By NorthernConfederate

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The second book of the civil war the true story series Book 2 is honor of the top 20 Confederates My Top 20... More

Mary Anna Custis Lee - Wife of Robert E. Lee
Mary Surratt
Rose O'Neal Greenhow: "Wild Rose"
TOWNS BURNED BY THE UNION ARMY: (from the Official Records):
We Can Never Forget
The Plight of American History: J.D.R. Hawkins
The Butcher Of Kentucky
Yankee Myths
Little Known History
The Slaves of General Forrest
The Lost Confederate Treasure
It Began With A Lie
The Tarnished Tarheel
A (Maryland) Southern Hero
A Sacrifice for His People: The Imprisonment of Jefferson Davis
The Unionist Davis vs. The Radical Lincoln
Lincoln vs. Davis
Jeff Davis's Crown of Thorns
Is Davis A Traitor?
A Copperhead Loves the South
Kentucky's Confederate Sons
The Lies and Hypocrisy of the Civil War
A Thousand Points of Truth
The Case for the Confederacy
Destruction of the City of Columbia, South Carolina
Abraham Myers
Adolph Proskauer
Jewish Confederates
Was Lee a Traitor?
Robert E. Lee Would Have Fought the Nazis
Sanctuary City Mayor Trashes An AMERICAN Hero, Robert E. Lee
J. Johnston Pettigrew
What Jefferson Davis Would Tell Us Today (And Why It Matters)
Jefferson Davis: A Judicial Estimate
Mexican Confederates
Cuban Confederates
Asian Confederates
Judah P. Benjamin: Able Statesman, Forgotten Patriot
They Took Their Stand in Dixie
Reconsidering Alexander H. Stephens
Black Southern Support for Secession and War
Conduct of the Northern Army
The Real Legends and Lies of the "Civil War"
A Snowball Fight at Dalton, Georgia
Brother Against Brother: The Great Confederate Snowball Fight
Deep Freeze Fight
The Legendary Dalton Snowball Fight
Snowball Fight!!
Yankee War Crimnlas: The Jayhawkers
The Fire Eater
War Crimes Against Southern Civilians
Salutatory To The South
I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
Turner Ashby: The Black Knight
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Robert Hopkins Hatton: The Purest, Noblest, and Best
General Pender, I Salute You
A Yankee Who Understood Southerners
Was Jesse James a Southern Robin Hood?
Terrorism, Chivalry, and "The Great Compromise"
Remember Missouri
Why were there black Confederate soldiers? What were they fighting for?
Confederate Christmas
Killed for the Flag
To Die in Chicago
Ode to the Confederate Dead
In Defense of Jeb
The Confederate General Who Was Erased
Hell At Pea Patch Island
White Knights of the North
Southern Poets and Poems, Part I
Southern Poets and Poems, Part II
Southern Poets and Poems, Part III
Southern Poets and Poems, Part IV
Southern Poets and Poems, Part V
Southern Poets and Poems, Part VI
Southern Poets and Poems, Part VII
Southern Poets and Poems, Part VIII
Southern Poets and Poems, Part IX
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Southern Poets and Poems, Part XII
Southern Poets and Poems, Part XIII
Forgotten Heroines of the Confederacy
When the Yankees Come: Former South Carolina Slaves Remember the Invasion
Jeff Davis's Crown of Thorns
Christmas in Richmond, 1864
Hollywood Before the "Hate Confederate" Movement
The False Cause Narrative
Post Appomattox Fallacies Justifying Federal Tyranny
Reconsidering Alexander H. Stephens
Another War of Nothnern Aggression Q And A
what if the south won the War of Northern Aggression
Story of Fort Sumter
When New Yorkers Cheered Dixie
Okinawa Confederate Flag
Jewish Confederates
Bernard Baruch: Son of the South
Six Reasons to Love the Confederate Battle Flag
Long Live the Flags of Dixie!
Hooray for the Confederate Flag
Will Today's Activists Be Able To Make Robert E. Lee A Villain?
Beginning with History
The Childern Of Jefferson Davis
More on Varina Anne Davis
More on The Sons of Varina Davis
More on the Davis Childern
Jefferson Davis and Jim Limber
Sarah Knox Taylor Davis
Some of the best quote stories
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A John Bell Hood Quote Story
To hold or not to hold
Champion Hill
Friends & Enemies
BForced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln's White Dream- book by Lerone Bennett Jr
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Only A House Divided Within Itself Will Stand
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Lost Cause Myth or Yankee Propaganda
The Unionist Davis vs. The Radical Lincoln
The Truth About Jefferson Davis
Joseph "Fighting Joe" Wheeler
Nathan Bedford Forrest rides on
More on my love for General Forrest
More on the Truth of fort pillow
Punished with Poverty
American Presidents, Slavery, and the Confederacy
Edward Dorr Tracy: The Confusion surrounding the Alabama General
Jewish Lieutenant Joshua Lazaras Moses
The Northern Theory of Confederate White Supremacy
A Knight Without Fear
May I quote you Mr. Lincoln
Prince Camille Armand Jules Marie de Polignac
Confederate Brigadier General Zebulon York
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General Pender, I Salute You
Foxes in the Henhouse
Separate but Equal?
Twelve Reasons We Don't Believe in Black Confederates
The War Was Not Fought Over Slavery
Equality is NOT America's Founding Principle
The Angel of Marye's Heights
The Jefferson Davis Funeral Train Story
Northern Born Confederate Generals
Robert E. Lee: The Believer
The Statue in the Glade
Robert E. Lee: The Father
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The Disappearance of Southern Conservatism
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Understanding "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
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Abraham Lincoln was a racist a bigot, a warmonger and a prevaricator.
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Sumner A. Cunningham 1843 ~ 1913
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Pomp Kersey, Tennessee Guerilla
Ellis Harper: Partisan Raider
James Keelan: Defender of the Bridge
Thomas Fern Perkins
He Died in Place of His Brother
The Last of the Line
Letters from a Wilson County "Rebble Girl"
The Pillaged Grave of a Civil War Hero
Robert E. Lee and Me
More on the Racist Tyrant Lincoln
Would Jackson have supported the decision to surrender at Appomattox
Abraham Lincoln and the Misinterpretation of American History
Remembering Henry Wirz
A Defense of Captain Henry Wirz
Capt. Wirz of Andersonville Exonerated
Truly horrible people that were around for the Civil War and Reconstruction
Forrest and the Slave Trade
The Lincoln Assassination Plot-An Alternate History
Post Appomattox Fallacies Justifying Federal Tyranny
War Crimes Committed by Federal Forces During the Civil War
Secession Was Not About Slavery
The Art of Remembering
A Southern Song, A Southern Heritage-Canceled
Rebirthing Lincoln
More on Yankee War Crimes
This was in reply to a very pro Sherman comment
The Real VMI: A Little Meritocracy, 1839-2021?
More on Yankee War crimes

Lee, Kelly, and the Marxists

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By NorthernConfederate

Lee, Kelly, and the Marxists

By Boyd Cathey on Nov 15, 2017

You would think that David Duke had somehow been elected president. Or, maybe in this topsy-turvy, Alice-in-Wonderland period of history we are living through, that that reactionary "bad guy" Vladimir Putin had somehow actually taken over the White House. The editorial din, the screams of outrage seemed to drown out all other news. Surely, the very fate of the republic was at stake.

What had happened? President Trump's White House Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, had actually dared—and in public!—to defend the historical reputation and honor of Robert E. Lee. In our era of totalitarian political correctness, which parades in drag as an epoch of sublime "tolerance" and "free expression," such views are the height of historical and cultural heresy—and not to mention what the Mainstream Media tells us—of political suicide. Such "heretical" views must not only be shouted down by what is termed "professional historians" (who act more like the Soviet politburo), but also banished from public discourse completely.

Kelly made his comments on the inaugural program of Laura Ingraham on Fox, "The Ingraham Angle," Monday, October 30.

But what caught my attention was not some yahoo spouting bigoted screed. That is not what we saw, not what we heard. No; there before us was a lauded former Marine general, very calmly and reasonably making some points about our history and about Confederate commander Robert E. Lee who, until fairly recently and the subversion and ideological transformation of American academia by outright cultural Marxists, was held in high regard by most Americans. His admirers have included such larger-than-life historical figures as Sir Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Here is the critical paragraph that got General Kelly into so much trouble with the dominant, culturally Marxist historical profession (the entire interview is available as a video online):

"I would tell you that Robert E. Lee was an honorable man. He was a man that gave up his country to fight for his state, which 150 years ago was more important than country. It was always loyalty to state first back in those days. Now it's different today. But the lack of an ability to compromise led to the Civil War, and men and women of good faith on both sides made their stand where their conscience had them make their stand."
That sent the Leftist editorial writers at The New York Times, The Atlantic, and The Washington Post, and pundits on major news networks, into a frantic tizzy, scurrying to find weighty "academic" opinion not so much to present serious arguments against Kelly, but, rather, to ridicule him and, as it goes in most politically-correct academic circles these days, to paint him as ignorant and obscurantist, someone who should be shunned—and scorned.

So, The Post turned to two Ivy League history professors, both of whom have written scholarly tomes that satisfy the requirements of the modern establishment, cultural Marxist approach to our nation's history: Stephanie McCurry and David Blight, both of whom eagerly weighed in. But rather than present specific arguments against Kelly's comments, they took refuge in the "argument from Authority," that is, regurgitating the modern historical narrative that: (1) the War Between the States was only about slavery, (2) the Northern side was engaged in a semi-religious crusade to free the slaves, while the Southern side was dedicated entirely to defending the peculiar institution, and (3) any Southerner who fought for the Confederacy was a "traitor."

Implicitly, this argument assumes that secession was unconstitutional, and that for states to engage in it was an act of rebellion and, for individuals, an act of treason. Yet, despite the condescending assurances of Professors McCurry and Blight that this is the unquestionably correct view, the issue was not only far from decided in 1861, historically the preponderance of evidence—actual factual evidence—indicates that most Americans, and most of their leaders, believed during the pre-War period that secession was an acceptable constitutional option in serious circumstances.

In particular, the two academics have attacked General Kelly's belief that the War was avoidable, if only there had been more of a willingness to compromise, to reconcile differences. For that inability, they blame a headstrong South. Yet as recent historians like William Marvel and Thomas Fleming have chronicled, it was the Lincoln administration that torpedoed every effort at peace during the critical months of early 1861. Marvel, in his 2006 study, Mr. Lincoln Goes to War (New York: Houghton Mifflin Company), sums up his detailed examination of the efforts to avoid war, writing: "It was Lincoln, however, who finally eschewed diplomacy and sparked a confrontation when he fully understood the volatility of the situation. Although he avoided the political blunder of firing the first shot, he backed himself into a corner from which he could escape only by mobilizing a national army, and thereby fanning the embers of Fort Sumter into a full-scale conflagration." (p. xvii) [Italics are mine]

What is more disquieting about the position taken by McCurry and Blight is the underlying assumption that modern scholars have somehow come up with "new" facts that overwhelmingly support their views. To use Professor Blight's expression, he and McCurry and other contemporary historians have "exploded" the pro-Southern reconciliationist narrative that earlier historians once held. Yet, the simple fact is that there is no boat load of new "facts" but only an ideological re-interpretation of the same old facts, and that re-interpretation is guided by the desire to confirm previously announced and pre-set Marxist objectives. It is that ideological template that controls the contemporary historical narrative and dominates the historical profession.

Earlier historians like the brilliant William A. Dunning, Charles Ramsdell, Avery Craven (The Coming of the Civil War), Francis Butler Simkins (The South Old and New), and more recently Ludwell Johnson (North Against South: The American Iliad, 1848-1877), Thomas Fleming (A Disease in the Public Mind: A New Understanding of Why We fought the Civil War), Thomas DiLorenzo (The Real Lincoln), and William Marvel are discounted, accused of pro-Southern bias, a failure to understand the underlying "racist" nature of American history, and an inability to comprehend the "real meaning" of the Constitution (a "meaning" that strangely eluded and remained mysteriously "hidden" to every president and every major American political leader beginning with George Washington through James Buchanan!).

To understand the attacks on Confederate monuments and on the reputations of men like Robert E. Lee, one must understand that those assaults are essentially ideological in nature, and that history is being used and manipulated to carry them out. This was first recognized by the late Eugene Genovese, perhaps the greatest of recent historians of the South, who noticed the obdurate unwillingness of fellow members of his profession to acknowledge the rich complexity of Southern history and their resistance to factual information that countered their tendentious views.

The multiple and feverish media attacks on General Kelly must be seen in this light. Ivy League historians like McCurry and Blight, and their epigones in the Mainstream Media, zealously seek to further a cultural Marxist vision of America and, thus, to advance the ongoing transformation of our society. For such professors and their indoctrinated translators, history serves only to facilitate their ideologically-driven agenda.

About Boyd Cathey

Boyd D. Cathey holds a doctorate in European history from the Catholic University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, where he was a Richard Weaver Fellow, and an MA in intellectual history from the University of Virginia (as a Jefferson Fellow). He was assistant to conservative author and philosopher the late Russell Kirk. In more recent years he served as State Registrar of the North Carolina Division of Archives and History. He has published in French, Spanish, and English, on historical subjects as well as classical music and opera. He is active in the Sons of Confederate Veterans and various historical, archival, and genealogical organizations.

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