Darkest Angel | LisKook✓

By Xriscilla

9.5K 185 8

"Are you even the same Lalisa who'm I fall Inlove with years ago?" He blink faintly, staring at her with his... More

02: My Time
03: Bestfriend
04: Ink
05: A Commitment
06: An Empire
07: Working Out
08: Unsaved
09: A Threat
10: Misapprehension
11: Trampled
12: Exposed
13: Show Up
14: A Fate
15: Pretty Lies
16: Irreplaceable
17: Guilt Trip
18: Deniable
19: Fallen
20: Analogous
21: A Preview
22: The Unknown
23: Behind The Unknown Mask
24: Not The Angel
25: Lies
26: The Rising Angel
27: The Surprise Gift
28: Black And Grey
29: Gone
30: Covert Feelings
31: Tattoo
32: Alice And Lisa
33: Stuck With Love
34: The Blonde In Red
35: Imperfections
36: Mommy Lisa
37: Mommy Lisa (2)
38: Not A Bitter Bye

01: Kim Lalisa

1.4K 16 1
By Xriscilla

Getting up from bed, I rubbed my eyes and stretch for a second. Monday, another day of school. I sigh and stand up, walking to the bathroom. After taking a bath, I wore my uniform and comb my hair. Picking up my bag. I forgot to laundry my socks yesterday, I'll just wear this even though it's smelly. I wore my shoes and went out.

"Auntie, I'll get going." I said, she looked at me and smile. "Take care!" I smile and nod. Well, my parents are already dead, she was the only one who took care of me since I was little. It's just the two of us in this world. At least I have someone who loves me.

I took a seat first and wait for the bus to come. By the way, I haven't introduce myself yet, I'm Kim Lalisa, my parents died when I was 3 years old, my auntie told me that, who am I to not believe that, right? We're just poor, but I'm lucky that I got to enter my dream school even though it's hard to afford, I'm just a scholar, I'm thankful that my auntie was the one who work hard for me, and bought me a uniform.

It didn't take long when I get to ride the bus. I sigh when I saw that there's no free seat, well, I'm just gonna settle standing up. I usually ride this bus myself, the other kids that have the same school with mine, they ride with their own cars. Maybe too I'm different from everyone.

I arrived at my school not too long. I walk through the gate and the guard usually smile at me. Why? It's because I'm the only one who appreciated them, the other kids are bully. "Good morning, Lili." They said and smile at me. I did the same "Good morning sunbae's!" I said and walk through the yard. I saw all of them are doing their business, some are sweet talking, some are laughing, and some are glaring at me. I'm not even gonna tell why..

I walk through the hallways and went to my locker. I pick up my things and—

"Hey Mandu!" I sigh and purse my lips. Turning and saw my bullies. I don't know why thety doing this but I'm so tired and sick of it. I didn't do anything to make them so angry at me all the time. She gesture me to come to them but I just stood here and watched them. The other's already caught our attention. I'm not even surprise at this, it's been like this everytime. And I already know why they're like this to me.

"What? Your ass hurt? Or you just can't move?" She said, I just look at her and blink my eyes. "I don't want a fight, so please leave me alone." I muttered, nearly crying. "Awe, are you going to cry? It's just so bad that your night and shining armor isn't here yet." Then they're walking through my way that made me walk backwards.

"Yah! Could you stop? I swear I'm going to slap you.." she threatened and gave her bag to Joy. She held my chin tightly. "You look so— disgusting!" I move my face away from her and she immediately pick up her sanitizer, spraying it all over her hands. They always treat me like a trash. "I'm telling you this, Lisa.." she said and started pointing her hands at me. Even thought I hate people looking at me like I'm some small insect, I hate people treating me like I'm a loser.

"Stay away from Jeon Jungkook.."

"Why do you keep on saying that? I'm not the one who always stick my nose to him. I always tell him to do the same, but he's stubborn. It's not my fault, so please leave me alone. If I made you feel uncomfortable by my words, I wouldn't be surprised if you slap me. But the fact that it made you piss off because Jungkook doesn't even like you.." I said truthfully, I heard them gasp. They always do this because of Jungkook. The way they treat me like a trash because of Jungkook, their obsession with Jungkook is just way out of this world, torturing me because of Jungkook..

I'm so ready for it, I'm so ready for her slap, people's already pitying me, some are glad, they hate me so much because of Jungkook. That slap was once again interrupt by a mascular hands. I'm not surprise of who it is.

"J-Jungkook?" He threw her hands away making them gasp. "What are you trying to do?" He ask and turn to look at me with his puppy eyes, turns out deadly when he look at her.
"Why are you always on to her?! Is she your girlfriend?! Tell me!"

"N-no I'm not. He's all yours if you want.." I said and walk away, but a hand caught mine made me firmly close my eyes. "Stop hurting her, while I'm asking nicely. This will be the last time, girls, or I might not think twice and do the same thing to you three.." I look at the crowd who started taking videos.

Jungkook drag me out the crowd making them all gasp in one way. He locked us both into the Janitor's closet. I sigh and clench my fist. "Why did you do that?" I ask him straightly. "I told you to let them treat me like trash, but you never listen to me." I said one more time and let my guard down. "Could you stop it, Lisa? I'm so sick and tired of looking at them hurting you. I'm your boyfriend, I want you to listen to me.." I look down.

"What if they find out? I'm sure they'll do something to me." I said, shakingly, afraid of what might happend to me. "I'm not letting that happen. I'll protect you no matter what. That's why we hid our relationship, right?" I nod. I let him embrace me in his arms and softly kiss my hair. "Jungkook, I think.." I pause at that, thinking if I should say this or not. "Yes doll?"

"I think we should stop this— for the mean—" he didn't let me finish when a soft lips landed on mine. He started kissing me while I widened my eyes.

I slowly pushed him making him looked at me. "What was that for?" I question, mostly like shouting at him. He sigh and look at me intently. "I Don't like it when you end our relationship. That's the best thing to shut you up.." I blink my eyes several times and look down. "Listen to me, whatever happens, remember that I'm right here by your side. Stop being so stubborn.." he added, he caress my face and softly kiss my forehead. "Don't worry, I'm here when you need me.." he hugged me that made me hugged him back. No matter how hard I feel, Jungkook is the only person who can make me smile. "I'm sorry, I don't know you're this whipped.." I muttered and pout. I heard him chuckled.

"Well, you can't blame me, I love you.." I smile. "I do too.." I said and look at him, breaking the hug.

"It's almost time, we'll be late for our class." I said making him turn back to reality. "You can go first.." he said and I nod. I walk to the door and slowly open it. I turn back to him and wave my hands. I finally close the door and walk to my class.

I walk through our room and went to my proper seat. I noticed something written in my chair..

"A Flirty Bitch!"

I sigh and cover it with my book. Well, it's like this everyday. I get used to it. It's not yet time, we still have 10 min. Jungkook isn't here either. I whimper in pain when someone grab my hair real hard. I look to it and saw Yeri..

"Come here you bitch!" She started dragging me. All the kids were already watching us, pitying me. "Listen here you slut. Stop sticking your nose to Jungkook, you understand? What, do you think I didn't know that you both locked up in the Janitor's closet?!" She started shouting at me, pointing her hands at me like I'm a deep trash. "What? Are you going to tell Jungkook about this?"

"You filfthy little bitch—"

"Enough." I sigh and breath heavily. Why can't they just leave me alone. I saw him drag Yeri away..

I have no friends to lean on, I have no one to lean on. Because everyone hates me. Everyone doesn't like me here. I let the tears left my right eye. I wipe it away, afraid that they might recording everything. I went back to my proper seat. They're already laughing at my state. I can't do anything and just shut up. I just don't like fighting anyone.

I saw Jungkook entered the room and went to his seat, not even glancing at me. I sigh and saw Yeri enter the room while glaring at me. I just looked down.

I can't do anything, whenever it's Yeri, I'm such a loser. It all started when Jungkook started catching my attention. Before I got here, Yeri and Jungkook is the past, and we're the present..

I sigh heavily when the Teacher came in. The class started well. It's gonna be a day if the finals are coming, I need to get on top so I can be able to be a scholar.

Honestly, I really wanted to get out of this school. But I can't, and I won't. The first thing is, this school is my dream school since in High school, second is, I have a big other excuse. The love of my life is here, how can I leave?

The bell finally ringed means it's already break time. I saw them all walking out. I sigh smoothly and pick up my things.

My pen suddenly fall made me pick it up, but a hand caught mine, as I recognize it immediately. "Aren't you going?" I ask, not glancing at him, maybe busy with what I'm doing. "I'll wait for you.." I heard him said smoothly and sit on one of the chairs. I sigh and wore my bag. "You know that we can't go together, right?" I said, making him look down.

Me and Jungkook have been secretly dating, two year's. We've been hiding it since if some of the girls like him find out, they'll kill me for sure. And Jungkook made a promise to me that to keep our relationship till I'm ready. Next year, I'll turn 21, me and Jungkook we'll be in a proper age.. Maybe that's the right time to do it.

"Okay, I'll get going then. Just call me.." I nod and smile at him. But before he can even go, I held his hands made him look at me. "What did you tell Yeri?" I ask silently. Pursing my lips. "I told her to never pick up on you.." I blink my eyes several times. "In exchange?" I ask, making him pause for a bit. "Nothing.." he said and smile at me. He finally walk away with his hands in his pocket.

I sigh and walk out of the room..


What could he possibly tell Yeri that the girl doesn't bother me now? It's already been two days of class. And I don't really feel good about the situation, Yeri and her group keeps on ignoring me eveytime. I was worried about Jungkook, did he trade something just so the three of them won't bother me?

I'm here at the library reading some books. But it kept bothering me. I sigh and dialed Jungkook's number. It didn't take too long for him to answer.

"Hi love, why'd you call?" He said and I purse my lips.

"Kook? Did you say something to Yeri and her friends?" I ask, I lower my voice since I'm in the library.

The other line stayed quiet made me feel uncomfortable. "Are you there?" I ask and blink my eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry. By the way. Love, can we meet up later at my dorm. I miss you.." I sigh.

"Stop changing the topic and answer me." I said, a little annoyed at him. "I just told them to stay away from you. Baby, I hate it when you cry. It drives me crazy. At least, trust me this once, okay?"

I sigh. "Is that really what you said?" I ask quietly. "Yes, you know. Everyone's afraid of me, I'll do anything to protect you.." I chuckled lightly and smile.

"So, are you going to my place?" He said on the other line, I can already see him smirking. "Okay, I'll be there after my study." I said made him hum.

"I really missed you.." I smile. "I miss you too." I replied, looking like an idiot smiling at myself.

"Are you studying right now? You seemed quiet." I hum. "Well, study hard love. I'll bother you later. Bye, take care, okay?" Then at that, I heard a beeping sound means he already hung up. I pick up my things and put it in my bag. The bell already rang so I'll go home.

I look at my phone, I still need to pay for this. This phone is for my research actually..

I walk out of the library and walk quietly at the crowded hallways. I whimp in pain when a felt a hand grab my arm real hard. I look at it and saw Yeri glaring at me.

"You really think highly of yourself, do you? Just a little info here, you whore. Just because Jungkook told me to stay away from you, that doesn't stop me from killing you from stoling him away from me. I'll let this slide because of Jungkook. But remember this, you annoying hoe. Even thought he warned me. I'm going to make your life miserable that no one will stay by your side anymore. A desperate bitch like you should be in trash, not a highly big school like this. You really look like a slut right now. Gosh. So disgusting.." I blink my eyes several times.

"How could you say such things like that?" I had the guts to say that to her when she really look deadly scary.

"Because Jungkook is mine. When you came here, me and him started to part away because of you. You being a bitch stole him from me. Did your parents tought you that?"

"Oops, you don't even have a parent's do you.."

I let them think of everything they want to think about me. But dragging my own parents in this state really cross the line. Even thought I'm like this, who can't even fight for what's right. But I have the right to fight for my family and my love one's. Ever in my life no one talk like that to me nor about my parents. But I hate them for dragging my family to this.

So in order, A hard slap meet her face making a loud sound echoed through the hallway's making all the kids look at me in shock.

I clench my fist and pointed at her. "Don't even think about dragging my family to this. You can insult me if you want, but talking about my parents was necessary at all. I let you call me whatever you want, but I can prolly do anything to you when it comes to my parents.." I let out all the pain I've been keeping to this day.

I can't promise to my self for being strong everytime, but I can promise to my self to fight for what's right. Because that's me...

Because I am, Kim Lalisa..


First chapters really gave a lot of meanings. Like this one. Find out on the next one!

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