~ℂ𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕕đ•Ŗ𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕...

By _Crybaby_Tearz_

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𝘠𝘰đ˜ļ đ˜ĸđ˜ŗđ˜Ļ đ˜ĸ 𝘨đ˜Ļđ˜¯đ˜Ĩđ˜Ļđ˜ŗ-đ˜¯đ˜Ļđ˜ļđ˜ĩđ˜ŗđ˜ĸ𝘭 𝘩đ˜Ē𝘨𝘩𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭đ˜Ļđ˜ŗ đ˜¯đ˜ĸ𝘮đ˜Ļđ˜Ĩ, (𝘠/𝘕). 𝘑đ˜ļ𝘴đ˜ĩ 𝘮𝘰𝘷đ˜ĒīŋŊ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

8.8K 172 659
By _Crybaby_Tearz_

You were in your last block, working on a assignment.
You sadly looked down at the papers, you couldn't believe what happened earlier. You didnt mean to make Cassandra snap, yet you knew that you should've been more careful around her.

I guess Pico was a bit right.... she can be pretty fucking unpredictable.

About 30 minutes passed, before the teacher called out to the class for attention. "Since class is about to end, you may start packing up your stuff." They said.

You got up along with the other kids in your class, getting your stuff.
Pico soon walked up to you, looking concerned. "Nene told me something... about you getting hurt..."

You looked up at him, frowing. "Yeah... but it's alright, I'm okay." You assured him.
He nodded, smiling softly. "Good, I'm glad. At least the bleeding stopped, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, dont worry, it did. I washed it off already, so it should be fine."
You said, looking down at your arms.

Pico wanted to ask what happened, but he didnt because he knew that you werent gonna tell. Yet, that didnt stop him from worrying about it.

You two soon walked out of the classroom as the bell rung.
"Well, at least the dance is in two days." Pico said happily, trying to lighten up the moods.

You looked at him, smiling. "Oh yeah, I literally just fucking remembered." You laughed out.
"This week is going by fast."

Pico nodded, "yeah... it actually is, surprisingly." You laughed.
"Eh, well imma start heading home, see you tomorrow." You said, nudging him with your elbow as you laughed.
He waved bye, smiling as you walked out the building.

You let out a breath, starting to walk home. You looked up at the sky, it being a beautiful day. You softly smiled, feeling the breeze.

You thought to yourself, thinking about Cassandra and her snapping at you earlier.
You sadly looked at the ground, remembering the way she looked at you as she pinned you up against the wall. She clearly was angered and she was holding it in till she couldn't handle it anymore, so she let out some of her anger on you.

The sound of footsteps interrupted you out of your thoughts, as you turned around.
You were shocked to see the same girl who snapped at you earlier, standing a few feet away from you.
You looked at her with a surprised expression on your face.

Cassandra avoided eye contact, a cigarette in her mouth.
She had one of her hands in her pocket, the other taking the cigarette out of her mouth so she can speak.
"Hey... I'm-... I'm fucking sorry, okay."

She said, continuing to look away.
You looked at her, staying quiet for a bit. "I-its fine... I understand that today probably wasnt your day." You said softly, looking off to the side.

Cassandra didnt say anything, all she did was walk closer to you, grabbing your arm. She looked at the marks she made on your arm, keeping a straight face. "Damn..." she breathed out, the cigarette smoke leaving her mouth as she exhaled.

You blushed, not knowing what to say nor how to react.
She soon let go of your arm, sighing. "Would you still like to come along?" She asked plainly.

You thought to yourself for a bit, remembering what Pico said earlier. Yet, you knew that deep down Cassandra felt bad, she would never apologize nor even having the thought of apologizing to anyone in her mind. But, for you... it was different.

You nodded, tilting your head as you smiled. "I mean- I dont see why not."

"Then let's fucking go, what the hell are you waiting for." Cassandra said, turning around as she started walking. You walked up beside her, looking down at your phone to see if anyone texted you.

You got a notification from Pico, pulling up the text message he sent to you.

'Hey (Y/N)! Just got home, how about you?'

The text said.
You didnt want to tell him that you were with Cassandra, since you didnt want him freaking out about it or something like that.

So you had to lie about it.
You sent a text back to Pico, saying that you were home as well.
Once you sent the text, you put your phone away, focusing on Cassandra.

She stayed quiet, still inhaling the last bit of smoke of the cigarette before throwing it to the side.
You could smell the cigarette smoke, but you didnt mind it.
You were kinda used to it by now.

You laughed out a bit, getting more comfortable. "You probably already heard about the dance happening this Friday. You thinking of coming?" You said, looking at her.

"I dont fucking know, I'm not really into that shit. But Cyclops, Alucard, and the rest of the bitches I know are probably gonna make me go." She said.

"If I'm coming, damn right im bringing stolen alchohol with me-"
She said, being cut off by some things falling out of her backpack.

You looked at the ground, seeing the things that fallen out You saw a black book with a pentagram on it, a lighter, a pack of cigarettes, and what seemed to be some condoms.

You looked at it, shocked. Yet you didnt want to mention anything about it. "Oh, fuck me..." Cassandra said, picking her stuff off the floor and putting the things back in her backpack.

"Yeah- thanks for the fucking help." Cassandra said, before she continued to start walking.
"Oh- oh shit, I'm sorry. I just didnt know what to do, since I didnt know if you were okay having me touch your things." You said, telling her the reason why you didnt help.

Cassandra didnt say anything, and continued walking alongside with you.

You and Cassandra soon made it to the Skatepark. You didnt exactly know why she wanted you to come along and you didn't know what you'll be doing with her. Maybe her friends are also gonna hang out? Or maybe it's just you and her-

Cassandra soon led you to a empty area in the skatepark, since it was pretty crowded.
She leaned against a pole, putting her hands in her pockets.

You stood next to her, looking off into the crowd. "So- uh-.. why'd you want me to come?" You asked, looking at her.

Cassandra took some time to answer, looking off into the crowd like you did. "Eh, I dont fucking know..." Cassandra avoided eye contact, yet she kept on a serious face.
"I just wanted some company for a bit.." she tilted her head, looking at you.

You could tell that Cassandra was calm at the moment. Maybe Pico was wrong about Cassandra, maybe Cassandra hides her emotions a lot so it leads to her snapping at people. You didnt know, since she is very closed.

"Cyclops and Alucard told me that Pico said some things to you." She said plainly, continuing to look at you.

You looked back at her, shocked. Your heart started to race as you tried to keep calm. "Of what..?"

"They said that they heard Pico saying some shit about me... and it seems to be true.." Cassandra narrowed her eyes at you, staying calm. You sighed, nodding your head. "Yeah.. but it's okay.. he was just worried-"

"Worried about what?!" Cassandra raised her voice, getting angry as she tensed up. "Do you think I'm stupid?!"

"Calm down Cassandra!" You yelled, backing away from the angered goth girl.
"Dont fucking tell me to calm down!!-"

You knew that there was no point of arguing, because Cassandra wouldnt listen.
All you could do was walk away from her, that was the only way she could calm down in this situation.
You looked at her, not daring to continue yelling because that'll only anger her more. You just turned away, leaving her.
You walked out onto the street, leaving the skatepark.

Cassandra stood In place, covering her face. She didnt know what to do, since... something like this never happened to her before.

She never snapped at anyone like this, and she never had someone just walk away from her like that.
She was lost in her emotions and thoughts, it was all just stressing her out.
She didnt know why all these emotions started when you moved to the school.

She really didnt want to snap at you, but sometimes her emotions blow up and she cant control whenever she does freakout.

You thought to yourself about what just happened, feeling bad for Cassandra.
Cyclops and Alucard probably heard Pico talking about Cassandra to you on the bus earlier. And then they went over to Cassandra about it.
Those bastards probably didn't know that Pico wasn't trying to talk shit, he was just worried and concerned.
You continued walking, getting pissed about the situation and how Cyclops and Alucard basically fucked everything up.

Out of nowhere, You soon felt someone grab your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
You immediately turned around, looking at Cassandra.
"Wait-.." she said softly, looking into your eyes.

"I'm-... I'm sorry.. I just- I- i-"
She sighed softly, her grip on your arm loosening.
"I understand, Cassandra." You said, fully turning around to look at her. "I'm sorry about what Pico said. He was just-.. worried."
That's all you could really say, since Pico didnt say much on why he didn't want you spending time with Cassandra.

Cassandra looked off to the side, still looking serious. You could tell that she was still very closed off and a bit tense.

All you did was wrap your arms around Cassandra, hugging her. You took that risk, and luckily she didnt react in a bad way.
She stood still, her body tensing up at the hug. She didnt hug back or smile, she still had a straight face on, but some blush can be seen on her cheeks.

You let go of her, giving her a smile. Your heart raced in your chest as you blushed.
"Well-.. bye." You said, turning around to start walking home.
Cassandra stood in place, watching as you walked away. She still blushed as she looked away.

"W-what the fuck is happening to me..?"

I'm so fucking sorry if this was 'fast paced', I'm really sorry! I tried and I hope you guys enjoyed. Just a quick heads up, from this chapter on out, will start to get more dark, sexual, and gory. I will put some warnings before any of those parts go on in a chapter.
Just to let you guys know! ^^

Stay safe out there! ♡♡♡》

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