkay?" he nods his head.

"Seems fair." and so they went venturing around the Nether together, most of the time it would be Cy carrying Philza under her arm as soon as something was aiming to kill them while he laughed at her panicked expression. After mining some gold ingots, Cy sat on the furnace as she waited for the ingots to smelt into a gold bar so they could trade it to some piglins for something good, if they were lucky that is. From time to time, she watched zombified piglins approach out of curiosity before wandering off to find something more entertaining to do, she was truly grateful that they didn't attack on sight... compared to the other monstrosities in the Nether. Philza returned from mining some more gold ingots and put them in the furnace to smelt before taking them out and crafting a pair of gold swords and gold boots, handing one of each to Cy.

"Hmm? What are these for?" she questioned.

"Well," he started as he put the gold boots on "since we're going to trade with a few piglins, mobs that attack people on sight, they don't attack if they see us equipped with at least one piece of golden armor." her eyes widened slightly at that before nodding.

"Ah, I see." she then proceeded to swap her diamond boots with the golden boots he crafted, gold was rarer than iron, but the durability was shitter compared to iron, even more so compared to diamond, she pats her diamond chest plate and gives Philza a thumbs up "Let's go." he chuckles at her and they head off to either the Neither Wastes or the Crimson Forest Biome to find a group of piglins to trade with and get something good. Philza hummed as he and Cy came to a stop, looking up at the cliff a few hundred blocks above them that led to the Crimson Forest Biome, exactly where they needed to be, he let out a sigh as he rubbed his chin.

"How are we going to get you up there? I'd carry you, but, not to be rude, since you're bigger than me, I believe you're going to be quite heavy." he continued to ramble, not noticing her turn around and take a few steps back to get a running start "The fastest way to get up there would be to tower up. Say, Cy, how many blocks do you--" he was cut off when she dashed right passed him, he shouts at her when he saw her nearing the ledge but his eyes widened slightly when he noticed her kneel down before leaping a good twenty feet into the air. She was close to reaching the ledge above her but fell short, so she pulled out her pickaxe and wedged it into the cliff and caught herself before she could fall. Turning her head, she winked at Philza before beginning to climb up the rest of the way, he chuckled in disbelief at what he just witnessed before spreading his wings and flying up "What was that?" he asked, hovering beside her, she simply chuckled as she shrugged her shoulders.

"As a deer hybrid, we are naturally good leapers/jumpers, and if I use a bit of my natural strength, I can jump a good few meters into the air if I really want too." she then flexes her muscles "Plus I've got really good arm strength." he rolls his eyes.

"Show off." she giggles.

"There's no need to be jealous my dear~" he scoffs.

"Whatever." they share a laugh before going off once me, this time, Philza was flying while Cy was sprinting, keeping up with him as she jumped and climbed up ledges and cliffs to not fall behind. Philza noted the fact that Cy was pretty good at parkour, snorting to himself when she used a Strider as a platform to jump over a lake of lava. It took less time to get to a large Crimson Forest Biome and they found a whole herd of piglins, Cy let out a shriek, ducking down when a piglin shot an arrow at her with a crossbow.

"Rude!" she shouted, pulling out her sword and immediately the piglins ceased all attacks at the sight of the golden sword, they soon noticed the golden boots she and Philza were wearing at were beginning to let out envious snorts "Wow, you were right." 

"I know." she scoffs jokingly, rolling her eyes as she sheathed her blade by her hip. Philza went off to do some trading on his own while Cy did her own, she cautiously approached a group of piglins with a few gold bars in hand, she goes to hand it to one of them but noticed the one in front of her was eyeing the gold sword she had just put away. She looked up in thought before shrugging, storing the gold away before pulling her sword out. The piglin step back, alerted that she drew her blade, but stop when they noticed her offer it to them "You want it? I think you'll like it more than I would." she giggled softly when the piglin didn't hesitate to hide its greed and took the gold sword rather enthusiastically, she still had her diamond axe in her inventory so she wasn't completely defenceless. It was inspecting the sword closely before raising its head, intending to trade gravel with her for the gold sword but stopped when it noticed the bright smile on her face. It hesitated for a bit before handing her four Ender Pearls, her eyes widened at that "Uwah! Four? Ah hah! How thoughtful of you." she thanked, the piglin let out bashful snorts, turning away and clutching the sword tightly.

Only when she tried to trade with the a different piglin did she realize she was beginning to get surrounded by other piglins, she was startled at the revelation and expects them to attack her but it was quite the opposite, they were actually wanting to trade with her after seeing her trade a sword. She chuckles to herself when she saw the looks of anticipation coming from the piglins, she then pulls out a crafting table and proceeds to make a couple gold swords and axes and proceeds to trade them for quite valuable things. She grins to herself when the piglins gave her more Ender Pearls, some Enchanted Books, Splash Potion of Fire Resistance, something called Magma Cream and even a pair of Iron Boots of Soul Speed Enchantment. She grins at the amount of rare items she managed to get, she wanted to trade for a couple more things but was stopped when she noticed that the piglins had actually offered her a gold necklace and various other golden jewellery. She let out a flustered chuckle as she stared at the piglins, hesitant to take the jewellery, but let out a startled yelp when they practically shoved it into her hands before retreating away rather flustered themselves. She laced the chain around her fingers and lifted it up to inspect it closely, the craftmanship on the necklace was so amazing that she couldn't believe it was given to her, for FREE.

"Bruh, that was shit." Philza grumbled to himself, receiving nothing but gravel, Nether Brick, Soul Sand and if he were lucky, a single Ender Pearl, he groans "I wonder how Cy's doing, probably as bad as m--" he cut himself off when he was met with Cy, who was grinning ear to ear while holding an assorted range of golden jewellery.

"Phil! Look at what the piglins gave me, for free as well! They were so kind, they even traded my golden bars for such rare items." he turned around and saw the piglins giving her a longing look, holding the great amounts of gold and gold weapons she gave them "They were so lovely, Phil." she turned and waved at them, some letting out excited grunts and snorts when she turned to greet them, so they waved rather enthusiastically in return.

"Haa... favoritism." she gave him a confused looked as she proceeded to put the jewellery away but put a couple on her antlers and a single golden dangly earcuff on her ear.

"Pardon?" he raises his hands, shaking his head as he pursed his lips.

"Nothing." she snickers.

"How do I look?" she coos, showing off the jewellery she put on, just to spite him, he just started walking away. She laughs and out of pity, she gave him a few of the things she got from the piglins, to which he was over the moon at the amount of good shit she managed to get. 

"I should come trading with you more often!" she giggled at that, they were about to leave but stopped when Cy felt a tug on the end of her cloak, turning around and lifting her cloak slightly, she raised a brow at the sight of a baby piglin.

"Hmm?" curiously, she knelt down chuckled softly when the baby piglin fidgeted under her gaze, she hummed softly before pulling out a single gold ingot and offered it to the child, it snorted happily at the sight of the gold and took it from her hands. It jumped up and down bashfully and she giggled once more before patting its head, rubbing behind its ear before slowly moving her hand away and waving goodbye.

"You do know baby piglins don't trade anything, right?" Philza said, watching as the baby piglin grow sheepish before rushing away.

"I do, but the baby piglin was rather adorable." he chuckles at her.

"I suppose." the two then proceeded to roam the Nether, grinding some mobs that decided to attack them, before Cy picked Philza up again and started running away with him over her shoulder, to which he pulled out a bow and arrow and started shooting the mobs that tried to get close as she fled. Cy was taking a breather, hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath, Philza on the other hand, was surveying the area. Brushing away a strand of her hair that was hanging over her face, she stood up straight and looked over at Philza, noticing that he was staring off into a certain direction "I think I found the Nether Fortress." approaching him, she placed her hand on his shoulder as she looked off in the direction he was staring in.

"Wow, that's rather large." she murmured.

"Yeah, let's go!" she let out a sigh before nodding her head, well, since they've come this far, they might as well.  The journey into the Fortress was a rather funny scene, Philza easily flew into the Fortress but stopped as he hovered beside Cy, watching in amusement as she jumped up from where she was and stabbed her diamond pickaxe into the Nether Bricks before beginning to scale up into the opening of the Fortress "How's it hanging?" he snorted before beginning to let out wheezes when she turned and gave him an irritated look.

"Don't start with me." she pouted once more, turning away once more when Philza flew back, holding his stomach as he continued to laugh. She hmphed, leaning down as she dug her feet into the wall before shooting herself forward and landing inside the Fortress.

[Cy has just earned the achievement A Terrible Fortress]

[Ph1LzA has just earned the achievement A Terrible Fortress]

"What should I expect in this Fortress?" Cy asked, putting her pickaxes away and pulling out her diamond axe and a shield.

"Well... expect a lot of hostile mobs." her eyes widened slightly at that, he noticed that she was having second thoughts and started backing away but was stopped when he grabbed her by the wrist and started dragging her forward "Oh, come on. Don't back down when we're so close, when we get the Blaze Rods and Blaze Powder, maybe even a couple Wither Skulls, it'll definitely be worth it."

"Well... if you say so."

Not even a few seconds later...

"AAAAHHHH!! OMIGOD!!! EVERYTHING HURTS!!!" Philza had to hold back his laughter after watching Cy get hit by one of the Wither Skeletons, her body twitching as her health slowly went down when the Wither was in effect, turning her health black and her being unable to see how many hearts she had "Phil! Don't just stand there! Help me!" he snorted before nodding his head, pulling out his bow and arrows and steadying is aim.

"Alright, alright! Just keep it still." Philza now had her to the side, blocking off the way the Wither Skeletons were as he used a Potion of Regeneration on her as she ate some food, he gave her an apologetic look as she gave him a tearful glare "I said I was sorry."

"You just stood there and watched!"

"Well, you kind of are a tanker, a heavy hitter at that." she gave him a look, he raised his hands out of defence "But again, I apologize for using you as bait, but hey! Look what I got out of the chest down the hall." looking over, he handed her a couple Gaples (golden apples) and a couple diamonds he found.

"Use me as bait again and we're going to have some issues."

"No promises." she pouts at him, poking into his back as they ventured deeper and deeper into the Fortress, Cy having to suck it up as she fended off the Wither Skeletons that tried to get close to herself and Philza, he momentarily stops, causing her to stop. Looking down at him, she noticed heard the sound of crackling fire along with heavy breathing "I think we found the Blaze Spawner."

"Blaze Spawner?" she questioned.

"Its what spawns the Blazes, basically." she nods her head.

"Ah." peeking their heads around the corner, her eyes widened at the sight of the fire based mobs that circled around the cage in the center of the room, groaning as they floated off the ground "Is this going to hurt?" he purses his lips as he nods his head.

"Probably." she let out a sigh.

"Dang it." she pulled out the Fire Resistance Potion and threw it to the ground, the substance inside splashing onto them both and the timer for three minutes appearing.

"I'll leave it to you." she lets out another heavy sigh.

"Fine, but we're going home after this." he nods his head.

"Alright." Philza whistled, impressed as he watched Cy swing her diamond axe and kill the Blazes in one hit, and as she dealt with them, he lingered in and swiped the dropped Blaze Rods. He managed to collect at least sixteen, using another one of the Splash Potion of Fire Resistance on them both when their first one was about to run out.

"Do you need anymore, Phil?!" she called out to him, using her shield to block an attack, he looked down at how many he collected, to which he now held at least twenty two.

"Fuck yeah!"


"Sorry!" his eyes widened slightly when he heard a cry, turning his head, he gasped at the sight of a Ghast slowly approaching them but shot a fireball at them "Wah, shit! Cy!" turning her head, her eyes widened at the sight of the fireball heading her way. She managed to jump onto the wall behind her and quickly ran along it when the fireball came into contact with the wall she was just standing on, she let out a breath and turned her attention back to the Ghast.

"Should we get going?" she called out to Phil, he nods his head.

"Yeah! We got what we came for!" she nods her head and starts sprinting out of the Fortress, Philza flying ahead and being her extra eyes as they both fled from the incoming Ghast. She let out a shriek, jumping side to side whenever the Ghast shot at her and destroying the ground she was just walking on, when she looked forward again, her eyes widened and she quickly came to a stop when she was at the edge of a cliff where there was nothing for her to jump to.

"Oh, for goodness sake!" she yelled out, Philza heard her shout and turned around to see her at the end of the road with the Ghast slowly catching up.

"Cy!" he flew just close enough and he stretched his arm out to her "Jump!"

"Are you nuts?!"

"Just trust me!" he pleaded "I'll catch you!" she gave him a nervous look, squeezing her hands open and closed as she looked behind her and at Philza before letting out a frustrated sigh.

"This never would've happened if I just stayed home and continued on with my daily routine." taking a few steps back, she quickly dodged another fireball before charging forward, kneeling down before leaping forward, throwing her hand forward and reaching towards Philza. He takes a deep breath and catches her hand before letting out a grunt as they both fell down towards the lava below them "Omigosh! Flap! Flap your wings!" he managed to catch himself before they both fell into the lava.

"You're heavy! What did you expect?!" she looks up at him.

"Rude!" she shouts, he manages to fly up to a reasonable height though she turned her head back and let out a frustrated groan when the Ghast was still chasing after them "Are you kidding me?! This thing just doesn't give up!"

"Tell me about it!" she looked at the corner of her vision and noticed the icon was still visible, she pulled out her diamond axe and back at the Ghast before looking up at Philza.

"Phil, do you trust me?" looking down at her, he felt his gaze falter at her words.

"Phil, do you trust me?" looking up, he saw Cybele giving him a reassuring expression as they sat in her sacred grounds.

"I don't know, it all depends on what you've done." she gives him a look, raising her hand and shaking it side to side.

"Well... I might have done a bit of an oopsies."

"And what is this oopsies?" she simply giggled, leaning back so that she could look into the water of her fountain, seeing the mortals in the Overworld roam around happily.

"I might have made a very strong and scary mob that even frightens me." he let out a groan, slapping his hands over his face, she gave him a look as she lightly hits his shoulder, knowing that if she used a lot of her strength she'd bruise his Godly body "Come on now! Foolish dared me to do it."

 "And you listened?!" she shrugs her shoulders.

"Yeah! A mob that flies, shoots fireballs at mortals on sight and follows them. I thought it'd be perfect!"

'A little too perfect, I'd say.' he thought, looking back down at Cy and seeing her give him that same reassuring smile that his Cybele gave him, he winced as he looked back at the Ghast then back at her.

"Okay... I'll trust you." she nods her head.

"Good." she took a deep breath and looked back at the Ghast, noticing that it was about to blast another fireball at them so she quickly let his hand go, beginning to free fall into the lava below her.

"Cy!" he cried out, he goes to fly after her but noticed that when the Ghast shot another fireball at her, she pulled her axe back and twisted her body in its direction before swinging her axe and hitting the fireball full force, grinning when she managed to kill the Ghast with the same fireball that was shot at her.

[Cy has just earned the achievement Return to Sender]

"Whoop, whoop!" Philza let out a gasp when he saw Cy's body fall into the lava, he covered his mouth with his hands before quickly flying down, hovering over the lava and anxiously looking at the message board to see if the notification that [Cy tried to swim in lava] would pop out but let out a startled scream when he saw her resurface out of the lava, waving her arms around "It worked! Hah!" she winced slightly when Philza smacked her across the head, looking up, her eyes widened slightly when she saw him giving her a concerned and distressed expression.

"What is wrong with you?!"

"I asked if you trusted me, you should've known I would've done something so reckless." she answered, turning so she could swim towards land, not wanting to spend her time any longer in the lava where her Fire Resistance was slowly wearing off "At least it worked, no?" he just couldn't believe her, shaking his head in disbelief once more while resting his hand on his forehead.

"You are unbelievable." she grins up at him, after lugging herself out of the lava, wiping off any of the excess lava that clung to her body, she followed Philza back to where their portal was, though he still hadn't let up about the fact she did a risky play "You could have died, Cy." she shook her head.

"If I knew I was going to die, I wouldn't have tried it, Phil." she places her hand on her check "I don't like the thought of death, and even if I do have three lives, I wouldn't make such a risky gamble. Life is precious and worth living for, the second I know I am going to die, I won't hesitate to flee. A cowardice move, but as of lately... I've been hating the thought of dying." looking at her hands, she let out a shaky breath "There's nothing wrong with running, with wanting to live... sometimes its not even worth the risk." he looks up at her, watching her tremble slightly so he reached forward and grabbed her hand, caressing her hand with his thumb.

"I understand... you also don't want to leave anything behind." she nods.

"That too." she then looks up "But in the back of my head, I feel like I fear death while not at the same time... you get what I mean?" he nods.

"I do. Maybe its that thought of forgetting the things that made things worth living for or being forgotten by those you've lived for." that struck her.

"That's... that would be awful." he nods his head.

"So that's why we make the most everything." she looks down at him before smiling, nodding her head to agree with him.


The left the Nether and returned back to her cottage, surprised that they spent the entire day in the Nether, though they were immediately swarmed by their respective birds, Cy's being a little less intense compared to Philza's murder of crows. Philza spent the next couple of weeks with Cy, the two of them going to the Nether to trade with the piglins, find rare materials and fight mobs to gain some good drops before returning back to the Overworld where they'd simply relax or go to villages to trade stuff with the villagers there and get some other items they wouldn't get in the Nether. Philza also noticed how different Cy's personality is whenever she isn't in the safety of her cottage, she was rather gentle and timid, but when in the Nether... she becomes a mixture of aggressive and cautious, maybe a little bit cheeky, it was rather entertaining to see her personality to a complete 180. 

Cy also enjoyed Philza's company very much, waking up in the morning and being greeted with a "good morning" instead of complete silence, it was something she found grateful for. Whenever they were planning on grinding mobs for EXP or going to the Nether, or any villages, the two would bask in the sun talking about anything that came to mind, just simply enjoying each other's company. She would often notice Philza planning on leaving but would postpone it just to spend more time with her, it would always swell her heart that he wanted to stay with her a little longer, but she knew that he was aching to travel the Overworld once more and that he didn't want to forget that he found a place to call home.

"Phil~" her voice cooed, she peeked her head outside and saw Phil sitting out in her garden with one of his crows perched on his hands "I have a little something for you." the crow on his hand bounced up and down excitedly as it flew off his hand and perched itself on her antlers, causing her to giggle.

"Oh? What is it?" she took a seat beside him and face him.

"Before I show you, I want you to know that I've thoroughly enjoyed your stay here. It's great to have someone else to talk to, it almost feels like we were once friends." he winced at that, feeling fortunate that she didn't notice, she then reached forward and placed a hand on his shoulder "But I can tell that you want to continue your travels, my friend, and yet you keep postponing your leave to another day again and again. I can tell you don't want this to end, that you don't want to forget, especially with how you've become quite forgetful with each passing day." he cautiously nods his head.

"Yes..." he then watched as she pulled out a Compass, handing it to him.

"Here, take it and see what it says." he takes it from her hand and inspects it closely, his eyes widening at what she labelled.

[Ph1LzA has just earned the achievement Country Lode, Take Me Home]

[Our Home]

"This is..."

"If you ever want to come home, it'll lead you right back here-- or, well, to the Lodestone, but you get what I mean, right?" she noticed his hand was trembling slightly, she reached forward and slowly closed his hand that was handing the Compass and smiled down at him, a slight blush adorning her cheeks "You're a traveller, you're not meant to stay in one place. Not only that, but you're a bird type hybrid, you're not meant to be grounded, your place is in the sky. Enjoy it while it lasts, my friend."

"W-What about you?" she chuckles, shrugging her shoulders.

"You know where I'll be. I'll be here, waiting for you to come home. You'll always be welcome back with open arms." it wasn't even a second when he was on her, his arms and even his wings wrapped around her in a tight embrace as he buried his face in her neck, she let out a laugh before wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a hug, resting side of her head on top of his and gently caressing his head, being mindful not to accidentally stab him with her antlers. They spent the rest of the day together, knowing that it'll be the last time they would be together before he left, and when that time came... they were both hesitant to let each other go "Just visit often, my dear."

"I might visit a little to often if I'm in the area." she waves her hand.

"As long as you don't forget, I get lonely rather easily." he chuckles.

"Almost like a dog." she pouts slightly.

"Is there something wrong with missing my friend?" he waves his hand.

"I guess not." he then noticed her raise her hand, he noticed a crow that wasn't apart of his murder appear and perch itself on her hand, she cooed sweet words to it as she rubbed her cheek into its cheek, to which it didn't hesitate to return the affection "I know he isn't one of your crows, I found him alone and on his own and tamed it by accident. So, I thought we could use him to exchange private messages from time to time without the need of the message board." his eyes widened at that.

"I... like the sound of that." she pats his head once more before extending her hand out to him, to which Philza did the same. Her crow looked hesitant before flapping over to rest on Philza's hand, it looked up at him cautiously before relaxing when Philza began to pet him in the same way Cy would. She knew about whispering between two different people and she knew how to do it, but she also knew that Protector was also capable of seeing the whispered conversations. She wanted to keep that private, mostly because she hadn't told Philza about Protector yet, and she wanted to keep it that way, plus... she'd like the thought of receiving letters from Philza, just to see the collection of letters grow.

"I'll look forward to seeing your letters." she then hums when he offers her one of his crows.

"My crows will always find their way back to me, as yours will always find its way back to you." taking his crow and letting it perch on her shoulder, she watched him smile rather bashfully "I, myself, will want to look forward to seeing you send letters to me whenever I cannot send a letter myself." he watched as that familiar blush rose to her cheeks once more, she leaned to the side to nuzzle her cheek into the crows body.

"Then expect to see a lot of letters from me, my friend."






"is he going to leave?"

"alone again?"

"she's not alone, she has us."

"pretty lady has us."

"she needs more human friends."

"Lets not think of this as a goodbye," she started, leaning down to wrap her arms around him, Philza didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her once more and relishing in the warmth of her embrace "but rather, as a see you later." he hums at that.

"I'll remember that." they stayed in the embrace a little longer than intended before finally letting each other go, he held her hands tightly before slipping out of her grasp and turning away, tipping his hat to her before spreading his wings and flying away. She stayed outside, watching his figure get smaller and smaller until he was completely out of her sight, and yet she still stayed outside, wrapping her arms around her body. 



"I already feel lonely..." she murmured to herself before shaking her head and returning back into her cottage.

Philza's crow, to which she called Valan, or simply Val for short, was never to far from her, she was always with her, as was her crow, which was named Tinan, was always with Philza. They exchanged letters frequently, in most of his letters it would be him telling her all about his travels and about the places he's been to and of the things he's seen, it was also like she was reading a story whenever she got one of his letters. In return, the letters he received from her would always be so relaxing, it was simply her carrying on her routine just without him. Sometimes she would send him flowers and items she's found in the Overworld or the Nether, and in return he would send letter trinkets and souvenirs from each place he's visited. 

Whenever he came back to visit, she was always overjoyed, mostly because it was always a surprise. He'd show up unannounced and he always enjoyed the bright smile that spread across her face whenever he'd show up, and together they would spend their time together without any distractions to interrupt them. Years went by and they still continued to send messages to each other or Philza simply visiting her after weeks or months of not seeing her, they would relish in the moments they could spend together. Cy was currently in her vegetable garden, tending to the range of different vegetables growing and smiling to herself, she then perked up happily at the sound of a familiar sounding cry.

"Ah, Val, you've returned." raising her hand, Val landed on her finger and let Cy take the letter from the sweet bird, feeding the crow some small grains before opening the letter.

[Dear Cy,

Hello again, I apologize that I haven't been visiting as of lately, it's almost been three months, you must be very bored; lonely even. I know you don't like being alone, but things have gotten so hectic where I am so travelling back to where you are has become a little more difficult. I promise the next time I return, I stay longer than I usually do, just to make up for the lost time.

From, your friend,

"Hmm... his letters have gotten shorter." she murmured to herself, feeling a little upset, but shrugged her shoulders. Philza wasn't one for breaking the promises he makes, especially ones between the two of them. She looked up at Val perched on her shoulder and scratched her chin beneath her beak before going inside her cottage, retreating back to her room to put the newest letter into a large chest, it was nearly full with the amount of letters she had received from Phil "I'll see him again."

That was more than hundreds of years ago.

[Ph1lzA Minecraft, Former God of Adventure and Wonders, the Immortal Wanderer]

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