
By XXrogueXlucyXX

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Ruby's village stays confined to a forest that surrounds the village. No one would dare to attempt to escape... More



885 33 3
By XXrogueXlucyXX

Things at the cabin became a normal routine. A lot of the times Court would be gone in the morning and other times I'd wake up to him in bed. Today was the full moon so he wouldn't be here today.

With the full moon he stayed in the village to watch over everything as well as make sure no one got suspicious of him. This left me alone with Lyell and Xerxes. It wasn't as bad as it could've been. Lyell leaves me alone most of the time.

I was currently at the stove cooking up some stew to eat. I decided to use some of the venison meat for the stew and noodles Court had made.

Last night Court said goodbye before he left and gave me some food. I most likely wouldn't see him until late tonight or sometime tomorrow. He made some noodles for me to cook in case I wanted some.

The stew is currently brewing as I stood in front of it eating some of the lavender bread. Xerxes is at the table with some roasted meat in front of him. Lyell is in the living room propped up on the couch like usual. He wasn't bothering anyone.

Once my soup was down, I ladled it into a bowl before heading to the room. Once in the room I sat down on the bed and began eating my soup. On the full moon there isn't too much to do around here.

Court prefers that I stay inside during the full moon. For safety reasons which I had no problem abiding but it could get boring. 

So, for the full moon I typically found myself baking some food. Today I decided to bake some cookies and another berry pie. Xerxes was still in the kitchen when I came out to wash by bowl and began baking.

Lyell had gravitated into the kitchen and was leaned against the table talking to Xerxes.

"Court checks the borders on the full moon, doesn't he?" Lyell asked as I took out some flour and a few other things to make the cookie dough as well as pie crust. I put them in separate bowls.

Once the cookie dough was made I worked on the filling for the pie while quietly listening in on Lyell and Xerxes conversation.

"Yes, he always checks the borders and around to make sure no humans are out. He checks it more now since Thorin's packmate killed the guard who stayed to watch." Xerxes answered and Lyell nodded. "Why are you asking?" Xerxes questioned.

"One of our wolf scouts saw a human boy close to the border. He didn't go in, but he came close to it. He also had an axe and a bow with him. I don't know what he was intending to do, but he did leave. But I just wanted to pass that message down to Court. Thorin wouldn't be as kind." Lyell told Xerxes.

"Did the scout do anything?" Xerxes asked.

"Not that I'm aware of. He came and told me this morning after his shift was over. But since it's the full moon Court should be made aware of it." Lyell told Xerxes.

Xerxes nodded. "He'll be made aware of it after he's here. So, after the sacrifice we tell him since it's Thorin's packs turn to take it first." Xerxes told Lyell who nodded. 

I kneaded out the pie crust before filling it with the berry filling and starting the oven with the logs. Once that was done, I put the cookies and pie in before moving away to wait. Lyell turned around and walked over to the couch.

Xerxes turned to me. "I'm assuming Court told you to stay in?" Xerxes asked.

"He always does." I answered and Xerxes nodded.

"I took out some boar for you to make for dinner. It's all cut up and stored outside in the shed. I'll bring it in for you before I leave." Xerxes told me and I nodded.

"Thank you." I murmured and Xerxes nodded. 

I spent some time waiting for my pies and cookies to be done before taking it out. I checked the baked goods before putting them all away and putting the pie on display. I took two cookies and got myself some of the milk before heading to my room to settle down until dinner.

"Goodnight mother." Court bid goodnight to his mother before heading to the room to wait. Like expected his mom came in and Court rolled over to fake sleep before he covered his bed in the extra pillows he always has and snuck out the window.

Celeste was in his stall eating some of the delicious hay. Anytime he was in the stables Court always made sure to spoil him here. 

Court moved through the village and circled around keeping in the shadows making sure no one was out. From the position of the moon Court knew Thorin would be here soon. He made sure no one was out before pausing as he arrived near the sacrifice area.

An appropriate number of animals were left out for the wolves. There were chickens, a few ducks, a pig and then two sheep. The village is thankfully big enough to support the sacrifice and every family owns some sort of animal to bred.

However, Court saw a guy standing there watching. He wore a plaid cotton shirt and wool pants as well as a sheepskin jacket. Court recognized him as the woodsman he bought from. Isaac.

He considered shifting to scare him away, but decided it'd be too risky. He might take it as the wolves going soft and a few of the teenage boys would test the boundaries. Thorin made it clear he'd kill any humans he found on his land.

Court also had to remain strong and firm otherwise his pack would take it as weakness, and some may attempt to take his leader position. Court wouldn't even put it past Lyell to.

Court trusted his brother, but he knew Lyell wouldn't hesitate if Court showed weakness and reluctance to discipline both the pack and enforce boundaries. Being run out wasn't as bad until he had Ruby to deal with.

Lyell and Xerxes would run him out instead of killing him due to their relations with him. They were still brothers at the end of the day.

But Court didn't know if Ruby would be run out as well and he had seen some of the looks Lyell gave Ruby. He had some sexual attraction towards her. Court however had no problem stepping in and crushing it like a bug. However, without him Ruby would be on her own.

He refused to let Ruby live that type of life. He'd sooner send her to live with Thorin or Lyk than leave her with Lyell without him there. Unless he could take her with him.

But Court wouldn't let it get to that.

He moved forward and appeared behind Isaac and grabbed his arm pulling him back. Isaac jumped and turned around.

"There is a strict rule on no one being near the area of sacrifice. Being near could provoke the wolves to attack you. The law is to be abided." Court spoke as Isaac watched him.

"What are you doing out here then?" Isaac asked trying to change the situation.

"I am in line to be the king. It is my duty to make sure everybody here is safe. I do rounds to make sure everyone is up." Court responded and Isaac nodded.

"My apologies." Isaac left after that never giving Court the chance to scold or rip into him.

"Just for you know I would advise any of your friends who hope to do thrill seeking activities such as this against it. It's all fun and games until you provoke one of them into attacking, and we've been enjoying peace for years." Court called out.

Isaac nodded before disappearing into the town. Court followed him making sure his footsteps were silent and he stayed in the shadows. Once he saw Isaac enter his parents' house and the light go out Court left and finished his last round before exiting the village at the same side he always went through and out of. The least populated portion.

Once in the forest he shifted into his brown wolf form and stretched out his wolf limbs. Once stretched he trotted off to the area of the sacrifice and stopped.

Thorin and his pack had arrived and were currently picking through the sacrifice. They took the sheep and pig along with a few other things. Court moved along and found Xerxes and Lyell with a few other pack members.

Court was pleasantly surprised to see one of the younger wolves there. Callan had recently reached his thirteenth name day. 

Like most wolf-shifters he shifted around the time he hit puberty. Female shifters were the only ones who might shift a little late as they shift after they hit their first cycle. 

Court circled over to his pack as they looked up at the arrival of their leader. Court stopped before them his ears twitching before he turned around and led them over to the sacrifice area. As they arrived Thorin was taking the last of what his pack claimed.

Thorin looked up his eyes landed on Court as he picked up a chicken and left. Court went to a stop and let his pack in to collect the rest of the sacrifice. Like always Thorin made sure to divide the sacrifice.

Court would give Thorin that. He was never greedy. The only compromise they had on who went first was if there were any big animals and they always got to take one to two extra animals. One of the reasons they switched roles on who took it first.

Court looked around as he picked up one of the ducks and broke its neck. He intended to bring all this back. Divide it amongst the pack before returning to the cabin. He wanted to check on Ruby and make sure she was well.

Court wasn't too fond of full moons since Ruby. He always did stretch himself out making sure to take care of his pack while also making sure his adoptive parents didn't suspect anything. But he wanted to make sure Ruby was okay.

He did his best not to wake her when he checked on her. All Court knew was when he was crowned king things would be different from there forward. He just didn't expect how soon that would be.

1765. We love casual foreshadowing. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed. I would like to note I have a TikTok called harleyandrie. It's a combination of my books and my dog. I'm trying to make more videos for my book, I just have to find good sounds! ***

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