MCYT Headcanons/ X Reader/ On...

Av yamacoochiesimp

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idk man I just post one every something days when I remembered lol Mer

The SMP Holding Your Hand Pt 1
SMP Holding Your Hand 2🌼
Flowers from Ranboo
Big Q🪐🦆
Songs I associated With Who

Overwhelming Stress (Tommy)

47 0 0
Av yamacoochiesimp

🌹Tommy Head Cannon🥀
(Go with the music)

Tommy can get overwhelmed after a few days of stress surrounding him everywhere he goes. So when he wants to let it all go, he has a special place in the forest where he likes to stay and walk around while humming to himself as a way for him to let all his stress go.

No one really knows about him going there to destress or pass time, they see it as a normal part of the forest. Only Tommy knows where it is because theres a small group of red roses by a tree as a land mark. The X that marks the spot to his comfort spot.

During that time, Tommy creates new potions and weapons for fun and he likes to climb trees to be up in the sky like clouds and the moon. In the sky, above ground where the moon and sun live, he feels free and at peace.

Sometimes Tommy doesn't realize he's stressed and becomes angry and easily frustrated with everything. During those times, he tends to push others away and let them know he wants to be alone.

Since no one knows about his comfort place, no one can help him. All they can do is say "Tommy why don't you and I go get food?" or "Toms, why don't you return to your home or find us some iron?"

He does as others order him unless its someone who has made him grumpier and tired. Techno stays out of his way when grumpy and tells others to let him be and go with it, while Wilbur prefers to do as Tommy does and try to get him to talk about what's bothering him.

Tommy rarely talks about his feelings or whats bothering him with anyone, literally, so its awkward for him to explain or find the words or peices to say anything. When trying to explain, he stutters trying to find how to explain and he gets mad at himself for doing so and gives up.

Wilbur, being himself, is patient with Tommy and helps him find words to put together to tell how he's feeling. Other times Wilbur just stays with Tommy until he calms down, helping Tommy gather things. Sometimes it's Techno who finds Tommy out wondering the place or nearby, sometines blowing up caves or getting food, and decides to make small talk with him or just help him with whatever he's doing.

Even when there's only silence between Tommy and Wilbur or Tommy and Techno, it's not awkward silence. It's comfortable silence between them, sometimes they prefer just being together in silence.

The only time Tommy doesn't like them following hims or being with him is when he wants to go to his comfort place to be by himself. He doesn't want people to know about it or else soon everyone would disturb him and invade his place.

Tommy doesn't let anyone know where he goes or when he's leaving since he worries that if he lets them know, someone will go there too when he's not there and destroy his place.

Instead, Tommy makes sure no one is asking about or for him or needing him and takes different paths with red flowers to his place. He knows the paths like the back of his hand but he never gets tired of it.

His comfort place is near a stream where he goes to watch the dark sky at night with the beautiful moon and stars. Unlike other places and things and people, he never gets tired or feels as if he's only causing trouble. The place brings comfort to him. It brings him peace and a soothing, calm feeling.

Sometimes he likes to listen to music when wandering around. Music, it takes him to a world where everything is perfect. Where he doesn't cause trouble, everyone is happy and healthy.

He likes his comfort spot. He treasures it really. He likes going there after arguments or wars or just for relief from stress or when he can't take it and gets too overwhelmed. Even when the world is burning, even when others are arguing, no matter how much it breaks his heart seeing how bad everything is, he goes back to his place.

When everyone is fighting and killing eachother, he goes to his comfort spot. Even when everyone is out exploring or doing challenges, he's in his comfort area. Trying to let go and disconnect from everything and reality. He spends hours there, even while everyone else is doing stuff or far away.

"Your comfort place, a place of safety and peace. A small world for you to feel relaxed and carefree about what others say of your doings. It welcomes you with open arms and provides you a place to be alone. A place where you feel safe and at home."


★Overwhelming Stress (Tommyinnit Head Cannon. Written and created by yamacoochiesimp. Date: May 26, 2021. Thank you, happy readings. <3★

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