The Sickness ~ The Legend Of...

By thatsmolgrape

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~ "There was one, oh, just one that was chosen to become the no-visor. He was a normal crewmate just like you... More



886 25 11
By thatsmolgrape


Something about looking outside of windows sparked something inside of No-Visor.

He genuinely felt something. He felt a connection with the midnight wind.

Eventually, he became one with the wind. He could control the wind's movement. He could control the strength of it.

He still heard whispers in the wind. Familiar, yet not at the same time.

The voices that once inflicted fear inside of him became apart of him.

He couldn't control them, but he allowed them to guide him.


Corrupted's perspective.


Something felt off about tonight's wind. My connection with it felt... weak.

The voices that were trapped inside my head whispered warnings. Warnings of what remained a mystery.

The sound of shattering glass immediately caught my attention. I teleport to the room next door.

...Only to see the human attempting to hop out to his death.

I grit my teeth. I grant you freedom, and you dare try to escape?

I command the wind to catch him. He falls no farther than two feet before landing on a thick gust of wind.

"W-What?" He mumbles to himself, confused.

I teleport in front of him, and he yelps in surprise.

"...And what were you trying to accomplish? If I had wanted you dead, I would've done it myself."

His small figure trembled as I continued. "You will be punished, foolish human. You should've realized escape would be futile."

I snap my fingers, teleporting the both of us into my throne room. He starts to sweat violently, his breathing becoming more and more struggled.

"P-Please, d-don't..."

I rolled my eyes as he pleaded. Tears mixed with dried blood pooled out of his eyes.

I shackle his wrists and place a ball and chain on his left leg. He struggles to even move.

"You put this upon yourself, foolish human. If you had abided by my terms, we wouldn't be here, now would we?"

A knife appears in my left hand. I approach him rather quickly.

He attempts to back away, but the ball and chain on his left ankle caused his movements to be slowed. I plunge my blade deep into his left arm.

The sound of his pained cry fills the room. I leave the blade in his arm for a few moments before pulling it out slowly.

His blood pooled to the ground. He collapses onto the ground, holding his arm.

"That was a warning," I hiss, "Next time I won't be so merciful."

I grab his injured arm and drag him with me. He sobs, his small figure shaking.

"Master," one of my minions say suddenly, "we have an issue that requires your attention."

I ignore the cries of the human. "Make it quick, I'm dealing with something right now."

"Our power is... fading..."

Momentarily forgetting about the human, I shout, "What?!"

He flinches a bit at my sudden change of tone. "Humans are becoming much more resilient to our curse."

I pin his neck to the wall and he whimpers a bit. "How long has this been going on without you telling me?!"

"F-For weeks, but-!"

"Weeks. For weeks?!"

My teeth glisten menacingly as my hands turn into a darker shade of gray. The green-suited ghost begs for mercy.

"Master, p-please-!"

I use my hand to slash through his figure, and he disappears.

The small human whimpered a bit and started to back away. 

"This is what happens if you disobey me, understood?"

He nods as tears pooled from his eyes to the ground. I drag him by his injured arm and toss him back into the dungeon.

I float away at that, leaving the small human alone. 


Player's perspective.


My arm has been stinging for days. I haven't eaten for the past forty-eight hours.

I didn't even have the energy to cry anymore. I felt hopeless, broken, and alone.

Every once in a while I'd hear No-Visor shouting at his minions. He was merciless.

My back ached from laying on the solid concrete ground for nights in a row. I'd do anything just to sleep on my bed again.

My stomach panged and growled in hunger.

I honestly felt sick. I just wanted it all to end.

No-Visor floats through the bars of my cell.

"Human," he growls, "I require your assistance."

I couldn't deny his orders so I attempted to stand up. I fall down almost immediately.

He looks at me with an unamused expression. I try again multiple times but fail each time, landing on my behind.

Once I fail for the tenth time, he gets annoyed and uses his hands to pick me up. My face heats up in embarrassment.

"Close your eyes," he commands. I obey him and close my eyes for a moment, before slowly fluttering them open.

I was transported to his throne room, by the looks of it. It wasn't how I remembered it though.

The rags were torn, and the once neatly-placed antiques were haphazardly scattered all over the dining table. Blood and ashes were scattered all over the floor.

My heart suddenly drops. Is he going to kill me?

He plops me onto a dining chair and floats in front of me.

He had no weapon in hand, so I had a bit of hope after all. I could feel his eyeless stare.

He takes out a small stone and places it into my palm.

"Now, small human, the reason I bothered to bring you here was to... Ask a few questions. Lie to me and the stone will send an electrical pulse through your body."

My palm starts to sweat.

"Now, human... Ever since I've locked you into that cell, have you managed to escape?"

"N-No," I mumble, a bit of a whimper in my voice, "I h-haven't."

His eyes remained trained onto the stone in my hand. It didn't move nor zap me but stayed still.

"Last question. Have you attempted to... Defy my power?"


The truth is, I have been. Every day that went by, I felt his corruption get stronger. It was almost unbearable some days.

The stoner burned my hand a bit and sent an electrical pulse down my spine. I wanted to drop the stone, but it remained bound to my hand.

He plucks the stone off my palm and floats a bit closer, seemingly deep in thought.

"You'll make a great power source," He whispers, before punching the back of my skull and knocking me out.


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