The Witcher Hero BNHA x The W...

Por MrShades81

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What if another Conjunction of Spheres were to happen and one of the few remaining Witchers in the Continent... Más

Pt .2 Arrival
Pt.3 New Friends, New Problems
4.Entrance Exam
U.A's Witcher
UA's Witcher pt. 2
Lone but not Forsaken
They would see you suffer...
Author Note
The Wolf's here..
After the Storm
A Date?
An Old Friend
Jackals of Reminiscence
The Monster Slayer Vs The Hero Killer
Another date?
Setting the Stage
Final Exam pt 1
Final Exam Pt 2
Final Exam Pt 3
Training Camp
Wolven Storm Pt 1
Wolven Storm Pt 2
This Hell you found...
....Is Of Your Own Doing....
Karma Under Fire
A Life Well Spent
No Just Cause
......All Warfare......
Soul Gamble
Fear and Bravery
All My Atrocities
Pit Viper

Drying Blood and Tears

134 5 0
Por MrShades81

Midnight's Apartment
4 hours after the exam

Y/N's emotions had broken past the numbing mutations. but this time it was different, there was no evil anywhere to be found, no monster to be slain, nor good in that deed, now the only real things were fear and sorrow. How cruel is the tale of witchers sent to fight monsters to fear becoming one themselves. It was the same old cycle repeating itself, wherever he went death and suffering followed

Midnight: Y/N Please open the door!

Y/N: Devil curse me...Stain was right, we're really the same thing.... the same...

Midnight: Don't say that you're not him!

Y/N: I'm sorry for what I did... I never wanted to hurt him, just started seeing things and I lost myself...

Midnight: Sweetheart it's not your fault; even the strongest of heroes make mistakes now please open the-

(Knock knock)

Midnight: Coming

???: Evening, Is Y/N here?

Y/N: Everything went silent, somebody entered the apartment, I can barely hear it's footsteps, they're too nimble... wait... no... NO NO NO!!

Momo: Y/N can you open the door please?

Y/N had his head down with his hair covering most of his face in order to hide his blood shot eyes and falling tears

Midnight: How about we sit and talk it over?

Y/N: O-Okay...

Momo: It's okay Y/N you can tell me

Y/N: First of a-all... Is he okay?

Midnight: He took a minute or two to get up, but he pulled through in the end, as a matter of fact your teammates passed the exam too

Momo: Yeah, we did

Y/N: Glad to hear that

Momo: You see? Nothing bad happened in the end, please don't blame yourself over this...


Midnight: We know you didn't!

Momo: It's not your fault!


Momo: Y/N STOP!

Y/N: Huh?

Momo: It breaks my heart to see you act like this, It's no good repenting for it, you're not a freak! When the vampires were looking for us, Who to put himself in harms way? you Y/N! It was you who acted in true heart. True and noble heart! I love you and will never stop doing it!

Y/N Broke down sobbing, but those tears weren't of sadness but of joy, happy to hear those words come from someone else, it felt reassuring, secluded from this feeling for most of his life until she took down the final wall and pulled a nerve long forgotten

Midnight: We're with you to the bitter end

Y/N: You still haven't lost faith in me have you?

Midnight: Never, come here kid

Midnight and Momo held together Y/N a re comforting hug, having found that peace and relief to see clearer, his breathing became calmer, closing his eyes to cherish the warming silence

Midnight: Better now?

Y/N: Yeah, much better

Midnight: Oh and by the way, you forgot your swords and medallion found them by the gate along with a small note

My sarcastic student

You got me real good back there, thanks to that Todoroki and Yayorozu managed to complete their exam, hear me out please; I do not write this to scold you or do anything like that, on the whole contrary. From my experience fear can get the better of us, I do or at least pretend to know how it's like to be a witcher , and god knows what was like to live in that era, everyday heroes even to the likes of All Might and me go way back and think about what have we done and seen, and there isn't a day we think of it. but a pass is a pass, even through a mean cut from your little knife you crossed the gate, congrats kiddo

-Shouta "Hobo" Aizawa

Y/N: Till next time~

Momo: By the way Y/N

Y/N: Yeah?

Momo: Since i'm here, wanna head out for a while?

Y/N: Sure, Midnight?

Midnight: Don't mind me, have fun, just don't do anything dumb and I'm fine with that

Y/N: Okay I guess, see you later

Momo: Evening Mr's Midnight

Timeskip sponsored by a wholesome writer (╥︣﹏╥᷅)

Y/N: How did the others fare, did they pass too?

Momo: Most of them, from what I heard your "friend" applied the test to Kaminari and Mina

Y/N: Wait... Vesemir? Hehe, never knew he had a fondness for heroics but he's got plenty of tactics to use

Momo: Isn't he your former teacher or something?

Y/N: Youuuu could say that, long story, but to be brief everything I know I learned it from him

Momo: Wow, also mmmmm they know... the entire class knows (sigh)

Y/N: What thing

Momo pointed Y/N and herself

Y/N: Wait, you mean THAT?

Momo: Yes. That

Y/N: Who snitched us?

Momo: Kaminari but-


Momo:But it was involuntarily,

Y/N: Explain to me how telling we're dating can be involuntary

Momo: Well you see, Mineta saw my medallion  and started clinging to him what was the deal with it and kinda yelled to everyone present

Y/N: Great~

Out of thin air a drop of water smacked Y/N right on his left eye

Y/N: Ouch

Momo: Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah just a water-drop

Momo: Ow, another one hit my eye too

Bulky clouds started to cover the sky and pour rain

Momo: Wait, let me create an umbrella

Y/N: I have a better idea... Quen!

The sign formed an impermeable shield big enough to fit Y/N and Momo and continue to enjoy their walk

Y/N: Voilà~ don't worry I have it covered

Momo: Thanks

Y/N: Anytime

Momo: Where were we? Ah yes; Well according to Mina, Vesemir humilliated them the same way you did, with that other sign-

Y/N: Yrden, I normally use it on ghosts but, it works also on living beings

Momo: OoooOo ghosts huh, like those spooky ghosts?? Boo!

Y/N: Oh look im shaking, don't hurt me spooky ghosty, hahahahaha

Momo: (Giggles) Y/N; call off the shield

Y/N: Why?

Momo: Just do it, or your cat eyes make you afraid of water?

Y/N: Alright,  if you say so

The shield disintegrated completely and the rained poured all over them

Y/N: Happy now? Gosh midnight won't be- Ayyy

Momo: Chuckles

Momo threw a handful of water all the way to his ankles

Y/N: Urgh coooold~

Momo: I totally had you admit it, you're getting rusty

Y/N: Oh yeah? Two can play that game (throws a greater chunk of water)

Momo: Hey that's not fair hahaha

Y/N: You started it not me (shrugging his shoulders)

Playfully they kept teasing each other off until one gave up... or slipped out

Momo: Well aren't you a roguish boy

Y/N: Vesemir always told me I couldn't keep stop being mischievous

Momo: Speaking of Y/N, have you ever danced in the rain?

Y/N: Nope, but do tell I'm all ears... and feet

Momo: Not bad at all, first waltz and now tango; what a talentous witcher did I fell in love with

Y/N (sarcastically): Are my talents sofisticated enough Miss Yaoyorozu?

Momo: Well... colonize Mars and buy your own island and then we'll talk

Y/N: Oh excuse you princess

Momo: Don't mind if I do Mr "I'm too good to get out on the rain" AAHHH (slips off the floor)

Y/N: Oh Momo AHHH OW THE BACK OF MY HEAD (fails epically to pick her up and goes down with her)

Momo: Well.... pfff Hahahahahaha

Y/N: Woops, don't wanna say this awkward, but it kinda feels awkward doesn't it?

Momo: Of course it's not silly

Y/N: Yes it is

Momo: Nope, you know why? Because of this

Y/N: That was......unbelievably relieving

Momo: Don't mention it, I will be here for you as you are for me

Y/N: What did I do to deserve this?

Momo: Who knows? Sometimes it just comes a struck of luck and some faith for love to bloom

Y/N: I love you

Momo: And I love you too

Timeskip to U.A HIGH FOOLS

Y/N arrived the earliest to the class so in no dire need to anything in particular, he decided to slee- excuse me, meditate while resting his eyes

Mineta (whispering): Guys guys! Y/N's asleep; anybody have a marker?

Aoyama: Here, man I can't wait to see the look on his face

They turned their backs to catch air and in order to keep him in dreamland

Mineta: What do we draw on him?

Y/N: How about ~Two imbeciles were here~
And by the way, good morning



Y/N (using Axii): You won't try to play pranks on me, ever; understand?

Aoyama: Yes we do~

Mineta: Never again~

A few minutes later
Izuku: Come on guys can't be that bad, there's still the written part

Sato: Hey at least you beat an actual hero, unlike us

Kaminari: Oh man, summers gonna be a world of suck

Y/N: Relax, I'm sure the remedial course won't be such a hell hole

Kaminari: Says the guy that 1. Beat a dragon 2. Beat aizawa 3. YOUR TWIN MADE ME PUKE

Y/N: First. Not a dragon a forktail, several differences in between them. 2nd. He's not my twin; he's actually a friend of mine, a bit old and grumpy at times but~. Third, a little bird told me you've been speaking some things out loud

Kaminari: Well you see (looking at Momo)

Momo: (winks and gives the thumb to him)

Kaminari: That was completely by accident, ask the grape head over here

Mineta: He did it not me

Y/N: I know, but was there really a need to say it out loud? Temper temper

Kaminari: What do you want then?

Y/N: A horse, a new sword, cheap vodka but I can't get everything in life. But I wanna tell you this and it goes to your pervert partner in crime. First rule about witchers. You don't trick them behind their backs

Kirishima (crawling in depression): Be sure to take a lot of pictures, enjoy it guys you deserve it

Izuku: Have some faith dude, perhaps they'll give us chance, there's got to be, im sure

Sato: You want to jinx it or something? Don't yell it at least

Aizawa enters the homeroom

Mina: Oh crap oh crap oh crap~

Aizawa: Good morning my dear students, I can oficially confirm that the first period evaluation has concluded, all students who passed their exam will go to our summer training camp and the ones who failed...

Kaminari: I'm totally screwed right? We'll that was pretty much obvious

Sero: (covers his head)

Sato: Here it comes~

Aizawa: Will be assisting as well


Kaminari: Is this some sort of bad joke?

Sato: Don't play with my feelings~

Aizawa: No, really; the whole deal of this was for motivation, so that's why you'll need the camp to reinforce your skills

Mina: Thank you so much

Kirishima: YEEES! YEEES!



Y/N: Whooptie fucking do

Iida: Language

After end of class

Vesemir: Hey, psst.. Y/N

Y/N: Vesemir?? What are you doing here?

Vesemir: Same as you, I suppose; come with me, Nezu said he wanted to introduce you to someone

Y/N: Fine, lead the way


Nezu: Ah Y/N there you are, Allow me to present to you Mr's Hatsume, a brilliant student from our department of support

Mei: You must be the witcher right? Mei Hatsume at your service

Y/N: In the flesh

Mei Hatsume: Pleased to meet you, Principal Nezu told me you needed a little gear upgrade am I correct?

Y/N: Did I?

Nezu: Yes, after the exam you told me so

Vesemir: Just roll with it, I'm doing you favor~

Y/N: Aaaahhh right, yeah I did why?

Mei: I've been working on a new project, gotta admit I'm very proud of it

Y/N: Woah

Mei: Mr Vesemir over here gave me the specs of your sweeper, so I decided to modify it quite a bit, it's still a longslide but as you can see, I extended the rail a bit; added a muzzle brake for the recoil and the iron sights have been reworked for better aiming; and the mag now contains 6 shots.

Y/N: Ammunition?

Rubber covered in silver splinters, Vesemir told us that many of the creatures; among those that were seen on the USJ incident were vulnerable to it

Y/N: Damn~

Mei: Weighing 9 pounds and with  216 mmm of length I call it the LongClaw

Y/N: Thanks

Mei: You're welcome, and try not to damage it please

Y/N: I sure hope not~

With skyrocketing enthusiasm Tooru encouraged everyone to go shopping

Jiro: Good chance to buy a large bag for my stuff

Mineta: Wonder if I can find any lock picking tools here

Kirishima: Guys, why don't we meet at three o clock? that'll give us enough time to buy everything we need

Mina: Agreed!

(Everybody rushes to do their respective shopping)

Izuku: Well, didn't know everybody was that fast

Uraraka: Yeah

Y/N: What will you guys get?

Uraraka: Bug spray

Izuku: Afraid of mosquitoes?

Uraraka: No it's because-

Aoyama: You like him don't you~


Izuku: W-wait! Y/N did I say something wrong?

Y/N: Beats me, if you don't mind I'll go buy canteen

Izuku: For water right?

Y/N: Yeeeeeeees~

Izuku: not for booze?

Y/N: Nooooooo~

Izuku: Mmmmmm.... alright have fun

???: Hey! You're the kid from the sports festival, think you could sign me an autograph?

Izuku: S-sure I guess

???: Wasn't you who stood up to the hero killer in Hosu

Izuku: Wait a minute, how does he know about Stain?

Shigaraki: Hello Izuku, remember me? Funny isn't it here I am sharing a one on one moment with the guy who stood up to Chizome?

Izuku: W-whatdo you want?

Shigaraki: First of all, move one inch and I'll crumble your neck on spot. Now to be honest this was more of a social call but given the situation I want to ask you something? Where's is he?

Izuku: Who?

Shigaraki: The witcher, heard he put up quite a fight with Stain

Izuku: Yes I-I suppose so

Shigaraki: Hasn't he told you the tale of Renfri?

Izuku: Yes, he did actually

Shigaraki: Ah did he? I'm surprised to be honest, I thought he would keep it to himself, coming from that cold blooded murderer that was unexpected

Izuku: He's not a killer

Shigaraki: Isn't he? Do you know what do witchers do for a living

Izuku: Fight monsters?

Shigaraki: Partly; yes, but they cannot distinguish good from evil, he's no more human that the monsters he kills. No, he also has killed people and by plenty

Izuku: You're lying... he may have done things in the past, but he has changed for better

Shigaraki You don't get it do you?..... he was created to commit Genocide!

Izuku: You're bluffing...

Shigaraki: That we'll see soon enough..good day oh and tell anybody about my presence in here and you are good as dead

Shorter timeskip

Y/N: Hey Izuku, bought anything?

Izuku: No unfortunately, ran into a fan" so to speak, said he wanted an autograph but forgot a pen

Y/N: Shame, I got my canteen, have you seen Momo though, I want to show her something I got aft-

Izuku: Y/N, can I ask you a question

Y/N: Fire away

Izuku: What happened at the exam?

Y/N: We passed(?

Izuku: I mean, Todoroki said you vanished after you seriously injured Aizawa sensei

Y/N: That... well.. I'm not sure if I'm the only one that's been going through it but, do you still hold thoughts to what happened at Hosu and the USJ?

Izuku: None that I remember, why?

Y/N: Lately I been having dreams and flashbacks to it, the type that makes you see things that aren't there... with Aizawa I saw the monster that attacked us and almost killed me. The rest well... you can tell what happened

Izuku: At least he's okay, you're both okay

Y/N: Guess the mutations didn't eliminate my capacity to feel fear

Izuku: I think that's good in some way, it's better to feel something like pain or fear than nothing at all, because if you were totally numb to emotions, that would be truly inhuman

Y/N: True, very true

Izuku: But hey! Cheer up! Summer's around the corner

Y/N: Hehe, maybe I will, good luck with Uraraka


Y/N: C'mon who do you take for? She totally likes you


Author: Aaand CUT!

See you later my friend~
-M.S 81

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