You will be mine. An avenger...

By 0livia_xo

108K 3.3K 838

*COMPLETE* Alice stark fights along with the avengers during the battle of New York against Loki, Thor's youn... More

The battle
Questioning the god
His great escape
A plan
The avengers downfall
A plan to save them all but me
The garden
So close
Locked in
jacuzzi talk
Escape or stay
The mission
Time goes by
The cabin
He likes who?
Thors return
Christmas party
Late night
New years eve party
Here but not really
To Asgard
The hallway greeting
The begining of the festival
Another prince
Stay? Forever?
Back home
Finding out about the past
Unlocking memories
Plan A
The Warriors Ball
'Well... now we know'
'He knows'
Febuary 28th
Talking about the future
Early arrival
Fighting for freedom
Shes gone
Asgards doom
Lokis scepter
Training For Him
Emptiness causes Insanity
Planning the plan that needs planned
The hunt begins
Seeing Straight
The small yellow vial
Taking the strike
Back At Stark Tower
Thanos' plan
Reality stone
Alices New Mission
Lokis Emotional Overload
Voices And Kisses
Sharing The Room
Thanos 'Final Mission' For Alice
Locked Up
Thor and Lokis Journey Begins
Somewhat Normality? Ish.
Training Mind And Soul
Control it
Giving Her The Vial
Alissa of Vanaheim
Hes Coming
The Army
The Aftermath
Return To 'The Garden'
LA: The Hive
Grounded At 21
Out Of it
3 Years Later
Getting The Team
Time heist
Snap 2.0
The Last Fight
The End.
🚨Book 2🚨

The white room

665 20 2
By 0livia_xo

Alice's POV

I woke up in a dark room. A double bed with black silk sheets. The whole room was a black and grey theme. Very modern. I sat up on the bed to see there was a fluffy grey blanket at the foot of the bed, on top of the black sheets. I looked around the room to see a pretty basic room really, wardrobe, chest of drawers, bedside table with a small geometric shape lamp on it, but something that caught me off guard was the window. The window had a see through curtain covering it then with two larger black curtains at each side tied back. Behind the see through one was a window seat. It looked so comfortable. It all felt so familiar but at the same time so strange.

I knew I was with thanos but I have no idea how I got here. The last thing I remember was the back of a gun hitting me across the head and knocking me out. I know, classy.

Why am I here? In all honesty does he really think I'm going to help him. He has to be insane, especially after what he did to Pietro.

Then I heard loud footsteps going towards my door. My heart immediately started pounding, harder and faster with each closer step.

Then the door opened to reveal him. Thanos.

'Your awake' he said looking at me

I didn't answer

'You were out for over a day. You must have been exhausted.' He said calmly

I rolled my eyes in response

'That's the life of being with an Asgardian prince' he chuckled

I pressed my lips together and raised both my eyebrows.

'Here you won't be pushed over the edge. Forced to do royal duties'

My blood ran cold.

'How long will I be here for' I finally spoke

'Oh forever' he said with a warm smile

I looked him in the eye. Utterly furious. I raised my hand with fire already on it ready to burn this place down.

Then he grabbed my wrist just as fast as I raised it and pulled me so my back was to him and held me against him with one hand in my stomach and with the other he snapped a collar like thing around my neck.

I got out of his grasp and tried to use my powers but they wouldn't work. They were gone.

I looked at him.

'The thing around your neck won't let you use them without my permission' he said still calm.

I tried to get it off but it shocked me. And shocked me hard. I fell to the floor, my whole body in spasm then when it finally stopped, I sat up with water in my eyes. This can't be happening.

'You will learn. Do not threat little one. Soon you won't need it, you will be loyal to me.... Now, let's go and begin this process hm?' He said putting a hand out to me.

I didn't move from where I was. 'What process?'

'Loyalty' he said then taking a grab on my arm and dragging me along side him.

We walked for around 5 minutes before we got to where he wanted to be. The house we were staying in was actually nice. It reminded me of the asgard palace, just not as nice. Or as gold.

He opened the door to reveal something I wish I would never have to see again.

The white room.

All white walls, the floors white, the ceiling white, the light white. The only thing not white was the grey table with brown straps and the grey Tray on the white counter with needles full of different colour liquids.

'No! No, no, no. NOOOOO!' I screamed trying to get away from him but he was too strong. He strapped me down to the table.

I couldn't help but cry. I couldn't remember the pain that well from when I was younger but I remember feeling so close to death.

'Shhh little one. It will be worth it' he said wiping my tears away giving me deja vu.

'Please. Don't'

'You' he said picking up a neddle with pink liquid in it 'you will be feared my them all' he said then harshly sticking the needle into my arm, slowly pumping in its liquid. I knew he was making sure I felt every inch of pain possible.

I screamed and cried and tried to get the bonds off but it was no use.

It was unbearable. It was far worse than I remembered.

'STOPPPP' I screamed

He let out a dark laugh

He finally Pulled it out and then grabbed my chin to force me to look at him. 'Do you know what this was?' He asked

My vision was blurred with tears. I shook my head still crying

He laughed then picking up a smaller one with an orange liquid.

'Well that is going to slowly turn you into a loyal, obedient worker for me'

'And this' he said forcefully stabbing the orange filled one into my neck 'this is going to have you worship the very ground I walk on. Having you willing to hunt down the stones for me'

I screamed. It was burning through me. My arm was numb and that feeling was slowly travelling through my body. My neck was on fire, it was so hot. I could feel the liquid moving around inside me. Burning me along the way.

This can't be real.

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