His Broken Eyes

By casadyRaso01

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⚠️ WARNINGS ⚠️ •There will be smut. • foul language •theres gonna be talk about unconcentral sex in chapter... More

What A Coincidence
The walk
The Kiss
The Beginning
An Old Friend
Son Of A Bit**
Welcome Baby Serpents
Our First Date
Happy 18th Tosser
I Hate The Color Pink
Its Not Your Fault
Not a chapter
Catch you later
not a chapter
I give myself to you
Its almost over.
Is it the end ?
Stronger then before.


1.2K 15 52
By casadyRaso01

⚠️ this chapter might be triggering to some so please skip⚠️

Pounding- The Pounding kept getting louder and it was still dark. I crack my eyes open and a bright light meets them so I quickly shut them again. Then my head starts to pain. I finally open my eyes and look around, its a nice room, I try to sit up but I am being held down. I look around and noticed the handcuffs holding my hands to the bed frame and my legs are held down with a thick scratchy rope.

The air- I am still at the malfoys, draco wouldn't do this. Why would someone keep me locked up in my boyfriends house are they trying to get caught. I hear the bathroom door opening.

"Ah, good morning baby, or good afternoon, I am glad your up. I have been wanting to talk to you." He walks up to the end of the bed and leans on the footboard.

"What kind of sick game is this, why would you do this." A tear falls out of my eyes with out consent and I try and move from the cold dry hands that are trying to touch me. "How did you even get in here"

"Don't worry about it, you should be happy to see me. I would have brought you home but we are waiting here for the boy toy, now I wasn't dumb I picked a room wisely. Now we just wait it gives us some quality time." He grins and shows his once purl white teeth that are now yellow and rotting and some are missing.

"What do you want from me ?"I continue trys to pull out of the rope and cuffs.

"Not gonna happen little one your not getting out. And I am here to get my revenge you little slut." He walks around the bed and sits next to me and puts his hand on my stomach and I move trying to push him off.

It was like he was spooked, he got off the bed quickly, grabbed my wand and walked to the door. And he left.

Dracos POV

I open the big black doors and walk into my home. "Y/n are you here?" I slightly yell and no answer so I went straight to the kitchen, I looked around and no one. I look into the fridge and notice the steaks where gone but no sight of leftovers or dishes. Walking to the doors that take me outside I noticed they where opened, no wonder she didn't hear me.

"Hey bab-" shes not here. Where could she be, she left her food thats not normal.

"Y/N you better not be playing some sick joke because you know I will strangle you to death" running back into the manor i spotted a small almost dried drop of crimson on the marble near the stairs. I run around to the front of the stairs noticing stains in the carpet so I run up as fast as my legs take me.

Once at the top I was flung back, and the sound of another man yelling stupefy. Then the sight of light was gone.

~ * ~

Waking up to hearing the clacking of handcuffs and the sound of bed sheets ruffling and cries for help even though no one spoke, I could hear the struggle of the words, I think I knew what was happening but I didn't open my eyes, I knew who it was but all I could do is lock my eyes even tighter. I could feel her pain as if I were her. I was handcuffed to what I assumed is a kitchen chair placed in front of the bed so when I do open my eyes I catch the glimpse of the filthy mud blood ontop of my girl without her permission.

The smell, it  wreaked of foul scum and sex, the smell of sex used to be my favorite but right now it makes me want to throw up.

"Get off of y/n, or I will slit your throat." I yell without opening my eyes.

The creaking stops and I hear foot steps come my way, the odd part is the bed contuines as does the wines and crys.

"Aww is someone jealous" a soft girl voice speaks as she messes up my hair.

"Get off me hoe unless you do something helpfull like untie me" I shove around trying to get free. Then the girl went silent and fell to the floor I can only assume I kicked her. I couldn't do anything to stop him.

Well until I felt the wood bust behind me from me tugging on the cuffs once again. I flew off the chair pulling the guy off of y/n, I threw him on the ground.

"Are you serious dude! Did you not get enough last time when I fucked up your face, do you really want me to make it worse?" Right before I could put in one punch, he vanished.

I got up and left, I couldn't look at her- not because I am discussed but just because I can't look at her, it will hurt more then it already does. I went to my room and locked the door and stayed away for the rest of the night.

Y/ns pov

He saved me once again. He didn't stay this time,he unhooked me and then this time he walked straight out, no words not even a look, he walked straight out like nothing happend.

I got out of the bed in so much pain I fell to the ground and layed there for a moment before getting up.

I didn't touch anything I had no clothes on but I still walked straight out, nothing to cover me- nothing.

When I found my room I knew that the closed door infront of mine belongs to draco, I wanted to knock but I didn't, I went right into my room and closed the door then locked it.

I feel so filthy,  I slowly walk to the bathroom and start the shower- i just sit there, I let the scorching water hit my skin without a reaction, it could be melting my skin but I don't feel it. I didn't wash with soap, because if i did it would sting in all the fresh flesh that has been torn open.

When I got out of the shower I went into my draws and grabbed the biggest jumper draco has given me, I am not a small girl, and dracos not big, but he likes to get sweaters that are twice his size. But this one was like three times his size. Its the biggest one on both of us and I love it. I threw on some comfy underwear and my big soft pajama pants, then I crawled under the huge blankets and went to sleep.
Its 5:00am I just woke up for the third time, but this time I am having a bit of trouble going back to sleep. I noticed dragon was in his cage so I got up and pulled him out- he was still fast asleep. I put him down on the bed then crawled back in and cuddled up with him and it helped. I fell straight back to sleep.
I crack my eyes open because of the sunlight, I swore that I closed the blinds. It felt warm- it was nice, I tern over to see the blankets were all messed up on the side I didn't sleep on and my door was cracked open, there's also a note on the messed up pillow next to me.

The note
Good morning darling. I couldn't sleep at all last night, and I heard you were having a bit of trouble as well, after you fell back to sleep around 5 I unlocked the door and came in and held you, you were shaking. Sorry about how I left you last night.. I have dragon downstairs with me I am making breakfast so when your ready come down, sorry again please forgive me.

I crawl out of bed and put on my slippers and slowly walk out and down the stairs. I went to scratch my forehead but I felt a badge so I left it.

When I get to the kitchen I just stand in the door way watching dragon on the island eating food and draco cooking food doing a small dance to the music that was playing. I just smile and take in the peace.

After watching for a bit I walk up quietly and sit on the island with dragon.

"Nice moves smexy." I start laughing and bite my lip as the boy jumps ten feet in the air.

"FUCK y/n. Good morning." He turns off the burners and leans against the counter across from the island, he then just looks at me and smiles and I smile back.

"Yes pervert, would you like a picture it last longer?"

"Nah I am good your not going anywhere so I don't need a picture." He walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist,  I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck then our lips interlock.

When with draco all my worries and fears disappear sometimes all my thoughts disappear too.

He pulls me off the counter and holds me for only a moment before putting me down.

"Go into the glass room and I will be there in a minute." He smiles and I nod my head walking towards the glass door.

Fairy lights and a table for two set with a bunch of berry's and beautiful silver, there was tea and cookies.  I sat down at the side that had a little peace of paper that had princess  written on it. He can be so romantic its one of the great this about him.

"Goodmorning miss hanlon" a house elf aperired with food in its hands.

"Aww you must be dobby, I thought you were set free?"

"Dobby is a free elf miss hanlon, but I stick around to help draco and make sure he's safe." He gives a small smile and then he was gone.

Then a sound of two hands slapping together, and a bunch of food aperired, I bend my head backwards too meet a white blonde boy standing behind me he placed a kiss on my forehead and then dat infront of me.

"Good morning again." His famous grin shows up on his face.

"So malfoy, I didn't know you were so romantic" I look at him seriously

"I am not romantic, romance is for softies. I am being a good boyfriend, I just made breakfast for my girlfriend, whats so romantic."

"If your not romantic then why are you getting so afended?"

"I am not getting afended."

"Yes you ar-" I was cut off by draco shoving a spoon full of eggs in my mouth.

I start to laugh which causes me to choke on the eggs, but then when I was done choking I start eating, and gosh he is such a good cook. All the food he makes is great. 

We finishes our food and then draco walks towards me and picks me up, and whispers in my ear.

"Let's go up stairs and cuddle and read your favorite book."

"I- um.. sure." I smile and he holds me tight while walking up the stairs.

Writers note
Sorry guys this was a short chapter but I have been having alotnof writers block and I wasn't sure how to finish this chapter. I have no idea when the next chapter will be made and posted but I will keep you up to date as much as possible. I love you guys so much, thank you for waiting and being patient. I appreciate you so much, and I hope you have been doing good <3

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